God of Fishing

Chapter 2613: Blood Hand Fall, Emperor Fall (2 in 1)

In the ominous mist, the emperor spread its wings, and he didn't care to absorb the ominous power here, but rushed out of the puppet city and rushed into the mine monster stream.

   But even though Han Fei could burst at 32 times the speed of light, it was still too slow. Where the blood spring was, he had to run for half an hour at the fastest. But half an hour later, it is estimated that the puppet city was destroyed.

   Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Time fishing, Xuan Yi."

   In this case, there are very few people Han Fei can catch. The only emperor who has met recently are the Nine Giant Turtles, Xuan Yi, and Blood Hand.

   Although the nine giant tortoises are violent, when they are not transformed into stars, they are huge, mainly because their speed is not necessarily fast enough. Moreover, he is the main force in the battle against the **** hands, stronger than Xuan Yi, and he can't let him be distracted now.

   But Xuan Yi is different, Han Fei only used it eight times to catch Xuan Yi.

As soon as    appeared, Xuan Yi asked in surprise, "What's the matter with me? I can't be distracted at this moment."

   Han Fei: "Take me to fly."


   Xuan Yi once was a great emperor-level powerhouse, even if his understanding of speed is poor, it is quite fast. Although his current strength is only in the Proving Dao realm, his understanding of the emperor's level is all there.

   Therefore, after Xuan Yi understood Han Fei's meaning, he grabbed Han Fei and hurried out.

   I only listened to Xuan Yi: "I only have twenty breaths, and your magical technique can only last so long. Although I may be as fast as a thousand times the speed of light at any cost, your body should not be able to bear it."

   Han Fei knows what Xuan Yi is referring to. Brother Qinglong also said at the beginning that with his original strength in the late stage of transformation, the limit speed that he can withstand in the white hole space is 42 times the speed of light. Even though the Great Consummation has been achieved, the speed bearing capacity can reach a hundred times, I am afraid it is already the limit.

   However, I only listened to Han Fei: "You can run without worry, I have my own way to deal with this speed."

  Xuan heard that Han Fei was so sure, and when he thought of Han Fei's various methods, he didn't hesitate.


   At the moment when Xuan Yi broke out at the fastest speed, a cloud of blood erupted from Han Fei. In the next moment, Han Fei appeared invincible.

   Yes, change your life, maintain an invincible state of about three breaths at a time. And Han Fei has killed too many strong men in recent years, so he can survive this invincible state for a long time.

   Now, it's a race against time.

   When Han Fei was sprinting frantically by Xuan Yi, in the puppet city, Xuan Yi's power suddenly weakened. Being blasted thousands of miles away with a punch by the Bloodhand Great, the concentrate exploded on his body many times.

   After all, Xuan Yi now only has the Proving Dao Realm, and the speed of forcibly exploding so fast has a price.

   The nine giant tortoises shouted angrily: "Xuan Yi, what are you doing?"

   And Xuan Yi said silently: "You hold on, I should not be able to raise my combat power in a short time."

   The nine giant tortoises' heart shuddering, can't Xuan Yi's combat power rise? How could the remnant soul of the dignified emperor not be able to improve his combat power? So, what did Xuan Yi do secretly?

Hearing only a cold snort from the Bloodhand Great Emperor: "I really thought that kid would be useful if he came out of the Puppet City? When he could threaten me, the Puppet City had changed ownership. Nine Giants, Xuan Yi, my palm Puppet City, this is The general trend, surrender me!"

   The Nine Giant Turtles: "When your grandfather and I became the emperor, you were still screaming for nothing. You want the emperor to convince him? Your ominous ancestor will not do it."

   Xuan Yi sneered even more: "You are just the negative of the Bloodhand Great. It is your destiny to be beheaded, even the righteous master, and you still want to occupy the puppet city. Who gave you the courage?"

   Bloodhand Great: "In that case, if you two are crippled, this seat can also occupy the Puppet City."


   The blood hand punched again, not to kill the nine giant tortoises and Xuan Yi, but to try to shake them away and enter the ominous fog.

   But, the nine giant tortoises held the remaining giant shield in their hands, glowing dazzlingly, and greeted them frontally: "Boom~"

   The giant shield shattered again, barely obliterating the magic fist, and the nine giant turtles were directly blasted into the ominous mist.

   At this moment, Xuan Yi didn't do anything, which made the **** hands feel a little bit bad. Although Xuan Yi's strength had fallen to the realm of Proving Dao, he was still the remnant soul of the great emperor, so he couldn't make a move.

   So, he didn't make a move, he must be preparing something.

   The **** hand did not care about Xuan Yi, the moment the nine giant turtles were blasted into the ominous mist, he was about to rush into the mist in an instant.

   In the ominous mist, the blue light bloomed, and the **** hand was flying out again. And a giant shield appeared in the hands of the nine giant turtles, it was a giant shield of concentrate.

   He only heard the blood hand growl: "Nine Giants, are you already poor? You even took out your talented tortoiseshell. Unfortunately, this armor only has Dao tattoos, not your real body. How long can you stop me?"

   Nine Giant Turtles: "How long can I block? The emperor can kill you."


   After only twenty breaths, Han Fei discovered that the blood spring had arrived.

   At the last moment, Xuan Yi exploded and threw Han Fei out. At that moment, Han Fei really experienced an indescribable speed. At this speed, he saw countless void nodes.

   However, the Vientiane Navigator only aimed at one.


   Han Fei suddenly returned to reality from this wonderful world of speed, and rushed into the blood spring.

   Before Han Fei could react, he just listened to the emperor's voice: "The ominous power here is stronger than last time. There should be something wrong."

   I saw that in the center under the blood spring, a vortex was gushing out a massive amount of ominous force.

  Because he has already left the scope of Puppet City, Han Fei is no longer immune to Ominousness. On the chest, the rosary of God shines brightly.

   And the Emperor Sparrow has already begun to swallow the ominous power here.

   Han Fei stepped across the periphery of the vortex in a few steps. At this time, even the rosary of the gods was a bit unstoppable, but directly turned into a mask to protect Han Fei.

   The emperor sparrow saw this, and his expression changed slightly: "No, there is too much ominous force escaping from it, I can't eat it."

   Han Fei's expression changed slightly: "If you can't eat it, then don't eat it, just destroy him."

   As he said, Han Fei backhanded 500 million pure stones and smashed into the black hole.


   The black hole swelled up in time, then twisted and deformed, and finally detonated because of its instability.


   was too powerful to detonate, and once again shook Han Fei out of an invincible state. Today, Han Fei felt that there were too many strong men who could put himself to death. If it weren't for the change of life, I'm afraid I would have already died, I don't know how many times.

   At this time, the emperor said: "Although I don't quite understand, this **** hand seems to have opened a channel connecting the ominous fog."

Han Fei; "If he has this ability, but he doesn't use it early or late, but he uses it now. There must be a reason for this, or he only has one chance and needs to pay a great price. Or, it's because the Volunteer Tree is here. At that time, the power that can be called is too strong, and once he has an abnormal movement, he can be suppressed."

Emperor Sparrow: "Anyway, although this passage is destroyed, the ominous power here is still too great. Even if I swallow five paths and lock them, they may not be able to swallow them. I can help you guard them. This is a spring of blood, but you need to face things in the city yourself."

   Han Fei: "Okay!"


   Only saw Han Fei wrapped in Time Avenue, and Han Fei disappeared without a trace in an instant. Of course, Han Fei could continue to use the Time Fishing Technique to catch Xuan Yi.

   It’s just that there is a little time saving. Back in time, a distance of hundreds of millions of miles was traversed at once. This was the farthest distance Han Fei could come back by relying on the Avenue of Time. After arriving here, Han Fei flew back while performing time fishing.

   Only, this time the time fishing technique had fished more than 90 times before he pulled Xuan Yi over.

   Han Fei knows that time fishing has certain drawbacks. The old body, although infinite. But it is restricted in some respects.

   Among them, if the person being fished is very far away, the difficulty of fishing will increase exponentially. This is why it is so difficult for Han Fei to fish Xuan Yi this time.

  Secondly, if the person being caught meets him for too long, it will greatly affect his fishing success rate.

   Also, the strength of the person being fished also determines the success rate of his fishing. Even, some people have to be willing to come. People don't want to, and they can't catch anything.

   But, fortunately, Xuan Yi was caught by Han Fei.

   The first time he saw Han Fei's, he was immediately surprised: "So fast?"

   Han Fei: "Hmm!"

   Xuan did not talk nonsense, pulling Han Fei to the limit speed again.

  In other words, in Puppet City, there have been many cracks in the shell armor of the Nine Giant Turtle Concentrate. If it weren't for the ten nine-level concentrates given by Han Fei, the nine giant tortoises might have been destroyed by now.

   Moreover, since the discovery of Xuan Yi's abnormality, the blood hand even more eagerly wanted to rush back into the ominous fog.

   Because of the urgency, the **** hands went crazy. However, the nine giant tortoises were more crazy than the blood hand, and he saw that he completely started to burn his soul and the concentrate on his body.

Just listen to the nine giant tortoises laughing: "The emperor has experienced ups and downs in his life, and has experienced life and death countless times. He has been with Xuanwu, has fought in Xinghai, has participated in the battle of the gods, and has slashed ominous. As a great emperor, even though Without the body, there is also the heart of the emperor. Kill..."

   The nine giant tortoises are like the scorching sun, he is completely crazy, and even the **** hands have to avoid his sharp edges. The bloodhanded emperor knew that his combat power was almost exhausted, and if he could not replenish the ominous power in time, he would be in critical condition.

   However, 20,000 puppets and 10,000 Northern Expeditioners stood in front of the ominous fog. Whenever he wanted to drive the ominous mist to cover them, Xuan Yi would take action to cut away the ominous patch with the power of purification. Whenever the Golem tried to rush out of the ominous fog, it was blocked by the puppets and the Northern Expedition. The fighting between the two sides was in full swing, and it was difficult for the Golem to cross this barrier.

   Bloodhand Great Emperor thought he had a chance to win, but he underestimated Puppet City after all. He knew what was in the puppet city, and guessed the possibility that the nine giant turtles were still alive. But he thought that even if the nine giant tortoises were alive, their injuries were too serious, so he chose the same path as Xuan Yi. It is precisely because of this that he dared to come in.

   Before, when the Demon Tree was there, he had been dormant all the time. But the Fu Demon Tree was gone. He thought that with a nine giant tortoise that might even have fallen, plus a realm that fell to Xuan Yi, who had almost become the worst emperor in history. Even if these two can make a move, how can they do nothing about themselves.

   He didn't misread Xuan Yi, Xuan Yi really couldn't beat him, so he could only be beaten. But he completely miscalculated the battle power of the nine giant turtles, the first warrior of the former Emperor Xuanwu, even if his strength was severely damaged, he could really fight, and the power of the Xingyao realm gave a feeling of longevity. . Even, there were several attacks that almost touched the peak of the longevity stage, and even he was completely beaten.

   At this moment, when he saw the nine giant tortoises completely burning himself, he also understood. The nine giant tortoises were ready, and he was ready to fall after fighting this one.

   On the frontal battlefield, when the strength is equal, everyone is afraid of lunatics, and lunatics are afraid of death.

   Now, the nine giant tortoises belong to this role. They burn themselves desperately, just to maintain their peak state.

   The Great Bloodhand knew that facing such a nine giant tortoise, unless he knew that the nine giant tortoise had fallen, he would not be able to cross his defense half a step.

   At this time, the Blood Hand Great Emperor looked at Xuan Yi who was a little bit soy sauce. He found that the power of the concentrate on Xuan Yi's body was dimmed. Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

   But he heard the Blood Hand Great yell coldly: "Jiuju, since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you. I want to see if you, the ore body, can withstand my real punch."

   At that moment, everyone saw that from the hands of that blood, a middle-aged figure with black smoke emerged. With his appearance, a suffocating pressure was born between the world and the earth.

   At this moment, Xuan Yi looked serious, showing an anxious expression. He and Han Fei were communicating in an inexplicable way. Although what Han Fei caught was not his real body, it was just the old body formed by the road. However, that kind of power would affect the current self.

   He wants to make a move, but he knows that there is little point in going up by himself when his power can't fully operate.

   But seeing Xuan Yi looking in the direction of the nine giant tortoises, he said lightly: "Old man, you may have to take a step first."


Just listen to the nine giant tortoises laughing loudly: "This emperor should have fallen a million years ago. The reason why he was still alive was to fight another ominous battle. Unfortunately, he did not experience another ominous battle. Bloody hands, This should be your last trump card, right? The world fears your **** hands and shakes the gods. Today, let me see if your **** hands are stronger, or my nine giants are stronger."


   But I heard the nine giant tortoises burst out loudly: "I have nine peaks, one peak and one superb peak. If you are not a god, who can step on the nine peaks?"

   At this moment, the Northern Expeditionary Army that participated in the war seemed to have forgotten to fight. I saw the nine giant tortoises, the main body appeared, there was a ghost shadow of the tortoise, carrying the nine layers of cliffs on his back, turning the nine layers of enchantment, and blocking the front of the blood-handed emperor.

   Bloody hands: "Dead."

   Puppet City, there is only one punch left, and the blood rushes into the world, like a huge sea tide, like a galaxy, punches like the moon, and the stars hold it.


   "Kab bang bang..."

   The echo vibrates, and the void trembles.

   I only saw that the nine-layer cliff above the void was instantly broken into three layers.

   Next, the fourth, fifth, and sixth, after three breaths, they were broken one after another.

   When the six-layer cliff was broken open, the concentrate body of the nine giant tortoises also exploded simultaneously.

   Until the seventh cliff, the strongest fist mark was finally held. Even though the seventh cliff was trembling and full of cracks, it did not break.

   At this point, only a half of the concentrate body of the nine giant tortoises remained, almost riddled with holes, crumbling, and everyone who saw it was moved.

   "Hahaha! This is the blood hand **** fist you got? Sure enough, after all, you are just a strand of negative remnant soul that he chopped off. If the emperor doesn't exist, you won't even be able to pass the double peak."

   "Humph! If you're not ashamed, then give me another punch."

   Blood Hand did not give up its current advantage because of the provocation of the nine giant turtles. He had only one thought in his heart, killing the nine giant turtles and returning to the ominous fog, he could draw the ominous power, and his combat power would return to its peak.

   The second punch is just like the first punch, but with this punch, the phantom of the blood hand emperor's figure dissipated directly, and the blood hand also dimmed. It can be seen that these two punches have placed too much load on him. In addition, he himself has suffered a series of heavy blows. At this moment, it is only the end of the river.


   The seventh cliff is broken in response to the sound. In a blink of an eye, the eighth cliff took over the force of this fist, and in an instant tens of thousands of ripples were lifted on the eighth cliff, one breath, two breaths, three breaths, and until the fifth breath, the eighth cliff cloth Full of nail-sized cracks.



   The eighth layer of the cliff shattered. When the fist mark touched the ninth one, only less than 10% of the body of the nine giant tortoise was left, and his soul was on the verge of collapse.

   But at that moment, he heard a familiar voice, which resounded between heaven and earth.

   He only heard Han Fei's voice bursting out: "Senior Nine Giants, wait for me."

   At the moment this voice appeared, Xuan Yi suddenly opened his eyes and stepped onto the void. The shovel in his hand was completely shattered. This shovel, which surpassed the best artifact, burst into pieces at that moment, as if it had turned into the sharpest knife in time. As soon as the knife was released, the nine layers of cliffs were dimmed, and the blood hand magic fist was also dimmed. Even Xuan Yi's concentrate body dimmed, even almost extinguished.

At that moment, I only heard Xuan Yi's voice calm: "Blood Hand, the last thing you shouldn't do is to ignore me. No matter how bad, I used to be a great emperor. There is still a blow in this shovel, cut your hand. , No problem."


  The sharpness fell on the body of the blood hand, just as Xuan Yi said, this shovel is too sharp, so sharp that all great techniques are eclipsed.

   "Crack, click, click..."

   I only saw that the remnant hand of the Bloodhand Great Emperor was instantly covered with cracks, and it was no longer arrogant.

   It was also at that moment that Han Fei finally arrived, stepping out of the fog of unwillingness. I saw that he was holding twenty-six nine-level concentrates in his hands.

   Half of it was thrown to the nine giant tortoises, and half was thrown to Xuan Yi.

   However, to Han Fei's expectation, the nine giant tortoises did not pick up. Instead, he shattered the body of the concentrate and turned it into the last force of the ninth cliff.

Not only that, his soul has also turned into a barrier, imprinted on the ninth cliff. Some complicated patterns appeared on the cliff at a speed visible to the naked eye. That was the beginning of the birth of the nine giant tortoises. The tortoise shell pattern given by it.

   Even though the ninth cliff was almost full of cracks, but after all, it was still blocked. The second blood hand fist finally failed to cross his nine peaks.

   On the other side, Xuan Yi's dim body smiled slightly. The power of his shovel that slashed towards the **** hand was exhausted.

He looked at Han Fei and said lightly: "She said let me live and she will return. Don’t you know, I’ve lived too long and I’m too lonely. I have heard that there is reincarnation in this world, maybe, I can re-enter the reincarnation. Woolen cloth?"

   Only when Han Fei shouted frantically: "I want to find a way to help you get rid of this body..."

However, Xuan Yi shook his head slightly with a lonely voice: "Jiu Ju's last obsession is to fight another ominous battle. And my obsession is to pass on the puppet city and then die like ordinary people. Now, it's time...they. , Maybe it is so hoped, right?"

   At that moment, Han Fei understood. They refer to the puppets in the puppets. In the past, they were all living lives, in order to protect, fight, and reincarnate as puppets.


   At that moment, Xuan Yi's concentrate body turned into powder, gathered into the last blade, and slashed on the body of the blood hand.

   "Crack! Boom~"


   Accompanied by the **** emperor's quit roar, the **** hand that was inexhaustible was finally cut to pieces at this moment. The price is the fall of the two former emperors.

   The Northern Expedition Army, UU Reading www.uukānshu.com countless people have witnessed this shocking battle, and their hearts have given birth to a kind of loneliness. At the same time, they also witnessed the ominous horror, this was just a broken hand of the Bloodhand Great Emperor, a strand of remnant soul. If the bloodhand emperor's deity is ominously infested, then who can destroy this terrifying existence in this world?


  Han Fei's eyes are red, unwilling, angry, and regretful. A hot temperature burst out of his body.


   At this moment, Han Fei didn't care so much. Even though he had witnessed the destruction of the blood hand, he did not want to sacrifice the two great emperors in vain, and could not completely destroy the blood hand.

   I saw Han Fei, holding a nautical universal instrument and stepping on the jasper stone bridge. His body was like fireworks, his eyes black and white, and he broke out completely. The Vientiane Navigation Device also pointed clearly in a direction in the void.

   "Yin and Yang Grinding Disc."

   But above the puppet city, a huge black-and-white grinding disc appeared, and the place pointed by the Vientiane Navigation Instrument, including the void and all the dust, were all rolled up.

   The hot temperature, roast here.


   screamed again, echoing between the heavens and the earth, and this time, it also announced the official end of the Remnant Soul of the Bloodhand Great Emperor.

   At the same time, this blow also completely exposed Han Fei himself. Perhaps now, apart from Wushuang, no one knows that he is Han Fei. However, his hole cards were exposed at this moment.

   However, Han Fei doesn't care anymore. If his exposure can completely kill the blood hand, he is willing.

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