God of Fishing

Chapter 1399: The new coach takes office with 3 fires (on)

Although Han Fei himself is also a very ridiculous person. But in the eyes of others, he is now a handsome man, because he is powerful, so don't have majesty.

Therefore, the meal was not very lively. The main reason is that other people can't hold the terrible energy of the Sky Spirit Ray after taking two bites, the body is straight and protruding, and the whole popularity is slightly increasing.

He Xiaoyu's legs had just grown, and the huge boulder hanging in his heart was immediately put down, if he didn't even have his legs. She didn't know what to do, but this also annoyed her, Han Fei was getting stronger and stronger. Don't talk about yourself, even Jiuyinling was left far behind.

Han Fei couldn't help thinking, if it was Xia Xiaochan, maybe he couldn't keep up with Han Fei's cultivation speed, right? Some of Han Fei's deeds have been spread throughout Broken Star Island, so she knew about Han Fei's anger as a beauty, forced into the sea and killed the Assassin Corps twice.

Because of the disappearance of Xia Xiaochan, He Xiaoyu knew even more that cultivation was not easy, and there were too many dangers in this world. Only at the end can she be the most qualified person. She doesn't want to practice the fastest, but she has to walk the most stable.

He Xiaoyu didn't eat a lot of fish. He probably didn't eat any more after eating the limit of his body, but he also pretended to be practicing.

Only Jiuyinling said shallowly: "Are you going to take office?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "The replacement of the old and the new always has to make a noise."

Jiuyinling sighed softly: "Actually, I don't want you to take this position as a great commander. The overall power of the sea monster has suddenly become stronger, and it has become much stronger. There are more and more sea spirit realms. In the end, many explorers have appeared, and all the strong people who have forced Broken Star Island to hide are basically born. In the noble state, you have killed two people. It can be seen, how many more..."

Han Fei said, "Just come and kill one by one. It's just that...you must settle down inside when you fight outsiders. In the future, you will cultivate well."

Han Fei's underlying meaning is that in the future, he should not appear in the Xuantian Waterfall, or that he will not see Jiuyinling and others.

Han Fei didn't want to think too much about his children. Especially at this kind of critical moment, I don't even think about it.

In Jiuyinling's somewhat tender eyes, Han Fei stepped through the void and stepped directly out of the distance.

The moment Han Fei appeared, several senses swept over him, all of whom had come to the Venerable Realm.

Han Fei smiled coldly, ignoring these people, but groaning, if nine days of thunder, it will explode over the entire Broken Star Island.

"Han Fei, this seat, will be in Poseidon Square outside the central city tomorrow morning, and he will officially take over as the supreme commander of Broken Star Island. By order, all ministries will lead the non-left-behind personnel, and all members will be present without delay."

Han Fei's voice oscillated in the void, and the entire fragmented star island could be heard.

Originally, Han Fei took over the position of supreme commander, but it was only passed from the soldiers who returned from the Pearl Sea. There was a frenzy of discussion immediately.

At this moment, Han Fei personally came forward to confirm this matter, Xue Shenqi did not come forward to refute, it seems that this matter is undoubtedly confirmed.

For a while, various departments of Broken Star Island had heated discussions, especially the Refining Hall.

A refiner laughed: "Look, what am I talking about? When Han Shuai built the non-smoke and animal husbandry stove, I felt that Han Shuai was extraordinary and handsome. No, this is only the past few years. He took the seat of Xue Dashuai."

A waiter said: "You may not believe it. At the beginning, Hanshuai refining equipment, I solicited, and the cooperation is wonderful, no one can match."

Someone brought the "Ming Ling Jing," "Quin Ling Jing," and "Lin Ling Jing" to the three heavenly refining techniques for free, which shows how extraordinary Han Shuai is. The emergence of these three sutras can be said to push the Reiki Refining Method to its peak, and the key is free. This can only be done by the generals.

Someone echoed: "I heard that Han Shuai used to suppress the price of the Refining Hall's spiritual weapons in one breath."

Someone sneered: "Aren't you talking nonsense? As soon as the non-yan, animal husbandry stove is released, the price of the demigod soldiers drops sharply, can the price of spiritual weapons not drop?"

Some people also wondered: "Isn't it said that the non-yanmu stove was created by Han Fei, Guan Qingyan and Mu Jiaer? Why don't you mention Guan Qingyan and Mu Jiaer now?"

Someone laughed and said: "What do you know! Guan Qingyan himself admitted that when forging non-yanmu stoves, they only assisted in the whole process of design and creation, and they were all designed by Han Shuai."


Broken Star Hell.

Zhang Teng listened to Han Fei's announcement of the Quartet, and he couldn't help but leisurely said: "At the beginning, I couldn't think of it. It only took a short ten years for this son to Longteng. Is this the general?"

Behind him, Su Mo said: "Boss, this Han Fei shouldn't come back to trouble us, right?"

Zhang Teng sneered: "What do you think? How can a handsome talent be worried about such a small matter? And, at the beginning, we also acted according to the rules and acted normally. There is nothing wrong with it. I just sigh with emotion."


Tactical Command.

Someone sternly shouted: "Check it out for me. Please check all the information about Han Fei."

After a while, someone passed a jade slip and said: "My lord, they are all here."

The man took the jade slip, flipped it over, and hummed at the tip of his nose: "Why would such a person become the supreme commander? Selfish, greedy for money, ostentatious, rejoicing, exaggerated..."

Someone echoed: "Yes, Han Fei is really not much when it comes to military merit. Although he has won a few beautiful battles, there are too few."

Someone said: "I'm not convinced. Isn't it a mess if such a character is leading Broken Star Island?"


At this moment, the entire Broken Star Island, millions of people, from the length of a piece to the fledgling recruits, are discussing the name Han Fei.

Some people agree, thinking that a big fist is the last word, and Han Fei's two masters are extremely extraordinary.

Some people are not optimistic and think that the position of supreme commander does not necessarily mean strong combat power, one must have a brain, and must have the ability to control the four sides of the battle.

For a while, opinions were divergent, but most people were ready to go to Poseidon Square outside the central city the next day. In any case, this was a century-old event, and it would be a shame not to take a look.

Seven broken stars.

Among them, the fourth part can be described as an extremely popular department at the moment. Beihuo, Guan Qingyan and others are assessing three refiners who have applied to come here.

At this moment, Guan Qingyan shook his head slightly: "No way."

Mu Jia'er also shook her head: "Although it is much stronger than the average person, but it is not enough to enter the Four Broken Stars."

Bei Huo smiled slightly and agreed. After leaving these people, he slowly said: "In fact, there are not many people who can really set their minds on refining weapons now. This group has been considered for nearly half a year. Here comes the best batch."

Guan Qingyan shook his head: "It's bad, the four broken stars, Ning Que Wulan. With Brother Han's three sutras in hand, the level of the refining equipment is only such a level, it is impossible to enter."

Mu Jia'er also nodded: "Hey! That guy didn't know if he came back to take a look, he must have forgotten us when he became a commander."

Mu Jiaer no longer compares with Han Fei. Facts have proved that Han Fei is a monster. Why should she compare talent with a monster?

At this moment, the door of the four parts of Broken Star opened, and a long voice came: "Oh Huo, how come I am such a person in your impression?"

After a while, everyone looked back.

Guan Qingyan's eyes lit up: "Brother Han."

Mu Jiaer was shocked and said: "Ah! You actually came back, you are about to take over the position of commander, why are you still free to run here?

North Fire: "Han... Han Shuai."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Senior Beihuo don't want to see outside."

After speaking, Han Fei said to Mu Jiaer silently: "That's not what you said in the last sentence."

Mu Jiaer's face flushed: "Huh! Did I say it? I didn't say anything bad about you. Guan Qingyan, did you think?"

Guan Qingyan's expression still has a faint layer of frost, still that stiff and indifferent face. Although what Mu Jiaer said was a joke, she was right. How could Han Fei have time to break the four stars?

Guan Qingyan said immediately: "Brother Han, what's the matter?"

Everyone immediately realized that Han Fei must have something to come here, and he couldn't help but look straight. The situation on Broken Star Island is turbulent. If there is something important, then there will be no delay.

Han Fei smiled and hooked Guan Qingyan's shoulders: "I can't come back if I'm okay?"

Seeing Guan Qingyan still looking at him quietly, Han Fei immediately shrugged: "Let's go! I really don't know how Mu Jia'er can stand you, so she has a straight face every day. Okay, let's talk about business..."


After coming out of the four parts of Broken Star, it was already the early morning of the next day, and shady had already enveloped the earth and sea.

Han Fei swept across the perception and quickly confirmed a place. Only then did he converge his breath and stepped past the past.

After passing the doorway, underground passage, and earth elevator, Han Fei came to a thatched house.

Here, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is the Broken Star Archives that I had the privilege of visiting once.

As soon as Han Fei arrived here, he heard a voice from the hut: "Han Shuai is visiting late at night, I don't know what's the matter?"

Han Fei wanted to perceive it directly, but his fingers moved slightly, and it seemed wrong. This one is afraid of his extraordinary strength.

Han Fei's heart moved immediately. The old Chen here is probably a hidden powerhouse.

The old tortoise spoke directly; "I, an old venerable, but he has been seriously injured, so I am here to submerge."

Han Fei's heart moved, the old tortoise's soul power is extraordinary! Even in the presence of the king, he can hide, and it is indeed not difficult to find a nobleman at this moment.

Han Fei immediately said: "Old Chen, I want an old file."

"Oh? What did Han Shuai investigate?"

Han Fei categorically said: "All information about Tang Yan, the supreme commander of Broken Star Island before 1800."

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