God of Fishing

Chapter 1510: There is nobleman

   Yuqianmo, as the only great demon in the low-level venerable state among the Sea-monsters.

   He panicked a lot now!

   Generally speaking, when you just enter the sect, you will not come out to fight casually, you need to consolidate your cultivation and improve your strength.

   After all, if you first enter the realm of the nobles, if you participate in the war of the nobles, it is very likely that this group of battle groups has the lowest strength. If the enemy is of this grade, that's fine, I'm afraid that the enemy is not of this grade.

   For example, now, the king of his own family is restrained by the half king of the human race. Master Cao Xuan was restrained by Han Fei, the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island. The rest of them are scattered and fleeing.

   Among them, he is undoubtedly the weakest.

   Therefore, Yuqianmo didn't dare to stop for a while, just thinking that the farther he went, the better.

   It wasn't until after 300,000 miles that Yu Qianmo was relieved: The Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island was simply terrifying. In the past, I just heard that the sea monster is looking for trouble with the human race, and I have never heard of the human power taking the initiative to hunt the sea monster...


   Yuqianmo turned into an octopus, and quickly shrank to a size of more than ten meters.

   As his sucker sucked, a large number of clam shell fragments on the bottom of the sea surrounded him. For a moment, a sphere made of broken clam shells completely encased him.

   And on the broken clam shell, a little bit of aura, there is a strange formation to block and surround it.

   This is a hidden formation, and it is also his natural ability.

   In order to avoid human beings, Yu Qianmo completely sealed himself in this sphere.

   But even at this point, Yu Qianmo was not at ease. The sphere swiftly turned on the sand on the seabed, but after a while, the whole ball went under the seabed and was completely buried in the sand with broken clam shells.

   half an hour later.


   At the bottom of the sea, a void was torn apart, and Han Fei stepped out of the void in one step.

   As soon as Han Fei appeared, he swept around and found that there was no one here.

  Han Fei smiled secretly: After all, it is a sea monster. People are marine creatures, and their ability to pretend is innate. In this world, he is not the only one who is good at disguising.

   After sweeping three or four times in a row, Han Fei looked at everything within a kilometer radius.

   Then, he put his eyes on a depth of 100 meters below him.

   Below that piece of sand, there is a ball of mussel shell. This is the only thing that hasn't been seen through in this area.

   At this moment, Han Fei is 100% sure: There is a problem with the sphere.

   Han Fei did not conceal his strength, even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, he bet that the one below would not dare to use perception to probe the outside world. At this moment, he doesn't have to bet anymore, he can only bet that he will not be discovered...

   Actually, Yuqianmo really thinks so. Of course he felt that someone was coming, and he was still in shock at this moment, for fear that Han Fei would see him through.

   Suddenly, when Yuqianmo prayed not to find himself, he only listened to the bottom of the sea, and Han Fei's voice sounded: "The law is forbidden here."


   drew a knife, and the cold light penetrated the ground.

   Mussel shell sand, collapsed in an instant.

   The sphere suddenly opened, and Yuqianmo felt the crisis of death.

   Yuqianmo knew: I exposed myself. He didn't even understand, how did he expose? This vast ocean, hundreds of millions of creatures, hide themselves in a small corner. As long as they are not discovered at the beginning, there is no possibility of being discovered after they hide.

   But now, Han Fei is here, just counting his breath time, locked himself?

   Is it possible that Han Fei watched him hide?

   This makes no sense! If Han Fei watched himself hiding, then as early as the beginning, when he was hiding, the other party should have taken action! Why wait until now?

   Immediately, Yu Qianmo had an answer in his heart: Han Fei has a tracking secret treasure.


   However, even though Yu Qianmo found something, Han Fei had already taken action.

   Now, when Yuqian is a stranger, he can only pray that he can live.

Venerable    is not so easy to die, especially Yuqianmo. As an octopus, he has up to 3 hearts and 9 brains. As long as one runs out, he can live.

   Han Fei cut it off with a single knife and saw an octopus tentacle cut off. Yu Qianmo didn't seem to want to fight, but just wanted to escape quickly.


   I only saw a "puff", and within a hundred miles, it was pitch black.

   Zhang Yu's superior powerhouse, escape skills have also evolved extraordinary. The inkjet method directly transforms Bailizhi into a field.

   However, at the moment when this black ink space appeared, a holy beam of light suddenly fell from the sky.


  The black fog space is broken.

   Blade's edge purgatory rolled away, Han Fei bombarded with a punch, and endless water strangled out.

"Puff puff……"

   In an instant, the six tentacles were cut off by Han Fei, and the line of nothingness buckled these tentacles directly, controlling his brain. In its heyday, Yuqianmo is not enough for Han Fei to fight, let alone a few tentacles?

   A fight turns and the stars move, and the space distance is shortened.

  Han Fei has already stood in front of Yu Qianmo: "Where to go?"


   At this moment, Heisha Snail King is also chilling: This human powerhouse is so powerful! One-handed space avenue, fully controlled.

   Can tranquility transform the power of space for its own use? Twist the space and bear the pressure of irregular gravity instead of yourself.


   Suddenly, King Heisha Luo saw a red blood stain across the sky.

   At that moment, the Venerable fell.

   This is not a good sign!

   Judging from the attack of the strong human beings today, the only thing that fell was the noble-level demon on his side.

   Even Quiet is very surprised: Han Fei's speed is too fast! How long has he already killed a Venerable?

   "No wonder this guy wants to make a shot by himself. It seems that he is going to solve all the troubles at once."

   The Venerable fell, and the blood rained all over the sky.

   Under the same sky, even if it is several million miles apart, it can be felt. After all, he fell in the Yin Yang world.

   Of course, too far away, the celestial phenomenon is not so obvious.

   However, on Broken Star Island, many people also looked up to the sky, only to see crimson cracks in the sky, rainstorms pouring down, and occasionally a trace of red from the rainstorm.

   Someone laughed and said: "I don't know why, this kind of weather always reminds people of the scene of the fall of the Venerable. Tsk tsk..."

   There is an old man on Broken Star Island, explaining to the newcomer: "You guys don't even know. The Lord has fallen, and there are scars in the sky. Amidst the sorrow of the world, there is a rain of blood, just like this scene."

   A newcomer curiously asked: "Could it be that someone has fallen?"

   Many people explained with a smile: "It shouldn't be. Venerable how easy it is to die? After all, this rain is not red, it's just like it."

   However, just as many people were sighing, various gossips spread among the major departments of Broken Star Island. And this kind of gossip was widely circulated from everyone's star-shaped waist cards.

   In the carnival shop, someone exclaimed: "What? Han Shuai went to sea, hunting the Siren?"

   In a certain mission hall, someone was astonished: "Huh? Han Shuai secretly went out and went hunting?"

   Someone exclaimed: "I'm going, I said, why is it raining so strange? Look at the sky, the red mark is so obvious, it's clear that someone has fallen."

   Someone sighed: "Sure enough, Han Shuai is still domineering. If he says that he will kill the Great Siren, he will kill the Great Siren."

   Someone wondered: "Should it not happen? If the Venerable has fallen, is this celestial phenomenon a bit weak?"

   Someone retorted: "It's not near Broken Star Island. It's in the deep sea, which is far away."

   Someone said: "In the next few days, you can see the celestial phenomenon more. As far as I know, there are several Siren Sirs who have escaped."


   In addition to Heisha Snail King, Cao Xuan, Mo Lin, there are two other Intermediate Venerables.

   At this moment, they are also confused.

   They don’t know who fell? But in short, someone fell between them.

   Before, for thousands of years, it was not easy to fall a Venerable.

   As a result, it's fine now. After a few years, the Black Blood King City suffered heavy losses.


  Han Fei raised his head and inhaled the vitality and psychic power of this fish path.

   The spirit supply of a venerable person completely made up for the soul-splitting technique used by Han Fei before in Truman.

  Han Fei's soul, once again returned to 58,600 points, although it is still more than 20,000 points away from the peak state.

   However, in addition to the fish farm, Han Fei has other hunting objects.

   I only saw Han Fei pull out the nautical Vientiane: "Next, where is the Intermediate Siren..."


   Yu Shuo, Intermediate Siren Venerable, the main body mirror fish. This is also the reason why he survived the Battle of Broken Star Island a year ago. Because of his particularity, he was born with an external avatar, a mirror avatar.

   When facing the Intermediate Venerable, Han Fei was not as lightly as before.

   The strength of the Venerable Realm needs to be taken seriously at every level. UU reading www.uukanshu.com does not mean that if you are strong, you can surely kill the venerable. It depends on the road of others. What are they?

  Although he can block the avenue for a short time, it will be troublesome if the other party is prepared in advance.

   Han Fei was in the body of black mist, quietly approaching a land full of ice crystal veins. This kind of terrain is very rare, with the appearance of prismatic crystals everywhere.

   And when Han Fei found this place, he scanned it, but the first time he still couldn't find where this Siren Lord was?

   once, twice, three times...

   Han Fei wondered: something is wrong! It is impossible for the Vientiane Navigation to go wrong, the Siren is definitely here.

   But now, no matter how I perceive it, I can't find the other person. How did the other party hide it?


   Han Fei landed on the beach, standing in front of a large crystal, ready to explore, is there any special formations around him?

   As a result, Han Fei's heart suddenly moved, and his whole body was pulled by a huge force, and he slammed directly into the crystal.

   When Han Fei's body of black mist recovered, it had already appeared in the crystal mirror.

   Han Fei looked back and found that this space was full of mirrors, and thousands of himself were reflected in the mirror at once.

   "The world in the mirror?"

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