God of Fishing

Chapter 2407: Loop kill

Because Feng Yu said before that they all entered the ominous form as clones, so even if they encounter danger or the clones die, the loss will not be large.

   So when Han Fei saw someone coming behind him, his first thought was that they were all clones. How could he stand me?

   Therefore, Han Fei did not advance and retreated, but he was on the road, waiting for the people like Yi Cai.

   But, Han Fei soon discovered that it was wrong. The other party came too fast. Yi Cai and Yi Chen also had another Transforming Star Dzogchen. Almost all three of them chased them at a speed of over nine times the speed of light. In such a moment, they were almost chasing themselves. .

   "Fuck, not a clone?"

   Han Fei, who was just about to make a big fight, immediately ran away. The three transformation stars of Dzogchen was terrible enough, and there was a group of people behind. This is obviously not to kill him, and he must rush in and kill himself!

   "Do we have such a big grudge?"

  Han Fei hurried away, didn't it mean it was dangerous here? This is dangerous? Good guys, a group of people just rushed in so straight, can it be dangerous?

  At the same time, Han Fei sensed the flame emblem and a message appeared. That was Feng Yu's message: "Be careful, the Celestial Clan and the aristocratic family have gone in and hunted you down."

   "Heh! I really can count on me."

Han Fei's speed is naturally not as fast as these people, but Yi Chen's body suddenly exploded with a backhand grasp, a layer of weird runes appeared on Yi Cai's eyebrows, the other person stepped back, the door behind him opened, and the whole person Stepped into the door world directly in the sleepy sleep.

   Han Fei temporarily stopped the three of them, but it was beyond his expectation. Yi Chen suddenly followed and flew out from another direction; Yi Cai used the rune between her brows to actually block the Void Thieves; the last one came out of the door with a clear consciousness.

   It seems that all three of them have a way to deal with Void Thieves. After all, I have suffered from the Void Thieves again and again. If you still don't grow up, then keep it for others as sandbags!

   However, even though they had a way to deal with Void Thieves, Han Fei still blocked them for a while.

   Taking advantage of this little time, Han Fei has already ran far away.

   Of course, it will be a matter of time to be caught up, because there are super powers from the family behind. Once these people and the people of the Celestial Clan chase Han Fei together, it won't be useless even with the Void Thieves technique.


   Three million miles later.

  Han Fei met two demons again, Han Fei couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were only two, otherwise it would be very feasible for him to be stopped.

   Almost instantly, Han Fei passed by the two demon spirits, and they fell into a state of confusion.

   After Han Fei passed them, he immediately gave up the consciousness of being deprived of him. As soon as the demon woke up, he saw a group of people trying to pass him, and some people took the initiative to attack. Suddenly, the power of these two demons poured out.

   "Puff puff~"

   I saw two spatula blades passing by, and there was a dazzling light on the blade blades. After touching the two demons, they immediately cut them into burning **** of light.

   As Yi Cai expected, when a group of people rushed in from the main body, the demon could not pose a threat at all.

   Even though Han Fei's speed is equally amazing, the monsters in front of him are not all enemies, and he even uses these monsters to trouble Yi Cai and the others, but it doesn't help. Yi Cai and the others have already caught up with a dozen of Dzogchens. Even if Han Fei can block two or three, how can he block so many Dzogchen strong?

   No, seeing that he was about to be caught up, Han Fei suddenly sacrificed hundreds of sacred spears.

   At that moment, a group of Transformation Stars behind him slowed down. Since Han Fei had used the Conferred Spear Array, the Celestial Clan had long been aware of the horror of these spear arrays. If they really wanted to rush into it, they would have to be suppressed by Han Fei.

   Just listen to Yi Cai yelling: "Drive him to the place where the energy surges, where there are many demons, wait until he is surrounded by demons, and see where he goes."

   I have to say that the simpler the plan, the higher the execution efficiency.

   By the way, within this ominous barrier, there are many demons. Just less than 50 breaths later, Han Fei encountered a wave of more than 30 demons rushing towards him.

   Good fellow, Han Fei was stunned by that one, why are there so many demons?

   The first instant reaction was surprise, but Han Fei's expression immediately moved slightly. He slowed down deliberately, stopped hundreds of thousands of miles away from the group of demons, turned back, and ran towards Yi Cai and the others.

   At that moment, a group of people were overjoyed.

   Yi Chen shouted: "I'm looking for death."

   Wu Daofeng sneered: "If you dare not face so many demons, you dare to face us alone?"

   Many people think Han Fei is crazy, but a few people find that this is wrong.

   Suddenly, I only heard Cao Bumie shout: "There is a problem with the time here."


   Yi Cai and others returned to their senses and wanted to retire, but the time here suddenly stagnated.

   The time stagnation caused by Han Fei alone will not last long. Because these people on the opposite side are the Great Perfection of Transforming Stars, these people have broken free from the shackles of time, and the static power of this time collapsed in an instant.

   I only saw Han Fei spit out a mouthful of blood, which turned into a round rune carving, instantly dissolving into this space.

   The next moment, someone pierced Han Fei with a spear, and the power of the soul bombarded Han Fei's mind. Someone changed the main road, moved Han Fei's body across hundreds of thousands of miles, and appeared in front of them.

   "Don't fight, fake."

   They haven't found out where Han Fei is. The 30 or so demons that came oncoming have already killed them.

   Among these demons, half of them are in the late stage of transformation, and there are even two of the stage of transformation.

   However, on the side of the Celestial Clan and the aristocratic family, the strong are in all directions. A total of 57 people came in. On average, two people deal with a demon. How can they be invincible?

   However, just as someone penetrated the demon, a spear light suddenly appeared in the void, piercing another strong man in the late stage of transformation.

   nailed the person through with a single blow, and was instantly penetrated by a demon.

   The next moment, the three Stars of Dzogchen were launched at the same time, penetrating a dark place in the void.

   only saw a blue halo flowing, the three big stars of Dzogchen looked at the river of time at the same time, and found that Han Fei stepped on the river of time, beckoned to them, one after another, was stabbed by Han Fei from the river of time. Han Fei is located in the long river of time, and from different times, he put down the guns.


   However, thousands of them were pouring down like a rain curtain in the field.

   On the spot, four people were locked by the Conferred Spear. Their combat power was suddenly suppressed, and then they were possessed by or contaminated by the devil and invaded the spirit.

   "Everyone, burst out if you don't want to die."

   Almost everyone turned their eyes to the long river of time, and suddenly countless heavy attacks, pouring out. Han Fei gave a "fuck" and quickly returned to reality.

   Even like this, he still suffered seven or eight times in a row. His whole body was cracked, and blood spurted wildly in his mouth.

   However, Han Fei grinned open the corners of his mouth, revealing teeth covered with golden blood, and said loudly: "Time loops."

   The Temple of Time is known as one of the three temples, and naturally has its terrible things. Control the time, you can play a lot of tricks. How about more people? Han Fei will seize the time in the Conferred Gun and turn it into his own time attack. For those who do not understand the Avenue of Time, it is simply a disaster.

   Suddenly, Yi Cai and everyone else were moved, thinking that they were caught in a trap.

   But the next moment, nothing happened. On the contrary, Han Fei burst into the battle with dozens of swords in a row.

   They naturally disdain Han Fei’s attack. No matter how strong Han Fei’s burst out, how could it have shaken so many of them?

  Even, only three people were dealing with Han Fei's attack, and the others were bombarding the Fengshen Gun Array frantically.

   After all, they were just temporary gun formations, and almost twenty or thirty gun pillars were broken. This spear formation can't even drag 50 breaths. As the number of sacred spears decreases, the faster their strength recovers, up to 30 breaths, this sacred spear formation will be broken.

   Han Fei casually stuffed a group of liquid divine brilliance into his mouth, and then suddenly attacked those who were only in the late stage of transformation. There are not many people here in the late stage of transformation, only eight people. Because the people who can rush here so quickly are really strong, these eight people may have been brought in by the strong, so it's best to deal with them.

  Han Fei didn't rush to run away, and as his belief moved, three of them fell asleep directly.

   The next moment, a demon will kill him.

   One of them was killed, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com were rescued by their companions.

   But Han Fei doesn't care, he just steals it.

   Han Fei grinned and said, "Since Liangzi has knotted, let's have fun."

   Suddenly, a fist appeared out of thin air and penetrated one person.

   The next moment, Dao Gui Yi Sword appeared out of thin air and landed on the body of a late stage transformation star. At this moment, that person was fighting with the demon in the late stage of Huaxing, and the rhythm was disrupted by this sudden sword.

   At that moment, the demon suddenly got into that person's body.

   "Fuck, do you have this method?"

   Han Fei raised his brows, and Xin said that this was the first time he saw a demon parasitize.

   Someone shouted: "There is a problem with this space. Han Fei's annihilated attacks will appear out of thin air. As he said, the time here is circulating, and defeating this array is the key."

   Han Fei saw that they found out that he didn't continue to lay down the Sealed Spear Array to suppress them forcibly. Because he knew that the town couldn't live, just for a moment, the number of demons had been reduced by one-third.

   Most people split their hands and bombarded the Fengshen Spear Formation, and every breath would have thirty or more spear formations broken.

  Han Fei's gaze finally patrolled among the family members, and lingered on a guy who controlled water as a sword.

   Mu Can's heart suddenly trembled, and when he looked out of the formation, he found that Han Fei's gaze had fallen on him.

   At that moment, he felt a little hairy in his heart, so many people, what do you see me doing? I'm very low-key!

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