God of Fishing

Chapter 1358: Fish monster

Han Fei was taken aback by the words of the old turtle.

Even the gods can't completely dismantle the aura? After dismantling 95% of the old tortoise, he has become an emperor?

According to the meaning in these words, this spiritual energy is dismantled, and the higher it is, the more difficult it is. The dismantling of the insect king is 80%, and the king is expected.

That is to say: if you want to be a king, the level of 85 percent should be a watershed, and 90 percent should be stable.

Your goal, of course, is that the higher the better, although it sounds difficult.

When the insect king saw Han Fei, he thought that Han Fei was thinking about difficult things. He only listened to him: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Most people will study in depth when they are at the peak of the explorer. Reiki dismantling method. You are only at the primary peak now, and it’s still early to the peak. Don’t worry. At least, your understanding of Reiki dismantling is much earlier than ordinary people, so you have enough time to dismantle Reiki and grind the foundation. , Reiki dismantling is actually not difficult."

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: "Isn't that difficult?"

Han Feixin said: You are afraid that you don't know people with low talents, what would you think? Listening to what you said, I already feel that it is going to be difficult.

He just listened to the old turtle replied: "He didn't talk nonsense about this point. It's really not that difficult to disassemble this spiritual energy, but it's not that simple. Moreover, opening the sea and opening the sky is not just about looking at it. The comprehension of the dismantling of the aura. The dismantling of the aura is only beneficial to becoming a deity and becoming a king. It can comprehend a deeper level of power. It is also a way of grounding."

The insect king also explained: "The dismantling of the aura is just a means of foundation polishing. You have to confirm the avenue yourself and walk out of the avenue before you can enter the deity. At this time, the foundation polishing is meaningful. In the future, it is the same. The road to the king. That road is the hardest."

Han Feixin said: Which stage is easy? Every time you reach a brand new realm, someone will say that this realm is extremely difficult and extremely important, and it needs to be polished well.

Now, Han Fei is used to it.

Han Fei bowed his hand: "Please teach the insect king how to dismantle Reiki."


After half a month.

Han Fei sat cross-legged in a secret realm more than 500,000 miles away from Flame Overseas. The white light in front of him flashed, like a ray of starlight annihilated.

The insect king taught Han Fei two wonderful ways to dismantle the spiritual energy. One is the method of cannibalization. This method is not to nibble the coat with individual auras, but to treat the auras as a layer of onions wrapped in countless layers, peeled off layer by layer. As long as you thoroughly understand each layer, it represents an improvement in the dismantling progress.

There is also a method of infiltration of Tao Yun, which is to infiltrate aura with one's own Tao. Judging the degree of dismantling of Reiki by the degree of penetration. This method requires Han Fei to have a certain understanding of his avenue. In fact, this is not suitable for people who break through quickly like Han Fei, but more suitable for strong people like Yuwendao who stays in the half-sovereign realm for a long time.

Now, coupled with his own method of forging and dissociating, Han Fei has three methods to dismantle aura.

These three methods have the same effect.

Han Fei also didn't think: What's wrong with the method of forging dissociation...Perhaps, the only difference is his own forging level, which is not as refined as the art of cannibalization.

Of course, this is just a way to disassemble Reiki.

In addition to teaching Han Fei, the insect king also taught Han Fei some principles. One is the accumulation of time. As long as one method works, as long as you keep going and try repeatedly, you won't be weak in the end.

In addition, Chongwang emphasized the method of Tao Yun penetration, saying that this method may be slow, but the effect is best. He thinks: Han Fei used other methods before. In the future, the avenue is established, and you can use this method to try to dismantle the spiritual energy.

In addition, it is the exchange of the use of the Dao, the battle, and the use of war spirit...


The insect king is gone.

Han Fei tried it for half a month. Until now, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's really difficult. I have tried several methods. My own method is similar to that of cannibalization. Dao Yun penetrates and there is no way to start. It took only half a month to disassemble it to 55%. It was extremely difficult to polish the foundation."

The old tortoise can't listen anymore: Look, is this what a man said?

The old turtle said to Han Fei: "Your road has been set, but you still don't understand it. In addition, you are the first time in the Explorer realm. The dismantling progress has been extraordinary. If you can understand the road further, this In one or two years, more than 70% of Reiki's dismantling should be no problem."

Han Fei's mouth curled slightly: only 70%? Not up to the grade!

The old tortoise said angrily: "Seven percent is enough for you to be respected, how do you want to drop it?"

Han Fei suddenly got up: "It's not in a hurry at this moment. Although my golden body is not successful, it should be only a little bit behind. It just so happened that I made a breakthrough while I still had the resources."

In this regard, the old tortoise is meaningless.

Han Fei's opportunity this time is really too great. If you are an ordinary person, if you can get this opportunity, I am afraid that you will have a smooth journey, and it is possible to directly break into the half-sovereign state.

Of course, if it is an ordinary person, it may not be able to hold up such a huge energy, and it is more likely to be directly burst.

Han Fei lowered his head, looked at his fat body, and said to his heart: As long as I break through, I can completely restore my perfect figure. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile.

In front of Han Fei, a small river of Lingquan emerged.

In the refining world, a huge amount of spiritual energy is transpiring. It is like a spiritual spring nourishing the earth, and at this moment, the spiritual energy nourishes the golden body, just like polishing a delicate object.

Han Fei did not rush into the barrier. This time, he is ready to polish his whole body, wait until the inch is full and the foundation is solid, and then break through.

This polishing is three days and three nights.

Han Fei's golden body is shining, the crack in his forehead has long been repaired, and it has been half-plated with Jinhui. Come to think of it, it should not affect the breakthrough.


With the lessons of the previous two times, Han Fei did not dare to make a brutal impact this time. Relatively speaking, this time I have to be more careful.

I only saw Han Fei's whole body, aura in volume, and energy washed over and over again. The obese body is slowly getting thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The energy contained in Han Fei's body is transformed into the marrow, and it meticulously nourishes the flesh, veins, bones, bone marrow, etc...

After half an hour.

Hearing a "click", Han Fei made a breakthrough without encountering any obstacles. Han Fei could clearly feel the surge in his strength.

However, Han Fei could also foresee this breakthrough: if he wants to break through to the peak explorer, he is afraid that there is still a long way to go.


With a spitting breath, Han Fei did not open his eyes, but looked at his own data for the first time.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: Level 77 (Advanced Explorer)

Reiki: 220,000 / 220,000

Mental power perception: 3800 miles

Power: 858 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unawakened

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 65]

The second talent soul beast: not awakened

Main practice: "Void Fishing Technique", the sixth layer, "Stealing Heaven" [Exemplary Artifact]


Han Fei's expression changed slightly when he saw this data, but he still took it for granted.

In the blood pool, his breakthrough was too hasty and there was no time to polish it. Even in the end, the body was filled with a lot of energy.

This time, it was exhausted all at once. In the short term, it is not easy to think about a surge in strength.

Moreover, he is already an advanced explorer, but the power of the soul has not been replenished.

It can be seen that splitting the soul, although it is to create an external incarnation for oneself, the price is definitely not small. Even if he continuously breaks the boundary, his perception range is only 200 miles higher than before.

From this it can be seen that the strength of one's soul is much inferior to that of his junior explorer realm.

Only in terms of strength, because his golden body is almost finished, it has skyrocketed by a lot.

But if you want to rise again? You have to continue to polish the foundation and temper the flesh. If the bones are condensed into a golden body, but the flesh and blood can't keep up with the level, it will not be coordinated, and it will take time to stabilize.

Of course, Han Fei had two things that matter most at this moment: one was to replenish the power of the soul; the other was to replenish his loss of vitality.

Without Qianshan Ancient Realm, those thousands of Tianjiao's treasure hunting scenes, do you want to quickly make up? I'm afraid it will take some time.

After all, in the entire sea area, not all Sea Spirit Peak or Path-seeking Realm creatures, and it is impossible for him to slaughter the mighty sea monster beasts all at once.

After all, powerful marine creatures are a minority.

In places like Baibei King City, some talented creatures are often brought to the outside of the King City, where they fight to kill and select powerful creatures. But if he passes by and hunts too much, he will inevitably cause alertness.

Han Fei pondered: The Flame Sea has been going west, it is the Blood Sea God Wood City, he can't go.

However, Yulong King can.

Even if you bury a chess piece yourself, go there for a walk. Then, he followed the secret realm chart of the Queen of Life to find a treasure for two years. During this period, it happened to sharpen oneself and consolidate the current cultivation base.


Three months later.

Blood Sea God Wood City.

"Master Xueqin, UU reading www.uukanshu.com recently did not know why, Xu is a talented fish monster in the ocean, who specializes in hunting the path-seeking monster. These days, I have killed more than 30. Even the figure of the big fish was not found."

Xueqin's brow furrowed: "Although there are many creatures in the Pathfinder realm, they are not too many. In the sphere of influence of my Blood Sea God Wood City, there are indeed problems. But how can you be sure that it is a fish creature?"

The blood demon respectfully said, "Because of the bite marks. Although the mysterious fish demon hunted and swallowed most of the path-seeking realm demon, occasionally there were creatures that it did not eat. A comprehensive look confirmed that it was one. Normally a big fish with a size of about 10 to 15 meters, there should be no problem with this judgment."

Xueqin nodded slightly: "The deity knows. You can't find it. If you want to come to the creature, the lowest is a legend. Even..."

The blood demon's heart shuddered, and he said: Does Master Xueqin suspect that it is a legendary creature?

They have seen legendary creatures in the vast ocean. But-legend? They really have never seen it before.

What this blood demon didn't know was that Xueqin's heart moved: "Could it be... a mysterious creature?"

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