God of Fishing

Chapter 2394: Dao seed ran away

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Han Fei stayed in the original sea for three years.

In fact, Cao Mengde and the others only knew that Han Fei had only been in retreat for five days. They didn't have any guesses, Han Fei helped almost every one of them to complete the task during this time, and at the same time naturally harvested a lot of life origin crystallization.

Therefore, everyone doesn't care what to do or what to do in such a few days.

Within the natal stars.

After three years of hard work by Xiao Hei Xiao Bai, Han Fei's star core now has a radius of about 440 miles. This was all the efforts of Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. They didn't know how many impurities were wiped out to get the star core as large as it is now.

In the past three years, the number of Han Fei's Golden and Chalcedony has reached 600 drops.

Han Fei felt that his arm bones had completely transformed, and he had a hunch that he might be able to try and hold the quadruple road now.

Moreover, his overall strength was almost stronger and 10% stronger than when the star core was just born.

I don't know if it is because a lot of impurities in the star nucleus have been removed, or because I have more golden and chalcedony, or because I have both.

Anyway, Han Fei knew that although he didn't know what the supreme divine art was said by the **** of war, he should have already been on the road of supreme divine art.

His own strength is growing at a terrifying speed.

Another year.

He felt the star core's desire for vitality. If Han Feigang transforms into a star, even if his life is longer, the river of life stores one-tenth of the vitality.

But after Han Fei's crazy compression of the star core in the past few years, and Xiao Hei Xiao Bai's continuous elimination of star core impurities. Two problems have arisen.

One is that the longevity of one's own destiny is extended again.

The other, the extreme compression of the stellar nucleus, I don’t know why, it actually consumes vitality. It seems that this compression of the stellar nucleus converts vitality into lifespan. This kind of transformation made Han Fei's vitality less than one hundred.

What's more, there is another weird thing that is that now my own star core may be compressed to a thousand times its size at any time. This kind of compression almost exactly consumes ninety-nine percent of the vitality of one's own natal stars.

Han Fei didn't think this was an accident. Although God of War did not say, he thought that this might be the real reason why God of War allowed himself to compress the star core.

Moreover, God of War did not allow himself to throw vitality and energy into the star core before compressing it thousands of times. What is the purpose of this?

If he doesn't put new life into it, wouldn't his life in the Star City be completely exhausted? Without life, there is only life. It's like a dry pond without even a drop of water.

However, when this situation was reached, Han Fei could only believe in the God of War, because the other party had been in contact with him since hundreds of thousands of years ago, and there was no reason to lie to him.

Moreover, from the beginning, Han Fei knew that the situation of God of War was not very good. Therefore, God of War has no reason to lie to himself. This old guy might be waiting for himself to save him.

Therefore, Han Fei was determined and continued to squeeze the star core.

One month later.

When Han Fei's star core was finally compressed to the size of 405 miles. He couldn't help but grinned and finally did it.

But at this moment, Xiao Hei Xiao Bai suddenly lifted the Yin-Yang diagram state. They appeared behind Han Fei and quickly retreated. The two were staring at Han Fei's star core.

And Han Fei felt the surprise. He felt that a singularity had occurred inside the star core, and that singularity seemed to want to draw more energy and vitality.

However, the energy and vitality on his current natal star have all been sucked away by the star core!

It can be said that from the star sea, Han Fei's natal star at this moment is a death star, a death star with no vitality or energy.

The mountains, rivers and land once owned here have long since vanished. Only Han Fei knows that above his own natal star, the core place connected by the earth veins has a star core with the most powerful energy, a star core with a radius of only 405 miles.


I don't know if it was because the singularity found that he couldn't absorb energy, so the Dao seeds in Han Fei's body began to tremble crazily for the first time in his life.

Yes, that kind of Taoism has a feeling of being free from the shackles of the flesh. Han Fei was shocked, he didn't know what it meant, he just instinctively wanted to cover Dao Seed.

As a result, he disappeared in his dantian without waiting for oneself to cover the Dao seeds, but when he saw his Dao seeds "brush". And the place where the Taoism appears is exactly where the star core is.


Han Fei didn't feel good, and Dao Zong ran into the star core. He was inexperienced and didn't know what it meant. Perhaps God of War would not necessarily think of this happening.

"Fuck, isn't it good to give the Supreme Divine Art directly to me? How to deal with it now?"

Han Fei reached out to fish for his Dao seed. However, the kind of Tao is Tao. With flesh and blood, how can one find the real Tao?


Han Fei caught a hole in his hand, and he could only watch his Dao Seed, and he was immediately submerged in the star core, penetrated the extremely dense star core, and landed directly on the singularity. superior.

"Can this be taken back?"

Han Fei frowned and wanted to go to the God of War for the first time.

But he suddenly thought that he should urge Dao to try as soon as possible.

This time, Han Fei felt that the Dao Seed in the star core was trembling, and he could also function normally, which made Han Fei a long sigh of relief.

"Mother, I almost thought the Dao Seed was gone. No, I have to find the God of War to settle the account."

Above the stars, Han Fei came again.

This time, the fire curtain was just born.

The God of War replied: "No, it's only a few days now, why are you here again?"

Han Fei: "Senior God of War, let's get rid of it now. You should always give me the supreme divine arts! After I compressed the star core to a thousand times, the energy vitality was exhausted, and the singularity was born in the star core, and I said The kind that I can’t get back. Senior, this is what you expected?"

In the distant starry sky, a giant scratched his head, his heart was overwhelmed.

His first reaction was: "Boy, how many times can you speed up?"

Han Fei's heart froze. If he said 256 times, would he be aware of anything by the God of War? No, I have to treat myself as a genius like Feng Yu.

Han Fei rolled his eyes and replied: "It's not much, so I barely managed to reach a hundred times. It's a pity that I am still immature on the Avenue of Time, otherwise it might be higher."


At that time, a certain guy in the distant sea of ​​stars was not well, speeding up a hundred times the time? But even if it speeds up a hundred times the time, is it a bit too fast?

How long has it been since this kid chatted with him last time? Seven days?

Han Fei hurriedly said: "Senior God of War, have you always listened to me? I said that my Dao Seed is gone, and my Dao Seed was sucked in by the star core."

The God of War didn't bother to say: "Just **** it in and **** it in, what's the big deal? Isn't it all yours anyway?"

Han Fei's whole person was not good at the time: "No, you can't say that, senior. I am me, the natal star is the natal star, we are not one body, right?"

The God of War said bluntly: "Sooner or later, what are you panicking? You still call yourself the emperor, and you are irritable. Forget it, although you have compressed the star core by a thousand times by relying on the Avenue of Time, but finally there is nothing in total. How much time it takes. I can barely count you as passing the test!"

"Senior Ares, don't make trouble! Is this a test?"

God of War: "Boy, your overall strength should have increased a lot now, right?"

Han Fei: "When Bihuaxing was completed, it increased by less than 20%."

God of War: "...If you weren't in front of Lao Tzu, I would have slapped me down. How to drop, look down on 20%? Really strong fight, half of Chengdu is an insurmountable gap, let alone 20%?"

When it was over, the God of War continued to send a message: "How much do you have?"

Han Fei: "More than 600 drops, it feels far from enough."

God of War: "Enough, depends on how much the body can carry. The weight of the average human marrow is a semi-function of the body weight. You can calculate it for yourself based on this. When you are complete, come to me. Also, The transformation of the stars should be over, and you can instill vitality and energy into your natal stars."

After that, God of War took the initiative to extinguish the fire curtain.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless. Every time UU reads www.uukānshu.com, you will be yourself for a long time, why not today?

Han Fei didn't feel that God of War had been half-dead. The first thing he did when he returned to his natal star was to absorb all the crystals of life origin he had obtained.

Massive vitality, as if plunged into a dry pond, but in a moment, those vitality disappeared without a trace.

But Han Fei looked at the river of life and discovered that the investment in the crystallization of life origin made Han Fei's life river capacity of the stars reach about 7%.

With these vitality, Han Fei can support it for a while again.

But Han Fei knew even more that these vitality were far from enough, and he had to dig someone's nucleus.

Han Fei calculated that human marrow accounts for about 5% of his body weight?

Han Fei sat cross-legged and looked inside.

When he calculated the amount of Jin Chalcedony based on his own weight, he couldn't help but feel a little speechless. This thing actually cost 1800 drops to 2000 drops?

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