God of Fishing

Chapter 1722: Golden Crow God Blood

   History has proven countless times: The weak and the strong are the rule of survival in the spiritual world.

   Han Fei originally planned to catch only one fish, but three of them came at once.

   Wait for Han Fei to look at the sun and moon shells he grabbed. The three half-kings of the sun and moon shells contained many treasures. There are not many spirit fruits and spirit springs, because they basically don't rely on them now. The most is the best spirit stone.

  Because of the riots in the sea, the best spirit stone is the most convenient for the transaction between the powerful. Although I don't know where these superb spirit stones came from? However, they do.

   Others use the best spirit stone as money, but Han Fei uses it as a resource for cultivation.

  Han Feixin said: This won't be due to a low profile, but that these people simply don't recognize the utility of the best spirit stone. Or in other words, their strength is at the end, and it is useless to use the best spirit stone.

   Three and a half kings, Han Fei wiped out, the average value of each person, it is estimated that all the miscellaneous things will be sold together, and they all have to have more than one million best spirit stones.

  Han Fei only felt that he became an upstart in an instant.

   And in Jinquan’s sun and moon shells, Han Fei has made a new discovery: in addition to the best magic weapon, 420,000 best spiritual stones, there is actually a third-class robbery pill.

  Han Fei was immediately happy: this pill alone is very valuable, but his own wave is a lot of money.


   Just as Han Fei was about to go to see Shao Fan’s sun and moon shells, he glanced and saw a crystal gourd in Jinquan's sun and moon shells. There seemed to be something amazing, shining slightly.

   Han Fei reached out and grabbed the gourd in his hand.

   "Boo", Han Fei opened the gourd plug.

   After a while, a golden pillar of fire rose into the sky, and there were birds singing and shaking. In the next moment, a drop of golden blood wanted to rise into the air, fleeing away.

   How can Han Fei tell this baby to run away? I saw Han Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed the golden blood drop in his hand, and there was information in his eyes.

  Name Golden Crow God Blood

   introduces the essence and blood of the golden beast, which contains extremely powerful power. Do not take it lightly, otherwise it will be bitten by the Golden Crow God.

   level **** level

  High quality

   contains 303 strands of chaos

   Remarks contain incomparably powerful power. Under the sea, they are vulnerable to backlash and death.


  Han Fei immediately felt shocked: This thing is amazing! However, this is totally unexpected. To put it bluntly, the value of this drop of blood may be comparable to all his own net worth.

   The old tortoise also said in shock: "This...Is it the blood of the gods? No, there is the sound of birds singing, I am afraid it is the blood of the beasts."

  Han Fei's eyelids twitched; "What is the difference between the blood of the gods and the blood of the beasts?"

The old tortoise said: "In essence, there is no difference. The blood of the gods is always higher than the blood of the beasts. After all, the beasts have the chance to become the gods only when they grow up. But no matter what, this drop of blood It will never be weaker than the blood of the God of War Emperor you swallowed last time."


   Han Fei licked the corner of his mouth: As expected, he is one of the candidates for palace lord. This kind of luck is incredible, even a baby of this level can get it. It's a pity that it's cheaper now.

   Putting away the golden crow blood, Han Fei glanced at Shao Fan’s sun and moon shells again.

   But at this look, Han Fei was suddenly disappointed. Look, this is the difference! This Shao Fan, at first glance, was raised by his stepmother. In addition to 20,000 Supreme Spirit Stones, he was also gone with a Supreme God Soldier...

   Oh, there are dozens of bottles of Body Tempering Pill and Tongshen Pill.

   Han Fei looked at it, and that Tong Shen Dan was better. Its medicinal effect is the strongest, but it is only suitable for the primary or intermediate level. This thing can be left for...when the time comes, it can be used by Yinger.

   As for Nian'er, she shouldn't need it.

  Nian'er's growth doesn't require a pill at all. In a certain aspect of her, she has long been respected. Now, just wait to get in touch with the world more, add some social experience, and lay a solid foundation by the way, then you can continue to make breakthroughs.

   After reading these resources quickly, Han Fei at this moment: There are as many as 1.98 million pure top-quality spiritual stones. Assuming that the spiritual energy contained in each of the best spirit stones is only 800,000 points, then this is an astronomical number.

   Suddenly, Han Fei subconsciously counted, it seemed that there was danger coming.

   After all, this is on a general-purpose route. If such a big movement suddenly appears, I am afraid that someone will pay attention to it. If you have a treasure, you should slip first.

   It's over, Han Fei plunged directly into the sea of ​​riots off the route. In this non-airline place, Han Fei held the Vientiane Navigation Instrument in his hand and touched it directly toward the big ship of the first spirit of ice and snow.

   Just when Han Fei left, it was about a time for a stick of incense.


   In the void, several large ships appeared. There is also a burly man holding a dark gold sledgehammer standing above this void.

   I saw this person, and after a quick grab, I found some corpses.

   saw this person's face change: "What an arrogant method... to kill people and find treasures, even to destroy the corpses. The ship of the Sun Moon Shell and the Golden Wutian were robbed. The Avengers, what is the origin?"

   Behind the man, there was a half-king realm grandmaster said: "Lei Lord, this person swept the three and half kings alone. If you count Jinquan, you can be regarded as the top four and half kings. Such characters...will he be..."

   This burly man is the Lord of Thunder and Fire.

   The first thing after the disciples of the Five Elements escaped was to convey the encounter with the pirate to the mine master. It's just that he reversed the black and white, saying that Han Fei took the initiative to rob them.

The Lord of Thunder and Fire said lightly: "It is indeed possible that he is an unborn king. It's just that the king is puzzled. Hearing the meaning of the five elements disciple, this person is the young man who sold two pieces of the king's shell at the Tiannan auction. Isn't it, it brought the disaster to my Lei Huotian body?"


He also listened to the Lord of Thunder and Fire: "A group of juniors, obviously they are the first to seize the treasure, but want to reverse the black and white. Oh, I hit a stone, no wonder I don't know people. Go, warn the five disciples. Also, follow me Go and see, that little fellow Yao Wangtian, see what he says?"


   Two days later.

   Fengxue, because of the reason why the first spirits of the ice and snow need to practice, and the reason why they have to wait for Jinquan and his party. So Fengxue did not move in the void, but dropped anchor and waited halfway.

   "Chu Ling-sama, things are not good..."

   "My Lord Saint, a half king is here to escort."


   The cabin opened, and Bingxue Chuling appeared on the deck in a snow-white cloak. When she saw a strong backhammer outside the ship, she leaned slightly and said, "With the Purple Thunder Fire Hammer on her back, the senior who wants to come is Lei Huotian and Li Yuantian."

But I saw this person nodded slightly: "Li Yuantian has seen the ice and snow saint. This time I rushed here because of the powerful pirate group that appeared on the nearby general air route. Five elements and Golden Utopia, three and a half kings have fallen. ... of the saint..."

   Bingxue Chuling's pupils shrank slightly: "Senior, but it's okay."

   Just listen to Li Yuantian said: "The saint, your fiance Jinquan, also fell in the hands of the pirate group, please mourn the saint's day. This matter is very bad, we Lei Huotian has notified the king of the five elements and is tracking it."

   Bing Xue Chu Ling was stunned for a long while.

   By her side, the two maids at the pinnacle of Junior Venerables were already stunned: the three and a half kings have fallen? That pirate group dare to kill Jinquan?

   "My Lord Saint..."

   Bing Xue Chu Ling suddenly returned to his senses, and his face sank: "Senior Li, please go on board for a while...Dare to ask Senior, which one of the top ten pirate groups made the shot?"

   Li Yuantian fell on the deck and shook his head slightly: "Not the top ten pirate group."

   Bingxue Chuling was surprised: "Not the top ten pirate group? Who can kill the three and a half kings on the general route with this ability?"

Li Yuantian smiled bitterly: "Lei Master suspects that this is the new king of pirates. His name is Han Fei, he is known as the Avengers, and he has built the Avengers Pirate Group. We are also investigating the news from Wudi City, and it will probably be soon. There is news back. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, I also ask the saint to set sail immediately to the ice and snow."

   Bingxue Chuling's heart sank. Although he had doubts in his heart, even Li Yuantian had come, and he could no longer use the excuse of cultivating behavior to stay.

   At this moment, Bingxue Chuling’s heart, a voice appeared: "Go! I have boarded the ship, in your training cabin."

   Bingxue Chuling's heart was shocked.

   However, his face is as usual. Just listen to her clear voice: "Raise the anchor and return immediately." The genius remembers the Chinese in one second m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   "Yes, Lord Saint."


   Bing Xue Chu Ling only thought that Han Fei's strength ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ had reached the half-king level. However, she never thought: Han Fei even killed three and a half kings.

   Yes, when Li Yuantian said this, she had already guessed who did it. The top ten pirate regiments, it doesn't make sense to rob general routes at this time.

   There is only Han Fei, a mysterious god, carrying a baby and going out to sea grandiosely. I also reminded him, but he let himself wait a few days.

   good! Now they happened to catch up with Jinquan and they all died... and Han Fei is here!

   To say that this matter has nothing to do with Han Fei, Bingxue Chuling didn't believe that he was killed.

   Li Yuantian was arranged, and the ship began to move in the void. And Bingxue Chuling also came into the cabin and saw Han Fei looking at the fish skin map.

   Seeing Bingxue Chuling coming in, Han Fei smiled faintly: "It's really rare to see a route recorded with a fish skin map."

   Bingxue Chuling looked at Han Fei with a strange expression, and asked uncertainly: "Are you... the king?"

   You must know that taking a king to the ice and snow, and taking a half king to the ice and snow, these are two concepts.

Just listen to Han Fei smiled faintly: "Killing a half king does not necessarily require sea-opening strength. There are strengths and weaknesses in any realm, and so are half kings." ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω .χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Seeing Bingxue Chuling's expression a little nervous, Han Fei couldn't help but get up and smiled: "At least, you and Bingxuetian have nothing worthy of my conspiracy. Also, should you find me a fluffy cloak? Or else, I. This dress is out of place..."

  :. : M.x

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