God of Fishing

Chapter 2481: Tobu the Great

"See Emperor Tobu?"

  Han Fei and the others looked at each other, it was just a game, and they want to meet Tobu the Great?

   As the strongest emperor of the East China Sea Shenzhou, a one-person existence in Shenzhou, want to see them?

   Wushuang was shocked, but Han Fei and Feng Yu weren’t really surprised. The Great Emperor Tobu was also a practitioner. After seeing the horror of the big brother, the two of them didn't think that Tobu the Great could beat the big brother.

   For Han Fei, it is not only the big brother, but the God of War is also a transcendent existence. Mastering the human race's strongest supreme divine art, known as the existence of a warrior god, will it be weaker than Tobu the Great? That certainly won't, God of War can beat God.

   Lone Star City, the only place where the emperor might exist, is a mysterious area formed by the aura of chaos. Han Fei and the others saw this place several times when they were visiting, but they had never been.

   At this moment, in front of this mysterious area, a total of 142 people gathered.

   Yes, except for the previous batch of people who were eliminated, basically no people have been eliminated. Had it not been for Han Fei to help eliminate 8 people, there should be 150 people now.

   Of course, it may also be because this is the top 200 of the 100,000-year-old competition. It is very strong in itself, so the chance of being eliminated is very low.

   Even, some of the factors that were eliminated are due to carelessness and coincidence. Anyway, for various reasons, less than half of them were eliminated because of lack of strength.

   At this moment, in front of everyone, in a golden light, everyone's ranking is listed.

   Among them, Han Fei was first, Feng Yu was second, and Wushuang was third. This was decided after Han Fei and Feng Yu negotiated. Originally, Han Fei thought that Feng Yu was about to prove the Dao, so she left her the best place to start. After all, there is still a long way to go before the preaching, and there are still many things that I need to accomplish.

   However, Feng Yu resolutely refused, saying that it was the original land that was not the key. Borrowing the avenue of the original land was not very different, so he refused.

   As for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and so on, Deng Xingtian and Wang Yijian also have Chen Qinmo on the list. They didn't care about the other Han Fei. Anyway, the people who should be eliminated have already been eliminated. The others are unfamiliar anyway. After leaving the Divine Capital Dynasty, there will be no Han Fei in this world in a short time, so there is no need to make friends.

  Wang Yijian and Han Fei said hello. Deng Xingtian and Chen Qinmo looked a little weird. What surprised them was that Zhao Qinglong, the Celestial Clan, and the aristocratic families were not there.

   Needless to say, Han Fei and them must have had a battle or something, but I didn’t expect that Han Fei and the others would have won. Even Wushuang became third, and he was rewarded with an initial place.

   It's a pity, regretting this time, it's no longer useful.

   found that the original referee did not know when he was here.

Just listen to the referee: "The ranking, I believe everyone has already seen it. The final finals, except for the top three, are actually of little significance. This final is mainly to tell you some secrets and get to know some of the best in this world. How much more. At the same time, I will show you a direction...Of course, it is impossible to have no rewards. It is obviously unreasonable. All people are treated equally, and they can enter this chaotic field and accept the preaching of Tobu the Great for three days. "


  Except for Han Fei and Feng Yu, everyone else was shocked. Tobu the Great preached in person. What an honour?

   And Han Fei and Feng Yu looked at each other, that's it? I'm so embarrassed to be a reward?

   Our elder brothers give lectures once every ten years, and give big lectures once every 100 years. After a lecture, I didn’t understand it, but I always found that my own background and potential have improved, and my practice speed has also been speeded up inexplicably.

Just listen to the referee: “I don’t need to say how precious this opportunity is. Listen clearly, I’m not talking about preaching, but preaching. The performance, the corresponding teaching on the shortcomings, seems to be all of you together, but in fact, it is one-to-one."


  Finally, Han Fei and Feng Yu's eyes lit up at the same time. If so, it would be completely different from ordinary preaching. The big brother does not specifically target the characteristics of all people to improve, because he values ​​the free development of all people. I feel that everyone can take a different path, not the old path taught by others.

   And if Emperor Tobu preached like this, Han Fei and Feng Yu guessed they just chose to listen. They realized that even when what the Great Emperor said should not be suitable for them, it might not really suit them. Therefore, this depends on the situation and cannot be generalized.

   When Han Fei and the others entered the realm of chaos, the curtain of the God Capital Dynasty had already come to an end, and what came out was just a ranking.

   When Han Fei's name appeared at the top of the list, everyone was not surprised. They knew exactly how Han Fei cheated. So the significance of this list is to show everyone the ranking again.

  At this moment, Zhao Qinglong is sitting in his yard with an ugly face.

   The place they are going to is very far away, but in the eyes of Emperor Zun, it is not far away.

   Therefore, if they were eliminated, they were naturally taken back.

  The basic condition of the final is that as long as you can reach the end, you don't have to reach the end. Although there are rewards, they can basically be ignored. Compared with Han Fei and the others, it is not worth talking about.

Just listen to the black dragon said: "Don't worry, since he has shown an invincible road, he can't run away. No matter what tricks he has, I will use the dragon secret technique to find him. Only when he comes back and leaves the dynasty of the gods , Is when he fell. By then, his physical body will belong to me, Invincible Road, the best artifact, these things will belong to you..."



   Han Fei entered this chaotic realm, and there was no one around him. Feng Yu and Wushuang disappeared beside him. Except for the darkness and nothingness, only himself was left.

   "Huh! Isn't it a preacher? Why is there nothing?"

   Suddenly, a voice rang from behind Han Fei: "I can teach it to others, but you, I really have nothing to say."

   Han Fei turned his head suddenly, and saw a middle-aged and elderly man appear behind him, with a faint white light covering his whole body. His face was a little fuzzy, as if he could see it clearly, but he couldn't remember it. This was a bit like the look of the big brother, but there was no mystery of the big brother.

   Moreover, the big brother's body is very big, it seems that the style is immediately different. This one! As tall as myself, it seems quite peaceful.

   "Tobu... The Great?"

   Han Fei asked tentatively.

   I saw the opposite person with his hands on his back, and said lightly: "You have walked on a very different road that has appeared before. This road is extremely difficult... God of War, have you told you that this road stops at the emperor?"

   Han Fei paused. The first reaction was that Emperor Tobu knew that he had practiced supreme divine art.

  Secondly, Emperor Tobu didn't know that, for himself, supreme divine art was not his only way out, he still had a road.

  Han Fei thought that that was the same way, but he still didn't understand it.

   Han Fei: "Senior, the roads are all people walked out. The **** of war stops at the emperor, but he can also fight the gods. If the road is unobstructed, why are the gods afraid?"

   Tobu the Great didn't discuss this issue with Han Fei in depth, since it was confirmed that Han Fei knew that he was on the path of God of War.

Just listen to him: "Your overall strength is very average. Every item is faintly touching the extreme road, but it is a bit biased. The reason is that your approach is not the approach of the extreme road. But your result , But it is the result of the extreme, very contradictory."

   Han Fei raised his brows, and he suddenly remembered his current level. The word "Ji Dao" was displayed on the message, which seemed to be a realm.

  Han Fei: "Senior, I am following the ultimate balance."

The Great Emperor Tobu shook his head slightly: "The person who told you the way of ultimate balance should not tell you the true way of ultimate balance. First of all, your way of walking is wrong. Second, the way of ultimate balance has reached its limit. It will also become the extreme way. However, everyone will think that there is no extreme if there is a balance. But the extreme is always there, but you have reached it."


   Han Fei was stunned. The old turtle said it himself and gave advice. How could it be wrong? Is it because the realm of the old tortoise is too low to comprehend the essence?

Just listen to Emperor Tobu said: "Don’t care, you don’t know. You only need to know the way of ultimate balance, not what kind of good way, this way, even if you know the true way of this way in the future, Don't step on it at will."

  Han Fei's heart moved. He thought it was just the limit of balance, but he didn't think too much. On the contrary, Han Fei was puzzled by Ji Dao, and just listened to him: "Senior, what is Ji Dao?"

Emperor Tobu did not answer this question, but said: "Everyone understands very differently, what is the ultimate way, you need to pursue it yourself. As the first place in this 100,000-year competition, UU Reading www.uukanshu In addition to .com rewards you with an initial place, I can also give you another reward, by the way, to help you solve your doubts. It is not specially for you, everyone, I will give them some additional rewards that fit theirs. This The first is that you have taken the path of the God of War, so there should be a lack of spiritual practice, right?"

  Han Fei's heart moved, I don't need it, I have the "Tiandao" practice of the Void Temple.

   Han Fei said in a hurry: "I can't say lack, how many senior War Gods are stuck here, the spirit can keep up, but also a little emboldened. Therefore, in a short time, I am not lacking."


The Great Emperor Tobu pondered for a moment: "Then I will give you some Masterless Soul Power. This is pure and can be continuously absorbed. In the short term, it may break the balance, but since you have embarked on the road of God of War, It will be a matter of physique catching up sooner or later, and you may still think that I have given you less."

   Han Fei grinned and said with a smile: "No, no, of course juniors will not dislike it."

   This is a direct gift of the power of Wuzhu Divine Soul, and it is still in a pure state. This should not be done in vain.

The Great Emperor Tobu nodded slightly: "That's the extra reward. I won't preach, so let's solve your puzzles! You can ask me some questions about spiritual practice. I am beyond the realm of your current realm. I won't answer it for you, that's what you want to leave. Just tell me what you need to know now!"

  Han Fei's eyes lit up. If he said that, he really had a few problems.

   I only listened to Han Feidao: "Senior, I want to know how to induce the spatial pattern and speed pattern to reach the speed of light burst."

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