God of Fishing

Chapter 2395: Small scale chopper

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Even if there are small black and white, even if the star core with a diameter of 8,100 miles is compressed into a diameter of 810, it took a few years to condense the essence of gold and jade which is less than 300 drops, and I want to complete the feat of 1,800 drops. , I’m afraid it’s not a matter of a while.

Therefore, Han Fei is not ready to continue to retreat. He was going to select a natal star in the later stage of Transforming Star, condense his vitality, and take his star core.

Then, you have to return to the Demon Realm. After all, the growth of strength, even if it is very solid in nature, but suddenly grows by a large margin, requires battle and tempering.

Half a day later.

Han Fei was standing on a certain natal star in the late stage of Transforming Star. Fortunately, he didn't meet the behemoth of Xinghai, so Han Fei didn't panic.

When he used the vitality cohesion technique, he condensed a ball of life full of vitality. Some accidentally discovered that it turned out that the vitality in the natal stars is more than ten times higher than those in the life crystals of the monsters in the open sky realm.

After all, this is the vitality of the stars, not the essence of life condensed by the body.

When Han Fei put this ball of life into the natal star, after a while, seeing the total vitality of the star suddenly jumped to 20%, which surprised him.

"A lot, if all the vitality of these people are taken away..."

Han Fei couldn't help his eyes light up, as he said to be sulking, even if he knew that the vitality cohesion technique was not a good technique, and it would cause some karma.

However, how can Han Fei let go of the late stage transformation of the star in his hand, should he sacrifice to the God of War?

Half a day later, when Han Fei took out the vitality of the four natal stars in his hand, he got a little more than 60% vitality in total. This is much more than the vitality he had in the beginning.

After all, what he extracted was his natal star in the late stage of the transformation of the star.

If it were changed to the late stage of transformation, the amount of vitality might be directly discounted, perhaps even more.

But Han Fei was also surprised. Could it be that his natal star's longevity potential is too long? In the four major stages of transformation, plus a bunch of life origin crystals, they failed to fill their own natal stars.

Because he had enough vitality, Han Fei grabbed a star core back, and stuffed it into his original sea. When seeing that endless energy, madly absorbed by one's own natal stars, and the original star core, which was compressed to 810 in diameter, continued to expand, Han Fei knew that it was time to wait.

When the golden and jade marrow fills up his whole body, he should be able to come into contact with that supreme divine art.

Of course, you can't completely believe in the supreme divine art of the God of War. At any rate, he is also a young junior apprentice of the Hall of Void Shrine, and his Void Refining Art is only for the Sea Realm.

The difficulty of it, naturally needless to say, even if it is in the sea realm, he can help himself to practice the essence of gold and jade. It can be seen that the grade of the void refining technique can be ranked in the top ten of the sea refining technique. .

But when it comes to the Open Heaven realm, there should also be a corresponding body refining technique. After you have fully refined the essence of gold and jade, you can also ask the big brother to ask for it. Then compare it with the supreme divine art, and you will naturally see the difference.

Before leaving the natal star, Han Fei swept his eyes and looked at his message.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 107 (open sky·jidao)

Canghaiwan Genealogy: 200016 (evolving: 92/13064)

Fairy spirit: 400,000

Soul: 9.06 yuan (9061214 points)

Perception: 8 million miles

Power: 9.08 Star Power (9082369 waves)

First Spirit Vein: Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 101]

The second talent: Soul Beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 101]

Main practice: "Void Fishing Technique", ninth layer, "Void Thieves Technique" [Emperor Supreme Grade]

"and many more…"

Han Fei knew that he had reached level 107 and had passed the Transforming Star Realm. However, why does the word "jidao" still appear.

Is this fake? What I pursue is the ultimate balance! But the spirit and power are clearly not yet completely balanced, so why is there such a realm of extreme realm.

Also, hasn’t it already been the first step to realize the soul? It stands to reason that I should directly transform into the late stage of the star, why did I jump out of it?

Look at the growth of spirit and power again. Han Fei has already felt this. In general, this time he retreats, the soul has probably increased by 2 million points, which is 2 yuan. And the power has probably increased by 2 million waves, which is 2 points of star power.

Compared to the previous comprehensive combat power, it is considered a good improvement. Although Han Fei had not walked the normal star path, he felt that the path he took did not seem to be weaker than their star path.

Although God of War was a bit hidden, it was still reliable after all, but he had a question, wondering what would happen if he could not compress the star core to a thousand times the size?

Moreover, Han Fei thinks it should be understood by individuals if only the core of the star is compressed! As long as the star core is compressed, it can become stronger. There must be someone who has compressed the star core crazily.

Therefore, at present, it is at most the beginning of the so-called Supreme Divine Art of the God of War. I don’t know what the true Supreme Divine Art is like, tusk.

outside world.

Wu Bufan, Cao Mengde and the others are facing the siege of a group of star-changing monsters. The main reason is that they have stayed here for too long.

Counting it down, they have been playing here for a day since Han Fei was not in retreat, and it is now the eighth day.

But in the Demon Realm, staying in one place for eight days, it is impossible for the Demon Source here to be ignorant. Moreover, Han Fei was suddenly going to retreat, and at that moment they were already enemy of the demon source here.

Therefore, after eight days of fighting, the surrounding demon sources have united and formed an army.

Zhou Run said: "If we hold on for another day, it will be our first life and death training after so many years of slack. When we can't move it, let Fei brother come out."

Zhou Run and the others, there are a total of eight people, but they face as many as 30 monsters. It's also because of a few people who each have a magical weapon, otherwise they would have been overthrown by this group of monsters a long time ago.

Even so, after half a day of fighting, they barely managed to kill 12 monsters. It's not that they are not strong, nor that they don't know how to cooperate. Rather, although the opponent is a monster, the opponent is not a fool, and they are also from wise creatures.

At this moment, Luo Dafei was pierced by a row of sharp thorns that burst out of the ground. A monster that was as long as a gopher, but with many hooked tentacles, burst out from the ground.

Luo Dafei's expression changed, and a figure of a witch suddenly appeared in front of the mouse.

The witch showed a strong fascination characteristic. At that moment when the magic mouse was stunned, Luo Dafei broke free from the big thorn on his body, ran out, and shouted: "Zhou Run, the booster dice will give me blessing."

Hearing this, Zhou Run was flying from hundreds of thousands of miles away. At the moment Zhou Run was about to do it, suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared behind Luo Dafei.

"Boom boom boom~"

I saw Han Fei's big empty hand and grabbed it casually, and the magic mouse was directly picked up by Han Fei from the ground. At this moment, Han Fei was running the avenue. He tried it, and his current body could barely withstand the blessing of four times the strength.

"Brother Fei?"

Luo Dafei looked at Han Fei in shock, saying that Han Fei's retreat was over?

Zhou Run's pupils shrank slightly. Just now he saw Han Fei make a move, and the pressure of the void directly shattered countless tentacle hooks. This was definitely the speed of the late stage of Transforming Star, and the magic rat could not resist the slightest amount of terrorist power.

Zhou Run's heart moved, as if Han Fei was stronger than before.

In the past, he also knew that Han Fei was very strong, and he could also squeeze this magic rat to death, but he was not so casual. In the third round of the qualifiers, they followed Han Fei throughout, so they knew how Han Fei played.

Or maybe, is Han Fei hiding himself before? But in any case, the stronger Han Fei is, the better it is for them.

But seeing Han Fei's perception, he found that there were as many as 15 Open Heaven realm monsters here. Obviously, this was not something that one magic source could gather.

Looking at the battlefield again, it seems that there has been a devastating blow here, and it is obviously not for a while.

Han Fei saw that everyone was shaking the world, and only listened to him: "Everyone is here, don't fight."

Wu Bufan and Cao Mengde were overjoyed, and Han Fei was back. It seemed that there was no need to fight so hard.

At this moment, Han Fei also wanted to test his own strength. At this moment, his combat power is no longer the same as when he met Zhao Qinglong.

Only seeing Han Fei stepping on his feet, his speed has been significantly improved due to his body's tolerance. Before Han Fei's methods were exhausted, coupled with the Avenue of Time, the highest burst of light was 7.5 times the speed of light.

But now, without using Time Avenue, Han Fei's limit speed has exceeded six times. He was blessed by Time Avenue, and the speed directly exceeded eight times the speed of light.


I saw Han Fei punch out in his hand, and Han Fei's Intuition Avenue instantly blessed, the energy flow was not at all stagnant, everything was smooth, as if the breath flow in the body was running smoothly.

In the eyes of everyone, UU reading www.uukanshu.com saw Han Fei's figure flashing, and then a giant python was pierced through, and was completely crushed from head to tail.

"Fucking, it's still a violent brother. If this punch is hit, it will not die or be half disabled."

"Huh! I don't know if it's my illusion, it feels like Fei's speed is a little faster."

"More than that, the power seems to be stronger."

As soon as Han Fei displayed a sword-drawing technique with his backhand, he cut out 60,000 miles of gully with a single knife. An earthworm-like monster under the surface was split from head to tail, and his body exploded.

The treeman closest to Han Fei was about to go underground immediately, but Han Fei drew it easily, and Han Fei pulled out a cloud of dirt condensed from the ground.


The treeman pierced through this blade with thousands of tentacles, and was about to drill underground when he saw Han Fei already standing on his trunk.

He only heard Han Fei muttering in a voice that he could hear: "It's a lot worse than Zhao Qinglong!"

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