God of Fishing

Chapter 2410: Tao Yu Kwai Shou

Originally, Han Fei just wanted to come in and find an opportunity. Does anyone know that he will encounter this?

   is like a battle between immortals and demons, oh no, just like super plants vs. zombies, just confuse him.

   There are tens of thousands of demons, and most of them are in the late stage and some Dzogchen, who can hold it? To tell the truth, Han Fei's normal combat power is to fight four monsters in the late stage of the transformation star, which is really tough, and five is barely acceptable. Anyway, three are suppressed by the Void Thieves technique.

   But, there are more than twenty of these things all at once, are you still playing with it? It can't be beaten at all.


  Han Fei Sa Yazi was about to run, but just ran out for a few breaths, and found that the back road was blocked. From multiple directions, there were almost a dozen late stage transformation stars, which directly blocked Han Fei's path.

   Moreover, Han Fei also saw demons coming from behind one after another, even ordinary demons, there were hundreds of them. It's impossible to do it with Void Thieves alone!

   "Fuck it~"

   Han Fei was not well at the time. He didn't expect that there would be danger here, but he didn't expect it to be in such a form.

   "It was fine when I came, I can't go back."

   These demons seemed to have known that he was coming, so they didn't stop him from seeing the scene of the battle of ten thousand demons just now. However, Han Fei wanted to escape, and the back road was immediately blocked.

   Therefore, Han Fei is sure, it should be this ominous piece, deliberately let himself in, deliberately did not send a large wave of demons against him. When I get to the place, I just cut off my way, and I become a turtle in the urn.

   "It's a deep calculation."

  Han Fei's face was gloomy, he was calculated by the darkness? The answer is, absolutely not. And the power of the demon is limited, and it is impossible for a single demon to calculate itself.

   Therefore, there can only be one answer. In this darkness, there is a strong man hiding in the depths. Not long after he came in, he had already figured out how to deal with him when he rushed all the way.

  Han Fei's brain turned quickly, and he stepped on his foot, reversing time.

   However, as soon as he stepped into the long river of time, he saw a demon of the Dzogchen Dzogchen also following him. And this demon of Huaxing Dzogchen seems to be different from other demon.

   After entering the long river of time, the demon said: "Since you are here, then you don't have to go. You can't go out even if you pass the sky."

   In the long river of time, the demon actually wanted to shoot himself.

   But Han Fei's heart moved and he directly stole the consciousness of the demon.

   As soon as this consciousness was stolen, Han Fei thought that he could at least let this demon sleep in the long river of time until it was washed away by time.

   But, in the next second, Han Fei felt his brain explode for no apparent reason, and he bleeds with the seven orifices, and the consciousness stolen by Void Thieves blinked and failed.


   A mouthful of golden blood spurted out, but Han Fei somehow completed this time reversal.

   With this reversal, Han Fei once again returned to the lake where the ten thousand demons fought.

   The moment he walked out of time, Han Fei was terrified, and there was an emperor. The demon of the Great Perfection of Huaxing just now possessed the consciousness of the emperor.

   This is so special that Han Fei could not be treated at that time. If the emperor wanted to kill himself, there was still a long way to go back, and he would definitely not be able to go back.

   The only way to survive now is the lake. Since that piece of lake can contend with the ominous force, and the emperor, there is a natural way to shelter oneself.

   Han Fei, who rushed out of the river for a long time, suddenly burst into the blessing of Time Avenue, and rushed towards the lake at full speed.

   While rushing, Han Fei shouted at the lake: "Hello World Origin, I am your ally, I will help you suppress the ominous."

   It was too late, it was fast, countless demons surrounding the lake, looked towards Kanfei. Han Fei thought that if one second was given to others, he would be completely crushed into dregs.

   In fact, the same is true. At the moment of sprinting, Han Fei exploded with apocalyptic magic, and his whole body was full of sacred light.

   At the first moment, it was indeed very shining, making many demons frightened, thinking that this was another powerful fellow like that sunflower.

   However, in the next second, many demons' minds and thoughts turned, and at the same time they pierced away with divine thoughts.

   I saw Han Fei's body that took at least a thousand years of vitality to bloom, and immediately disappeared, and Han Fei's body burst into tears.

   Han Fei was actually very close to the lake. He came out of the long river of time. It only takes one second, and it takes one second, and he can get there.

   After all, in this domain shrouded by ominous power, the range of perception is limited, and only Han Fei's soul power can perceive hundreds of thousands of miles, and other people may reach the sky at most 100,000 miles.

   However, in terms of speed, it only takes a moment for Han Fei to escape.

   At that instant, Han Fei's body burst, and it was almost as soon as the Gemini Divine Art had just separated, and in the next instant, Han Fei's black mist body was discovered.

   Immediately, there were countless souls rushing towards Han Fei.


   This beam of light instantly enveloped Han Fei, and the countless spurs that came from the shock were all resisted by the beam of light.


   Han Fei was suddenly startled, turned his head and looked around, and saw a few lotus flowers in the lake. One of the lotus flowers lacked a lotus seed on it.

   is that lotus seed, as if a column of purification like a laser cannon burst out, shrouded Han Fei in it, and blocked all the spurs of the soul.

   But, the next moment, a seemingly very powerful demon, wrapped in ominous power, cut off the beam of light with one blow, and was burst out with a terrifying soul killing technique.


   Han Fei really failed to rush into the world's origin lake, even if the lake’s Lingzhi had indeed helped.


   A soft sigh sounded, and I don't know whose sigh was.

   However, after this sigh, only a bright golden light emerged from Han Fei's body. In the next moment, all the power, imprinted on Han Fei, was no longer valid.

   "Your uncle's, which emperor tortoise son is? Sneak attack on your grandfather Han Fei?"

   "I steal."

  , he saw the Dzogchen Dzogchen demon blocking Han Fei and fell into a deep sleep. Han Fei relied on his invincible golden light and went up with thousands of punches until he exploded the Dzogchen Dzogchen.

   At the same time, allowing countless soul stabs to fall on Han Fei is no longer valid.


   Han Fei finished hitting the star of the Great Perfection, and plunged towards the lake. Surprisingly, in order to prevent Han Fei from splashing all the water in the lake, a lotus leaf blocked him.


  Han Fei rolled several times on the lotus leaf, and then jumped up numbly.

   "Huh! Fortunately, I have a avenue, otherwise I will die."

   Yes, just now, at the last moment, Han Fei used the Avenue of Borrowing. At the moment when the borrowed life was penetrated, Han Fei had three breaths of invincibility, and the body was free, and the emperor did not use him.

   At this moment, Han Fei was shocked.

   "Hi! Is it all the origin of the world?"

   When Han Fei plunged his head into the lake, he was shocked. Yes, this is a huge piece of land, all of which is the origin of the world, which can be described as horrible.

   At the beginning, when I was in the Chaos Wasteland, the Land of Recovery No. 3, I saw a piece of the World Origin Pool, only a few meters away from the pond, which contained endless vitality. But now this one is full of vitality, and there are so many terrible spiritual plants growing beside it. The two are not of the same magnitude at all!

   "Human, you're here early."

   Han Fei heard it, there was a sweet voice, a soft female voice, echoing in his mind.


   Han Fei jumped out of the lake of the origin of the world. Although he knew that this was the origin of the world, he knew better that this lake was fighting against these countless demons and against the emperor-level powerhouse in the dark.

  Who said that there is no emperor in Demon Realm? He has the ability to stand in front of him now and see if he doesn't point to his nose to curse.

   Han Fei looked around and finally landed the source of the sound transmission on the sunflower.

   saw a message emerge in his eyes:

   [Name] Dao Yu Kui Shou (Dying)

   [Introduction] Dao domain Kwai Shou, this is a domain Dao Shou, the mimicry of the origin of the world. When a world is strong enough, the origin of the world will give birth to autonomous will and high-level wisdom. Dao Yukui head is the incarnation of the origin of this world. Possess unparalleled power of purification, power of life, power of healing, and extremely powerful power of thought. Its sunflower seeds have multiple abilities such as enlightenment, soul-lifting, stimulating potential, and purifying darkness.


   [Quality] Chaos Lingzhi

  【Boundary】Di Zun (Changsheng)

  【Combat Skills】Exterminate sunflower seeds, light of purification, light of life, light of healing, light of soul

  【Can be collected】Enlightenment sunflower seeds


   [Remarks] The head of a domain, the mimicry of the origin of the world


  Han Fei was stunned at the time, Emperor? Emperor Zun level demon plant. The mimicry body of the origin of the world can still be like this?

   As for the word longevity behind the emperor, Han Fei doesn't know, but it is probably the same as the various stages of the Open Heaven Realm. He estimated that the emperor should have a realm for longevity.

  Also, this domain sunflower head is so strong, look at the combat skills, the light of purification, the light of life, the light of healing, it is simply a universal aid, the immortal demon plant!

   "Qian, Ma, senior... is you calling me?"

The voice of the head of the domain Kwai resounded again: "It's me. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, you have come early, and the source of external magic has not been completely eliminated. The source of magic is destroyed, and the demon formed by the escaping ominous power is also It hasn't been cleaned extensively yet. You should wait three months before you come."

When it’s all here, Han Fei can’t help smiling bitterly: “Senior, I’m not telling you, I have to come. Outside, many people are my enemies. What they can’t do, find the first place. I’ve been here for three years. , Killed 49 demon sources. Killed countless monsters in the Open Heaven realm, and killed more than 700 demon spirits... They are jealous of me and want to kill me."

   Anyway, there is no one else here, so Han Fei can chant vigorously. But his own record is real.

Dao Yukui heard Han Fei's boasting, and did not express anything, but calmly said: "Humans, since they are here, let's wait here! Three months later, the ominous power will be weakened to the extreme. . At that moment, is the opportunity to counterattack."

   Han Fei heard that I was so easy to come and I can’t go back, but how can I wait here for nothing? Waiting here is not the same as waiting outside.

Han Fei immediately righteously said: "Senior, how can the younger generation let you fight alone? The younger generation has already felt that in this ominous area, there is an emperor-level powerhouse, and the younger generation has been attacked just now. However, the younger generation did not panic at all, not only did they not Fear, but backhand checks and balances..."

  Han Fei also didn't know how the emperor who was hiding in the ominousness would react after only listening to this round of bragging. Shente, I attacked, Shente, you don’t panic at all.

  Only listen to Han Fei said: "Senior, junior applies to fight, there are 10,000 demons, juniors will cooperate with you to kill."

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