God of Fishing

Chapter 2578: The Royal Soul Sect is more terrifying than imagined

Day by day, the name of human slaughter finally started in the Wuyin mining area.

On the third day after Yang Kun chased Han Fei into the northern mining area, the Yuhunzong was surrendered by some well-prepared forces.

The Kaitian realm powerhouse of Yuhunzong was killed and wounded, and became the main source of the new batch of refining stars in Hundred League City.

The powerful sea-breaking realm of Yuhunzong was divided by some big forces and devoted himself to the endless mining industry.

Since then, the name Yuhunzong has become a thing of the past in the Wuyin mining area. The demise of an old force is mostly accompanied by the birth of a new force.

Theoretically speaking, the territory where Yuhunzong is located is now owned by Han Fei. Even, many people are waiting to see the theater, they want to see if Han Fei will go to Yuhunzong's site.

If Han Fei goes, then Han Fei and his Seven Killers will come to the surface from then on. This is what many people want to see, because Han Fei has offended many people.

In fact, if Han Fei really wanted the territory of the Royal Soul Sect, he would be immediately taken down by countless forces and become the next Royal Soul Sect.

Of course, Han Fei, who has Mine Demon Stream, naturally looks down on the territory of the Royal Soul Sect.

As the days passed, the destruction of the Yuhunzong was still often talked about by people. But news about the northern mining area has become tighter. Because Han Fei has disappeared in the northern mining area for a long time.

One month later.

A newcomer has ushered in Baimeng City.

But what is Baimeng City? It is the most well-informed place in the Wuyin mining area. Therefore, when the person came, in just three days, someone learned of the person's identity.

"Wushuang? Wushuang, the witch of the horror city?"

When an intelligence agency got the news, the whole person was shocked. As an intelligence agency, how can you not know the big incident in the East China Sea Shenzhou?

Decades ago, Witch Wushuang participated in the One Hundred Thousand Years Tournament in the Divine Capital Dynasty, and she abruptly reached the third place of the Tournament, and won an initial place as a reward.

What does the original place mean to the strong who have been in the endless mining area for many years? That represents almost 100% chance of preaching.

It stands to reason that at this time, it is impossible for Wushuang to come to the Wuyin mining area, but she is here and no one knows what she is doing.

this day.

In the big camp of the City of Terror in the Hundred League City, a large-scale meeting with only the strong inside the City of Terror is going on.

As the imperial-level powerhouse nailed to the future of the horror city, and the detached identity like the daughter of the horror queen, since the arrival of Wushuang, the principal has changed. Even if there are some people in the field, the strength is stronger than Wushuang, even much stronger.

At this moment, Wushuang glanced over over a hundred Dzogchen masters, first smiled, and then said in a relatively gentle voice: "Everyone, let me explain first, I will not be in the Wuyin mining area for a long time. It may be A few years, maybe decades, but the chances of a few hundred years should not be great. After I leave, the power of the capital of terror in the endless mining area is still yours, and has nothing to do with me."

As soon as these words came out, many people secretly sighed, Wushuang named her as just a passer-by, even if she was in charge of the forces here, it would not last long.

While everyone was relieved, someone asked: "Master Wushuang, are you here to preach here?"

For a time, everyone looked at Wushuang, and they felt that Wushuang had only been able to prove the Dao for hundreds of years. It stands to reason that Wushuang who owns the original land is the same wherever he goes. But when she came to the Wuyin mining area, people couldn't help wondering whether the original place in the hands-free was related to the Wuyin mining area?

Wushuang smiled slightly: "It might be that I might prove here. But I came to Wuyin mining area, not to come here to prove it. Let me tell you something first, during my time in Wuyin mining area, Anyone has to listen to my command, and any information that flows out of my mouth needs to be circulated in the way I want."

After speaking, Wushuang glanced at Xiangxiang. She knew this Xiangxiang, and she had lived together for a while, and she was a very skilled woman.

Xiangxiang smiled: "During this period, Xiangxiang is willing to be the leader of Wushuang adults."

Wushuang smiled and responded, "Xiangnu is polite. I am new to Wuyin mining area. I am very unfamiliar with Wuyin mining area. I still need Xiangxiang you to popularize the knowledge of Wuyin mining area."

After speaking, Wushuang stopped the courtesy and said faintly: "Today, I want you to reveal a message subtly. The Ninth Northern Expedition may begin. Remember, this news is not spread from my capital of terror. I went out. As for who passed it out, I don’t care, it has nothing to do with my horror anyway, Xiangxiang, you are in charge of intelligence, you should be responsible for this matter."


Xiang Xianggang nodded slightly. Although her heart was overwhelmed, she knew the reason. All this is to cooperate with Han Fei.

At this moment, it further proved her guess that Ren Tu was Han Fei.

During the 100,000-year Grand Competition of the Shendu Dynasty, Han Fei was the first in the Grand Bi, the second was Feng Yu of Nanhai Shenzhou, and the third was Wushuang. It is said that Wushuang's third place was given to her by Han Fei. Many people know this, because many people in Shendu Dynasty watched it.

Even Zhao Qinglong, a strongman on the list of gods who was in the limelight at the time, failed to enter the top three, but Wushuang took it. There, there is no hidden information, and a normal person would not believe it.

Xiangxiang: "Understood, I will take care of this matter. No one will ever find out that this news is spread by my capital of terror."

However, there are many people who are not lower than Xiangxiang, and these people are still at a loss. Someone said: "Master Wushuang, what happened? The Northern Expedition will start, why?"

Someone was surprised and said: "Yeah! The Northern Expedition is not a trivial matter. The northern mining area is very dangerous. If you are a little careless, even if tens of thousands of Open Heaven Stages pass, it can be damaged."

However, Wushuang unfolded a fan with a "wow", patted it a few times, and said in a leisurely voice: "This is the first time I have said something, you can listen to it. If I didn't say it, don't ask. There will be more Once, return to the capital of horror! The endless mining area is not suitable for you."

Everyone looked terrified, are they so tough? Just now, she was still smiling, just like the girl next door, why did she turn her face in a blink of an eye?

Xiangxiang couldn't help rolling his eyes at everyone, so that Wushuang could personally preside over the Northern Expedition. Can you know the reason behind this in the first place?

After a while, the meeting adjourned.

Wushuang left Xiangxiang alone: ​​"You alone know this, right?"

Xiangxiang nodded: "I am the only one at the moment. A Yue and A Cai should be a little bit suspicious. After all, we have given that person a lot of refining stars, and I didn't name them any of them, so it's normal to be a little bit suspicious."

Wushuang nodded: "Give them credit and let them return to the capital of horror!"

Xiangxiang frowned slightly, but remembering the scene just now, she nodded slightly: "Okay."

Wushuang: "You guessed who he is?"

Xiangxiang nodded: "I guessed it."

Wushuang: "Don't worry, this Northern Expedition will not be easy. In any case, we can't let people know that the source of the Northern Expedition is what we proposed. Also, I know some and some of the people here today. These people Whether it will be revealed or not is hard to say. I need you to monitor it secretly. If there is a situation, kill it."

Xiangxiang heard the words, a little horrified, is he so cruel to his own people? But after thinking about it, this kind of thing is hard to tell. It's better to let the source of the news leak out from someone else's house. And the most suitable for divulging information about the Northern Expedition was of course the Divine Capital Dynasty.

Han Fei did not expect that Wushuang would come so soon. At this moment, he is studying the Seal of Controlling God.

Not to mention, the difficulty of controlling the magic seal is not low, especially for the exquisite degree of the magic seal carving method, it can be said to be stumped and outrageous.

The main difficulty lies in the fact that if you want to control a god, you must fully understand the structure of the god, and through the formation, brand and transform the core of the creature.

For example, if Han Fei wants to control a person with the seal of the gods, he must brand the formation on his heart. In order to ensure that the person is broken and reorganized and can be controlled by himself, he must also brand the formation on the star orb. superior.

The complexity of this formation depends on the size and context of the human body, blood, bones, flesh and blood, etc., to correspond one by one, and move the whole body one by one.

Therefore, Han Fei immediately understood why there were only six-winged mine-worms and five-poison mine-mongers under the control of Yuhunzong. Even the hole cards Yang Kun left for him only controlled a few large mussels.

If you use the Immortal Immortal Seal to control a creature, you must first thoroughly understand a creature, which first takes a lot of time. Even if the mine demon is composed of concentrate, it is a stone in plain terms. But if a stone has an avenue, it is not an ordinary stone. In a sense, the only difference between him and human beings is the difference in body composition.

Another problem is that it takes too long to engrave a formation. Because the formation involves a lot of things, the difficulty of a single formation is equivalent to the difficulty of drawing tens of thousands of fusion formations in the past.

Therefore, when Han Fei was studying the magic seal of controlling the gods, he couldn't help but feel that the master of the formation was indeed a very clever figure, and this kind of complicated formation method could be obtained.

Han Fei caught a flash lizard and studied it for twenty-five years in the natal stars before finally understanding the overall structure of a flash lizard. It took another ten years for seal carving to produce a control formation that was in line with the flash lizard.

When Han Fei finished drawing this formation, he probably understood why the Soul Royal Sect alone controlled a few six-winged mine worms in a year.

Because it's difficult! Such a sophisticated and complicated formation, if it is slightly wrong, it has to be repeated. In order not to make mistakes, when the engraving formation, the spirit must be highly concentrated and dare not slacken at all.


When the first flash lizard was successfully transformed by Han Fei, Han Fei only felt that he could manipulate it to do whatever he wanted with just a thought.

A bright smile appeared at the corner of Han Fei's mouth. For others, drawing a few seals a year can have several puppets in the Open Heaven realm.

However, for Han Fei, because of the existence of the Demon Refining Pot, the same formation can be replicated 100% accurately by himself. Therefore, Han Fei suddenly discovered that he only needs to have enough Borderless Souls to actually create enough troops.


Han Fei suddenly raised his head: "The Royal Soul Sect, it seems to be much more terrifying than imagined! If the one who created the Royal Soul Divine Seal was still there, how strong is he?"

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