God of Fishing

Chapter 2629: Storm Quicksand Sea (2 in 1)

three days later.

With the efforts of Huang Ergou and the other four, Han Fei finally came to the edge of the stormy quicksand sea.

In the past three days, Han Fei also realized that cultivating in this wind circle is really not an easy task. People who have no confidence will easily fall, or they can only cultivate in the outermost wind circle.

Even if they are like Wang Xiaojiu and the others, they have experienced hundreds of battles in the past three days, and they have been in danger several times, but it was Han Fei who took action.

At this moment, the five Han Fei stood on the edge of the stormy quicksand sea, looking at this strange sight in amazement.

But I saw that the quicksand was like a turbulent wave, one after another, it was obviously a sea of ​​sand, but it seemed that people saw a huge tide in the sea. This is not to mention, this tide is flowing, every time it rises and falls, a vortex is created, and the vortex has no direction and disappears in the quicksand in a blink of an eye.

Needless to say, it looks so weird on the surface. Under the quicksand, there must be an undercurrent.

Above the sea of ​​quicksand, the storm was stronger than the outer wind circle, the sky and the earth were pale yellow, and the visibility was probably less than three or five meters.

All I saw was that Han Fei flicked his fingers, and a knife light on his fingertips broke the wind and sand, and slashed into the sea of ​​storm quicksand.

But soon, Han Fei felt that some cyan halo flickered on his blade, which was exactly what Wang Lanlan and the others said about the law of wind. Soon, the sword light vibrated and trembled, and it was only less than a thousand feet away, and it was completely destroyed by this law of wind.

Wang Lanlan and the others knew at a glance, even though this was just a casual blow from Han Fei, but this blow was also a sword light at the Great Perfection level. With such a knife, it is very easy to cut hundreds of thousands of miles outside. But here, it was annihilated if it was less than a thousand feet away, showing the terribleness of the storm and quicksand sea.

I only heard Wang Lanlan say: "Lord Han Fei, in addition to the law of wind, under this sea of ​​quicksand, the undercurrent is surging, and the vortex is difficult to distinguish. The knife just now, probably with less than half of the power, was drawn into the vortex of the sea of ​​quicksand. "

Han Fei nodded, he naturally noticed that this knife can cut thousands of feet above the sea of ​​quicksand, and if it is in the sea of ​​quicksand, it may be discounted.

Han Fei said lightly: "It seems that there is no wind demon approaching here."

Wang Xiaojiu: "Once the wind demons enter the sea of ​​quicksand, they will also be involved. Their results are the same as ours. Once they get lost in it, they will fall sooner or later. The biggest possibility is to be swallowed by the mine demons in the sea of ​​quicksand. "

I only saw that Huang Ergou was sniffing wildly at the sea of ​​quicksand.

Han Fei: "Er Goudan, what did you smell?"

Huang Ergou pondered: "I smelled the breath of a lot of mine monsters, but it should not be very strong. In addition, I smelled the breath of monster plants, it should be right, it is the breath of living monster plants. I often in Daluoluo's house Smell, so even if the state of life breath is different, the essence is the same, they are all demon plants."

"A living demon plant?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Huang Ergou, expressing doubts, in this ghost place, do you think there are demon plants?

Even Han Fei frowned slightly. The environment here is so harsh, what kind of demon plant can survive in such extreme conditions?

No, Huang Ergou said: "I can be sure, and in the breath brought out by the law of the wind, the life breath of this demon plant is quite stable. Other than that, I didn't smell anything. It may be more affected by the law of the wind, so I can't smell it further away."

Han Fei said: "Enough, it's not bad to be able to confirm that there is a demon plant here. Okay, you can go back! Wait for me outside the wind circle."

Wang Lanlan: "Lord Han Fei, why don't you forget it? In this place, very few people can come out."

Wang Xiaojiu nodded again and again: "Yeah! In the past, the emperors of the emperor realm often fell into it. After all, the open heaven realm is subjected to the power of the law every day, and no one can bear it!"

Han Fei snorted softly, but stepped into the sea of ​​storm quicksand. I saw Han Fei's figure, and in the storm, he disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Only one voice remained: "Before I return, you have to practice hard, don't waste those crystals of the gods and the jade of heaven."


But he heard Wang Xiaojiu let out a long breath: "Huh! He's finally gone! What kind of confidence does he have, he really just said that and broke through? He's really not afraid of death."

Sand Sable: "Wang Xiaojiu, speak politely, Lord Han Fei is also your master."

Wang Xiaojiu: "My master is Lord Dique, forget it, I won't talk to you about this. Then let's hurry back?"

Wang Lanlan: "Should we just wait here?"

Huang Ergou: "The speed of cultivation in the wind circle is much faster than outside the wind circle. Moreover, the outer edge of the storm and quicksand sea is a relatively safe place. The mine monsters in the quicksand sea are extremely rare to come out, so isn’t this place the most suitable place to practice?”

Wang Xiaojiu: "Stupid, it's really so easy, can you take advantage of it? Countless people have come to take advantage of it. Although the outside of the Storm Quicksand Ocean is relatively safe for a short time, you don't know that there will be a law storm here. Once the law storm came, we didn't leave, and only one ended up being caught in the quicksand river."

"Law Storm?"

Wang Lanlan: "Why didn't you tell Lord Han Fei earlier."

Wang Xiaojiu: "You don't need to say it! He was going to enter the sea of ​​quicksand. What can't he encounter when he enters? How can he care about this mere storm? Go, let's slip first"


The reason why Han Fei took Wang Xiaojiu and the others on this journey was actually very simple, just to see their respective abilities.

In three days, thousands of battles have made Han Fei know their combat power, fighting style, fighting habits, and even temperament very well.

At this moment, Han Fei stepped into the sea of ​​quicksand, and did not enter the sea of ​​quicksand for the first time, but walked above the sea of ​​quicksand without moving.

His body was quickly deflected by the sea of ​​quicksand.

At that moment, Han Fei only felt that the majestic suction and pulling force from under his feet was a force that would sink himself into it. This power contains the law of power.

Yes, he felt it the moment he stood on this sea of ​​quicksand. This place contains not only the law of wind, but also the law of power.

His body seemed to be sucked by the sea of ​​quicksand. Although he could forcibly break the suction, it was unnecessary. He can just maintain this state, just to feel the difference between the law of power and the avenue of power.

In addition to the law of force felt under the feet, the law of wind is indeed permeated above the storm and quicksand sea. The power of the law is different from the power of the Great Dao. The destructive power of the sand in the wind can be said to have increased by more than three times.

Han Fei realized carefully that the barrier of the avenue of power was propped up all over his body, and the wind and sand slapped. After being blocked, those sand grains also burst out with the final power, which is extremely refined power, as if the avenue condensed and crystallized.

That is to say, when the law of wind pushes these sand grains to move, in addition to acting on the sand grains, it even changes the internal structure of the sand grains.

Even if the external force disappears, there is still a final burst inside.

"Da da da~"

But for a moment, Han Fei was surrounded by a circle of sand, as if a cage of sand was formed, and he was trapped in it.


On Han Fei's body, the power of the Great Dao burst out, and with a bang, he shattered the winds surrounding him. But the next moment, a strange scene happened. Those scattered sand, under the action of the law of the external wind, came back the next moment and continued to trap Han Fei.

"It's interesting, the power of the law has the ability to self-aggregate?"


Breaking away these grains of sand again, Han Fei burst out of speed, breaking through the barrier of the Law of Wind all at once. I saw that the scattered sand grains just gathered together again, as if gathered into a big ball. Because there was no Han Fei blocking it, the big ball landed directly in the sea of ​​quicksand. The next moment, the whole ball was eaten by the sea of ​​quicksand.

It was too late, but it was too soon, Han Fei chased after him one step at a time. This time, he did not resist the suction force in the sea of ​​quicksand, and wanted to catch up with the sand ball condensed by the law of wind to see what it would be like to enter the sea of ​​quicksand.

However, Han Fei fell into the sea of ​​quicksand, and when he released his perception in the extreme range, he saw that the sand ball was pulled by the law of force and spread out, forming a vortex.

"I! In their respective fields of laws, can the laws devour each other, cover each other, tolerate each other, and even transform each other?"

The sand ball condensed by the law of wind also contains a lot of the power of the law of wind, but when it is rolled up by the law of force, this power is scattered. At that moment, the law of wind was swallowed up by the law of force, or in other words, it was transformed.

This is his first contact with the power of the law, and he just feels that it is indeed more magical than the avenue. The so-called power of the Dao is more of an aggregation of the power of this Dao between heaven and earth.

However, the power of law is more complex and infinitely variable.

However, the only problem at present is that in order to grasp this infinite change, it is necessary to understand not only the characteristics of the law, but also where the law comes from.

Features don't matter too much, where they come from is the key.

Han Fei's first reaction, the law escaped from the avenue. But how to extract the law from the power of the avenue? Han Fei didn't have much clue about this issue for a while.

However, he didn't come here to comprehend the law. Although the law is good, it belongs to the patent of the emperor-level powerhouse. Even, fundamentally speaking, the power of the law belongs to the application of power at a higher level. Once the Open Heaven Realm is comprehended, the combat power is afraid to climb several times, which is against the law of the heavens, so the probability of the Open Heaven Realm being able to comprehend the law is not large, mainly due to a qualitative change in the power of the Dao after the emperor's robbery.

It's not bad to be able to understand the characteristics of some laws now, at least not to be ignorant of the power of laws.

Having felt the power of the two laws, Han Fei roughly had a judgment in his heart, three times. The strength of the law in the storm and quicksand sea is about three times stronger than that of the same avenue.

Although the gap is not small, it does not cause much damage to Han Fei. Of course, it's not a big deal, and Han Fei doesn't need to be eroded and beaten by the power of the law for a long time here.

Therefore, at the first moment, Han Fei's body was covered with a layer of Xinghai Xuansha. The same is sand, but the possibility of the law here trying to disperse the Xinghai Xuansha is almost zero.

At this moment, undercurrents are surging in the quicksand sea. If Han Fei lets the quicksand currents sweep, his position will change constantly.

Therefore, Han Fei immediately stabilized his body and resisted the impact of the tide of the sand sea.

However, when Han Fei did this, he frowned slightly. The tide of the sand sea was affected by the law of force and the law of wind, so the thrust was amazing. Without running the avenue, Han Fei needed almost all his strength to resist this thrust.

"It seems that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. If the time is too long, the mental state will inevitably decline. Even if it can withstand the thrust of the sand sea, it will be difficult to deal with the mine monsters living here."

However, he saw Han Fei immediately took out the Navigation Vientiane, and as his mind moved, he saw that the pointer pointed in a certain direction.


Han Fei rushed out with all his strength, and the quicksand was like a tide, but it was relatively sparser than the sand sea in the wind circle, so he didn't need to make a hole to move forward.

The only downside is that this sea of ​​quicksand is extremely resistant. Han Fei could have burst at more than 30 times the speed of light, but here, he can only barely maintain double the speed of light, and it is relatively reluctant.

This can't help but make Han Fei's head a little big. According to the depth of the external wind circle, at such a speed, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get out of this storm and quicksand sea within half a month.

"No wonder they dare not enter the stormy quicksand sea. According to the normal Great Perfection level, their mental strength will be exhausted in this ghost place for a maximum of one day. Even if there are five Dao Lock level powerhouses, three days is already the limit. Not counting the situation of encountering the mine demon here, once you encounter it, even if it is an ordinary wind demon-level mine demon, you may immediately fall into a situation of nine deaths."

Han Fei remembered that Li Luoluo told him this information so casually, it should not be to kill himself, but it was a bit of a test of teaching. It's just, is she trying to teach herself, or is she trying to teach the emperor? Or, what other purpose?

After half a day.

Han Fei is glad that he has not yet met the mine monsters in the quicksand sea. Perhaps the living conditions here are very difficult, so the number of mine monsters is actually not as many as they said?

Han Fei was thinking about it, and suddenly rushed into a large silver sand sea, and when he looked closely, it was actually a strange fish that was only a few meters long, and its body was erect like a thin paper. And their bodies are composed of extremely smooth concentrates, which should be the result of being polished by the law of force and the law of wind for a long time.

I only saw that in Han Fei's eyes, information immediately emerged:

【Name】Silver Knife Ore Fish

[Introduction] The silver knife ore fish, which is formed by the condensation of concentrate sand, is influenced by the law of force and the law of wind. Silver knife ore fish are gregarious ore monsters, and they must work in groups to break through the wind and waves in the quicksand sea. Once alone, it will be swept by force quicksand and hit until it falls. They use the concentrates in the quicksand tides as energy supplements, absorb and grow, and they cannot stop for the rest of their lives.


[Quality] Level 4 Mine Demon

[Boundary] Early stage of Kaitian realm

[Combat skills] Silver light blade, wind cutting knife, silver light power

[Collectable] Grade 4 Concentrate Sand


[Remarks] It is a bit obvious, and the weakness is also obvious. Be careful of the collective impact of the silver knife mine fish.

In Han Fei's eyes, information appeared one after another, from level 101 to level 105, constantly changing. No matter how strong it was, he didn't see it, or it might be too late to see them one by one.

Because perception cannot be released in the stormy quicksand sea, Han Fei does not know even if the group of silver knife mine fish is only thousands of miles away from Han Fei.

This is the scene of Han Fei slamming into other people's fish.

Han Fei was also taken aback by this group of silver knife mine fish, but their reaction was faster, and it seemed that they had long been accustomed to this sudden change. Therefore, this huge school of fish, led by the head fish, suddenly turned around, and thousands of silver knife ore fish seemed to have turned into a complete big fish, breaking the quicksand tide, cutting the road of wind and the road of power , passed by Han Fei in an instant.

"Ding Ding Ding ~"

At that moment, Han Fei's body was almost unable to control himself, as if in an instant, there were thousands of sword lights that impacted him, and even Xinghai Xuansha was hit with cracks.

Of course, the Xinghai Xuansha would not be smashed to pieces, but a group of mine monsters in the early days of the Kaitian realm, after being broken into pieces, could actually crack the Xinghai Xuansha, which is enough to prove the horror of this group of silver knife mine fish.

It's not that a single silver knife fish is scary, but the impact of their aggregate is very scary.

One round of impact failed, and the silver knife ore fish turned back in an instant, trying to carry out a second round of impact. This Han Fei is willing to obey, acting as if he is a wooden man, letting you attack.

I saw Han Fei turn his hand and threw the extremely cold orb, and in an instant, the sky was frozen. These groups of silver knife mine fish are all stagnant. But the extremely cold orb is not bad for living beings with flesh and blood. Throwing ore monsters has a limited number of kills. It is unrealistic to kill tens of thousands of ore monsters at once, and you can freeze them for a while at most.

Moreover, the power in the storm quicksand sea will not allow the freezing power of the arctic orb to last long.

Therefore, Han Fei squeezed the fist mark, and the starburst fist blasted out. Like a star bursting, the impact force immediately blew the frozen silver knife ore fish in all directions.

At this time, the quicksand was poured back, and the law of force pushed forward. The blown up silver knife ore fish could no longer gather in groups, and their bodies could not resume normal operations for the time being, so nearly half of them were destroyed by the quicksand sea in the blink of an eye. As a result, lightning and thunder erupted over the Quicksand Sea.

In the end, there were less than 500 silver knife fish that could barely get together. There are only five hundred, and they can only barely maintain their group. It is impossible to find Han Fei to settle accounts. If they are scattered again, their end may only be wiped out.

The silver knife mine fish that can grow to this point also has a little sense of life-saving, so he got into the quicksand wisely and never showed up again.

However, in less than a hundred breaths of time after the silver knife mine fish ran away, thousands of blue threads suddenly stretched out from the sand sea, suddenly piercing the silver light power of the silver knife mine fish, and directly smashing the five hundred Only the silver knife mine fish gave the breakdown.

However, at the end of each silk thread, there was a strange fruit in the shape of a water drop. When the thread penetrated the silver sword ore fish, the fruit suddenly cracked, turned into a skin, and wrapped the silver sword ore fish for half a time. Around the column incense, when these skins turn into water drop-shaped fruits, where there are still silver knife ore fish, only some ordinary sand grains are left.

On the other hand, Han Fei quickly put away the Extreme Cold Orb and looked at the sea of ​​quicksand that had returned to normal, so he could only take out the Navigation Vientiane again.

There is no way, once he fights and loses his direction, he must correct it in time, otherwise he will not be able to cross this sea of ​​storm and quicksand at all.

Acting again, Han Fei's vigilance was raised.

Silver knife mine fish, it can be said that it is very weak. In order to adapt to the harsh environment of the storm and quicksand sea, they have evolved into flakes, using the law of resilience and the law of wind.

But even if a group of creatures like the silver knife mine fish, the collective power can smash the Xinghai Xuansha, what if their individual strength is stronger? What if the individual strength reaches the late stage or even the great perfection?

Han Fei didn't dare to think that if he encountered a mine monster of that level, the only way to survive was to run.

after one day.

Han Fei encountered the second wave of ore monster life, a kind of flying leaf shellfish. This ore monster is different from the silver knife ore fish. They belong to shellfish, and their flat bodies have become flatter, like Ye Feiwu. Move with the sand. It's just that the cutting power of these gadgets is amazing. Fortunately, its level is similar to that of the silver knife mine fish, so it did not cause substantial damage to Han Fei.

one day.

two days.

three days.


Until the seventh day, Han Fei encountered as many as 13 kinds of group mine monsters, and he encountered two groups on average every day. And the strength of these group mine monsters is indeed growing. From the beginning, it was just a silver knife mine fish in the early days of Kaitian. Today, seven days later, Han Fei encountered a group of disk starfish whose average strength is after the transformation.

At this moment, I only heard Di Que shout: "Have you rested? Take your body back when you have rested. There are too many starfish in this group, and the speed is extremely fast. It is not an option to kill them like this."

Han Fei: "Okay, okay, let me do it."

Emperor Que: "Why is this Emperor taking turns with you? Why don't Xiao Hei Xiaobai let them come out and take turns?"

Han Fei: "In such a violent encounter, let Xiao Hei come out and rotate. I'm afraid that he will come to the top. At that time, if I really want to get my body back, I may not be able to do it."

Emperor Que: "It seems that your will is not enough, and you can't even suppress your own gifted soul beast."

Han Fei was speechless: "I can't suppress you either."

Emperor Que pondered for a moment: "It makes sense."

Han Fei took over the body again, and shot the extremely cold orb with his backhand, blocking thousands of disc starfish. But there are thousands more coming from all directions.

These disk starfish, although they are also group mine monsters, but the other side is not relatively dense, but only in groups within a certain range. So the Frigid Orb couldn't freeze them all.

This chase has lasted for half an hour. The Emperor Sparrow killed about 60% of the disk starfish with one blow. Here, the Eye of Calamity cannot be used, otherwise God knows what other tribes of mine monsters will be attracted, and it will be even more dangerous at that time. But fortunately, Di Que has already solved most of the disc starfish, and with the remaining point, Han Fei can wear them down even if he grinds them slowly, at most two hours later.

An hour later.

The number of disc starfish chasing Han Fei has been reduced by nearly half, only less than 2,000, and the others have been thrown away. Han Fei was going to throw the extremely cold orb again, ready to freeze them again.

But suddenly, Han Fei had a bad premonition, and saw that he threw the Extreme Cold Orb against an inexplicable place with his backhand.

"Puff puff~"

The next moment, Han Fei saw that the quicksand sea shot out thousands of blue silk from nowhere. These blue threads pierced through the nearly 2,000 disc starfish behind Han Fei in an instant, followed by a drop-shaped fruit that turned into a piece of skin and wrapped the disc starfish.

Looking at the direction in which the arctic orb was thrown, there were thousands of blue silks everywhere, trying to hit him. It is also thanks to his quick reaction and the extreme cold orb in his hand, otherwise I am afraid that he has been plotted now.


It was too late, but it was too soon. Han Fei used his backhand to draw the sword, grabbed a piece of quicksand, and cut through the blue silk. After this knife was cut, only a hundred of thousands of blue silks were broken.

Han Fei stretched out his hand to fish ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and grabbed the broken blue silk, and then a message emerged in his eyes:

[Name] Qiansi Emperor Willow

[Introduction] A strange monster plant that grows in the sea of ​​quicksand. This monster plant can naturally absorb the power of concentrate. Because of its extremely thin and moist body, Qiansi Emperor Willow can survive in the sea of ​​quicksand and deprive the spirit of the mine monster for food. Qiansi emperor willow, small in size, can shrink the silk into a ball, can be clothed like a net, and the silk is more than an artifact. Fishing with a thousand threads, good at hiding, good at hunting, and extremely difficult to catch.


[Quality] Honghuang Yaozhi

【Boundary】Proving the Way

【Combat Skills】Thousands of Silk Fishing, Breaking the Void, Devouring Teeth, Pulling the Thread Puppet

【Collectable】Thousand-thread button


[Remarks] The only weakness of Qiansi Emperor Liu is the general strength of the body.

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