God of Fishing

Chapter 2414: Blooming Lingzhi (Part 2)

Beyond the ominous barrier, the population here has changed from 300 to 3,000.

  The main reason is that the magic source above the surface of the Demon Realm has been cleaned over and over again, and there is not much left. The real powerhouses have already begun to chase the devil and have found the entrance to the origin of the world.

   And many places that have been cleaned up, because the source of the magic is transformed into the devil, so the vast area, all withered and withered.

   If someone can look at the overall situation, they will definitely find that the number of magic sources is 80% less than that at the beginning of the fourth round.

   The group of people who didn't have the ability to hunt the demon was actually the most. They added up to more than 100,000 people, and most of them had formed teams of large and small groups, hunting the few 20% of the demon source at the end.

  Twenty percent of the magic source, how can it stop so many people from hunting? After all, if you can stay in the Demon Realm for more than two years and haven't died, you must have reaped a lot of benefits now.

  Of course, they thought they had caught a lot, just because they hadn't hunted demons, otherwise they would know what a skyrocketing spirit is.


   And this day.

   When the Demon Emperor launched the general attack of the demon army, the ominous barrier from the outside world dissipated directly to less than one percent of the initial state.

   Moreover, the ominous barrier is not so pure anymore.

   And this day is the 83rd day Feng Yu received news from Han Fei.

   Feng Yu's heart was shocked. Although Han Fei did not send a message, she knew that the time was up and she didn't have to wait for the magic source to disappear.

   She doesn't want to wait anymore. It's just a waste of tens of thousands of years of life. Anyway, she is about to preach, so it's not a big problem.

   She sent a message to Han Fei, but Han Fei did not reply after a while.

   It's just that Feng Yu didn't know, Han Fei didn't notice at all right now, and Lingzhi that fell from time to time seriously stimulated his spirit.

   Feng Yu frowned, the ominous barrier suddenly went wrong, and the younger brother did not reply to the news, I am afraid something went wrong inside.

  At this time, others are also discussing whether the ominous barrier is going to disappear.

   Some people even laughed at Han Fei, thinking that he was leaving early.

I just heard someone say: "Then Han Fei is too arrogant. He just can't wait for just three months. It's all right now! He hasn't been able to come out for three full months. He must have been eroded by the darkness, maybe, already Become a puppet."

   Someone nodded slightly: "Yes! I have been in the Demon Realm for more than two years, but the darkness cannot be touched."

   Those with chaebols turned their eyes to Zhou Run and the others, sneered in their hearts, saying that when this ominous disappeared, it was the time of your death.

   What's more, I actually want to leave Feng Yu and Feng Xingliu behind. This is Dabi, your Phoenix Protoss member is dead, so you can only admit that you are unlucky.

   But at this moment, Feng Yu said: "Zhou Run, Feng Xingliu, all of you are in my natal star."

   Feng Yu had already told them about this matter.

   So, when many people looked at Feng Yu, it was a blink of an eye, and she was the only one left beside Feng Yu.

"what happened?"

   "In her natal star?"

   Even Zhao Qinglong looked at Feng Yu for the first time.

   However, Feng Yu was so fast that half of his body had stepped into the ominous barrier.


   In the eyes of everyone's surprise and incomprehension, Feng Yu had disappeared into the ominous barrier while everyone was not paying attention.


  Although Zhao Qinglong couldn't understand why, he had been to this ominous barrier. There were so many demons inside that it was difficult to move. Zhao Qinglong firmly believes that even if Feng Yu's strength is not weak, he will definitely not be stronger than himself. An ominous barrier that he couldn't walk past, why could Feng Yu enter? Why did Feng Yu enter now?

   No matter why Feng Yu wants to enter, Zhao Qinglong feels that he has to enter too. The overall strength of the Demon Territory, the initial place, surpassed his imagination.

  Zhao Qinglong thought that even if the Divine Capital Dynasty rewarded the top three, one person and one starting place, it would definitely not have the scale of the Demon Realm.

   If it is not the avenue of the Demon Realm, which is ominously polluted, it might be a good choice to prove the Dao here.

   Even though there is no way to prove it here, the original place where countless strong men can be born, the stock of the world's origin is probably an astronomical figure.

   Therefore, no matter what Feng Yu's purpose is to enter the ominous barrier now, he must enter.

   Zhao Qinglong's heart sank, and he said to the black dragon in his body: "Even if this ominous power is very strong, it shouldn't be a problem for you to hold on for a while. In short, you can't let Feng Yu get a chance."

   After finishing speaking, Zhao Qinglong suddenly got up and stepped into the ominous barrier.

   At this moment, many people are not calm, and even begin to doubt themselves.

   Someone was surprised: "Why is this? Feng Yu, who is number one in the sky list, and Zhao Qinglong, who is in the **** list, went into this barrier one after another. Is there any secret that we don't know?"

   Although there are people who are the Great Perfection of the Huaxing, they are not the top geniuses in the heaven list or the genius of the gods list. They are also bewildered by the reactions of Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong.

Not to mention their dumbfounded faces, Wushuang, Wang Beichen, there are already a few superpowers of the East China Sea Shenzhou super powers around them, these people are all strong in the sky, but they are just sure that this dark power is shrinking. Most of them are lost, but aren’t there any remnants? In just a few days, why did Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong grab them?

   At this time, most people are not calm.

But seeing that Zhou's Zhou's secret, suddenly stood up and said: "Everyone, what are the identities of Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong, I believe that everyone here can not know it. They suddenly acted, it is definitely not meaningless. In case at this moment. The dark power within this dark barrier has been greatly weakened. They have won the first hand and competed for the origin of the world. I waited for so long and waited for nothing. I propose that everyone enter together. No matter what goes wrong, at least the number of people is strong. , And there is also a reference."

   What the secret of Zhou said is that it is a fool, and it is really going to be shot inside. By then, you really want others to die sooner?

   However, at this time everyone automatically ignored the fault in Zhou Mi's words. What they need now is just a reason to rush in.

   I am alone, maybe I am still a little worried. But if there are so many people together, it becomes a collective event, and everyone feels that they might still have a chance to miss it.

   "Okay! I think this proposal is good."

   "People rank in the heavens and the gods, and they don't care about life or death. This barrier is nothing more than a few years of life. Even if there are many demons in there, but I wait for more than 3,000 people, what demons can compete with me?"

   "That's right, everyone rushed together. If the origin of the world is won by those two, how can I have my share?"

   Even if it’s Wushuang, Chen Qinmo is already a super power in Ghost Strait. His Yang God has already been trained, and his strength is extremely strong. An ordinary demon is not an opponent at all. Even the demon of Huaxing Dzogchen, he is confident that he can handle one or two.

   Therefore, Chen Qinmo suddenly stood up: "Everyone, my things from the East China Sea Shenzhou will not be taken away by the people of the South China Sea Shenzhou. We are all from the top forces of the East China Sea Shenzhou. At this time, don't fight, when will we wait?"

   After finishing speaking, Chen Qinmo looked at the brawny man on the mountain peak: "Brother Deng, can you stand your temper?"

  The people who fisted Mang Mountain have always been violent and unrestrained. This Deng Xingtian, known as the first strong man in the younger generation of Fist Mang Mountain, had no choice but to fight at this moment.

   He only heard a flash of light in his eyes: "Struggling."

   Wushuang and Wang Beichen, in fact, were already in their hearts, but they all didn't understand why Feng Yu and Zhao Qinglong entered.

   Feng Yu didn't know yet, because of his sudden entry, more than 3000 people outside followed along.

   She still thinks that this time it will consume up to 50,000 years of life. If she can't hold it in the end, no matter what, she must find a way to temporarily escape from this ominous world.


   Feng Yu had just entered the ominous barrier, but suddenly realized that it seemed to be different from when he came in last time. For the first time this time, he didn't even feel the demon.

  Secondly, although there is still an ominous power permeating, the power that contaminates and penetrates is greatly reduced.

   This made him suddenly happy, and it seemed that this ominous power was rapidly weakening.

   As for where to go, as long as you feel the energy flow in this ominous space, you can know it, and you don't have to deliberately search for it.

   Therefore, after Feng Yu came in, he immediately rushed to the source lake of the world without stopping, at a speed ten times the speed of light.

After Zhao Qinglong entered, a doubtful voice appeared in his body: "This space seems to have something wrong. In the direction of the end of the energy flow, this fierce battle seems to be taking place. All the ominous forces are gathering there. . As a result, the ominous power in other places is rapidly diminishing. If there is no accident, there will be at most three to five days, and these ominous powers will be completely dissipated."

   "Three or five days? So Feng Yu is fighting for a life span of tens of thousands of years. Is UU reading www.uukanshu.com fighting for the origin of the world?"

   Zhao Qinglong's eyes were cold. If Feng Yu proves the truth, if Feng Yu comes to a bloodline and then awakens, taps his potential again, or has an epiphany, he may not be weaker than himself when he reaches the emperor state.

  As soon as he thought of this, Zhao Qinglong burst out ten times the speed of light and flew towards the source lake of the world.

   Feng Yu and the others left, Han Fei didn't know. He didn't have the time to care about that now, guarding Lingzhi, he was madly blooming himself, and the number of Lingzhi that released the final blow was as many as two hundred.

   You must know that although these spirit plants are not emperors, they rely on the origin of the world to inspire all the vitality to resist these demons.

   But even so, it's not enough.

  Even, Han Fei saw a lot of Lingzhi, showing signs of withering branches and leaves. Han Fei couldn't help but feel chilled. That's it. He also ate another golden lotus seed of life. I am afraid that their own vitality is not enough, right?

  At this moment, because of the fall of the conifer, Han Fei cooperated to kill less than 70 demons today. Han Fei wanted to cooperate with other creatures. No, Han Fei immediately found an explosive fruit tree.

   Han Fei rushed over, and immediately shouted: "Brother tree, I will cooperate with you, where do I point, where do you fight."

   However, Han Fei had just stolen the consciousness of the three demons, and the fruit tree burst into three red fruits. As a result, more than six hundred demons formed a sharp knife team and rushed towards Han Fei.

   It seems that the Devil Emperor hated Han Fei so much. As soon as Han Fei made his move, he would poke a hole in it.

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