God of Fishing

Chapter 2482: 100,000 Years Grand Tournament Ends

The lack of speed may be an obsession of Han Fei.

   In fact, Han Fei knew that his growth was no longer unpleasant. From 7.5 times the speed of light, to the current Ming Wu, the fastest can reach 14 times the speed of light. It has only been a mere few years. I am afraid that no one can believe it.

However, from the time he entered the Palace of Enlightenment of God to the eruption of Zhou Mi, Feng Yu's eruption reached 14 times the speed of light, which made Han Fei feel that he was just worthy of catching up with some of the background of these great forces. That's it.

   can only reach 18 times the speed of light, and with the wings of the void, he can reach 28 times the speed of light. At that moment, at least in the Open Heaven Realm, the speed was considered invincible.

   When Han Fei asked this question, Emperor Tobu's answer was also extremely simple: "The big bone seal engraving Dao pattern, at your current speed, you can reach the speed of light burst."


  Han Fei's heart moved, so this was it?

   No wonder, no wonder Han Fei felt that he couldn't get up anymore. It turned out that he hadn't reached his realm yet, and he had to go to the late stage of Huaxing, and then began to cultivate the bones.

   If this is the case, it seems that I really can’t rush. It was because Zhao Qinglong, Zhou Mi, and Feng Yu were all transforming stars into the Great Perfection and condensed the Dao bones, so they could be so fast. However, he has not yet reached the late stage of Transforming Star, and he has not yet begun to cultivate the bones, and he can reach 14 times the speed of light, which is extremely rare.

   When Han Fei heard the explanation from Emperor Tobu, he instantly had a bottom in his heart. Because in his current state, it is a matter of time to reach the late stage of Huaxing.

   Moreover, this time should not be long.

   Even if Han Fei is willing, he can advance this time.

   After the speed question was answered, Han Fei asked again: "Senior, can I exchange other questions for some vitality, such as the origin of life or something."

  Han Fei is smart. He actually has a problem. You can ask the **** of war, the big brother, and the senior brothers and sisters of the Void Temple. Therefore, there is no need for Emperor Tobu to explain himself.

   But since Emperor Tobu treats everyone equally, everyone will give opportunities and preach to them. In addition to what Tobu the Great himself said that he wanted to give himself some power of the Lordless Soul, he just asked a question.

  I’m the first to be dignified. It’s about the origin of life. It shouldn’t be a big problem, right?

   Compared to asking questions, what I lack is this. If my life source is enough, I can grow rapidly and break through the late stage of Transforming Star. It may be a matter of decades.

   I didn't take the star path. According to normal logic, people who walked the star path may have a 50% increase in strength after crossing into the late stage of the star transformation.

   And now, I don't feel the upper limit. After I was born into the star core, my growth has only been more than 30%. In other words, if he reaches the late stage of transformation, he still has at least 20% to 30% room for growth, possibly more.

  Although the Star Devourer will cause an imbalance between the power and the soul after the Star Devouring, but at least wait until he is strong to the current extreme.

   The Great Emperor Tobu seemed to take a serious look at Han Fei, saying that this is an opportunity for so many people to meet but not ask for. You don't even cherish it, but pursue those so-called extraneous things.

   Tobu the Great: "Okay!"

   After speaking, the figure of Emperor Tobu disappeared, and then, in front of Han Fei, two **** of light were compressed to the extreme.

   One of them is the power of the masterless soul, and the other, which contains infinite vitality, is obviously the power of the origin of life.

   Some people may feel that they have lost, but at least Han Fei doesn't think so, and even feels that he has made a lot of money.

   This is compressed, and Han Fei can directly earn his natal star.

   Among them, when Han Fei's life origin power was thrown into the star core by Han Fei, Han Fei felt that from the star core, to the earth vein, and then connected to his own vein, he was instantly full of vitality.

   He hurriedly took a look at the river of life, and unexpectedly, from the previous only less than 8%, it instantly skyrocketed to 100%. The natal stars are full of vitality all at once.

   I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. The origin of life given to him by the Great Emperor Tobu seems to be all that he can hold in the long river of life.


   For this, Han Fei doesn't even feel that he has lost. Since the beginning of the Demon Realm, I have never felt that my life is so full, and even the natal star city has become a dead star so fast.

   However, as soon as this vitality was injected, the situation changed drastically. Above the natal stars, mountains, rivers and seas, greenery, vegetation and woods, rapid growth, count the sun, it became a lush star.

   However, Han Fei did not expect such a wonderful environment. Because as long as he practiced the Star Devouring Divine Art, this vitality consumption would have been a lot.

   Although the star core is now condensed, theoretically, it doesn't need so much vitality. But the fact is that as long as one has been compressing and strengthening the star core, there is always a special need for vitality.

   As for the power of the masterless soul, it will probably not be absorbed at this moment. So, keep it first, and wait until you return to the dynasty of the gods, and then go to refining.

  So, others might be asking Tobu the Great hungrily about something, while Han Fei sat cross-legged in this void for three days.

   Three days later.


   Han Fei, Feng Yu, and Wushuang appeared together. They were still in this chaos, and not far from them, it was Emperor Tobu who appeared in front of them again.

   Only, this time, his face is obviously different from last time. His face was no longer fuzzy, but a handsome face appeared.

  Han Fei always thought that Emperor Tobu was an old man. It turns out otherwise, it's just his charm, which is slightly old-fashioned. But his face was handsome, his expression slightly gentle, and there always seemed to be a little smile on his face.

   However, there is always an inexplicable majesty in such a gentle-faced middle-aged person, which is self-contradictory.

   But the overall feeling, although it is the first time to see a real person of Tobu the Great, it feels good and the impression is also excellent. I don’t know if it’s because Emperor Tobu has been in power for too long and has begun to be close to the people.

   Three people salute: "I have seen Emperor Tobu."

   The Great Emperor Tobu nodded slightly: "You should also know the things you should know, such as the purpose of this 100,000 Years Competition, such as the purpose of challenging the Demon Realm and the purpose of setting foot in the Sea of ​​Broken Stars."

   The three of them nodded unconsciously.

   Tobu the Great didn't talk nonsense, he waved his hand and three light beads appeared in front of him.

   Just listen to him: "This is your final reward. The three initial places can help you to prove the truth. Efforts to become stronger, ominous is coming, and the war of all races may start again."


   The Great Emperor Tobu didn't treat Han Fei and the others specially, he just met with them, encouraged them, and gave them three original places.

  Han Fei and the others are also rather daunted. They thought there would be a special handover ceremony, but they didn't. It was like giving them three treasures in private.

   However, everyone is innocent, and he is guilty of his crimes. Feng Yu and Wushuang are okay, they have confidence, and there are people behind them, and they may be escorted home directly.

   But Han Fei is different. There are too many people against him. Not to mention that he now has a starting place, even if it doesn't, there will be countless people who will find him in trouble.

   The way to go back to the Kingdom of Gods surprised Han Fei and the others. It turned out that in Lone Star City, there was a gate to the starry sky. Through this gate, one could directly cross the Huishendu Dynasty.

   When Han Fei stepped into this starry sky gate for the first time, he was full of shock. He is a master of formations, but he can't understand how it is possible to have a formation that can span such a long distance.

   But if this is not a formation, what kind of power is it?

   This point, he has no way of knowing at present, it may involve a field he doesn't understand. Don't talk about him, he believes that most emperors don't understand the principle of this star gate.

   When Han Fei and the others appeared directly at the tower of the Shendu Dynasty Arena, almost everyone looked back at the tower.

   They always thought that this high tower might be some kind of trial space or something.

   But now, it seems that this is probably a teleportation structure, which is one of the conditions for connecting the star gate.


   "Han Fei, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Han Fei, Han Fei..."

   The arena seemed to be set ablaze all at once, and countless people called Han Fei's name. As for Han Fei's insidiousness, it has long been ignored by everyone.

   Regardless of the means, if you win, you win. The first is the first.

   Zhou Run, Cao Mengde, Wu Bufan, Luo Dafei, Li Chen, Mu Nan and others all surrounded them.

   "Brother, I knew you would win the championship."

   "Brother Fei, this time your fame will spread throughout the four great Chinese states. Even in Zhonghai Shenzhou, no one would dare to underestimate you."

   "Brother Fei, the scene where you played Zhao Qinglong really relieves your breath..."

  Han Fei was surprised: "Have you all seen it?"

   Cao Mengde: "No, we can see clearly the whole process."

   A group of people, let's go, Han Fei shouted: "Hey, hey, it's almost done, the game is over, haven't you watched it has ended? By the way, is it really possible to see the whole game this time?"

   Wu Bufan: "Of course it's not brother, the **** curtain is all over the entire **** capital dynasty, and your every move in the sea of ​​stars is clearly displayed on the **** curtain."

   "Fuck! Play the movie?"

  Han Fei's heart moved, he really started to hide his name.

   Just listen to Han Fei said: "Where is Feng Xingliu?"

   Zhou Run: "In my own yard."

   Han Fei: "Go! Go eat hot pot."

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