God of Fishing

Chapter 2612: The Source of Ominous Power (2 in 1)

Outside of the ominous fog, no one can see exactly what happened there, and how far the battle has been.

   However, countless energy surges told them that a terrible battle was erupting there.

   Suddenly, in the ominous fog that covered half of the puppet city, it was riddled with holes in an instant, and countless purifying powers pierced the ominous, just like sunlight passing through a dark cloud.

   Everyone can vaguely see through the place that was pierced by the power of purification, the **** hand seemed to be lit by the light of purification, and angrily smashed a huge shield. And Han Fei's figure suddenly appeared, as if being repelled by the blood hand.

   It is a pity that this large swath of purifying light did not last long. It only exists for a short period of time, and it will be filled with ominous fog again.

Han Fei was also awe-inspiring. In a blink of an eye, the Jingshi consumed 500 million giants, only to purify only about 3,000 blood hand mine devils, causing a heavy injury to the blood hand, but he was immediately withstood. Up.

   Han Fei's face was gloomy, because the number of pure stones in his hand is limited, only 1.5 billion, and now there are one billion left. Even if he could seize the opportunity every time, he could only cause three wounds to the **** hands.

   The key is that the **** hands were burned even though they were impacted by the power of Jingshi. But the boundless ominous fog quickly gathered into his body, so Han Fei didn't see the bleeding hand injury at all.

  The **** hand targeted by Han Fei was finally angry, and a voice yelled from the hand: "Human, you are looking for death."

   Han Fei cursed, "I beg you to kill me, you kill me! Trash Emperor, I can't kill even an Open Heaven realm. You still want to control the Puppet City. How old are you?"

   scolded and scolded, but Han Fei immediately retreated, because there were more than 5,000 **** hands surging, seeming to have a death shock on Han Fei.

   In this case, Han Fei would not retreat, nor would he not retreat. His target has always been the real blood hand, not these blood hand mine demons.

  Wasting pure stone on the blood hand mine demon is a last resort. Naturally, Han Fei will not waste one billion pure stones on them stupidly. If that's the case, wouldn't it be in the arms of the Emperor Bloodhand? He wished that Han Fei ran out of cards in his hand. At that time, Han Fei was just a metamorphosis of Dzogchen, and did not pose any threat at all.

   At this time, Han Fei knew that if he was still at this level, no matter how fast he was, he would eventually be restrained. Therefore, Han Fei no longer keeps it.

   He only heard a burst of shout: "Dharma Xiang Tiandi."

   In the next moment, he stood in the city of puppets, and Han Fei's eyebrows flashed. In the palace training ground, the puppet's heart trembled. After that, only the puppet army guarding outside the palace training ground flashed with halo, like silk threads, leading into the ominous mist. "


   At that moment, Han Fei's ontology merged into the world of Faxiang and at the same time, his body was madly accepting the power of the puppet city. Every strong man has extremely powerful power in his own territory. Because they have laid out too much here, linking the whole city with their lifeblood.

   Therefore, as long as they can bear it, they can borrow all the power here at any time.

  Han Fei logically could not bear this power, but after the world of Fa Xiang Tian, ​​not only did his strength increase by 50%, those forces that Han Fei borrowed and could not fully carry were all concentrated in the Fa Xiang Tian.

   Han Fei admitted that the comprehension of the laws of the emperor's realm must be deeper and stronger than the comprehension of the great ways of the open heaven realm. No matter how strong the Open Heaven realm is, theoretically, it can't shake the powerful emperor. However, there is no absolute in everything, Han Fei does not believe that, he is strong to a certain extent, if his power is several times stronger than the power of the realm, would he not have the power of the emperor?


Han Fei had already merged with Emperor Sparrow. At this moment, he used the Puppet’s heart to arouse the power of Puppet City. For a while, the whole person felt a little ecstatic. The absolute power flooded him and made him feel unparalleled. powerful.

   Seeing Han Fei grabbed the giant hammer from the void, the Hammer of Limit erupted again.

   He only heard him shout: "Do you really think your blood hand mine demons are endless? Don't you want to stop me? I want to see if your blood hand mine demons can stop me today. Kill..."


   Everyone from the outside world only hears the sound, but does not see the person. When Han Fei burst into a drink, only listening to "Dong Dong Dong", the Puppet City shook frantically.

   This is naturally not an earthquake, but Han Fei's shot is too fast. Borrowing the power of Puppet City, Han Fei's power swelled to the point where he would explode if he didn't explode. Therefore, the hammer of the limit broke out again, and the speed was like a glimpse of a gust of wind, as fast as time flows.

   "Boom boom boom~"

  In just three breaths, more than 300 blood hand mine demons were crushed into dregs by Han Fei, and they were completely smashed.

   The nine giant tortoises saw this: "Han Fei, use the purifying power of the puppet city to reopen the moat barrier.

  Han Fei's heart stunned, use it now?

   But at this moment, Han Fei did not hesitate. If he wanted to do it, he would be more thorough, and he would kill the **** hands all at once.

   At this moment, he is at the peak of his combat power. If he doesn't make a move now, he may not have a chance later.


   Following Han Fei's low drink, suddenly a blue halo gradually rose up on the top of the palace training ground. As this halo rose, the entire puppet city and the ground formations all flickered.

  At this moment, Puppet City was completely urged.

   Someone exclaimed: "What's the situation? Can't stand it inside?"

   Someone was shocked: "This is the light of purification that we have encountered before, right?"

   Someone wondered: "Why does the light of purification flicker on the top of this mountain? Could it be that the top of the mountain has been eroded by ominousness?"

   But the next moment, I only saw that from under their feet, on the ground, every stripe road was imprinted, bursting with blue light. As if the entire Puppet City was raining in the opposite direction, the rainwater was connected into threads, forming countless heavy rain curtains.


   Suddenly, someone pointed to the place where the ominous fog was: "Look, the ominous fog is fading, and it is fading fast."


   Suddenly, in the crowd, some people sprayed black smoke on their bodies. After a while, everyone burst out.

   Someone exclaimed: "No, he is contaminated with ominousness."

   Someone was astonished: "Damn it, being contaminated with ominousness, how did he have a chance to come here?"

   Someone was frightened: "How on earth is this ominousness hidden? Why is there no way to discover their existence?"


   Before everyone started discussing, another person started to burn in pain. In a blink of an eye, nearly 50 people started to burn, all of which were obviously infested by ominous bodies.

   This sudden power of purification caused all the powerful sacred beasts present to exclaim.

   There is a beast in shock: "What a terrible power, it has realized the purification of the whole city."

   A divine beast sighed: "Even the emperor may not be able to stop the purification power of this level. If the remnant soul strength of the bloodhand great is not enough, it is likely to be directly purified."

   Some strong monsters shook their heads and said: "It is impossible to be purified directly. Unless this light of purification can last a little longer, it may be difficult for even those tens of thousands of blood hand mine devils to be completely purified."

Someone said: "Whether it can purify this ominous area, it will definitely purify a large part of it. As for the blood hand mine demon, the possibility of being purified is very high. After all, this light of purification is too Too rich is not something that the ominous creatures of the Open Heaven realm can resist."

In fact, from the moment this light of purification appeared, the ominous fog that had covered half of the puppet city was quickly dissipating, in just over ten breaths, the ominous fog within the moat was completely dissipated, and an attempt was made to slow down. Slowly restore the moat barrier.

   And these purifying lights continue, even the ominous fog beyond the moat is fading at a speed visible to the naked eye. Because the ominous fog was dispelled, thousands of blood hand mine demons were exposed to the light of purification because they had no time to escape.


   For a while, the black smoke filled them, and they seemed to want to escape back into the fog of unwillingness. It's a pity that they didn't even have time to run, and their bodies began to melt like ice cubes that had been thawed. In the blink of an eye, his body shattered into concentrate and fell into the puppet city.

   At that moment, only Bloodhand Great’s roar was heard: "Xuanwu is dead, how could you inherit the Puppet City?"

   Han shouted coldly: "It's your shit. From today, this is my city. In this city, I have the final say. I want to see how much ominous fog can be emitted from you."

   "Puff puff puff~"

   Even after the moat, until the gate of the inner city, this ominous area is rapidly being purified, turning from darkness to light.

   Because Han Fei did not expect to be able to take over the Puppet City, the Blood Hand Great Emperor immediately let the Blood Hand Mine Demon return to the outer city. Even he himself had suffered seven or eight shocks from the Nine Giant Turtles, and Xuan Yi tens of thousands of shovels. He didn't fight back, but quickly retreated to the outer city space.

   At this moment, Han Fei’s Faxiang World was revealed, and he was chasing the blood hand.

  Unfortunately, it must be impossible to stop it. Han Fei made a single blow and only regained the inner city, killing more than 13,000 blood hand mine devils.

  In addition to the 500 million pure stones that Han Fei had consumed before, the total number of kills of the Blood Hand Mine Demon was less than 18,000.

   But the light of purification has not completely stopped at this moment. Although most of the blood hand mine devils have returned to the outer city, there are still hundreds of them, because they have slowed down a bit and have been purified.

   It's a pity, at this time, the power of purification begins to dim. After all, the concentrate itself does not produce purification power. The reason why the light of purification can be extracted is because of the filtering transformation of the Volvo Devil Tree.

   When Han Fei took over the Puppet City, he knew why Lao Yuan would let the Demon Tree guard the Puppet City. It's like a demon plant can give birth to the fountain of life. The Volcano Tree can give birth to the power of purification, but these powers of purification need to be stored, so this is the basic use of the concentrate, storing some special powers.

   Han Fei lowered his head and looked at the inner city full of gazes. From the place where they fought, almost 60% of the various buildings in Puppet City collapsed.

   At this time, Han Fei's heart was dripping blood, so this is his own territory now! But he has no choice, this battle must be fought. If you don't fight, let alone this part of the area is destroyed 60%, the entire Puppet City will be eaten by the Bloodhand Great Emperor.

   Fortunately, this time the explosion of the power of purification drove the Blood Hand Great Emperor back to the outer city.

   And the nine giant tortoises that caused Han Fei to explode the power of purification, seemed to use a certain taboo technique, and saw his body as if it turned into a round of scorching sun. Speed, strength, and strength have doubled in all aspects.

   Yes, Han Feixin said that the Nine Giant Turtles don't care anymore. He fought against the remnant soul of Bloodhand with the determination to die, so the fight was crazy. The Blood Hand Mine Demon wanted to return to the outer city, but the Blood Hand Great Emperor wanted to return to the outer city, and the Nine Giant Turtles refused to agree to it first.

  Under the shroud of the light of purification, the strength of the bloodhand great dropped drastically, and the nine giant turtles broke out frantically. At this moment, carrying two huge shields as weapons, it was a frantic slap against the bloodhand.

   "Boom boom boom~"

   Bloodhand didn't seem to have expected it. I thought that the nine giant tortoises were injured too badly in the past and should have no power, but who knows, this guy is still so fierce.


   I only saw the scorching sun blooming between the heaven and the earth, and the huge shield in the hands of the nine giant tortoises was shattered because the power he photographed was too strong. The terrifying impact that broke out directly crushed the large urban buildings outside the moat.

  Han Fei's eyes were already red, and the whole person became mad, only to hear him burst out: "You be lighter."

   The nine giant tortoises didn't pay any attention to Han Fei at all, facing the **** hand that was bombarded by him to the ground, smashing a huge hole, and struck out eight punches.

  Yes, Han Fei saw at a glance that the strongest of the nine giant turtles should not be boxing, so the punch marks are very chaotic, but each type of punch has a hot purifying light.

   "Blood Hand God Fist~"

   The Blood Hand was about to counterattack, only to see that the world opened a line, a shovel chopped from the sky, wrapped in the power of endless concentrate.


   After all, the blood hand is not the deity here. Even though the blood hand divine fist has almost been punched out, it still explodes in place by Xuan Yi’s shovel, billowing smoke and dust, sweeping thousands of miles.

   Han Fei saw that a long ditch appeared on the ground of the puppet city, extending from the inner city to the outer city.

   This time, Han Fei exploded directly, and he co-authored Lao Yuan and became the shopkeeper. You don’t want to be a puppet city, right? Dute is a great emperor-level powerhouse, so I don't believe that you can't control power accurately.

   I just heard Han Fei red eyes and shouted: "Xuan Yi, didn't you say that you control power? That's how you control it? You hacked my city."

   Yes, the moment the inner city gate was broken, the inner and outer cities were no longer blocked. Therefore, Xuan Yi's shovel cut out the godless power.

  Han Fei admits that even if he is in his current state, he might be cut in half if he touches it like this. But this thing is too much for Philadelphia, right?

   Han Fei's eyes were red, and he lowered his head to see that the **** hand was only ablated by the flesh and blood that had been split, exposing chalcedony-like bones. It's just that this bone is completely black, and it's obviously already contaminated.

   But even so, the **** hand broke free of flesh and blood, and even ignited the only remaining flesh and blood.



   I saw the nine giant tortoises and Xuanyi were shocked by the terrible impact.

   At this moment, only Han Feili's is far away, and there is still room for action.

   just listen to the nine giant tortoises shouting: "Stop him."

   Han Fei was trembling with anger at the moment. He had just damaged the moat outside, but he could accept it. After all, it hadn't been completely destroyed.

   But now, outside the moat, almost completely destroyed, this battle of the emperor, I don't want to think about how to hold it, just make it hard.

   However, Han Fei couldn't say anything, because both the nine giant tortoises and Xuan Yi tried their best to kill the blood hand.

   Then, there is only one goal that Han Fei can vent.

In   's eyes, it was the destroyed puppet city, and facing him was the **** hand trying to rush out of the inner city.

   I just heard Han Fei yelling: "You have destroyed my city, do you still want to run? Ahhhhh~ take me a punch."

   At this moment, Han Fei gathered his violent power and Soul of Soul, and finally punched a punch he had not succeeded yet. Anyway, the puppet city has been smashed, so do you care if it is worse?

   He only heard Han Fei shout: "Destroy the world."

   Yes, the third punch of Star Boxing, one punch is violent, like stars blooming. One punch dies, and my heart is lonely. Destroy the world with one punch, possess the power to destroy the world.

   With a punch, the outer city was originally a dilapidated city, and countless buildings that had just collapsed were directly turned into powder under this punch.

   Wanzhang Dharma, with the power of the puppet city, strikes the fist of destroying the world.

   The fist seal penetrates the sky thoroughly, it seems that it is similar to the blood hand **** spring played by the blood hand great, and they are all terrifying fist seals the size of a giant.

   This punch is extremely destructive, but Bloodhand Great doesn't seem to be able to appreciate it. He said in his heart that he is most proud of these bloodhands. Therefore, he never paid attention to Han Fei.

   At this moment, seeing the Blood Hand Great shook hands into a fist, he was about to blast him over.

   But when he saw Han Fei's punch, after experiencing three levels of changes, he seemed to realize something was wrong.

   At this time, even though his **** hand is infinitely powerful, behind Han Fei, it is just as good as the mighty power of the collapse of the world.


   The sky, the void, a piece of brilliance. The dazzling light covered almost the entire puppet city. When the light was dimmed, Han Feixiang was sitting halfway at the entrance of the inner city. The dharma phase was extremely unstable and might be shattered at any time.

   And the Blood Hand Great Emperor was also repelled thousands of miles, wherever he passed, a long gully was left on the ground of Puppet City.

   Bloodhand Great rises again. At that moment, Bloodhand Great yelled: "Star Boxing? Are you a descendant of Pole Star Great Emperor?"

   "Emperor Pole Star?"

   Others didn't feel anything when they heard it, but on the side of God Capital Dynasty, a few people were moved in their hearts. The inheritance of Pole Star Great Emperor seems to be in the Kingdom of God, right? Moreover, it is sealed in the arsenal of the gods, it is hard to say that in other corners of the sea world, there is also the inheritance of the Pole Star Great Emperor.

   After all, there are too few inheritors of the Great Emperor Pole Star, and as a result, no one has seen any useful person to practice this martial arts, so no one knows it.

  Until now, when the Pole Star Great Emperor's inheritance was exploded, several Dao Lock-level powerhouses of the Divine Capital Dynasty only gave birth to a trace of doubt.

   However, they couldn't confirm that there is no other Pole Star Great Emperor's inheritance in this world.

   And most people, they are shocked that there are really people in this world who can open the sky and fight the emperor. Although Kaitian is not like Kaitian, the emperor is not really the emperor.

   But, the psychological impact is the same. Even if it was the Emperor of Open Heaven Realm, it was extremely terrifying.


   Someone swallowed his saliva: "Why is this person sacred?"

   Someone sighed: "This method actually caught the blood hand fist? Is this a serious method?"

Some people are still sensible, and just listen to him: "Human Tu cannot be so strong. The reason why it can withstand the blood hand blow is that it has gained some inheritance power of the puppet city. Moreover, there must be the light of purification just now. Function. Under the suppression of the light of purification, coupled with the new power inherited, this gave him the power to reluctantly fight the **** hand."

   Everyone didn't speak, even so, it was a powerhouse who blocked the emperor's rank.

   At this moment, the nine giant tortoises and Xuanyi are killing them again. Fighting with the blood hand again.

   And Han Fei, still sitting on the ground, tried his best. If it weren't for the power of the puppet city to continuously replenish it, the world of Faxiang and Earth would have collapsed.


   Han Fei swallowed, this **** hand fist is really strong! If Bloodhand Great’s other hand was also there, and both fists were thrown out at the same time, I'm afraid that he would not be able to withstand the opponent's double fist if he added the nine giant turtles and Xuan Yi.

   However, at this moment, the purifying power of Puppet City has almost been exhausted. In this short period of tens of breaths, the Bloodhand Great is equivalent to a blow by the three emperors.

   At this moment, his power has plummeted.

   I just listened to Xuan Yi shouting: "Boy, let's cut off his chance to replenish the ominous, his strength is seriously declining. You are no longer needed here, you hurry into the ominous and find a way to block the ominous counterattack."

  Han Fei couldn't raise the strength to speak at this moment, and felt his body was numb, but when he heard this, he forcibly stuffed four or five groups of liquid divine glory into his mouth.

   and shouted: "Emperor bird, you come to take my body, I need to recover dozens of breaths."

   Yes, to restore the body, it is for the Emperor Sparrow to take over, otherwise the numb body will not be able to do anything. In Han Fei's mind, there is still such a lingering blood hand fist at this moment. People who have never experienced it don't know what it means to be true horror. Even though he hit the fist of Destroying the World, when facing that punch, he still had the illusion that it was hard to resist.


The emperor took the hand of Han Fei's body, and while rushing into the ominous fog, he said: "I definitely sucked the ominous under the blood spring at the beginning, so I should seal this **** hand for thousands of years. Now it is so violent and rich. The ominous power of the world should not appear if it is true. Either we have overlooked something, or a new source of ominous power has appeared here. What about your navigator?"

   "A new ominous source?"

   With a move of Han Fei's heart, the Vientiane Navigation Device emerged, and then immediately pointed in a direction, which was the direction where the blood spring was. Han Fei was suddenly shocked, and as the Emperor Sparrow said, the Emperor Sparrow had a new source of ominousness.

   No, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Han Fei immediately transmitted the nine giant tortoises and Xuan Yi: "I will destroy the ominous source, and you will hold the **** hands."

   The nine giant tortoises only replied: "Quickly, although his combat power has fallen sharply, we are also declining. Moreover, after a million years, he should not have such a strong power."

   Xuan Yi: "Call the puppet to block the Golem."

   Han Fei's heart moved, but when he saw 20,000 puppets, he quickly dispatched, and at the fastest speed, he leaped directly to the inner city gate blockade.

However, Han Fei can only call 20,000 puppets, so he immediately shouted: "Northern Expedition, a line of fierce beasts, a line of sacred beasts. If you want to survive, temporarily help me hold the blood hand mine demon army, otherwise once the ominous force will counterattack , The **** hands are replenished, everything will fall short of success."

   Everyone can still tell the important matter of life and death.

  Han Fei and the others have been fighting hard, everyone can see this.

   He just listened to Wushuang and shouted: "Everyone, it's not right or wrong now. When you are concerned about the gains and losses, follow me and fight with the blood hand mine monster."

   Wang Xiaojiu shouted: "The fierce beast is in the blood, follow me!"

   On the other side, although the white tiger of the line of sacred beasts has not been able to get down on the mountain, everyone is not stupid, and they have also rushed forward.

   They are not afraid that the battle will affect them, because the nine giant tortoises and Xuan Yi desperately intercepted them. Once that **** hand can hurt them, it means that he can already enter the ominous fog.

   Once the blood hand enters the ominous fog, it means that the nine giant tortoises and Xuan Yi have failed to intercept, and their battle is equivalent to losing.

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