God of Fishing

Chapter 2413: Blooming Lingzhi (Part 1)

At that time, Han Fei couldn't stop the Lingzhi near the origin lake of this world. Heaven and Earth Lingbao! You thought it was the Chinese cabbage that fell from the sky.

   Seeing these Lingzhi's reactions, Han Fei himself felt a little frustrated. Because he also felt that his need for vitality seemed a bit too high.

   Up to now, the vitality I have consumed is worth all the vitality in the natal stars of the dozens of late stage transformation stars, right? This is still a conservative estimate. In fact, the life source crystallization obtained by killing monsters down this road is not known how much it will be used.

   But even so, I haven't been able to fully cultivate the essence of gold and jade. It is conceivable that it is still very difficult to practice the Void Body Refining Technique to the greatest extent.

   I can already be regarded as a person who can come, this needs to be replaced by ordinary cultivators, and God knows how long it will take to practice to get such a huge vitality to refine the essence of gold and jade.

Dao Yu Kwai was obviously silent for a moment: "At this critical moment, under the stalemate, a lot of vitality is being lost every moment. Therefore, even if there is such a vitality, it cannot be given to you alone. But if this demon The emperor has fallen, there should be enough vitality in it."


   Han Fei couldn't help but smile, Devil Emperor! How to kill the one who hasn't even shown his face until now? Even if this ominous barrier is finally purified by the world's origin lake, that doesn't mean that the Devil Emperor will fall.

   Moreover, Dao Yu Kui Shou's words shocked Han Fei's heart. Yes, these spirit plants are constantly shooting here, without stopping for a moment, what is the basis?

   Except for this domain sunflower head, there is no second emperor's spiritual plant here. And a Huaxing Dzogchen, can such a continuous shot?

   The answer is obviously no. If it's just a simple shot, then anyone can do it, but the enemy they face is the devil, and most of them are at the level of the later stage of the star transformation and the great perfection.

   In this case, it is almost impossible to continue fighting.

   But these Lingzhi did it, but the way they did it suddenly made Han Fei Ming realize. They have been overdrafting their vitality and burning vitality, so they can persist until now.

   Otherwise, if this is a demon plant's world, and this is the origin of the world, it is impossible to lack vitality here.

  Han Fei understands, people are taking their lives to guard the last pure land of this initial land, but now they want to take their lives, which seems to be a bit too much.

   Although Han Fei is greedy, he is not black and white, and it is still clearly distinguished.

   I only heard Han Fei proudly say: "Senior, the junior is abrupt. It will be a matter of time for the junior to break through. Don't worry about this. But no matter what, the junior must help Senior to destroy these monsters."

   "I steal, I steal..."


   80 days later.

  Han Fei's soul power has already exceeded the physical power by a lot. Because in this short period of more than two months, Han Fei assisted Dao Yu Kui Shou, killing more than 10,000 demons, and the specific number should have reached more than 15,000.

   It stands to reason that if the Devil Emperor is conscious, he will definitely not let these demons come and die continuously. However, between the Devil Emperor and Dao Yu Kui Head, it seems to be in an extreme balance.

  Han Fei guessed that once these demons retreat, they will give Dao Yu Kui a chance to breathe, instead they can concentrate and attack the devil emperor.

   Therefore, the attack of the demon cannot stop. Once it stops at this time, it will fall short. And the Taoist Kui Shou couldn't stop either. At this time, once there was a slack, the origin of the world was seized by the Devil Emperor, and it would also fall short. Even all the previous consumption of the Devil Emperor may be made up for because of this victory.

   Two more days passed.

   Han Fei woke up from the recovery, he was preparing to cooperate with Dao Yu Kui to hunt the demon again.

   However, I only heard Dao Yu Kui Suddenly say: "All Lingzhi, no need to save vitality, it's time to burn lives."

  Han Fei was shocked, what do you mean, don’t you keep burning your lives?

   But then, he saw countless demons popping up from all directions.

   "Fuck, what's the situation?"

   But seeing Han Fei suddenly get up, is this really too much? Originally, although there are also demons here every day to support, but the number is definitely not that many. With the unremitting efforts of himself and Zhong Lingzhi, the number of demons killed in these two months had to be close to 30,000. But because of the constant supply of demons, the number of demons has been barely maintained at around 20,000.

   But now, when he besieged and killed several times the demons, Han Fei's whole person was not good at that time.

   He was shocked at the time and said: "Senior, where are these demons come from? How can they continue to kill?"

Even at this time, the Taoist Kui Shou still patiently answered Han Fei: "The demon that controls the earth veins here, plus the demon source that was destroyed but not fallen from the outside world, has been manipulated by the demon emperor and transformed into Demon. They come together along the veins of the earth."


   "This is, the magic source has become?"

   At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not good. If this is the magic source, then how many magic sources are there outside the Demon Realm? From the beginning of speculation, Han Fei felt that the outside world might have more than one hundred thousand magic sources.

   In addition, Dao Yu Kui Shou said just now that a demon is controlling the veins. It means that in addition to the land of the demon source, there are also a large number of demons hidden in the veins of the demon domain itself.

   This makes it difficult for Han Fei to judge how many demons are there.

   More than two months of hard work, plus the frenzied vitality-burning spirit plants, only killed more than 30,000.

   How many demons have fallen here when I can’t see it?

  According to the battle between Dao Yu Kui Shou and the Devil Emperor over the years, I am afraid that the number of people who have fallen on both sides is probably an astronomical number.

   At this moment, the whole army's attack may have happened before.

   Han Fei looked at the tall and upright spiritual plants, each of them was full of vitality, and he was obviously ready to continue fighting.

  Han Fei also joined the camp at this time, just listening to him say: "Senior, how many are there in total?"

   I only heard Daoyu Mokui said: "More than thirty thousand came, this battle is fierce, and I can't protect you well."

  Han Fei's heart stunned. Listening to the meaning of the Daoyu Demon King, this battle seems to be quite dangerous, and it seems that there is a feeling of a fight to the death in it.

   Han Fei took a breath immediately: "Senior, a mere monster, can you make me retreat for half a minute? Today is fortunate to be able to kill the enemy side by side with Senior, really happy."

   It's too late to say, then soon, a large group of demons have already besieged and killed.

  Han Fei also continued to use Void Stealth with Dao Yu Kui Shou as usual.


   It is as if the darkness of this world is all concentrated here at this moment. The darkness is like a tide, and the light and darkness are colliding, making a "sizzle" sound.


   Han Fei saw that the purifying light of dozens of spiritual plants that were relatively close to the periphery was forcibly washed away. When the ominous moment enveloped them. Han Fei saw that these spiritual plants had chosen to bloom the last brilliance of their lives.


   A dazzling golden light, blooming above the lake of origin of the world, which is nearly a hundred miles in length and breadth.

   One bloom can purify the ominousness within a thousand miles of the lake. Of course, just after the purification, the ominous follow-up was added again.



   It was just a head-on confrontation between the two sides, and the light of purification has burst out 33 times outside the world's original lake.

   Han Fei is now cooperating with the conifer to kill the enemy. It seemed that Moyuan felt that Han Fei and this needle-leaf demon plant were annoying, and they had wiped out tens of thousands of demons before and after. Therefore, thousands of demons frantically rushed to kill this needle leaf thorn regardless of the consequences.

   Thousands! Han Fei couldn't fight at all, and he couldn't fight. At most, his Void Thieves could work on three demons at the same time.

   Han Fei's face was ugly, he was crazy, this Devil Emperor must be crazy. UU Reading www.udkahnshu.com

Thousands of demons rushed here regardless of the consequences, like a long sword, where they had crushed six demon plants, even if the light of purification broke out, they would sacrifice a dark barrier at the same time and held them continuously. The light of purification six times, it would not hesitate to damage more than 300 demons.

   Han Fei burst out: "You can't let them break through and consume them."

   However, at this time, most of the already scarce Lingzhi have no time to be distracted.

   A glorious lotus appeared next to Han Fei, with a lotus pod rising, and eighteen lotus seeds in a row.


   A lot of lotus seeds hit, it is a beam of light that can reach the sky, and the beam of light blasts directly on the sword-like monster army.

   Han Fei saw that in just one blow, there were more than 30 demons that had been purified by this terrifying lotus seed light speed.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   Seven lotus seeds burst out in a row, but the demon, who is not afraid of death, has forcibly jumped up.

   Han Fei watched helplessly, and the conifers that had cooperated with him for almost three months were forcibly killed by the demon with the power of the soul.


   Han Fei's face was pale, only to see that coniferous grass, unexpectedly escaped from the lake, and took the initiative to fly to those demons. For a while, the coniferous leaves all over the sky turned into thousands of streams of light and poured out between the world.


  In the end, this coniferous grass blooms like a scorching sun, and its infinite life is withered in an instant. The light of purification will instantly purify the ominous within three thousand miles.

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