God of Fishing

Chapter 1400: New coach takes office with 3 fires (middle)

Early the next morning, the sky was clear, and the lonely call of the cloud whale could occasionally be heard from deep in the clouds.

Broken Star Island, outside the central city, above Poseidon Square.

As early as the sky was overwhelming, the place was already full. The flat square with more than 10 miles of vertical and horizontal is too small at this moment.

Fortunately, the waters around Broken Star Island must be watched day and night. This is another delicate moment of intense warfare. The coastal defense line must be guarded by a large number of personnel. Therefore, at most only half of the people can actually be present today.

But even so, the five cities are all empty, and the voices of people outside the central city stretch for dozens of miles.

It's like having a speech. If the leader doesn't come, there will naturally be a lot of discussions.

Someone said: "I think this is the time when the situation is endangered. Even if there is a change of command, it should not be changed at this time. After all, Han Fei is not very familiar with the various defenses and dominance of Broken Star Island."

Someone retorted: "Whatever you are afraid of, no matter who you change, you are fighting with the sea monster. Han Fei is obviously stronger!"

Someone said: "Han Fei is indeed very strong, even Tu two statues, do you know what the concept is? Seeking Dao Realm Great Demon, I heard that Han Fei shot more than a dozen to death, how can anyone else on the island have this ability? ?"

Someone rolls his eyes: "What do you know, the one who only fights is called a stubborn man, it is no brainer."

Someone ridiculed; "You are the one who has no brain! If Han Fei has no brains, will Marshal Xue Shenqi let Han Fei succeed? Why don't you have to think about it?"

Just when everyone was talking about it, not knowing where it started, suddenly another voice appeared in the crowd. Someone said: "Why can Han Fei Hede take over as the supreme commander of Broken Star Island? It is only heard that Han Fei has a deep background and his father is the strength of the Venerable Realm, forcing Master Xue Shenqi to give up his position, otherwise he will be bloodshed. Star Island."

Suddenly, people exclaimed one after another, and some people lost their voices: "Can't you?"

It seems that in order to prevent others from eavesdropping, most people also use sound transmission, thinking that there are millions of people here anyway, who can hear who is talking?

Some people also said, "You know, Han Fei is from the Mob Academy, and that Academy was planning to open taboos, which caused the entire human race to be embarrassed."


Someone asked, "What taboo can cause the entire Human Race to be embarrassed?"

The man shrugged: "I don't know that, I was just what I heard."


When the millions of people were discussing, Han Fei and Xue Shenqi stood side by side above the void.

Xue Shenqi said indifferently: "If you want to master Broken Star Island, the first thing you need to master is the human heart. You know that it is the method of the family, but you only look at it?"

Han Fei sneered: "Look? Does it take time to prove that I really came to save the human race? No, I have my way, and my way does not allow me to do this."

Xue Shenqi glanced at Han Fei faintly: "You are different from your father. You are a rare hardliner among the previous commanders of Broken Star Island. You are not prepared to continue the pattern of Broken Star Island, but the terrain of Broken Star Island Due to the limitation, the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters is very far away. Not to mention the opening of the army, the continuous naval battles along the way will consume a lot of people."

Han Fei said: "We are indeed different, but it is not a different attitude towards war. What I want is first internal unity. I never expect ordinary people to follow me into the deep sea. That would be too stupid. It seems that now, as I succeeded as the Supreme Commander, the general trend has been achieved, but the idiots of the family think that by relying on some rumors, they can prevent me from succeeding. I really don't know if their brains have been hit by the ironhead."

When saying this, Han Fei didn't use sound transmission at all, but said it directly. How can you not fall into the ears of others after you have spoken.

Han Fei sneered: "You guys still don't understand me after all."


Han Fei stepped out step by step, walking towards Poseidon Square step by step in the sky above Central City.


Han Fei stood proudly, with a golden light on his body and a golden giant more than 20 meters in size. Under the sun, like a golden armored war **** stepping from the sky, he was walking towards everyone step by step.

The corners of Han Fei's mouth turned up, his thoughts moved, and the fire soared.


I saw that in the distance above the sky, at the feet of the golden man, golden lotus flowers bloomed.




One lotus step by step can be used to describe the lotus step by step. The lotus blooms and finally turns into aura and disappears between heaven and earth.

But when Han Fei walked forward, he made a sound, his voice was thick and heavy, and his voice was all over the broken star island.

Including the personnel guarding at the edge of the coastline, they couldn't help looking at the sky at this moment, and said excitedly: "It's started, it's started."

On the Poseidon Square, everyone is watching.

Many strong men couldn't help but twitch their lips when they watched Han Fei's step by step. Xin said, how difficult is this? It's like someone else.

Some people can't help but nod in satisfaction: "This way of playing is better than being creative. It looks very bluffing."

In fact, in the field, everyone who was an explorer watched them for a while, wondering if they were the strong? Take a lotus flower in one step, that lotus flower can crush them all?

Just listen to Han Fei saying jokingly: "Master Xue Shenqi, if you don't appear, Han will not dare to take this job."


I saw a big sword hanging down from the sky, the sword was a hundred feet high, and it looked equally good. As far as the size of the head was concerned, it was naturally Xue Shen Qi pretending to win.

But when it comes to creativity and shocking methods, it is naturally Han Feisheng.

Just listen to Xue Shenqi said: "The matter, this seat has been said yesterday. Broken Star Island, talented people come out in large numbers, Han Fei is excellent in talent, acting tough, in recent days, even punish the two... Under this seat. Changing the brush today is for the sake of the human race. Perhaps it is the wrong way of this seat, which makes the Kraken more rampant and the offensive more fierce. I hope Han Fei can change this situation."

Xue Shenqi looked at the millions of people off the court and said loudly: "Han Fei merit, you should have heard of it. Non-Smoke, Muddle Furnace, the weapon in your hands has been upgraded to a higher level, allowing the art of refining to enter A new era. After careful consideration by this seat, Han Fei's realm, strength, means, and wisdom are all outstanding among his peers. Perhaps he can take over the position of the highest commander in Broken Star City."

As he said, Xue Shen waved his hand, and the sky was in full bloom. Under the curtain of the sky, the whole island can also see this scene. In the picture, Xue Shenqi handed Han Fei a 13-star token.


Just at the beginning of this handover ceremony, a voice suddenly echoed between the world.

Listening to the voice, it was Chumen Chuqing, this person stepped through the void and came to stop.

Xue Shenqi's face was not good at that time: "If Truman wants to interfere with the Broken Star Island, I can't blame Xue for being polite."

Chu Qing smiled slightly: "Dashuai Xue is in no rush. We don't trust you, but we can't trust Han Fei and the people behind Han Fei.

Chu Qing didn't come to fight, so he appeared grandiosely at an altitude of one thousand meters, blocking Xue Shenqi and the others.

Xue Shenqi yelled: "Thousand Star City has no right to intervene in the matter of Broken Star Island. Let me say one more thing, get out."

Chu Qing didn't let it go, only chuckles, and the voice spread all over the island: "Han Fei comes from the Mob Academy, a vicious organization of the evil way. The ancestor of the mob in the Academy, who cultivated immortal creatures, has long been enchanted. More than ten years ago, he brought it. Countless evil forces attacked Thousand Star City without success, and returned in a big defeat...Han Fei, let me ask you if this happened? You only need to answer yes or no."

Han Fei looked at Chu Qing with a faint smile on his face.

If it is someone else, such as Xue Shenqi's upright, such as Jiuyinling's obedient, such as old man Jiang's irritable, they may fight hard.

However, there are millions of humans in the field, how can the noble-level powerhouse make a move? Otherwise, how many people would Yuwei have to shake to death?

At this moment, facing Chu Qing's question, how could Han Fei follow Chu Qing to answer?

Just listen to Han Fei's voice leisurely: "Fuck your mother's fish shit."


The audience was in an uproar, is Han Fei speaking so "quality"? Although everyone talks like this in private, it seems inappropriate to put it in front of so many people.

That's what Chu Qing seemed to hope for, and wanted to see Han Fei becoming angry. You don't even look like a handsome man, and you can't bear even a little bit of excitement. How can you be a handsome man?

But Han Fei said next: "A Thousand Star City, Truman, dominate one side. The frontline warriors have killed the enemy for nine deaths, but you and others have been exploiting the resources of Broken Star Island all the time. There are countless hidden sages in the clan, and the half kings are powerful. However, The human race was embarrassed and suffered heavy casualties. Chou Wuer and others came to help. Now, only a mid-level sage like you has come, but he wants to seize power and seek more resources to **** bones and marrow for these millions of soldiers. This seat and I ask you, why are you special mothers? In the entire Thousand Star City family, one is counted as one, why are all special mothers?"


All of a sudden, millions of people present exclaimed, Chu Sect, Thousand Star City, has never heard of it!

People in Thousand Star City naturally knew Chu Sect, but they were also indignant when Han Fei said this.

This is how the human mind is, no matter where it is, the hatred of the rich will always exist. Moreover, the impression of the big clans of the world is not very good. UU reading www.uukanshu. cm

Chu Qing's complexion changed slightly: "Han Fei, don't want to escape the problem, your thug ancestor at thug academy, repair the immortal creature, do you dare to deny this matter?"

Han Fei immediately smiled and said: "The thug ancestor? Sorry, I don’t know any thug ancestor. He should have been dead for thousands of years. As everyone knows, my thug academy was strangled in one fell swoop by Thousand Star City decades ago. The next few veterans of the disabled. If there is a mob ancestor who gives you a hundred courage with his old man’s ability to cover the city of Thousand Stars, do you dare to come and fight? You are still the venerable, you are afraid that you are mentally retarded. ?"

Chu Qing's eyelids twitched, Han Fei is shameless with Nima? He directly said that he didn't know the ancestor of the thug, how about playing?

Chu Qing: "Do you dare to swear to Dadao?"

Han Fei blinked his eyes: "This seat can swear at any time. However, the Thousand Star City Trumen is exploiting the resources of the Broken Star Island every year, so much that you can just throw them away for fun, but the frontline fighters have no resources available. Didn’t you swear? Thousands of years ago, Chumen and the great family of Thousand Star City sneaked into the Nine Heavens Powerhouse and angered Heavenly Dao, causing Heaven’s Dao Fa to stare at the world, causing the world to never be king. Do you dare to swear? ?"

(The third correction is being written)

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