God of Fishing

Chapter 1373: Tu Zun

Seeing Han Fei's move, the venerable frowned: If he read it right, this human being should just be an advanced explorer? How dare you shoot yourself?

But seeing him casually slapped him, the whole person was ready to turn around to deal with Xue Shenqi. Obviously, although he was angry that Han Fei shot the low-level Kraken, he did not put Han Fei in his eyes at all.

But the next moment, he suddenly changed his expression: his palm print was instantly shattered by Han Fei, and he couldn't even stop Han Fei with a punch?


Han Fei had appeared not far away from him, holding the embroidery needle in his hand, shockingly smashed into the sky.

Xue Shenqi was also very surprised: Han Fei could easily block the attack of the Venerable Realm?

However, anyhow he was used to seeing big scenes, Xue Shenqi's surprise was only a momentary thing. Originally, Han Fei was the son of Han Guanshu, which was enough to impress him.

Moreover, Han Fei inherited Dinghai Tu, and he was hailed as the most probable king.

At this moment, Han Fei's ability to meet the Venerable seems to be a matter of course. If not like this, Han Fei talks about how to become a king?

However, the Sea-Monster Lord was terrified.

His first reaction was: Han Fei hid his strength. However, based on the kind of power from Han Fei's bombardment, it seems that there is no Dao Yun integrated into it.

"No Tao Yun?"

Xue Shenqi: "Han Fei, take action together and keep him."

"Boom... Click!"

The Sea-Monster Venerable blocked with one hand, and felt that no matter how strong Han Fei was, but without Daoyun, how could his attack power be strong?

However, when Han Fei's stick fell on his arm, he finally knew: What is Shuangwaiwai?

"how is this possible?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth evoked: At this time, Empress Beastmaster's power has nearly 2,000 waves, which has long surpassed the so-called half-exalted realm.

It can be said that Han Fei's power at the moment can press the venerable in front of him to rub against the ground.

Even Xue Shenqi couldn't help taking a breath. A short hammer in his hand violently stabbed, abruptly born on this person's battle clothes, and drilled a big hole.

With a "click", the person's forearm broke.

Han Fei won the power and didn't forgive people. The Monkey King's three thousand sticks poured down like raindrops.

After Xue Shenqi took the shot, he flashed directly below the battle between the two, tearing open the void: "Don't fight here."

However, Han Fei had already blasted out ripples, blowing waves on the void, and the sea surface was a little sunken.

On the human side, eight explorers are roaring, standing in the air, blocking this terrifying wave for humanity.

As for the Kraken, there was no such good luck. Because they are all young people, there is no big monster to support them, even if they got into the sea for the first time, there are at least several hundred people who were crushed to pieces under the vigor of the Venerable Realm.

This is because the power was blocked by Xue Shenqi.

The Kraken is on the run, and the torture knife and others are chasing and killing. Because the tree spirit is relatively slow, in addition to entangle the enemy, more is to collect scattered sea swallow shells.

Although these swallowed seashells were of little use to Han Fei. After all, Han Fei has already surpassed the realm of the submersible angler.

However, to the thousands of ordinary people on Broken Star Island, these are treasures, resources and property.

In mid-air, the Sea-Monster Venerable received Han Fei's hundred sticks abruptly during a few breaths, and the sound of "cracking" was heard from him.

He never expected: Han Fei's power is so terrifying! This shouldn't be the power that the Taoist Realm can possess. Thousand Waves is the pinnacle, and the half-sovereign realm is not simply power enhancement at all, but the comprehension and application of the great path.

Everyone’s avenue will eventually be transformed into strength, added to oneself, and made oneself stronger.

However, Han Fei hit the overlapping waves in a row, and its power can be said to be extremely terrifying. If it is a semi-powerful person, if you can't find an opportunity to escape, I am afraid that Han Fei has already been killed by Han Fei.

At this moment, Han Fei also experienced an obscure power. It was like a stacked wave, pushing this person's body, and there was a force that stuck to his embroidery needle.

However, even so, Han Fei's power still fell on the power of the venerable realm through the power of Tao Yun that resembled the tide.

As soon as the endless hydration force stirred, Han Fei forced the person into the void.

Xue Shenqi shouted: "Everyone, immediately return to help Broken Star Island."

Xue Shenqi also hurried into the void immediately.

However, when he rushed into the void, there was a terrifying huge wave oncoming him.

Moisture pounced directly on his face, and abruptly shook him back two or three steps.

Han Fei detonated the endless water, with a terrifying blow, exploding the Sea-Monster Venerable to blood.

In this terrifying wave of explosions, only Han Fei was seeing his hand-held sword. The silver light was like electricity, the spiritual energy surpassed the sky, and the dazzling sword light was disappearing in the tide of the river.



Xue Shenqi saw a pair of thighs flying towards him.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help being horrified: What kind of combat efficiency is Han Fei? It's a bit faster too.

Looking at Han Fei's side, a large black mist has already enveloped the Venerable, and also Han Fei.


Hundred Beast Town Soul Roar was activated.

Just listen to "Bang Bang Bang!" The sound continued to explode.

Suddenly, Han Fei flew out.

A big golden carp rushed out of the black mist forcibly, and it was this lord who summoned his companion spirit.

At that moment, the black mist shattered and the old tortoise could not withstand the impact of the Venerable Realm alone.

However, Han Fei, who was blasted back, twisted in mid-air and unexpectedly appeared again in the black mist that was about to collapse.

When he returned this time, Han Fei was not prepared to hide it. Now that you have encountered this battle and have the opportunity to fight against the Venerable, is there any reason for it?

Unlike Shuimutian, there are many strong people in Shuimutian, and the number of venerables in each of the three kings is nearly 100. Shui Mutian is still relatively small, the venerables of Baibei King City and Blood Sea God Wood City, don't know the geometry?

However, here in Yin Yang Tian, ​​a venerable person is an extraordinary person.

Therefore, Han Fei felt very unbelievable when he came across an unfamiliar Venerable Siren.

If this venerable appeared earlier, then Xue Shenqi would have to call someone from Thousand Star City to help?

Seeing this scene, Xue Shen didn't feel anxious. After a trip to that world, Han Fei's strength has not only improved a little bit? In just three years, have you directly challenged the Venerable? What opportunity did Han Fei get over there to grow up here?

Xue Shenqi stood proudly in the void, his voice appeared majestic: "Do you need help?"

Han Fei grinned: "No, I have always wanted to slaughter one and try. I didn't expect that I had this opportunity just after I returned today."

Seeing the other party's Dao Yun add to his body, the surrounding waves are obscure and difficult to cut in.

Han Fei urged the Taoist species, and shouted, "The law is forbidden here!"

For more than two years, Han Fei had a little understanding of his own Taoism. You can use some avenue rules that don't change too much in a small area. For example, by banning the laws of this place, the opponent's Daoyun instantly weakened by half.


Of course, Han Fei couldn't use the big tactics by himself because of the prohibition of the Dadao rule. Including the sword-drawing technique and the fist-printing technique, none of them can be used.

But what Han Fei wants is this effect. Without many magic techniques, relying only on the power of the flesh, this is a special use he has explored, but it cannot last.

In the words of the old turtle, this is an interference with the rules of the highway. The avenue has the power to repair itself. Therefore, with Han Fei's current understanding of Dadao, this situation cannot be sustained.

However, for only this moment, it was enough for Han Fei to fight.

When the sea monster saw that his avenue was blocked, he was shocked and wanted to escape...

However, Han Fei's fast speed will allow him to succeed?


Han Fei punched and blasted the hammer on the head of Venerable Siren, like a punch on a sandbag, directly withdrew the Venerable Siren by dozens of meters, making his face crooked.

Xue Shenqi's eyelids trembled slightly: With a punch, the face of the Venerable Great Demon was deformed? What is this special, how much power is used?

Although Venerable Siren received a blow from Han Fei, he immediately realized that his physical power could still be used. Immediately fought back, also hitting Han Fei with a punch.


From the bottom of Han Fei's heart, the old turtle said: An ordinary venerable, actually fighting with a physical body? Was this brain caught in a void in a crack?

Even Han Fei laughed himself, watching the punch hit his mouth, but he didn't care. Because, at this moment, his casserole-big fist has also been killed.

"Boom boom boom~"

In an instant, hundreds and thousands of fists smashed on the head of the Siren Venerable like raindrops. In the blink of an eye, the head of a giant-lip black fish was blasted out by Han Fei.

Obviously, the Siren Sir had been beaten up.

Every punch of Han Fei has nearly 2000 waves of terrifying power, and no one can hold it! Just look at the fish's head, the scales shattered, and there were dents everywhere.


Hundred Beast Town Soul roars.

The line of nothingness.

Old tortoise black mist descended.

Venerable Siren's body was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. The vitality faded, so naturally, Xue Shenqi's eyes could not be hidden.

Xue Shenqi yelled, "Han Fei, have you practiced sorcery?"

Han Fei looked back: "Sorcery? Of course not. I walked on the grand road, the king is right. What you see, but the power of time."

Whether Xue Shenqi believed it or not, Han Fei continued to swallow. It just so happens that this is a respectable venerable. Swallowing this guy, one's soul power can exceed 40,000 points.

At the bottom of my heart, the old turtle said: "His vitality, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was swallowed by the emperor 70% to 80%, and some were taken away by you. Want to be reborn from a drop of blood? It's impossible."

Han Fei raised the corners of his mouth, and two sledgehammers appeared in his hands.

Just listening to the "dang" knock, forcibly smashed the fish head of Venerable Kraken to pieces.


At this moment, the blazing sun was covered by black clouds. Above the sea, the wind was surging and the black clouds gathered, and a red crack ran across thousands of miles. The heavy rain fell suddenly, and instantly turned into blood raindrops, and the sky came crying.

that moment.

Broken Star Island, Pearl Harbor, Ancient Battlefield, Ten Thousand Demon Valley...

A well-known strong man suddenly stood up, raised his head and looked at the ten thousand li firmament. Today, the nobleman has fallen?

At this moment, Han Fei felt very comfortable! He thought about it, and to this day, finally slaughtered a statue.

After Tu Zun, Han Fei grinned and tilted his head to look at Xue Shenqi: "How?"

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