God of Fishing

Chapter 1386: Smelt the golden body


Han Fei felt that his mind was filled with magma. Oh no... it should be all flesh and blood, all turned into magma...

That terrifying energy madly washed his body.

If Ren Tianfei is here, I am afraid that the whole person will be silly: Before the Venerable Realm, you can at most repair a semi-golden body, which is really rare. What's the matter, are you still sure that "The Immortal Body" will be completed?

Han Fei really didn't want to feel the feeling of eroding the bones and burning the heart and the bones breaking into fine sand.

At this moment, the entire cloud whale's body protection energy has been lost by nearly half, and it is clearly disappearing, and it is pouring into Han Fei's body.

And Han Fei himself, although there was a magical apocalypse coming. However, his golden body is half exposed at the moment, with his head on top, his skull is golden and dazzling.

The golden body seemed to be completed, but Han Fei's flesh and blood seemed to be unable to hold the strength of the golden body. Every time it heals, it will decay and collapse again.

After experiencing non-human suffering, Han Fei has slowly regained consciousness at this moment and discovered the seriousness of the problem.

His golden body has been completed, and the meridians are as pure as colored glaze, intact, but the flesh and blood are a bit weak. It seems that Han Fei's bones and meridians cannot be held up.

Just listen to the old tortoise roaring: "You can't stop now. You are a golden body, but the power of flesh and blood is not matched by the muscles and bones, so the flesh body has been breaking down and peeling off."

Han Fei didn't have time to answer Old Turtle's words, because he found that the Gemini Divine Art could not hold up either.

Because the impact was too strong, Gemini Divine Art is not a true incarnation. So, at this moment, seeing the collapse...

Han Fei gritted his teeth and couldn't leave here at this time.

Even if you have thousands of top-grade energy fruits, if you temper your golden body in the Xuantian Waterfall, with more than a dozen sages on your side, half of them are enemies. Even at this point, I would never go out.

In the body of the Thousand Seal Star Turtle, the body of the black mist trembled.

Star Turtle: "What's wrong with you?"

But Han Fei said, "No, the other half of my body is in danger underneath. I have to return to unity."

When the star tortoise heard this, he was surprised and said: "You are completely in, but you can't get out...I, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, it will only take a few months, as long as you can't die."

Han Fei: "I can't die."

Han Feixin said: It can only be so.

Although he had an agreement with Xue Shenqi, he was indeed in big trouble at the moment. The twins are one, and perhaps their complete body can withstand the collapse of flesh and blood.

After a while.

The black mist body got in without hesitation.

Although Han Fei's soul is very painful, he still remains a little awake: If this time, he has a problem, don't talk about becoming a king, even living has become a luxury.

Now that such a big movement has taken place in the wreckage of the cloud whale, the outside world must also be in chaos. I don't know if the sea monster is acting? Presumably, yes!

However, Han Fei is now unable to provide the slightest help to the outside world.

"I! I can use Rhubarb, and I can send a message to Rhubarb through the old tortoise. In this way, I can also know the situation of the outside world... If the sea monster comes to **** the cloud whale, maybe I can act as a backhand, hide under the star tortoise, and lay ambush. wave."

In a moment of confusion, Han Fei thought of many things.


Within a short time, the body of the black mist rushed over, and the Gemini Divine Art was released instantly.

Take a breath.

Two interest.

Three breaths.


Han Fei just let out a sigh of relief, the power of physical collapse seems to have improved a bit, Han Fei clearly felt that the power seemed to be transitioning and merging.

However, the three breaths just passed.


The flesh and blood collapsed again, and Han Fei's body still couldn't hold up the terrifying muscles and bones.

"Nima! It's not over yet?"

Just listen to the old tortoise: "Your problem does not lie in your dual body. Your physical body is the same, so even if your other half returns, it will only make the golden body completely stable. Your physical body will collapse. ."

"Misty Grass, didn't you say it earlier?"

Han Fei said silently, "Old Yuan, did you deliberately cheat me?"

The old tortoise said: "But if you don’t come with another body, your golden body will not be complete, and it will only aggravate the collapse of the flesh and blood. Come, at least the golden body will be stable. With the golden body, even if your flesh and blood are gone, in fact Can live too."

Han Fei thought: The old tortoise is talking about immortality. Because he fought with the golden skeleton during the battle of Shuimu Tiandeng Island, so he wasn't an undead creature, what was it?

There is also the thug ancestor Li Daxian. That one shot, oh, bones and skeletons covering the sky and the sun, it looks like a big demon from nowhere!

I don't want to be like that.

Han Fei: "There is no other way?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "I'm afraid, I can only continue to practice, let this energy continue to wash your body, and polish your flesh and blood power. Of course, this may consume vitality, I am afraid that it will not be possible for the year 2000."

Han Fei: "..."


To give the old turtle a word of anger, Han Fei's whole body was bloody.

Your sister, my little master, I just made up for it soon. In order to reach the perfection of the golden body, at least another 200 years of life were consumed. What are you doing now, just say anything, it's the life of 2000, play it?

"Roar...I'm in the world."

Han Fei urged Dao, fancied that he was physically invincible, and tried to forcibly accommodate the bones.

Sure enough, as soon as this technique was released, Han Fei's flesh and blood no longer collapsed. Although his body was full of cracks, the violent energy of the protective body was still washing his body, but it did not wash away his flesh and blood.


Han Fei let out a long sigh of relief. Sure enough, it's still his own avenue! One thought actually blocked the crisis of flesh and blood collapse.


Old Tortoise couldn't help being surprised: "Are you using Daoyun to forcefully condense the flesh? It's kind of interesting. Although this method is not long-lasting, but Daoyun alone can do this step, I'm afraid there are not many people in the world."

Han Fei said in a bad mood: "Heh! You have no idea, it's best to stop talking."

Of course Han Fei knows that this fictional power can last for a limited time. If you want your own flesh and blood to be able to completely wrap your muscles and bones, I'm afraid it will take a long time to polish.

Han Fei thought to himself: It would be great if this avenue can always be integrated into flesh and blood.

With this thought, Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Lao Yuan, can Dao and flesh and blood blend together?"

Without even thinking about it, the old tortoise said immediately: "Of course it can! For example, this cloud whale's body is surrounded by mist, which is the result of the escape of the avenue. Otherwise, you think the king is simply overwhelming. Live you?"

Han Fei was overjoyed and was about to continue to inquire, but he heard the old tortoise continue to say: "However, Dadao Melt, that is something that can only be done in the sea-opening realm...you can't do it now. Your flesh and blood, even a golden body Don't stop, why talk about the avenue? If the avenue melts, you are afraid that your flesh and blood will burst, your muscles and bones will burst, and your death will disappear."

When Han Fei heard this, his heart sank slightly: "If the road is not good, can the law work?"


The old turtle was stopped by Han Fei at once.

Laws and avenues are naturally different from each other. The law is just a comprehension of the sea spirit realm of heaven and earth and its own talents, and it can be regarded as a transition from the great road.

But, to incorporate the law into flesh and blood? The old tortoise never thought about this problem. After all, you don't have to do this at all when you get to the King Realm.

Although it is not clear, as a strong person, the old turtle has a rough assessment in his mind: "It is reasonable to say that it is possible. But when the law melts, the law collapses. You have to swallow this law... "

A gleam of light flashed in Han Fei's eyes.

At the beginning, the reason why I was angry at King Kong in law enforcement was that I was taking the road of physical training. There is "108 Desolate Body", there is "Indestructible Body", and there is Law Enforcement King Kong, then there is only one word for itself-hard!

Facts have proved that he is indeed very hard. A pair of iron fist invincible hands, walk at will in Qianxing City.

At that time, I didn't know what law should be enforced by law enforcement. I simply feel that I want to achieve the strongest body! Isn't that just that King Kong is not bad?

But now, this law-enforcement force seems to have deviated significantly from its own avenue. His own avenue tends to be made out of nothing, but the power of law enforcement is the body of King Kong.

Thinking about this, Han Fei immediately shouted: "Angry King Kong."

However, there is the suppression of the wreckage of the king here. Although there is golden light emerging from Han Fei, how can he display it?

However, Han Fei did not panic.

The law is the law, a rhythm between heaven and earth. This kind of law was created by myself and integrated into the body. Can't I still eat this law?

At this moment, the law was suppressed in Han Fei's body, completely unable to get out. Want to swallow? It should be possible.

But, how to swallow the law?

Han Fei conveyed this thought to the old turtle. Now my body can't stretch anymore. Although I can see the power of the law, I don't know how to speak!

The old tortoise said: "This requires your Dao heart to be strong. You can break this law before you can blend into your body."

When Han Fei heard this, he meditated for a while, and urged the Taoist species: "The flesh is like a worm, the law is sacrifice, swallow!"

After all, Han Fei’s flesh and blood are now easily stripped of bones. Although Han Fei has not done it before, Han Fei is confident that he can do it.

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, Han Fei's body surface shattered, and flesh and blood flew everywhere. A half golden body, with broken five internal organs, stood in front of the giant cloud whale, still sucking in massive amounts of energy.

"Hammer, harp~"

At that moment, Han Fei turned his body into a worm. The flesh and blood was shredding the golden light, and a little golden man with extremely hard laws, under the gnawing of his flesh and blood, was torn to pieces in an instant.

At this moment, under the collapse of flesh and blood, Han Fei unexpectedly discovered three strange traces.

One, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is a black light that dies in the flesh and blood.

Han Fei had seen this black light more than once. The talent also appeared at the time of Spirit Enlightenment, but later appeared one after another, but couldn't find it one after another. Until now, Han Fei didn't know what it was.

The other one turned out to be a small bottle. It didn't appear in the flesh and blood, but at the moment when the law collapsed just now, it seemed to have fallen out of a strand of soul.

Hiss... isn't this fucking? In my own soul, when did a small bottle pop up?

The other one is a bead. Han Fei could recognize it at a glance. It was a wind bead, a phantom glass-winged bead.

Although his body collapsed, Han Feijin's body frame was not broken, and as soon as he reached out his hand, he caught the small bottle.

When Han Fei grabbed the small bottle, in the soul, the picture suddenly changed, as if he was in darkness and nothingness. A long-lost character from Han Fei appears, is that...The Giant King?

Han Fei said in surprise: "Teacher?"

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