God of Fishing

Chapter 2577: Famous

It can be said that Han Fei is the best formation mage in the riots. If it weren't for this, Han Fei would not have realized the Fengshen Spear.

When the powerful effect of "Control God Seal" was revealed, Han Fei's heart throbbed. It is recorded in the Seal of Controlling God that you can use the Soul of the Lord to replace your own soul. what does this mean? As long as he has enough masterless souls, he can continuously shape puppets and weave his own puppet army.

And the Soul of the Lordless, the people in the Chaos Wasteland, are the most lacking of the Soul of the Lordless. Because in the energy spar of the Chaos Wasteland, there are a lot of unowned souls.

Han Fei looked around, is there a better puppet than the flash lizard? The answer is no.

The blood hand mine demon is good, but the blood hand mine demon hand is ominously contaminated. Therefore, the flash lizard is the best answer.

The six-winged mine bug and the five poisonous mine monster are unique symbols of the Royal Soul Sect. So you can't use it directly by yourself. If you want to use it yourself, you won't be able to engage in these useless six-winged mine worms like the Royal Soul Sect.

Han Fei licked the corner of his mouth. Now, the biggest problem is to break the seal of this formation. This may take some time, but it will definitely not be long.

Of course, it is not the present to study the Seal of Controlling Gods. Yang Kun has no value anymore, so it's worth studying what Elders of the Three Souls are left, such as their soul-changing three, the Trinity.

After a while, Han Fei shook his head slightly. He originally thought this was a magical method of transforming the three cleansing into one gas and returning the three cleansing to one gas. But in fact, it is the cultivator of the Yunhunzong who relies on the power of his own soul to forcefully open up the soul body clone to avoid the emperor's calamity.

However, when the soul is transformed into three, the comprehensive power of the soul is also not as good as before. The three-body practitioners greatly increased the time and difficulty of practicing.

Therefore, this elder-level figure of the Yuhunzong is actually very old.

But it cannot be said that this method has no advantages. Its advantage is stability. Once the three soul elders have a body to understand the locks of the three great avenues, the other two bodies will also instantly realize it. Then, he can transform the three souls into one and prove the Dao Emperor.

Therefore, in a sense, today I am not just as simple as defeating Yang Kun, but I am actually defeating a quasi-emperor.

But how could Han Fei care about this? Since it is an enemy, let alone you are just a quasi-emperor, even if your true emperor stands in front of me, it is still infallible.



Outside the northern mining area, many onlookers are hesitant to enter the northern mining area. Although this is an unknown area, there may be many dangers. However, this is only the periphery of the northern mining area. Even if it is dangerous, where can it go? Besides, some people are already taking the lead. What are they afraid of?

After waiting for a long time, when someone was about to be unable to sit still, suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky. Although it was far away, everyone couldn't tell which level of the strong fell. But looking at the astronomical phenomenon, it is still possible. See it a little bit.

Some people wondered: "Someone should have fallen, who would it be? Is it Ren Tu or Yang Kun?"

Some people wondered: "No! There were two visions, which means that two people have fallen. Is it possible that the man and Yang Kun have died together?"

Someone sneered: "Can't you? Don't forget, Ren Tu has his seven killers, and Yang Kun also has his strong souls."

Someone said: "No, Yang Kun came this time, he probably only brought the mine demon. After all, their Yuhunzong powerhouse has been cleansed by the slaughter, and the Dzogchen powerhouse alone seems to have been killed four or five times. Yes, a lot of powerful people in the late stage were killed. Come back, Yang Kun is not afraid to cut off the blood of the Yuhunzong?"

Someone said: "Don't panic first, some people fall, it means that the war has just begun. This time is over, what are you going to do? Don't you be afraid that people will come up and kill us first?"

I only heard someone sigh: "Actually, we didn’t want to get too much benefit. I wanted to get some concentrate and just let it go. Who knows Yang Kun picks up the search, and even grabs the concentrate back. ."

"Who said no?"

For a while, everyone talked and talked about it, but no one went to the northern mining area. They were waiting, waiting for the next celestial phenomenon to change again.

It’s just this time. After waiting for a full half an hour, there is no slight change in the celestial phenomena. Some people speculate that because of the long distance, some ordinary open-sky realm experts have fallen, and the celestial phenomena’s coverage is too small, so they feel If it is not, it is normal.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Fuck, look, who is that?"

Someone exclaimed, followed by horror, and his hair exploded.

Everyone followed the person's gaze, and only saw a figure in the distance, with hands on their backs, head held high, and a luxurious battle suit, just like a distinguished guest from afar, and they knew it was a big-time figure at a glance. .

And this person, who is Han Fei?

Someone exclaimed: "Ren Tu, it is Ren Tu, he was chased by Yang Kun into the northern mining area, why has he come out now?"

Someone exclaimed: "People have come out, where is Yang Kun? Where is the army of mine monsters?"

Before these people had fully reacted, Han Fei seemed to have stepped out of the speed of light, seemingly slow and fast, but in a blink of an eye he appeared millions of miles away from the crowd.

Before the person arrived, I heard Han Fei's voice: "Jie Jie, boundless mining area, and there will be no Yuhunzong ever since. You people, do you want to pick it up from the emperor?"

Someone was shocked: "No, run away!"

Everyone was shocked, and then they came back to their senses immediately, what a joke, Yang Kun is gone, the mine demon army is gone, and the slaughter is back.

If you don't run at this time, you might be the next one to die. Didn't you hear what Han Fei said, Yuhunzong is gone. A powerful force that has been standing in the boundless mining area for many years is gone.


Everyone was crazy, and the development of the plot far exceeded their expectations. I thought it was a battle between dragons and tigers, but who knew it was a battle of crushing.


Han Fei laughed deliberately, rampant, overbearing, and ferocious. Countless people who listened to him were frightened and wished he had eight more legs.

And Han Fei naturally didn't really chase, how much oil and water can these casual repairs have? If it weren't poor and nothing, how could they venture over and try to pick things up from themselves and Yang Kun?

Therefore, Han Fei had no interest in killing these people. He laughed a few times, and they all ran away.

after one day.

Hundred League City is deep-fried.

Someone was shocked and said: "What? The Soul Guarding Sect was destroyed? Is that really powerful?"

"That's not the case. I'll tell you that I was there at the time. Maybe you didn't believe it, but the slaughter of men is unmatched. One person fights tens of thousands of mine monsters and kills half of them in a moment."

Someone was stunned: "This is all gone? Then Yang Kun has three road locks, and he also carries tens of thousands of mine monsters, which can't be beaten?"

Someone sighed: "Who said no? At the scene, you didn't believe it at all. The power of one person and the scene of fighting against ten thousand monsters. If you really see it, you will understand everything."

Some people wondered: "Since Ren Tu has returned and been seen by you, why didn't he kill you? I don't believe it, because of your strength, is it possible to escape from Ren Tu?"

Someone responded: "Then who knows, anyway, when I ran, I didn't feel that someone was chasing me. But it seems to be right. Others seem to be still alive, and Ren Tu seems to be not very interested in us casual cultivators."

Someone speculated: “I’m afraid it’s not that Ren Tu is not interested in you, but that he deliberately left a way for you to return to publicize. In addition, although the leader of the Yuhunzong died, there were still some people who took them with you. Some mine demon staying at home, if nothing happens, he wants to use your hands to clean up the remaining power of the Yuhunzong. And you, there is still time to blow fish with me here? I am afraid there will be no more at this moment. Few people secretly went to Yuhunzong."



"It makes sense! Yang Kun fell, and Yuhunzong was ransacked once again. There were only a few ordinary powerhouses left in the sect. Naturally, they couldn't get into the eyes of Tutu. Therefore, he really wanted to borrow our hands and thoroughly. Destroy the Royal Soul Sect!"

"Quickly, go, go to Yuhunzong to pick up the leaks."

At the last moment, this casual Xiu was still feeling that he had not found it, and escaped from Han Fei's hands. But the next moment, he set off again, heading to Yuhunzong to pick up the leaks.

As for life and death, this critical moment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has a lot of casual repairs to choose to forget. Only by becoming stronger is the meaning of staying in the endless mining area. Otherwise, what is the difference between yourself and a salted fish?

In the horror city camp, Xiangxiang is listening to reports from several women.

One of them said: "Yang Kun has indeed fallen. We saw Yang Kun's fall from close range. The man Tu seemed to have discovered it for us, but he didn't care, as if he didn't care about us at all."

Another human said: "Master Xiangxiang, there is one thing we dare not say to anyone..."

Xiangxiang frowned: "Say!"

The person hurriedly said: "Master Xiangxiang, the three soul elders of the Royal Soul Sect, they have mastered a little time avenue, we know this. However, when people slaughtered these three soul elders, the same broke out. It's out of the Avenue of Time, and it's very strong. It's not comparable to the elders of the Three Souls. We wonder if this man slaughter is related to the Temple of Time?"

"Temple of Time?"

Xiangxiang frowned first, then was shocked, Terran? Time Avenue? Huaxing Dzogchen?


But seeing Xiangxiang suddenly got up: "Could it be him?"

Xiangxiang's eyelids jumped wildly, although intelligence showed that Han Fei was a member of the Western Wilderness Ancient Race, not an orthodox human race. But this information is not absolute.

After the Divine Capital Dynasty, Han Fei's identity as a disciple of the Void Temple was exposed and attracted the attention of the world. As a result, Han Fei disappeared at this time, and he has never heard of him appearing in any other place.

From the attitude of the Queen of Terror towards Han Fei, to the level of Dian Shao's familiarity with Wushuang, he even knew that Wushuang was preparing to prove such a secret thing.

The answer is not difficult to guess.

Just listen to Xiang Xianghan's voice: "You two, shut up, don't talk about today's matter with anyone, otherwise, die."

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