God of Fishing

Chapter 1372: Deter 4 parties

This battle went very fast.

Han Fei didn't worry about how quickly Lord Kraken would come. At least, within a radius of 100,000 miles, there shouldn't be a very powerful Siren Venerable.

The only thing that can give Han Fei a snack is the old turtle who said that there are two and a half elders or strong men who have just entered the realm of venerable.

In fact, this is not a threat.

Otherwise, according to her quiet personality, even if she didn't make a move, she would tell herself. Moreover, the old tortoise's reaction to the secrets of heaven, and his own calculations, failed to bring him a sense of threat.

Therefore, Han Fei is certain: This seemingly mighty battlefield is actually just a super large-scale local battle.

Perhaps the real purpose of the Sea Monster is to consume the basic combat power of mankind. Therefore, even if this battle seemed to be of a large scale, it was nothing more than a large-scale impact by the Kraken, which was the same as Mizuki Tian.

For those real powerhouses in the royal city, the life and death of the front-line sea monster is not important at all. After all, such a sea monster cannon fodder, in the vast sea, there is simply as much as you want.

However, human beings are different. The population base of human beings is much lower than that of marine creatures, which is not an order of magnitude at all. Coupled with talent restrictions, human growth is very slow. Want to become a dive fisher? Those are the only ones in a million, and they are truly rare.

Therefore, when he heard someone questioning, Han Fei shouted: "Let you take a shot, where is there so much nonsense? Hurry up and end the battle."

At this time, Han Fei's voice was cold and his eyes were cold, and he directly shook the person.

In that person's heart, there was a picture of Han Fei's action just now: more than a dozen Dao-seeking realm Sea-Monster Great Sovereigns, under Han Fei's hands, were instantly bombarded and killed. Back and forth, the opponent didn't even have a chance to escape. The easy and freehand means of that means are not like the power that can be exerted in the realm of explorers!

Once upon a time, what is Han Fei's strength? In less than ten years, the little guy who was only a submersible fisher at the beginning has grown to the point of slaughtering the great demon easily!

The heart of the middle-aged said: The matter is here. Han Fei has begun to kill the Quartet regardless of means. Even if it terminates at this time, someone has already seen it, so it's better to kill more.

Just listen to the middle-aged man shouting: "Kill! Quickly shoot."

Seeing this, Han Fei couldn't help but sneered. The tacit understanding of the perennial campaign has kept these people bound by the rules. As everyone knows, if they don't make a move, this group of human diving fishermen is afraid that more than half of them will be killed or injured.

Although Han Fei didn't know, who arranged the battle? However, in the bottom of my heart, Han Fei was a little cautious about Sea Monster King City. The opponent's pattern is not small, in any case, such battles are all incorporated into the opponent's strategic system. What's ridiculous is that there are still some human experts who are not aware of it.

Therefore, only to discuss the strategy of the Sea-Monster King City, Han Fei had to be serious. The IQ of the strong siren is not inferior to the strong human.

At this moment.

Above the water, thousands of human submersible fishermen only felt their blood boiled.

Unfortunately, after many years, few people remember Han Fei's appearance. After all, among this group of submersible fishermen, only a few very senior submersible fishermen recognize Han Fei.

But I heard someone shout: "It's Han Fei, it's the Han Fei who forged the non-smoke and animal husbandry stove. He is back."

Someone was shocked: "So strong, what does he use?"

The torture knife and Xiaojin shot, ordinary people can't see it. Because it was too fast, everyone could only see the void cracks appearing frequently, and there was a little golden light flashing.

Shrimp Ritian and Tufeiyuan are powerful creatures they can see. However, I saw the empty chains of the shrimp sticking out one by one, like a spear piercing.

No matter how guarded the opponent is, almost no one can stop the thorny power of Xia Ritian.

Not to mention Tu Feiyuan, all the sea monsters that were sucked up were sucked up instantly. And various offensives fell on a few of them, and there was no response at all.

At this moment, Han Fei finally stopped evasive. In the past, he would hide some hole cards, and he didn't even want to reveal his contracted creatures. Now, it doesn't matter at all.

After all, no one can stop him anymore except for the Venerable.

If there is a venerable attack, even in the realm of death, there is still peace to use?

Even Han Fei wanted to announce the news of his re-emergence. It would be better if someone in Thousand Star City noticed it and came to attack him.

I think at the beginning, among those big families in Thousand Star City, an explorer pinnacle could kill himself at will. Even if I do my best, I still won't hit the enemy's hand.

Now, try the Explorer Peak again? Then I don't know who is pressing whom?

All the explorers are taking action, those sea monsters in the sea spirit realm, where can they dare to stay a little bit? Unfortunately, they couldn't tear the void. Even if some can escape from the void, how can they escape the palm of the explorer?

Therefore, within a short while, the sea monster army showed a tendency to fall sideways, and the sea spirit realm creatures fell one after another.

The remaining half-mermaid of the Sea-Monster Realm with a population of nearly 4,000 is being harvested.

A half-mermaid roared: "Humans, you are shameless. When the strong one is not in our side, we even use the strong to shoot."


As soon as the half-mermaid's voice fell, Han Fei's figure suddenly appeared. Faced with these sea monsters, Han Fei had no mercy at all. Since you bully the less by the more, then I bully the weak by the strong.

But for a moment, when many explorers joined the battle, Han Fei heard a sound trembling in the void.

"Human, you dare to shoot the weak, don't you want to break the rules?"

Han Fei held his hands on his back and stood proudly: "Which eye did you see me doing it? You say the rules are the rules, what are you? In the boundary of my broken star island, the rules are determined by my broken star island."

Jing'er: "A half-sovereign is here. In the distance, there are also two Junior Venerables on the way. Do I need to take action? That person's strength should not be weak, and he has already understood the way. "

Han Fei smiled, "Then I have to hurry up, but you should rest."


I saw a gap in the void, and a half-mermaid just stabbed the space with a harpoon, leaving a bright and hot blow like a meteor in the sky.

At that moment, above the sea, countless people even forgot to fight. Because that bombardment traversed half of the sky, it was so powerful that it looked terrifying, including many human explorers.

Someone said in amazement: "No, it's a super power in the semi-exalted state."



As soon as the man's voice fell, he only saw Han Fei lift his foot, taking a ten-mile step, and the golden fist stamps bloomed like a hot sun. The Beastmaster Jue was added, and Han Fei's invincible fist imprint smashed the blow that looked like a meteor. A bright fireworks exploded in the sky.

The Sea-Monster half-sovereign realm powerhouse thought he could defeat Han Fei with one blow. After all, in his opinion, Han Fei is just an advanced explorer, two realms worse than himself. How can you be your opponent?

However, Han Fei easily crushed his full blow when he shot. That's not even counted, even he didn't even know what happened with Han Fei's method of moving his figure horizontally in a ten-mile step?

"Hi! Not good, such a strong human being."

The heart of this half-great demon moved, and the battle clothes appeared on his body. Facing a strong man like Han Fei, he must take it seriously.


But at the moment he put on his battle clothes, a loud roar resounded through the sky. In the tens of thousands of eyes, there are hundreds of huge beasts from ancient times, their hoofs trampled in the void, roaring to the sky.

Where have you seen such a scene of the half-class powerhouse? Not to mention the phantom of the beasts, the horrible mental impact alone has surpassed the so-called half-sovereign level.

After Han Fei's roar, this half-class powerhouse knew that Han Fei was afraid that he was hiding his strength? Fighting for a splitting headache, two large shields flew out of his body and burst into flames.

How can Han Fei allow it, this is at least a weapon like a high-grade magic weapon that explodes? Otherwise, there are bound to be many humans in the sea, suffering heavy losses...


The sword opened the void, and most of the horrible explosions rushed into the void cracks. Just listen to "Ka Ka Ka", there is the sound of cracking armor, and people's scalp numb.

But when Han Fei yelled, "A mere half dare to go wild on Broken Star Island? To death."

The whole sky and the sea, everyone heard stupid: Didn’t you say that this person is Han Fei? How could he rub the half-zun in the void?

Those powerhouses in the Explorer realm were also horrified. When I heard about Han Fei, Han Fei's historical record already appeared in his mind.

After all, the thugs academy made a lot of noise in Thousand Star City. Others may not know, but as explorers, how can they not know?

Today, Han Feijian is cut in half, and they can't tolerate them.

In the void.

The half-body of the big demon was cut open, Han Fei held the embroidery needle in both hands and pierced it, ruining its internal organs, and his vitality and soul were being forcibly swallowed by Han Fei.

After dozens of breaths, the emptiness ripped apart with a sound of "chill".

I only saw Han Fei carrying the half-mermaid and half-sovereign in his hand, shouting loudly: "The Sea-Monster is innocent, bullying the less with more. I want to attack the weak of my human race, but Han Fei slashed on the spot. I saw it with my own eyes. Right?"

Obviously perceiving the void is shaking, thinking that the Venerable Realm Great Demon is coming soon. Han Fei said this lightly, fisted the golden light, and blasted out angrily.


This half of the strong, UU reading www.uukanshu.com blood spilled over the entire battlefield.

Suddenly, in the entire battlefield, all the half-mermaid of the Sea-Monster realm ran away in blood. With Han Fei on his side, how can they not run?

"Xue Shenqi, do you know what you are doing?"


When the void was torn apart, Han Fei finally saw an acquaintance. It's just that Xue Shenqi has become a powerhouse of the Venerable Realm at this moment, which is a bit beyond Han Fei's expectation.

As for the other person, holding a harpoon, he fired three shots in a row, intending to kill Shrimp Ritian, Tufeiyuan, and Xiaojin.

Because Xue Shenqi was a little late, and before he could make a move, he just reminded: "Han Fei."

Han Fei curled up the corners of his mouth, and with a thought, the three returned.

In Han Fei's hand, he squeezed his fist and went straight to Tianyu: "But when I first entered the realm of the nobleman, I want to slaughter my contracted spirit beast? Did I give you a face?"

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