God of Fishing

Chapter 1509: The hunt begins

   Three days passed in a flash.

  Han Fei left a few great skills for several people, and then he directly flashed them.

   The urinary **** of the thug academy has always been like this.

   Han Fei thinks: I'm pretty good. I am still teaching it! In the past, Xiao Zhan and Wen Renyu all taught actual combat and let themselves go to the fishing grounds to experience directly.

  Han Fei left a few people with "108 Desolate Body", one with a low-grade magic weapon, and one with a copy of "Scary God".

  Yes, Han Fei left all the "Frightening God". This is a magical technique, which is definitely not something they can grasp overnight. Even I don’t even use a lot.

   As for the other...

   Han Fei also left "Sixty-Four Elephant Fish and Dragon Dance" and "Hundred Wars Hammer". Among them, "Hundred Wars Hammer" only made a request to Su Daji.

   When Han Fei left, the Mob Academy was full of complaints.

   No matter who it is, he has been abused and beaten for three days, his mentality cannot be good! "Frightening God" and "Sixty-Four Elephant Fish and Dragon Dance" are extremely difficult to learn.

   It's just that it doesn't matter to Han Fei.


  Outside the sea.

   After Han Fei completely left Broken Star Island, he quietly appeared on Han Fei’s fishing boat: "Are you really going to hunt for the escaped King Projection?"

   Han Fei: "Why, can't it?"

   Quiet and speechless: "That's the projection of the king. You are still too far away from the half-king state. If you don't have the real half-king power, you can't win."

   Han Fei couldn't help tilting his head to look at Tranquility: "The projection of the Black Moss Conch King is left to you."

   Quietly surprised: "I can only help you three times!"

   Han Fei smiled lightly: "We have a good relationship, this is the first time. The projection of the Black Shalu King depends on his corrosive blood to maintain. Therefore, he can't fight the half-king battle."

   Han Fei did not explain too much.

   If he said before, he felt that he had enough time. So, after going to the fairy palace and seeing my old lady, I immediately realized my short-sightedness.

   The two fairy palaces of Yinyangtian and Shuimutian are in decline after all, and cannot be compared with the past. As a result, my own knowledge is not very broad.

   At this moment, Han Fei held the Vientiane Navigation Device in his hand, quickly selected the direction, and walked out directly.

   Three days later.

   Han Fei appeared somewhere in the deep sea near the wall of death.

   This is a sea area with a general depth of more than 10,000 meters, covering tens of thousands of miles.

   At this moment, in the darkness, a black shadow is slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

   After about an hour, Han Fei gradually approached the Heisha Snail King without disturbing the half king. This search was fairly easy, after all, there are sacred artifacts like the Vientiane Navigation Instrument.

   To be precise, there are six people here.

   Heisha Snail King is a half king, and there is one Venerable Pinnacle, one Senior Venerable, two Intermediate Venerables, and one Junior Venerable in one blow.

   Right now, these people are practicing. As a projection of the half-king realm, the recovery speed of the Black Brake Snail King is actually not slow.

   The strength of this group of people is definitely not weak, I saw Han Fei slowly approaching one of them.

   Han Fei remembers this person.

   At first, when I entered the so-called Holy Realm, out of my nerves, I saw this person. If it is correct, he should be Mo Lin, the strength of a high-ranking sage.

   Being able to become Venerable Gao Ji, strength is by no means simple. This Mo Lin can never be weak in strength. Otherwise, they would not have been arranged to guard the sea-monster with Yin Ge.

   Han Fei smacked his mouth: This battle is indeed a bit difficult to fight!

   With a move in Han Fei's heart, Tranquility stepped into this domain. At the moment when Tranquility appeared, Heishaluo King suddenly opened his eyes and yelled, "Half King of Human Race?"

   Heisha Snail King was surprised that the sea area was so big that he was hiding next to the Wall of Death, but he was still discovered?

   He has been thinking: human beings should be busy fighting internally now, and he has time to regain his strength and connect inside the wall of death. Who could have expected that the strong mankind would come so soon?

   appeared quietly, looked at the Heisha Snail King, grabbed it with one hand, crossed the space, and appeared directly in front of the Heisha Snail King.

   "My King!"

   Heisha Conch King shook open a void, and the Kraken at the top of the Lord also rushed forward.

  Han Fei also remembered this person, named Cao Xuan, the Lord of Heavenly Sword once fought with him. Although this person's strength reached the peak of the venerable, he failed to defeat the Lord of Heavenly Sword strongly.

   This is clearly: His strength is not much higher than that of a high-ranking person.

   This is like the advanced explorer and the peak explorer.

   Actually, their power levels are the same, but the principles are somewhat different.

   The strength of the Lord of Heavenly Sword, even though he is a high-ranking venerable, has been stuck in this realm for many years and has a deep understanding. Even if he hadn't reached the peak of the venerable, he would only miss the goal. Therefore, it is not much worse than this Cao Xuan.

  At this moment, tranquility struck, and the Black Chaluo King shouted: "Humans, are you alone? Are you sure, you can be my opponent?"

   Heisha Snail King is extremely confident, tearing through the void, and killing him to tranquility.

   At the beginning, when facing Han Fei, the main reason why he could not exert enough strength was that there was a problem with Han Fei's road.

   Han Fei can ban all spells in the space. Moreover, Han Fei is of golden bones and amazing physique. The half-king projection of Black Chaluo King couldn't break Han Fei in the same realm.

   However, Han Fei's ability to block himself does not mean that others can block himself.

   Therefore, Hei Sha Luo Wang didn't worry about the quiet shot, but turned his head and scolded Cao Xuan: "You take the lead to evacuate."

   Even the Black Brake Snail King cares about his venerables. Come to think of it, in their Black Blood King City, the Venerable Realm is also a very high-end existence, not to say that there is.

   Tranquility only took away the projection of Heisha Luowang, and the remaining people were naturally left to Han Fei alone.

   Since it's hunting, how can Han Fei not prepare?

   Cao Xuan heard the words and led the people to quickly escape the void together.

   Cao Xuan knows: The projection of Heisha Snail King is not easy to fall. Even if it fell, it was just a projection. However, these people are all genuine entities.

   If another half-king comes, it will be difficult for them to resist. Therefore, you must evacuate to a safe place as soon as possible.

   Just, at the moment when Cao Xuan led people and quickly escaped from the void.

   Suddenly, in the depths of the void, a spatial crack appeared, and thousands of swords fluttered. At the same time, a fist mark of sacrificing one's body bloomed, blasting towards Cao Xuan with the powerful sea-shaking fist regardless of its strength.

   Cao Xuan shouted: "That's not good! Mo Lin, you go away separately, Human Race is here prepared."

   The reason why Cao Xuan was so panicked was because Han Fei used the strongest combat power. This kind of combat skill, even under Han Fei's heyday, can only last for a hundred breaths of time.

   Moreover, Han Fei deliberately caused the old tortoise to show some aura, causing Cao Xuan to mistakenly think: This time, the human race came to many venerables just to kill them all.

   Actually, Han Fei was just trying to disperse them so as to defeat them one by one.

   "The law is forbidden here!"

   When Han Fei felt his body began to vibrate, he knew that the other side's road was working. This kind of avenue should be related to the frequency between heaven and earth.

   After breaking this method, Han Fei held Snow's Sorrow and cut out ten miles of frost, only to see Cao Xuan's whole person, quickly frozen into ice.


   The Venerable Peak is also the peak anyway. Even if the strength is poor, it cannot be suppressed by a mere ice.

  Cao Xuan shattered the natural ability of Snowmourne, and guided countless seaweed vines in the deep sea, like the impact of a large waterfall, to roll towards Han Fei.

   "Puff puff puff~"

   Blade Purgatory has started.

   These seaweed vines were cut into pieces in the first place.

  Even, before they collapsed, the countless blades of grass turned into a vast amount of sword energy, smashing Xiang Cao Xuan.


   One trick won’t work, but another trick.

   only saw Cao Xuan open his mouth, his body surface changed to a half fish body, and his mouth opened screaming. The sharp soul shock wanted to reach Han Fei's mind.


   Han Fei was unwilling to show weakness, and the sound of the beasts' soul-eater roared, which also invaded Cao Xuan's mind.

   The two fought quickly, and until the time was over, they hurt each other. Han Fei was on the avenue, forcibly suppressed, and only barely fought the situation.

   When Han Fei discovered that the power of the Great Dao was about to collapse, UU read www.uukanshu. com broke the void and retreated for the first time.

   Just listen to Han Fei: "Wait for me, I will find it back!"

   Cao Xuan's face is solemn: Han Fei's speed and strength are very strong, but the power of the soul seems to be weaker, a lot weaker than he should be. However, the opponent's spirit attack and killing technique is not weak, so he did not take the lead. If one's own psychic combat skills are outstanding, it may not have the ability to leave this person just now.

   At this moment, the fighting stopped, and Cao Xuan was looking for Mo Lin and others.

   However, everyone has different means of concealment. Just now they were rushing away. Now, looking for it so hastily, I am afraid it is wrong.

   Cao Xuan thought to himself: Forget it, just wait. When today's fighting subsides, gather at the agreed place.

  In the opinion of Cao Xuan: As long as Han Fei did not hunt successfully this time, then the next hunt, humans will definitely have to prepare for a long time. This time, the opponent obviously came hastily. Otherwise, the opponent should have more than a half king.

   Estimated: It should be them, who accidentally found themselves and others. Humans have insufficient manpower, but they don't want to let them go and others, so they chose to shoot.

   However, what Cao Xuan didn't know was: Han Fei stopped fighting with him on the front foot, and found a direction on the back foot with the Vientiane Navigation Device.

  The question Han Fei asked in his heart was: Where is the weakest one of the other party?

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