God of Fishing

Chapter 2478: Send me a favor

How could it be possible to return the things that you got? Han Fei guessed that the protector didn't think much about doing things. In this case, you still want something from me, isn't it?

   Sure enough, the guardian of the clan that day was pale, but there was nothing he could do about it.

   Everything broke out in a short period of time. But on the other side, Zhou Mi and the powerhouse guarded by the Zhou family flee madly at the same time.

   Moreover, Zhou Mi used a jade slip, which broke out nearly 14 times the speed of light.

  In other words, at this speed, if you don't have the ability, you really don't want to catch up. Including the one who ran with Zhou Mi, also broke out ten times the speed of light.

   However, Feng Yu, who had been prepared a long time ago, would let them go so easily.

   At that moment, when the Phoenix Bird was born, Han Fei saw the speed of the Phoenix Bird for the first time. It was just a moment, the glorious galaxy, silently roaring, sweeping millions of miles away.

   "Hiss! Light burst?"

   Not only Han Fei, many big clan powerhouses were all shocked, and suddenly got up. The speed of the light burst means that Feng Yu has a chance to become the top six of the gods.

  Because of the sixth in the gods list, it is said that in a certain battle, the speed of the explosion broke out, which can reach the speed of the light burst.

   Anyway, Han Fei saw the three figures swept away in front of him.

   Han Fei sent a message to the queen of consciousness; "The last way is sealed."

   Dozens of queens, how dare to neglect, they are the last line of defense.

   Feng Yu dealt with the two people, and on Han Fei's side, another person tried to escape, but he knew that there was no chance. No one told him, and no one informed him that he was avoiding the hunting of the Xinghai Blue Fire Ants.

   As a result, it was just the effort of three Xinghai Blue Fire Ants who blew themselves up. Good guy, Yi Cai was eliminated, and Cao Unmian was eliminated.

   He was already a little exhausted in the battle, but he was stolen from his consciousness after only being glanced at by Han Fei. When all the Xinghai Blue Fire Ants rushed towards this person, his protector had to appear.

   No, Han Fei saw that this person was eliminated, so he chased Feng Yu and the others at ten times the speed of light.

   As a result, Han Fei did not chase him for a long time, but after chasing him for more than 30 breaths, he discovered that Zhou Mi was nailed through by a feather. And the other person, at this moment, has been protected by the protector.

   As soon as Han Fei stopped, Zhou's protector appeared and stood in front of Zhou Mi.

   Only the Zhou family said coldly: "What a Han Fei, what a Phoenix Protoss."

   After speaking, this person left with Zhou Mi. However, what Han Fei and Feng Yu didn’t know was that this person had just appeared in a certain corner of the star sea, and they heard a rough voice saying: “What’s wrong? Listening to your tone just now, you’re threatening my Phoenix Protoss. What? You are a big clan, why do you want to challenge my protoss?"

   The Zhou family guardian did not say a word, but his eyes were cold, and some people would not go crazy even if they were crazy for a while. If the Phoenix Protoss is this time because Han Fei is an enemy of many forces in the East China Sea Shenzhou, then try to be hostile. Take a look at where his Phoenix Protoss comes from.


   At the end of the war, Feng Yu finally let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "Healing."

   This is not the time Feng Yu and Han Fei wanted to be called. Han Fei did not hesitate to throw apocalypse magic arts, just watch Feng Yu come over at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   After a while, Feng Yu said, "Have you seen Zhao Qinglong?"

   Han Fei said indifferently: "I have been eliminated."

   Feng Yu suddenly raised his head: "???"

   For a while, Feng Yu didn't know what to say. I thought I might have missed the top three this time, but who would have expected Zhao Qinglong to be eliminated by Han Fei.

   Feng Yu couldn't help but said silently: "Then...you stay here..."

   Seeing Han Fei's smile, Feng Yu understood, Junior Brother, this is waiting for me. Eliminate Zhao Qinglong first, and then wait for himself to come.

   For a time, Feng Yu was moved a little bit, and she was indeed her brother! The champion is right in front of him, so he can't stand it. He has been waiting until now, is he not afraid of accidents?

   However, thinking of Han Fei's tricks, Feng Yu probably also understands how Han Fei eliminated Zhao Qinglong. With one enemy ten thousand, such a perverted rule, I don't know how he dare to think.

   If it weren't for this 100,000-year-old competition, with all kinds of perverted rules ahead, I'm afraid no one would believe the rule of 10,000 to 10,000.

   Feng Yu couldn't help but look at the surrounding Xinghai Blue Fire Ants and said, "What's the matter?"

   Han Fei smiled and said: "Well, I just found the queen, and exchanged life with them, and moved them, making them decide to follow me temporarily."

   Fengyu: "..."

In a corner of the Star Sea, the nine-uncle of the Phoenix Protoss grinned and nodded: "This is not bad! Although it can cause trouble, it is really extraordinary. Even the strongest of the gods will be pitted. If this is combined with Xiaoyu , Isn’t it a strong alliance? Maybe the two emperors of the Dao Dao, tsk tsk... I have to talk to the eldest brother when I go back..."

   In the dynasty of the gods, Feng Qingcheng was jumping around in the yard, and there was no image of a beautiful woman at all.

   just listen to her yelling: "The top two of sister and brother Han Fei are stable, the two original places!"

Feng Xingliu's expression was plain and even curled his lips: "Heh! I tell you, that is to blame Zhao Qinglong, if it weren't for this tortoise **** against me. There must be a place for me in the top three! Han Fei is my brother. How can you not reserve a place for me? Oh, what a pity! Zhao Qinglong, that bastard, don't think about coming to my Nanhai Shenzhou in the future, otherwise I will cut it for him."

   Feng Qingcheng said nonchalantly: "Your strength is not good, even if you are in the top three, it is not your true strength."

Feng Xingliu was not happy at the time: "What are you talking about? You take a look, Feng Yu is still relying on Han Fei to reserve a place for him? The same is to reserve a place, why I can't do it? Oh, you This girl, forgot who brought you out, right?"


the other side.

   Zhou Run and they are so excited!

   Just listen to Wu Bufan's words: "I think, with Fei Ge's method, our Avengers alliance will surely become glorious in the future!"

   Cao Mengde: "That's not it, I've learned this with this one hand! I sold a great favor from the Phoenix Protoss!"

   Zhou Run: "Humanity is second, think about it, when Fei first penetrated Doulong Street and killed Yi Qianxing, was he so strong?"

   Li Chen: "It feels almost the same!"

Zhou Run speechlessly said: "Which eye do you see the same? Just now he defeated the three powerhouses and only took three breaths time. Even though they are already very tired, the three breaths time, this is a bit too exaggerated. I am. I feel that maybe our Avengers, the first emperor, is none other than him."

   Cao Mengde smiled and said, "That's a good feeling! It's a good thing to have the emperor sit in town."

Zhou Run shook his head slightly: "It's a good thing in the short-term, but it won't be the case in the long-term. If Feige walks too fast, and if we can't keep up with him, or if we are too far behind, we will eventually be eliminated. Therefore, leaving the Shendu dynasty this time, within a hundred years, we must enter the later stage of the transformation and strive to enter the Great Perfection of the transformation within five hundred years."


   "Five hundred years?"

   A group of people looked at Zhou Run in shock, are you talking about the heavenly book? It's not a big problem to advance to the late stage of Huaxing within a hundred years, but it is a bit too much for the five hundred years of Huaxing to reach the Great Perfection!

Just listen to Zhou Run: "We have suppressed for too long. In fact, as long as we unlock the internal seal, it is almost the late stage of transformation. But the start of the stage of transformation is not enough. We have the resources and potential. After so many years of depression, we suddenly practiced. , The speed is very fast. In addition, we need to fight and experience. Don’t think that leaving the Shendu Dynasty is even successful. If you don't grow up, you don't prove the Dao, how can you shake these big clans of the Shendu Dynasty?"

   "Boo! Huh~"

   Wu Bufan took a deep breath of the big pipe and said, "Run! Even so, the Five Hundred Years of Transformation is Great Perfection, don't you value us too much?"

   But the corner of Zhou Run's mouth raised slightly: "Guess who Fei will leave the third position for?"

Wu Bufan and the others were taken aback for a moment, but almost without even thinking about it, they said, "That must be Wushuang! Fei brother is cruel to the enemy. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still very good to his own people. Wushuang followed in front. He has a paragraph, so the third place must be unparalleled."

   Zhou Run nodded: "This is like giving away an initial place for nothing. Which side do you think you owe?"

   Cao Mengde moved his head over: "So what?"

   Zhou Run: "I heard that there are time training grounds in the horror, if we have the opportunity to cultivate there..."

   As soon as Zhou Run said this, everyone's eyes widened, revealing surprises.


   Three days later.

   In the capital of horror, the Queen of Horrors patted the table several times.

   Of course, when he saw Wushuang appear at the end, she knew that whether it was Han Fei's favor to Wushuang or Han Fei's favor to herself, at this moment, they had all paid it back.

   A complete initial place is more meaningful than accepting Cao Mengde and the others. This almost meant that Han Fei gave an emperor to the capital of terror, how could she not know how great this affection was.


  The Queen of Horror turned dark: "Damn the Temple of Time, steal my identity as the protector of the city of horror."

   The Queen of Horrors was full of unhappy, and she would be embarrassed to talk about favors with Han Fei in the future.

   Suddenly, the Queen of Terror changed her mind, her thoughts faltered.

   Aboard the Crossing.

   Queen of Terror: "Nannan, give me a favor from Han Fei?"


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