God of Fishing

Chapter 2479: Lone Star City

The land of shattered stars.

   When Wushuang arrived here, she saw Han Fei and Feng Yu sitting side by side with a queen ant. This scene made her look a little dazed.

"This is?"

   Wushuang looked at Han Fei suspiciously, only to hear him say: "Waiting for you!"

"wait for me?"

   Wushuang was fascinated for a while, she knew she might be slow, but this was her fastest speed. But who would have expected that Han Fei and Feng Yu arrived early, and instead of going to the finish line, they were waiting for themselves. What the **** is this?

   Wushuang wondered: "Why don't you go to the end and wait?"

   Han Fei smiled and said: "When you reach the finish line, your third place position is gone."


   Wushuang’s beautiful eyes stagnated, and her thoughts didn’t turn around. After a few breaths, she widened her eyes and said, "Ah! Didn't anyone else arrive yet?"

  Han Fei smiled mysteriously: "Others didn't form a team with me. Of course, they will send one by one. Okay, let's go!"

   After a long while, Wushuang only accepted the fact that she lay down and won. Inexplicably, she was given a third place, which made her a little flattered.

   When teaming up with Han Fei early, Wushuang felt that something would happen. In fact, something happened.

   It's just that, she didn't expect that Han Fei would wait for her before the end. Especially when she knew that Han Fei had stopped seven or eight people, and even Zhao Qinglong had been eliminated, her thinking almost froze, and she hadn't recovered for a long time.

   this moment.

Han Fei patted the queen ant under him and said, "I know you have swallowed a lot of other ant queen inheritance crystals. Your strength has been growing. Whether it is physical or physical, the evolutionary speed is amazing. If you want to come to the distance to prove the truth. Isn't it very far?"

   In the past few years, Han Fei has enslaved the queen, knowing that the other party is accumulating strength. Knowing that there are vows, this queen ant has always obeyed Han Fei's words even if she consumes a large number of ethnic groups.

   Several years later, this queen has become the absolute king among the remaining queens.

   And now, the three-year appointment is almost coming, and the queen knows that she can finally get out of control. However, she couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart. Han Fei was decisive and killed many powerful creatures on his hands. I also benefit from it. I am afraid that such a person will be very strong in the future, right?

Queen ant: "Proving the Tao is not a day’s work. The number of my tribe has dropped by 80%. If I can prove the Dao, I will only get a chance to rest and rejuvenate in the future. If not, I am afraid that my tribe can only come and return. Go, wait for our clan to recover again."

Han Fei: "If I guess right, this road is not only my road, but also the road of all of your races living in the sea of ​​chaotic stars. If you can finish this road, maybe like us, you will be in This is your life for proving, rising, and going to a powerful and unknown realm."

  Queen: "Perhaps you are right."

   Feng Yu and Wushuang were very curious, thinking that Han Fei won a race by himself, it was a little weird.

   However, after thinking about it, the point is whether it can be won. Once it is won, the benefits are undoubtedly huge. Their minds move slightly, and they don't know if they will embark on this path in the future. If you will come again, will you meet again?

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Help me stop some of the designated people, you and I agree, let it go! I hurt 80% of your clan members, but you also have a chance to splash the sky, and there is no need to make a conclusion. In the future, Even if you want to get revenge on me, but now, I hope you fulfill our three-year agreement."

  Queen: "Good."

after one day.

  Han Fei and the others came to the galaxy again, both Feng Yu and Wushuang looked a little surprised.

  The middle-aged man who has been here waiting for the contestants once again looked at Han Fei's eyes, and it became very weird. How could he not know what Han Fei did? But the game is the game, he will not intervene.

   He just felt a little embarrassed. He just simply invented a rule at will, which attracted so many people to get involved, and was finally eliminated by him effortlessly. If he can walk through the chaotic sea of ​​stars this time, it is definitely a personal thing.

   just listen to the middle-aged humanity: "Why, don't you stop?"

   Han Fei grinned; "There is no need to stop, Senior, go to the stars, even if you reach the end?"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly: "Go on your own! Choose to go in, and you will pass the end. When you are above the stars, get familiar with it, and then wait for the notification. Where do you want to go, what do you want to do, as long as you don’t fight, don’t Make a mess, don't destroy it at will, whatever you want. However, Xinghai Golden Ants can only stay for a short time at most. After that, they have only two paths, one is to go forward and the other is to go back."

  The queen ant is also clever, just listen to her: "Can you give my clan three hundred years? In these three hundred years, my clan will stay in the sea of ​​stars here before we are born, and we will leave after three hundred years."

  Han Fei couldn't help but look at this middle-aged man. He knew what the queen was doing for three hundred years. There was no other possibility besides preaching.

   Maybe it was the queen who understood that with her current group, breaking into the chaotic sea of ​​stars, the possibility of destruction is very high. But now that she has the hope of preaching, it represents a possibility.

   Once he preached, he would not be afraid of the ethnic groups behind.

However, the middle-aged man sneered: "Three hundred years? You only have thirty years. After thirty years, you have to leave. Also, although the rear of Broken Star Sea is dangerous, it is not so absolutely dangerous. All Dangers are all relative, and all nine deaths are relative. Moreover, you have wanted to prove the Dao for 300 years, but it is just a whimsical one. Without the endless tempering behind, you can't prove the Dao."

  The tone of the middle-aged man's speech was very firm and affirmative, as if he could see through the queen at a glance. However, after all, he let the queen stay here for thirty years.

   If it only lasted thirty years, it would only be enough for the queen to consolidate the recent crazy improvement. It is impossible to prove.

In the end, Han Fei glanced at the queen faintly and said, "By the way, maybe I will go this way again in the future. If you don't have the ability to go all the way, then wait for me. Our cooperation is not bad, you What do you think?"


   Saying goodbye to the middle-aged man and the queen ant, Feng Yu said: "I don't think you have regarded this star sea gold-eating ant as a creature. You have been sending them to death. Are you sure you won't hold a grudge against you in the future?"

   Wushuang: "Yes! Those who are not from my race will have different hearts."

  Han Fei laughed: "Which clan do we belong to? Ten thousand clan, how do you know that Xinghai Golden Ant is not a member of ten thousand clan?"

When it was over, Han Fei looked at Feng Yu and said, "For Xiaoyou, the queen will not care about it. Along the way, the number of Xinghai gold-eater ants has fallen over ten million, and every time one falls, the queen can do it. A trace of backfeeding, which is why she has to rest for three hundred years."

   Feng Yu shook his head: "Unfortunately, she doesn't know the difficulty of preaching."

Wushuang nodded: "According to the tribes we have experienced, their growth is tower-shaped. The longer they practice, the more energy they absorb, and they will gradually change. It may take tens of thousands of years. Then the queen will naturally Growth, there is also hope of preaching. But all of a sudden, this time was shortened to 300 years. It seemed to be good, but some of his insights were lost in the middle."

   Feng Yu couldn't help but curiously asked: "How come this is like a huge natal star?"

   Wushuang: "Why is there such a place in this chaotic sea of ​​stars? If there is no Emperor, this place could not exist."

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Don't you know if you go?"


   This is the first time that Han Fei has directly descended on an unknown star from Xinghai.

   After the three of Han Fei and the others arrived, they took a breath, the gravity here is abnormal, the aura is strong, and you can even feel the chaos flowing here.

   Because of the excessive spiritual nourishment, the mountains and rivers here are rich in vegetation.

   There are towering trees, so tall is just ordinary. There are wild spirits, but when you look closely, they are all cultivators, and their strength is at least in the late stage of transformation.

   In the lakes and seas, there are creatures of ten thousand races. Although the number is not large, the strength is at least in the late stage of Huaxing or even Great Perfection.

  Han Fei and the others flew all the way, and saw that there was an explorer realm. They didn’t understand why a creature of the explorer realm appeared here?

   But, when I look closely, I find that these explorers are only more than ten years old.



   "Ah this~"

   For a while, Han Fei and the three of them were dumbfounded. What the **** is this Nima?


   Han Fei swallowed and said, "You, you Phoenix Protoss, you have more than ten years of roots, can UU read www.uukanshu.com to this extent?"

   Feng Yu rolled his eyes directly at Han Fei: "What do you think?"

   Wushuang: "How is this possible, this is growing too fast, right?"

   Han Fei: "Although there are not many people here, the strength is too strong. You can reach the realm of explorers in more than ten years. I believe that they are all mythical beasts."

Just listen to Feng Yu's words: "No! Their growth is very abnormal. If they really grow so fast, how can they only have so many people? Can't they all cultivate these rare arrogances in thousands of years? Get up, there are not a hundred yet?"

  Han Fei and the others have crossed tens of millions of miles. After seeing these for more than ten years, they can reach the realm of explorers, and even the realm of nobles, no more than a hundred people. So when they were shocked, they would suspect that these people's bloodlines are extraordinary, all of them are the evil spirits among the evil spirits?

   However, at this moment, someone suddenly flew by from a distance.

   Lai Zhe is a female powerhouse who has turned the stars into perfection. Just listen to her: "I think you have misunderstood. They are not gods, nor are they special bloodlines, they are just ordinary creatures."

"How can it be?"

  Han Fei and they all agreed, thinking that this person was just here to talk.

However, the woman smiled slightly and said: "This is an experiment. Lone Star City is trying the rapid rise of ten thousand races. You think what you see is an evildoer. But you don't know that their growth limit is too low. Currently It can only grow quickly to the high-ranking state. Later, it is almost impossible to grow, and may not be able to open the sea for a lifetime."

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