God of Fishing

Chapter 1385: Attack on the Pearl Sea

Hearing what Old Turtle said, Han Fei was tempted at the time: How much would a king's wealth be?

To open the sea is to open up a unique ocean world. When the old tortoise talked about this, Han Fei felt novel, and didn't know what his refining world was like?

Han Fei has already seen the small world.

However, this did not surprise him. After all, swallowing seashells and sun-moon shells can form a space on their own. Could it be said that swallowing seashells is also a king's space? In that case, there are many kings.

As if he knew what Han Fei was thinking, the old turtle said contemptuously: "The swallowing sea, the sun, the moon, and the stars are just a piece of space that has collapsed at the cost of death. The size of the space and the size of their lives The strength is related. Do you know where the spirit weapons and magic weapons recognize the master?"

Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Where?"

Han Fei had thought about this issue before. If he hadn't known the place of Soul Sea, Han Fei felt that he didn't even know where the gifted soul beast and contracted spirit beast had gone.

Even the living place of contracted spirit beasts is different from that of talented spirit beasts, unlike in a sea of ​​souls.

The old turtle said: "Since you have even encountered the remnant of the king today, the emperor can tell you in advance. In fact, all creatures have a sea, and this sea needs to be opened to open it. However, this is not It means that if you don't open the sea, this sea cannot be used. For example, if you refine the spirit weapon and the magic weapon with your blood, then the spirit weapon and the magic weapon can stain your origin, and you can naturally be included in the sea. "

Han Fei took a breath: "Where is the sea?"

Old Turtle: "Still in chaos, you can also call it Chaos Sea. This name is not made up by the emperor, it is the guess of many powerful people. But no one can really find Chaos Sea. "

Han Fei nodded, and said in his heart: All guesses, what can I say?

Han Fei said, "I just want to know, where is this cloud whale's sea space?"

The old turtle said immediately: "If there is no accident, it should be in his remaining demon essence."

Han Fei was stunned for a moment: "Demon Yuan?"

Han Fei suddenly lowered his head, glanced at his abdomen and said, "The one in my dantian?"

The old tortoise pondered for a moment: "At first, this king was also quite surprised at the demon element in your body. But well, the demon element in your body seems to be sealed by some power. What's the matter, you don't know?"

Han Fei never mentioned this to Old Turtle.

This was still the time when the Palace Master of Snow God Palace-Bingxue Chuling gave this thing to himself.

But so far, Han Fei hasn't discovered what effect this demon element has? Except when I was practising the magical magic, I gave myself a little help, and then it was useless again.

At this moment, when the old tortoise said, Han Fei suddenly realized: It turned out that this is still a sea-breaking world left by the king?

Han Fei collapsed in one step, and didn't study it in the first time. How could he break the invisible energy on the surface of the cloud whale?

On the contrary, Han Fei first took the soil with the grass, trying to dig out all the flowers and plants around the cloud whale.

The spirit fruit that can grow near the remnant of the king's body has various appearances, all of which are of the highest quality.

Moreover, I don't know if it is because the remnant of the king possesses infinite energy. All the spirit fruits here are actually energy fruits, not even an aura or poison.

"Hi! Seven-colored fire lotus?"

Han Fei dug up a spiritual plant at will, and a message appeared in his eyes, which surprised him.

【Name】Colorful Fire Lotus

【Introduction】Grow in places with great energy, generally where powerful creatures fall. Born by drawing on its blood and energy, it has the magical effect of improving physical fitness and enhancing energy.

[Level] Sky level

[Quality] Supreme

[Contains Reiki] 646000 points

[Effect] Direct consumption can improve physical fitness, cleanse the muscles and marrow, enhance blood qi, accumulate spiritual energy, and can be eaten repeatedly.

That's it, Han Fei just looked at one plant casually.

This random plant is the best of heaven. This grade is not weak anymore. However, there are more than a thousand spiritual fruits here!

Han Fei was overjoyed immediately: "With these thousand energy fruits, it is almost a certainty that he is a golden body."

I saw Han Fei hurriedly throwing this "seven-color fire lotus" into the refining world. Immediately, under the pressure of terror, he buried his head in digging.


"Two plants!"

"Three plants."


After digging dozens of plants in a row, suddenly Han Fei was digging a purple leaf fruit. Suddenly, from the body of the Yun Whale, a gray-white phantom appeared, randomly sweeping towards Han Fei.

Han Fei reacted extremely quickly, and the embroidery needle was already in front of him the moment he withdrew. I saw a cloud of gray gas hitting it.



Han Fei stepped back seven or eight meters, lowered his head and glanced at his chest. There was a burn that was more than three inches wide, and his skin was burnt and wrinkled.


The old tortoise said: "It's okay. When you dig the grass, it affects the protective energy on its surface, and it overflows a little."

Han Fei's face changed slightly: "It's been so long since I've fallen, can it hurt me with just a trace of power?"

The old turtle said: "I told you, don't guess the strength of the king indiscriminately. You seem to be very strong now, and it seems that you can fight against the newcomer to the realm. But, what about it? Go ahead. , You are still an ant. Even the remnant of the king is not easy for you to touch."

Han Fei did not refute, with a dark face, carefully collecting these spiritual fruits and spiritual plants. Only the stronger you are, the more you can discover your weaknesses.

After spending half a day, Han Fei carefully collected all the spirit fruits around the cloud whale, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Although it was swept a dozen times by the body protection energy that escaped. However, that power is not enough to blast off himself, let alone hurt himself.

However, Han Fei has already gained too much from this infiltration.

Spirit Enlightenment Liquid, Supreme Demon Stone, Energy Fruit... these three are something that countless people can't even think of.

At least, with these energy fruits, Han Fei felt that his immortal body was stabilized. Just wait and give yourself some more time. At that time, when the immortal golden body reaches the peak of the explorer, his strength will immediately have a qualitative leap.

Han Fei's heart was upset at the moment: "Old Yuan, let me try to break the energy of the body protection? You have inhaled so much chaos, you must come to help me whenever necessary."

The old tortoise said: "It stands to reason that although this king has fallen for a long time, the energy of the body can not be impacted by ordinary people. To get its demon element, you must first break this layer of body energy. Second, you It must be prevented that the king did not make any moves on his demon element."

Han Fei said, "Although the coercion is heavy, once I adapt, it can't hurt me. After all, this is not a living thing. If I can't stand it, what chance can I grab? However, this body protection energy... Kind of energy?"

The old turtle couldn't help saying: "What do you want to do?"

Han Fei took a look for a moment, glanced at his body, only to be burned to the **** arm, grinned: "You said that by gathering the energy and scouring together, can you get enough violent power to polish my golden body? Look, this...isn't the gods making beauty?"

The old tortoise was silent for a long time, and finally said, "If it were you, it might be possible. After all, you can do magic."

The old turtle didn't want to admit this fact a little bit.

Han Fei's idea is very bold!

Use the king's body protection energy to polish the golden body? What a huge energy is this? Can be used to polish the golden body, this should be no problem. When the golden body is 10%, Han Fei's physical strength must be a leap.

Han Fei took a breath and thought: Sure enough, the first is better! What others can't move doesn't mean that Han Fei can't move me. Since you all choose me, then I will force you to see...

When it was over, Han Fei opened his mouth and took a breath. The method of swallowing directly draws energy from all directions into the body. As the faculty left behind by the war giants, the method of devouring is very likely to be listed as an unspoken secret by the Cao family of Thousand Star City.

At this moment, Han Fei took this to **** out the protective energy on the surface of the giant cloud whale, like a spiral tornado, covering his whole body.


In an instant, Han Fei’s skin quickly burned red, and then wrinkled, torn, and melted...The terrifying and hot power seemed to contain a trace of the blood of a cloud whale, which penetrated into Han Fei’s flesh and blood, and penetrated into Han. Fei's mind.


At that moment, Han Fei only felt that his mind was filled with hot lava. The whole person is about to burst.


Apocalypse magic comes.

This hot energy, although not like the Qi of Long Yuan, is also extremely domineering.

Otherwise, Han Fei wouldn't use apocalypse magic to protect his body. Under these circumstances, Holy Light could not keep up with the destruction of Han Fei's flesh and blood and internal organs.

At this moment, Han Fei swallowed energy, feeling like his internal organs were burnt, and it was more painful than ever. As for why Han Fei can carry it? That's because there is invincible will enveloped.

Han Fei was furious.

This time, I must condense the golden body no matter what, and I will suffer this non-human suffering after saving.


The flesh and blood of Han Fei's body surface is cracked, blurred, melted, and disintegrated, UU reading www.uukanshu.com time and time again.

The vitality produced by the immortal body can no longer meet Han Fei's needs. If he didn't use the Apocalypse Divine Art, Han Fei felt that he might have been burned to the bone, and perhaps only a golden skeleton would remain.




outside world.

On Broken Star Island, in front of the ancient battlefield, all the Venerables cast their eyes on the Xuantian Waterfall.

At the same time, in the place where the Ten Thousand Demon Valley is located, above a certain unknown sea, one after another Venerables appeared: "Hey! Isn't Broken Star Island overwhelmed?"

Ten Thousand Demon Valley.

A Siren Venerable shouted: "Blue Feather, I heard that the pearls produced in the Pearl Sea are extremely important wealth for human society? I will kill you, rate 10,000 elite soldiers, and 100,000 murlocs.

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