God of Fishing

Chapter 1723: Promise Palace Master

   Bingxue Chuling only felt that this trip to Thunder City was a bit dreamy.

   Although she doesn't like Jinquan, this is the strong pressure of Jinwutian, which forced the teacher to agree. Although she didn't want it, she was helpless.

   Since she knew that the power of pure Yang couldn't restore herself, she had begun to resist this combination. Unexpectedly, Lei Cheng and his party not only had a chance for their terminal illness, but also Jin Quan was solved by Han Fei.

   Bingxue Chuling didn't believe that Han Fei's name was his real name. After all, Han Fei used Fan Datong's name to fool her before.

   But no matter what, at this moment, I have no other choice but to believe in Han Fei.

   After all, the strongest person on this ship is Li Yuantian and himself.

   And Han Fei can kill three half-kings in a row... If Jin Quan is included, he can kill four half-kings in a row.

   This kind of strong is not something she can resist.

   Seeing Han Fei’s question, Bingxue Chuling threw out the turf for a while, only to hear her say: "This is our edelweiss bark, a special product in the snow and ice, I can refine it for you."

  Han Fei's mouth turned up: "No, I'll do it myself! I, by the way, how long will it take to get from here to the snow and ice?"

   Bingxue Chu Ling said: "According to the hull's tolerance, sail at a normal speed, and you can arrive in about half a month."

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "Okay! See you in half a month." First published https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/


   I saw Han Fei disappearing in front of Bingxue Chuling, and seeing Bingxue Chuling was just astonished.

   She hurriedly looked at Li Yuantian on the outer deck, and found that Li Yuantian didn't even notice the slightest.

   At this moment, Bingxue Chuling secretly said: I am afraid, this Han Fei is indeed the king. This is an immortal king who has never heard of it before, as if it suddenly appeared.

  It's just that Bingxue Chuling didn't think Han Fei would leave, he must still be on board. Therefore, disappearing in front of oneself, it should be to some small world. Or, he went to his own origin sea. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   And who can own a small world, is it an ordinary person?

   And if you have the Origin Sea, it can prove that Han Fei is undoubtedly the king.

   So, no matter how you look at it, Bingxue Chuling didn't feel that Han Fei had to deceive himself.

   half a month later.

   When Bingxue Chuling successfully resisted the Xueshen Palace, Li Yuantian handed his hands towards Bingxue Chuling: "The saint, now that you have reached it, you have to go back and return to life, so leave."

   Bingxue Chuling leaned generously: "Thank you, senior, for taking care of me all the way. I should have invited senior to stay in the Snow Palace, but Lei Huotian is now in troubled times, so it’s inconvenient to stay. Senior be careful on the road."



   The main city of snow and ice is called Snow City.

   In the Snow City, there is a place similar to the Central Holy City, that is, the Snow God Palace.

   This Snow God Palace is not a fairy palace, but the most central city in Syracuse. The real Snow God Palace rarely comes out.

   Not long after getting off the ship, I only heard Bingxue Chuling say: "Xiaoxin, Xiaoya, you go and help me see what happened to the energy fruit and exercises I arranged earlier?"

   "Yes, the saint of the first spirit."

   sent away the others, but saw the void in the cabin of Bingxue Chuling.

   Han Fei walked out of it grandly.

   Of course, Han Fei is a latecomer, and his strength is suppressed at the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable, just like a follower on a ship.

   When he saw Han Fei appear, Bingxue Chuling secretly sighed: He was always there.

   Han Fei came to Bingxue Chuling's side and said, "You can arrange a place for me to facilitate the connection. I won't be able to stay long in the ice and snow, so hurry up and get things to me. We will clean up."

   For Han Fei, the usefulness of Snowmourne is not so great anymore. Moreover, Xue's Sorrow is after all a low-grade Dinghai Bizarre Treasure, not so precious.

  If you can change so many things, it's already worth the money.

   Of course, the main reason is that the weapon is changed, and I can win a favor from Bingxue Chuling.

   Among the thirty-six profound heavens, Yin Yang and Shui Mutian have both reached the point of being forced into the wilderness and abyss... It can be seen that the situation was difficult back then.

   Now, if I can win some forces, even if these forces remain neutral, it will be of great benefit to me.

   Of course, if the other party is still against him, as long as the other party can withstand his own heart, Han Fei is not afraid of one more enemy.


   Just as Bingxue Chuling was about to show Han Fei where to go, Han Fei's heart suddenly moved, looked towards the void, and said, "The king is here."

   Before Bingxue Chuling was surprised, he saw "swipe", a figure appeared not far in front of Bingxue Chuling.

   And Han Fei, directly pretending to be an entourage of Bingxue Chuling, was looking at the person in front of him with a dazed expression.

   Bingxue Chuling saw this person, he was stunned for a long time, and finally took a deep breath and said: "Chu Ling has seen the Promise Palace Master."

   When Han Fei heard this, his heart started to get fuzz: This handsome and handsome young man in his twenties and thirties turned out to be the Promise Palace Master?

   Looking at that Tsing Yi, holding a white fan in his hand, with raised eyebrows, it is clear that there is a young heroic spirit. Who can predict: This person will be the king?

   Han Fei pretended to be shocked, and quickly handed over: "I have seen the Promise Palace Master."

The Promise Palace Master arbitrarily said: "The last time I saw you, it was more than 300 years ago. At that time, you had just been elected as a saint, but a junior venerable state. Who would have expected it, only 300 years ago. No, you are already at the top of the nobles? Alas, you are suffering from a serious illness, and this king is helpless. What a pity..."

   Bingxue Chuling respectfully said: "Thanks to the palace lord for your concern. Chuling just had a slight eye on the disease, and I just hope to work hard at the end."

   The Promise Palace Master smiled softly. In his opinion, Bingxue Chuling couldn't survive. What's the use of hard work? It's useless if Yaowang is self-governing, who can cure it?

   just listened to him: "Churling girl, have you encountered any accidents on Leicheng Road during this trip?"

   Bing Xue Chu Ling saw Han Fei's disguise very well, and even the Promise Palace Master could not even notice.

   I saw her shook her head faintly: "The Lord of Thunder and Fire ordered Senior Li Yuantian, a powerful half-king, to **** him all the way, so there was no accident."

   The Promise Palace Master said: "Jinquan is dead. It seems that you have no intention of regretting it?"

  Bing Xue Chu Ling is not afraid of being laughed at by the king, how harsh is the king's vision?

Therefore, she said frankly: "The relationship between Chu Ling and him is not your wish. Jin Quan fell, and Chu Ling's heart was half happy and half worried. The happy one is that I don't have to marry, but the worry is whether Jin Wutian will blame my Xue. Shrine?"

"Heh! Golden Crow Heaven is ranked fourth in 36 Xuantian, how can you be so stingy? It's just that you shouldn’t go out and walk around recently. Han Fei is a suspected king, not only me from 36 Xuantian. Looking for him, the top ten pirate groups are also looking for him."


   Bingxue Chuling pretended to be surprised. Although she wanted to look back at Han Fei, she still held back.

Just listen to the Promise Palace Master indifferently: "The specific reason, you don't have to worry about it. In order to chase this person, Thirty-Six Xuantian and Wudicheng both issued chase orders. It just so happens that this seat is here, and take a look at you, I'm leaving now."

   Bingxue Chuling leaned back: "Respectfully send the Promise Palace Master."

  Han Fei also followed, "Send the Promise Palace Master."

Although    is the Promise Palace Lord, Han Feina is extremely reluctant to salute. When others see the king, they feel nervous, but Han Fei is not. He has slaughtered the king, how can he be afraid?

   I only heard the Promise Palace Master suddenly said: "Hey! Your entourage has a good temperament. Ninth-Rank Spirit Vessel is also rare."

   Bingxue Chu Ling said: "For this reason, the younger generation recruited him."

   The Promise Palace Master nodded slightly: "Hmm! Alright, this king is gone."


   After the Promise Palace Master left, Bingxue Chuling secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Walking with Han Fei, after a long while, Han Fei still said first: "Go."

   Bingxue Chuling looked sideways at Han Fei: "You also provoke the top ten pirate groups? Even the order to kill Wudi City has come out?"

   Han Fei touched his nose and said, "I'm also curious, when did I provoke the top ten pirate groups? You can check this matter for me."

  Han Fei himself is also bewildered: I have only provoke a pirate group of predators from beginning to end, right?

   Bingxue Chuling said: "I will arrange for you an ice and snow courtyard for the time being. After a few days, the resources will be prepared as soon as possible. As for the hunting order, I will pay attention."

  Han Fei didn't want to follow Bingxue Chuling into the Snow God Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He waited until Han Fei and Bingxue Chuling separated and lived in the other Bingxue courtyard before the old turtle spoke.

   I only listened to the old tortoise: "Han Fei boy, this Promise King is extremely powerful, and he is by no means like the Emperor Bai Jia. The strength of this person may exceed the Emperor Bai Jia several times."

   Han Fei frowned: "What do you mean? How do you see this strength?"

Old tortoise: "This emperor is based on experience. If I can look at it intuitively, observe his blood, measure his coercion, I have my own decision. With this person's strength, even the queen of life and the emperor Bai Jia are not. Opponent, you have to be careful."

  Han Fei horrified: It's because of the pretense that I had in the beginning. Otherwise, even if you burst out with all your strength, whether you can escape is probably a question.

   Just listen to Han Feidao: "Lao Yuan, there is no intuitive way to distinguish the strength of the king? For example, how much strength is equivalent to what strength?"

Old Tortoise said: "There is no elementary, intermediate, advanced, or peak state in the king's realm. We only use the origin of the avenue to measure strength. The so-called origin of the avenue can be directly understood as the origin sea. The larger the origin sea, the stronger the strength. Measured by strength, it is really difficult to measure. It can only be said that the origin sea of ​​Emperor Bai Jia's level is about 800 miles across."

  Han Fei's heart moved: "His strength is probably around 80,000 waves. Does this have any connection?"

   Old Tortoise: "Some people will make contact like this, but the avenue is never equal to power. The purpose of accumulating chaos is to open up the original sea. At this step, you must not be weaker than others."

  :. : M.x

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