God of Fishing

Chapter 2411: Void Thieves upper limit

Han Fei at this moment is awe-inspiring.

   What is the origin of the world? The origin of the world is alive, but it is definitely a super existence in the late emperor, known as the head of a domain. This Nima can be robbed on the basis of these open-world realms? As long as the brain is not broken, there will be no more thoughts of grabbing the origin of the world.

   However, in addition to grabbing the origin of the world in this lake, there is another way to grab it more directly and naturally, and it is purely passive. Dao Yu Kui Shou can't say anything wrong.

   And this method is to hunt down demons.

   It's just that the demons here are all in the late stage of Transforming Star, that is, the Taoist Kui Shou, and I don't know how Han Fei should help her.

   She still doesn't know Han Fei's methods, because most places in this world have been invaded ominously. And on the occasion of this war, she had to mobilize all her mind and put it on the last pure land in this world.

   Therefore, Dao Yu Kui Shou didn't know that Han Fei possessed the weird ability of Void Thieves.

   Dao Yukui Shou: "You are still too weak, even if you can use the great power, you can't stop it."

   However, Han Feilang shouted: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. I, Han Fei, a majestic man, a generation of emperors, and a peerless arrogant rare in thousands of years, how can I compromise with the ominous?"

   After finishing speaking, Han Fei's finger is empty, and he points away.


   "Sleep again!"

"Keep sleeping!"

   Dao Yu Kui Shou, who might not have thought about it at first, said where did the little fool pop up?

   But the next moment, I saw that the three major demons pointed by Han Fei had lost their combat power and their bodies fell from mid-air.

   At that moment, I saw a coniferous grass in the place closest to the three major demons, and it suddenly trembled. Three needles were instantly fired and plunged directly into the bodies of the three demons.


   I saw that the three demon spirits burst into bright brilliance, light green and milky white light at the same time, and they purified the three demon sources all at once.

   At that time, Han Fei saw that there was the origin of the world, and he actually returned to this lake. There was still the power of the masterless soul, and he did not know where to stay.

   Han Fei rushed over immediately, reached out his hand, and sucked the power of the masterless soul into his body. This thing is very strange. It is very solid, it seems to be absorbed by itself, and it belongs to itself. And it's very solid, unlike the borderless souls, if oneself is currently absorbing a large amount of borderless souls, it will cause the foundation to be unstable, and it will take time to consolidate them. At this time, it will take decades at every turn, but it will be hundreds of years slow.

   It's a pity that the three world origins were directly sucked away by the lake, and I didn't even get a hair.

   But the Han Fei language has already been released, and I said that I would help, and I can’t stop helping because I didn’t get the origin of the world! How embarrassing and shameless?

   but heard Dao Yu Kui Shou said softly: "Human, you have mastered the divine art of the emperor?"

   "Emperor Sovereign Divine Art?"

  Han Fei's heart moved. He knew that Void Thieves was an emperor-level great art, but he was not sure if he didn't reach the category of divine art. Because the ninth layer of the Void Fishing Technique can no longer be as powerful as before. It was relegated from the gods to the emperor's best. This speaks for itself. When I go back out, I have to ask the big brother carefully.

Han Fei responded: "Senior, I don't know if it is an emperor's divine technique. But my ability can only be used against three creatures at the same time. If it is an emperor's level, I can only involve him for an instant, and it will be broken. "

   At this time, Han Fei felt that there were a lot of flowers and plants around, and he twisted his body slightly, feeling like he was looking at Han Fei. Xin said you can still interfere with the emperor?

   Tao Yukui first: "You try again."

  Han Fei once again pointed at the late stage of the three transformation stars: "Sleep, sleep, sleep..."

   The three big demons had already begun to retreat when Han Fei pointed at them, but it was useless. Han Fei's finger is just an auxiliary concept, it's actually just his thoughts moving.

   Therefore, the three demons ended up in the same way as the previous three, and they were all cleansed by the coniferous grass. But the origin of the world was still sucked into the lake, and Han Fei couldn't find it at all.

  Han Fei seemed to be excited, and pointed at the three demons again: "Sleep, sleep, puff..."

   only saw Han Fei's body suddenly stiff, Qiqiao sprayed blood, and fell straight back.

   Yes, he stole the consciousness of the emperor again just now. It seems that the hidden emperor deliberately dropped his consciousness on the demon pointed by Han Fei.

   As a result, the emperor's consciousness was backlashed and Han Fei was directly down.

   Fortunately, in Han Fei's mind, the Demon Refining Pot stretched out its tentacles and directly dragged the evil ominous power into the small gourd.

   It was Dao Yu Kui Shou who shot with the Demon Refining Pot, and her healing brilliance fell directly on Han Fei. Han Fei immediately woke up and pointed to the void and cursed: "The devil of the son of tortoise, there is a kind of single-handedly challenged! Don't persuade! Little trash, no martial ethics, sneak attacks behind his back..."

   Where did Han Fei think that that guy even had this trick. How to play this, even though Void Thieves can steal the emperor's will.

   But, that should be relatively speaking. He could indeed steal it, but Emperor Zun could make himself suffer a backhand with a backhand. This kind of taste, Han Fei didn't want to try frequently.

Just when Han Fei thought that he could not deal with these demons, he heard the head of the Dao Yukui: "It's okay, the devil emperor is controlled by me and can't shoot you frequently. I use my roots to protect your soul, you can rest assured Perform divine art. But let’s see, you can use this divine art several times."

  Han Feixin said, my magic arts can be used infinitely.

   However, this thought just passed by. How many times can the specific Void Thieves be used, this Han Fei really doesn't know. Perhaps, just the previous battles were not enough to make him feel the upper limit of the use of Void Thieves. However, with the blessing of the emperor, this can be a try.

   But I saw that the world origin of this lake directly formed a large cocoon that wrapped Han Fei in it. And Han Fei got the help of the boss and tapped his finger.

   "Sleep, sleep, sleep for me..."

  Han Fei clicked more than two hundred times in a row, only feeling inexplicably tired.

   Suddenly, Han Fei staggered, feeling dizzy, and sat down in the water polo of the origin of the world.

   At this time, Han Fei had only one feeling, dizzy, unable to get up, and his eyes were blurred.

   But soon, there was a cool power injected into my body, making the dizziness feel much better.

   When Han Fei opened his eyes again, he was lying on a lotus leaf. In this world's origin lake, there was a red carp on the edge of the lotus leaf, and his head popped out and looked at himself.

   Han Fei and the carp looked at each other, the little guy "pushed", hit a splash, and dived into the bottom of the water.

  Han Fei looked dumbfounded, so, Void Thieves, really has an upper limit!

Suddenly, I only listened to Dao Yukui's first remark: "Your divine art is born from the power of the heavens. If you use it too frequently, it will be restricted by the rules of the heavens. So just now you were backlashed by the heavens. My suggestion is you. With the current strength, this magical technique is best not to exceed two hundred times a day. In this way, you won't suffer backlash."

   Han Feixin said, I don’t know how many times I have used it. Entering today, I have already killed four or five hundred demons, and have used it nearly two hundred times before.

   I used it almost two hundred times just now, good guy, I used it almost four hundred times a day, no wonder I just took myself back.

   But Han Fei thought again, who could use Void Pirates hundreds of times in a row? If it weren't for the special situation today, it would be impossible for me to use it so frequently.

   But suddenly, Han Fei thought that the Void Pirate technique came from Void Fishing. Void fishing, the original meaning of existence, is it aimed at ominousness?

   After all, the meaning of the Three Temples seems to be to deal with that stuff, right?

   But don't care, didn't this Dao Yukui leader say it, his current strength, it's best to arrange it within two hundred times. But in fact, you can use it four hundred times.

   Han Fei: "Senior, what am I doing now?"

   Tao Yukui first: "rest."

  Han Feixin said I have taken a rest!

   But if I have been participating in the battle, it seems that apart from the power of the soul, I have not gained much benefit. He couldn't help looking at his own data information.

  Master: Han Fei

   Level: 107 (open sky·jidao)

   Canghaiwan Genealogy: 200016 (Evolving: 614/13064)

   Spiritual Qi: 380,000

   Soul: 9.83 yuan (9830998 points)

   Perception: 10 million miles

   Power: 9.79 The power of stars (9791169 waves)

  The first spiritual vein: the original vein

  Second Spirit Vein: The Vein of Eternal Darkness

   The first talented soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 101]

  The second talented soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [level 101]

  Major exercises: "Void Fishing Technique", the ninth layer, "Void Thieves Technique" [Emperor Supreme]

   "Huh? Is the power of the soul catching up?"

   During this time, UU read www.uukanshu. com has been born because of Han Fei's Golden and Chalcedony. But before it was suffering from not being able to get enough vitality, it stagnated.

   But even if he has stagnated, his physique has grown a lot, and he will almost break through tens of thousands of waves soon. Originally, the gap in the power of the soul has been widened, but now that so many demons have been killed, the power of the soul has been overtaken back.

  Han Fei's heart moved, I don't know, can he be here to complete a complete breakthrough in physique? As long as there is enough vitality, once the golden and jade marrow is poured into the whole body, his Void Body Refining technique is complete.

   When the time comes, the power will surpass the spirit, that is a matter of course. However, there are so many demons here, and that kind of extremely powerful demons, wouldn't it just be able to bridge the gap between spirit and power?

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