God of Fishing

Chapter 2408: Chaos Yuanshui arrives

Han Fei was moved when he saw Mu Can.

  If Mu Nan hadn't told him about Chaos Yuanshui, Han Fei might not care yet, he felt that the growth of endless water needed conditions.

   But now that he knew it, how could Han Fei let go of the chance.

   At this moment, there is at least 25 breaths from the time the Fengshen Spear Array is penetrated. The reason why Han Fei didn't shoot all the Conferred Spears was because the ominous power would also corrode the spear formation. Moreover, there are too many Dzogchens in these people, even if they are all sacrificed, they will eventually be broken.

   Therefore, Han Fei is not going to waste his sacred gun. After all, it was refined with countless resources.

  Han Fei was outside the Fengshen Spear Formation, looking at Mu Can, with murderous intent in his eyes, and saw that he held the God-Tuning Spear in his hand, acting as a spear, and hitting the gate of Mu Can in the spear formation.

   At that moment, Mu Can's expression changed drastically. The spiral of water condensed in front of him, followed by a giant water giant. The giant stretched out his hand and pushed forward, and the wave turned into a barrier, protecting Mu Can in it.


   With the power of a shot, the water vortex and enchantment are cracked.

   But Han Fei completely ignored him, and once again shot at the Tianmen, only targeting Mu Can.

   For a while, many people also looked at Mu Can, saying that this guy is usually very low-key! How could Han Fei be targeted like this?

  Even, even Yi Cai and Yi Chen and the others, Han Fei did not target them, but specifically targeted this Mu Can.

   When the second spear light broke out, Mu Can blocked it again. After all, he was also the Great Perfection of the Transforming Star, so he wouldn't even be able to stop Han Fei with a single blow.

   But when he blocked the blow, almost instantly, the spear light that had been blocked by himself appeared again.

   Mu Can was shocked, the Law of Water blocked him, and several waves and ripples blocked the shot that appeared out of nowhere.

   I only heard Mu Can shout: "Hurry up and break the formation, I'm carrying it here."

   However, the next moment, Han Fei knocked on the door of heaven again.



   three times.

   When he tapped the Tianmen this art avenue six times, Mu Can was shocked to find that the spear light was endless, endless, one after another, and the cycle was endless.

   Just listen to Yi Cai shouting: "It's the power of the time cycle. The time in the formation is cycled. Han Fei's attacks can cycle indefinitely. You weigh ten breaths again."

   Mu Can scolded your uncle in his heart at the time. Can someone help me?

   At this time, the children of the other aristocratic families were attacking the Fengshen Spear Formation, seeming to be working hard to save Mu Can. But he knew that these people could play together on weekdays, but he wished he would be killed.

   If it is myself, I also hope that Cao Wujie and others will be killed. In this way, the next generation of the Cao family can only be replaced by others, and the new opponent may not necessarily be as difficult as Cao Unmie.

   Aristocratic families rarely say that they work together, even if they are married.

   Therefore, Mu Can knows that everything depends on himself, and only after these ten breaths can he survive. He didn't doubt Han Fei's strength. After Han Fei killed Yi Qianxing, and his identity was exposed, no one doubted it anymore.

   At this moment, Mu Can and many people realized for the first time the terrible avenue of time.

   Han Fei continued to shoot, he didn't believe it, Mu Can didn't use Chaos Yuanshui.

  Sure enough, when Han Fei fired his seventh shot, Mu Can grabbed a water sword backhand, and when Han Fei saw the sword, a golden light flashed in his eyes.


   The next moment, the Chaos Yuanshui that Mu Can was about to burst out suddenly disappeared from his palm.

   I only saw the miniature sacred gun that appeared directly in Han Fei's hand, and directly suppressed the small sword.

   At this time, in Han Fei’s eyes, a message emerged:

   [Name] Tide Sword (Chaos Yuanshui)

   [Introduction] After the Chaos Primal Water merges with the host, a different kind of water is born, which is equivalent to the Chaos Lingbao in nature. Tide swords can be used as swords with waves. It can be promoted by swallowing water veins, water vitality, and assimilating different waters. This water is alive, warm and nourished every day, and its intelligence is no less than that of a wise creature.

  【Quality】Medium artifact

  【With Soul】Water Turtle

  【Effect】Control ten thousand waters, swallow water veins, assimilate different waters


  【Already refined】

  【Remarks】The awakened Chaos Yuanshui has a mediocre awakening ability.

   Seeing this message, Han Feixin said that the effect was similar to his own endless water, and it turned out to be only a middle-grade artifact. The value of co-authoring is not very high!

   However, since the Primal Chaos Water can swallow each other, that's good, but Han Fei's desire for the best artifact seems to be shattered.

  Middle-grade artifacts and middle-grade artifacts will merge into top-grade artifacts when they reach the sky. Unless you can get more Chaos Yuanshui.


   I only saw the "Tide Sword" trapped by him explode, almost destroying all of his twelve sacred spears. Han Fei hurriedly made up twenty seals, grabbed the "Tide Sword" and ran away. Anyway, he would be trapped here. Killing more than ten people was a profit.

   It's a pity that they couldn't get their corpses, otherwise they would be natal stars, which can get a lot of resources.


   Mu Can was angry at the time, and at this moment he finally knew what Han Fei was going to do. This guy is going to grab his own "Tide Sword", but he doesn't understand why Han Fei grabbed this?

   special, the tide sword is only a middle-grade artifact. The people around me, let alone middle-grade artifacts, have top-grade artifacts. If you don't grab them, you will grab a middle-grade artifact. Are you sick?

   However, this middle-grade artifact is a symbol of the Mu family, and its symbolic meaning is more important than his own. I lost the Tide Sword this time, so I can't be scolded **** when I look back?

   "Mu Nan, it must be Mu Nan."

   After a while, the Fengshen Spear Formation was breached, and everyone's faces were extremely ugly. However, many people looked at Mu Nan sympathetically, and they didn't know which of Han Fei had made the mistake. After fighting for a long time, it was not for killing Mu Nan, but for the dripping water.

   However, everyone present was awe-inspiring, and Han Fei could still steal other people’s weapons directly, which was too much. After Han Fei fights, he has to be more careful.

   If it is an ordinary weapon, if it is a top-grade artifact, a top-grade artifact, even the intestines will be regrettable.

   It's a pity that the ten breaths are too long. Han Fei ran for ten breaths, and then he wanted to catch up. It was more than ten breaths. At this moment, everyone is chasing Han Fei with vitality and ominous force.

   It's a pity that not only did it fail to kill, but it was even thrown backhand by it. Thinking about it, I felt that it was a big loss.

   Just listen to Li Qingyi's words: "Just now we were fighting too violently, our vitality was consuming crazily, we have almost lost ten thousand years of vitality, this is not a way to continue, we should go back first, and consider the long-term plan."

   Cao Wuxi: "What if he takes away the origin of the world?"

   Zhou Secret: "This place is full of ominous power. It is not easy to seize the origin of the world. This trip to the Demon Realm may be for this place, and he should not let him get it directly."

Yi Cai: "Although the energy fluctuations and flow are obvious, but I really want to go there, I am afraid that I don't know how many demons will be encountered along the way. Even if Han Fei doesn't care about the consumption of vitality, we can wait outside, it is still early to the game. ."

   In this battle, a total of 11 people died, of which 8 were all dead in the late stage of transformation, and three of the late stage of transformation were all killed by the devil, and finally they even shot their own people.

Just listen to Yi Cai said: "It will take at least two months before these ominous powers dissipate. In these two months, we will take turns guarding the entrance and do not give him a chance to come back. If Han Fei can’t find a way to resist the ominous power, he It will be consumed after all, after all, there is no connection to the natal stars here."


   "Fuck, just for that little time, it took 3000 years of life?"

   Han Fei's face is ugly, how long has it been since then? From the beginning to the end, it didn't add up to a hundred breaths, and my life for 3000 years was gone.

  Han Fei flew towards the place where the energy surged while obliterating Mu Can's control of the Tidal Sword.

   In less than 200 breaths, Han Fei encountered 33 demons. This number really scared Han Fei, but at the same time it gave Han Fei a surprise.

   More and more demons will definitely hinder Han Fei's speed. However, Han Fei discovered that when the demons did not appear together, Void Thieves was simply the perfect nemesis of the demons.

  Although I had encountered many demons before, but at that time, thinking of honing and sharpening Zhou Run and the others, I actually didn't deal with many of them. Although the Void Thieves technique has played a role, most of it still depends on the power of the sun **** when he is besieged.

But now, this kind of intermittent demons, UU reading www.uukānshu.com will only make Han Fei think, whether the former Void Temples were aimed at the ominous power and the demons that created the void. Pirate?

   Han Fei was excited, and the tide sword in his hand blew himself up again.

   "Hey! You are quite temperamental. Since you are stubborn, then refine you first, and see if you are still honest."

  Han Fei stayed for a short time, the different water is alive, if he doesn't refining, even if his connection with Mu Can is wiped out, he will still run.

   An hour later.

   When Han Fei used the apocalypse magic as a shield, he finally refined the tide sword.

   After refining, it is swallowing, and the main body is naturally endless water. This swallowing is three hours.

   is over, in Han Fei’s eyes, new information emerged:

   [Name] Endless Water

  【Introduction】The artifact-grade different water is made by mixing two drops of Chaos Primal Water, Water Primal Dragon Spirit, Water Turtle, and it can be equivalent to Chaos Spirit Treasure in nature. The endless water after the advanced level can control all kinds of water and even some soft fluids. Endless water can be promoted by swallowing water veins, water vitality, assimilating different waters. This water is alive, warm and nourished every day, and its intelligence is no less than that of a wise creature.

   [Quality] Top grade artifact

  【With Soul】Shui Yuan Long Ling

  【Effect】Control ten thousand waters, swallow water veins, assimilate different waters, natural enchantments, natural killing arrays


  【Already refined】

  【Remarks】The endless water after fusion has dual effects of enchantment and killing array.

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