God of Fishing

Chapter 2630: 0 Silk Emperor Willow (2 in 1)

"There really is a demon plant?"

Han Fei's face changed slightly. In such an extremely harsh environment, the existence of the demon plant life form is unimaginable.

Moreover, this demon plant looks very aggressive, and it is especially forbearing. When there were so many disc starfish chasing him before, this guy didn't do it. In the end, when he spent a lot of effort and got rid of most of the disc starfish, this guy made a move, and as soon as he made a move, he directly killed more than 2,000 disc starfish.

Even if Han Fei didn't pass the refining of the demon pot, he knew that the Qiansi Emperor Liu could not be a demon plant in the open sky.

At this moment, the Qiansi Emperor Liu not only wanted to shoot the disc starfish, he also wanted to kill himself.

Seeing that the blue silk was almost in front of his eyes, Han Fei's fingertips burst out with a sword of Dao Returning, the sword was invincible, killing the gods, and stroking these blue silk.

"Puff puff~"

When this sword went down, I only saw that these blue silks were twisted. Although nearly half of them were broken, a small part was still buckled on Han Fei's body.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"

Han Fei saw that these blue silks wrapped countless circles around his hands, feet, and body, and he was suddenly tied up. At this moment, the things that looked like water droplets on the blue silk suddenly opened into pieces of skin, and they suddenly wrapped Han Fei inside.


At this moment, Han Fei dared to neglect, and in a round of confrontation, he was at a disadvantage. I didn't even see the body of the Qiansi Emperor Liu, and I almost got eaten by this thing, how could this be possible?

I saw that the thin skin that wrapped Han Fei, like a piece of paper burned by flames, quickly appeared large and small holes. Looking at it again, it was a mist of black and white interwoven, actually wrapping the thousand threads.

This is naturally the power of devouring the twin magic trick Xiao Hei. The twin magic trick can be used to escape, but it is not only used to escape.

Xiao Hei Xiaobai's strength has grown, and it is no longer weaker than himself. The black mist is like a corrosive mist, swallowing everything he sees.

Qiansi Emperor Liu also felt something was wrong and tried to withdraw his blue silk, but it was too late, the water droplet-like thing on the blue silk had been swallowed by Xiao Hei.

And Han Fei didn't flinch. The demon pot refining showed that the Qiansi Emperor Liu was only capable of proving the Tao. Although it was not weak, it was not too strong. With his own strength, he should be able to fight against it.

Han Fei grabbed these blue silks and was about to go after them, but in the next moment, these blue silks broke one after another, and the remaining blue silks fled into the void and disappeared without a trace.

The strong man broke his wrist?

The black fog did not chase into the void, because it was considerate of the sky and could not break the void barrier here. However, the targets of these blue silk attacks are not only themselves, but also those disc starfish.

Therefore, when Han Fei found out that the Qiansi Emperor Liu was about to withdraw, of course he was not happy. He turned around and slashed at the tentacles that were swallowing the disc starfish.

"Hmph! I want to run after I finish fighting, I'll give you to Mei."

Qiansi Emperor Liu also found out Han Fei's purpose, and this person was very decisive even if he had to fight with him. It stopped swallowing at the first time, but instead exposed those disc starfish again, and killed themselves.

Han Fei's expression changed slightly, this is Qiansi Emperor Liu's thread puppet technique?

I saw that thousands of invincible fist marks were killed in an instant, and those disc starfish directly gave Han Fei a series of explosions.

"bang bang bang~"

Qiansi Emperor Liu doesn't seem to care about these disc starfish at all, and even regards them as a tool for self-destruction. Where did Han Fei think of this? It was directly detonated by the serial explosion, and it was disgraced.

Moreover, Qiansi Emperor Liu didn't mean to stop at all, and surrounded Han Fei abruptly.

The point is, there are nearly 2,000 disc starfish here.


Xinghai Xuansha immediately turned into a ball and locked Han Fei in it.

"bang bang bang~"

More than three hundred disc starfish surrounded Han Fei's Xinghai Xuansha sphere.


After all, it is the disc starfish after the transformation of the star. More than 300 groups blew themselves up in one round. Rao Xinghai Xuansha is a chaotic spiritual treasure, and it was blown to pieces in a short time.

Han Fei, who was wrapped in it, was sprayed by this shocking force, even in the body of the black fog.


Han Fei hurriedly brought out two groups of liquid divine light, and then the twins became one, turned their heads and ran away. Thousands of powerhouses after transforming into stars are madly self-destructing, aren't they running and waiting to be blown up?

Although this kind of self-destruction cannot seriously injure oneself, it will greatly consume one's own mental power.

But when Han Fei and the twins were united, the blue silk came again, but this time it was different. This blue silk thread was full of light blue luster.

"Fuck, Divine Soul Attack?"

This time, Han Fei couldn't care less, the Great Dao was running, and the Fist of Destruction broke out. He knew that the Fist of Starburst could not shake such a double attack. And the true meaning of the destruction of the world-destroying fist can destroy this soul attack.


In the quicksand sea, the fast-moving sand sea directly exploded a vacuum zone of more than 3,000 miles. The thousands of blue silks collapsed, but Han Fei still suffered a round of self-destruction of the disc starfish, and the Xinghai Xuansha on Han Fei's body was shattered.

Fortunately, the powerful repairing effect of Xinghai Xuansha began to cover Han Fei's body in the blink of an eye.

Han Fei's eyes were cold: "Do you really think you can break through my defense? I want to see how much blue silk you have available."

At this time, Han Fei was no longer worried about the consumption of mental power. The Xinghai Xuansha was separated from the body and turned into tens of thousands of sand blades, each with a golden light, red and silver. The invincible technique and killing the gods, with the blessing of the double path, slammed with the disc starfish.

After a hundred breaths, when all the disc starfish fell, he saw that Han Fei punched the sea of ​​quicksand, and the whole person volleyed up, stepping into the sea of ​​quicksand, he wanted to walk in the air.

Leaping across the sea of ​​quicksand is a very dangerous thing, because the sea of ​​quicksand itself will draw the power of his own avenues and pull his speed, but Han Fei can't control that much now.

He merged with Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring. He no longer cares about consumption, nor does he stingy with the power of the Dao, and his strength is fully utilized. The speed of more than 30 times the speed of light, under the influence of the sea of ​​quicksand, is only about 20 times.

But even so, it was soon. Qiansi Emperor Liu may be a powerful overlord in the sea of ​​quicksand, but after all, it is in the sea of ​​quicksand, and Han Fei does not believe that his speed can exceed twenty times the speed of light.

Moreover, since Emperor Qiansi Liu can attack himself, it means that he should not be very far away from himself.

Following the direction pointed by the Navigation Vientiane Instrument, Han Fei found the Qiansi Emperor Liu in less than six breaths. But he saw Han Fei grinning: "It's quite powerful. You can shoot me at a distance of tens of thousands of miles. If this is on the outskirts of the storm and quicksand sea, then you can pay it back?"


Han Fei opened the quicksand sea with a punch and fell into it. That is, at this moment, oncoming, turned out to be a tide of tens of thousands of mine monster fish.


Han Fei backed off and shouted, "Frozen!"

At that moment, the extreme cold orb shot, and the free and happy realm struck, which was barely enough to make this army of fish tide stagnate. And Han Fei was already holding a giant hammer in his hand, turning the hammer into a shadow, and unleashing a hammer of the limit.

The only thing that Han Fei can win against the emperor-level powerhouse is strength.


Han Fei's body is soft, this blow consumes too much, but it should be able to dispel the fish tide.

Sure enough, in the face of Han Fei's terrifying blow, the fish tide exploded.

"Fa Xiangtiandi."

Han Fei didn't take action against these fish tides for the first time, even if all these swarms of mine demon fish were killed, this was just a fish group controlled by Qiansi Emperor Liu, and it didn't hurt Qiansi Emperor Liu itself.

Therefore, Han Fei was in a hurry, with the blessing of the Dharma, the eyebrows were not opened at the first sight, and the Dao was running.

This is not enough, Han Fei thought, and then borrowed the power of the puppet city.

At that moment, Han Fei's body swelled with a punch, only to see that on his fingers, the Dao Gui sword condensed, the whole person turned into a sword shadow, instantly broke through the swarm of mine monster fish, and slammed into the quicksand sea, where the Qiansi Emperor Liu is located. .

At this moment, Han Fei was inexplicably excited. This is the first time in his life that he has completely relied on his own strength and means to fight against a strong Taoist realm.

Although he didn't want to fight this fight at first, but the opponent was too deceiving, and Liang Zi had already forged it. If you don't solve it now, God knows what kind of trouble this thing will cause you in the future.

At this moment, Qiansi Emperor Liu seemed to be in a hurry. He did not expect that this person would be so stubborn, even from the sea of ​​quicksand, under enormous pressure, forcibly pursued him. Doesn't he know that this will cost a lot of money? Once the mental child is exhausted, he is finished.

Even at this moment, Di Que said: "If you want to fight, give me some time to recover. Whether it's you or Xiao Hei Xiaobai, I'm afraid it will cost a lot."

Han Fei: "The fighter plane is fleeting, and I can't control it so much."

At this moment, ten thousand green threads intertwined into dozens of thick blue vines, attacking them.

But seeing Han Fei grinning, he shouted: "Kill!"

"Puff puff~"

The blue silk vines broke seven in a row, and Han Fei's sword was finally powerless. However, Han Fei is not without income, because at this moment, he saw the body of Qiansi Emperor Liu.

It was a small cyan tree, the whole body was like sapphire, and it was no more than ten meters high, but its roots were twenty meters in length and width, which was extremely strange.

"Outsiders, if you have something to say, I will let you go."

At this time, Han Fei received a voice transmission from Qiansi Emperor Liu. However, Han Fei snorted coldly: "Fuck you, uncle, it's just as easy for me to cut you off."

Han Fei opened his mouth and spit out a sword light. Qiansi Emperor Liu was too late to mobilize the fish tide, but he saw the remaining three ivy, intertwined again, flooded with green light, and the law of power was attached to it.

Just listen to him: "Outsideer, you just use external force to forcibly improve your strength, you can't kill me."

Han Fei didn't answer.

Seeing that Qingteng kills him, he sees a smile on the corner of Han Fei's mouth, "Pirates~"

Everything Han Fei did before was waiting for this moment. The blood sword in his mouth was just a trick, making Qiansi Emperor Liu mistakenly think that this was his strongest blow.

But in fact, Han Fei's real purpose is to steal the void. He improved himself so madly, not to really fight against Qiansi Emperor Liu Jiangang, but to avoid being attacked when he used the Void Stealing Technique.

A thief, stealing Qiansi Emperor Liu's actions at the moment.

The second thief, stealing the power of the law of Qiansi Emperor Liu Zhou.

Three thieves, stealing the consciousness of Qiansi Emperor Liu.

Sure enough, the next moment, Qiansi Emperor Liu's offensive suddenly stopped, and Han Fei's body was blooming with blue light, which is the law of power.

Almost in an instant, Han Fei clearly understood this law of power. Because he was in the sea of ​​storm and quicksand, Qiansi Emperor Liu had the most contact with the law of force and the law of wind. The Dao of Power is the basis for understanding power, and the power of Dao is fundamentally attributed to the Dao of Heaven.

However, the Dao is integrated into the sky, and what we comprehend is the basic Dao between heaven and earth, which is universal. Anyone who understands the avenue of power has the same combat power and tactics, and may even be the same.

However, the law is different. The law does not pay attention to the generation of force, but to the additional characteristics of force. This is one of the fundamental differences between the Dao and the law.

If you talk about the characteristics of power, there are more. If the seedlings break the ground, you can understand the tenacity of power, then tenacity is the characteristic; if the sword is sharp, you can understand the edge of power, then the gengjin is the characteristic of power; if you push with great force, the pressure is the characteristic of power...

When proving the Dao, transforming one's own Dao toward a certain specific characteristic becomes a law, and this law is far beyond the basic Dao.

At this moment, Han Fei understood why it was difficult to comprehend the laws in the Kaitian realm. It turned out to be a qualitative change that only occurred after the Dao was proven. That was transformed by the Great Way.

Unless there is such a method of transformation when the heaven is opened, otherwise, there is no way to have the power of the law.

Of course, now is not the time to think about it. After extracting the power of Qiansi Emperor Liu's law, his consciousness was also stolen one after another.

However, for stealing the consciousness of the emperor, Han Fei was attacked for the first time, but the realm of the Qiansi Emperor Liu was too low, and it was only at the beginning of the demonstration, and Han Fei's continuous blessing made him completely withstand this kind of backlash. , but the head is a little dizzy.

But this kind of consciousness stealing will not last for too long, and it will not exceed ten breaths.

And in these ten breaths, he will either kill the Qiansi Emperor Liu, or turn him into his puppet.

However, neither the puppet of the living dead nor the magic seal of the **** control could control such an emperor in such a short period of time.

Although he had a heavy intention to kill just now, he felt that the Qiansi Emperor Liu had shot himself against him, and he was simply asking for his own death. But when he completely suppressed him thinking that he was strong in the Dao Realm, he actually didn't think so.

Demonstrators are already supreme beings in the sea world. They themselves should be the hegemons. It would be too wasteful to kill one of the overlords by himself.

No, Han Fei moved his mind, but instead, Han Fei stretched out the thread of nothingness, and quickly buckled it while Qiansi Emperor Liu's consciousness was silent.

When the power of Qiansi Emperor Liu's soul was caught in the thread of nothingness, Han Fei was already bleeding from his seven orifices. Even though Qiansi Emperor Liu's consciousness has been temporarily shut down, where is the strength of the other party's soul? Even if it is in a state of downtime, it will instinctively resist external forces to control the soul.

Therefore, when the Qiansi Emperor Liu was caught in the thread of nothingness, Han Fei's own divine soul was shocked by the force of the backlash.

Fortunately, the passive defense of the soul has limited resistance.

When Han Fei insisted on six breaths, Han Fei finally temporarily controlled the other party's soul.

Immediately, Han Fei sacrificed a ray of divine soul, and then extracted a ray of life essence from the other party. Different from human beings, demon plant-like creatures have the same life essence and blood as human beings.

The soul and essence of life were sacrificed, and Han Fei forcibly sacrificed the soul of the other party and signed a master-servant contract.

In other words, Qiansi Emperor Liu seems to have realized that something is wrong, and instinctively struggled frantically, and the shocking Han Fei Qiqiao was bleeding.

But in the end, the contract was reached and melted into the sky.


The next moment, Qiansi Emperor Liu suddenly came back to his senses, and Han Fei suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

Qiansi Emperor Liu saw that Han Fei was ten meters away in front of him, and was really frightened. The first time he wanted to stab Han Fei to death. However, the next moment his soul was stinging, and he found that he couldn't attack Han Fei.

"Outsideer, what have you done to this Emperor?"

Han Fei grinned, the divine apocalypse descended, and the divine radiance of healing shrouded him.

Looking at Emperor Qiansi Liu who was struggling, Han Fei sneered: "You and I have signed a master-servant contract. Now you are a slave. If you dare to devour the master, you will die."


At this moment, I saw Qiansi Emperor Liu's body rapidly shrinking, from a tree to a man with a bamboo pole two meters tall. This Qiansi Emperor Liu actually gave birth to legs and feet.

It's just that the feet, like two big discs, are firmly sucked on the ground.

When he saw this Qiansi Emperor Liu, he ran away, but as soon as he stepped out a hundred miles, his body froze, because he instinctively told him not to run, not to leave his master.

Qiansi Emperor Liu paled in horror, the blue silk danced wildly, and immediately became manic. His thoughts were clearly blurred for a moment, and it seemed that he had been cut off for a moment. Why did he become someone else's servant?

Moreover, this person in front of him is nothing but a perfection star, so why can he become his own master?

I just listened to Han Fei pushing away the quicksand that had resumed its natural rotation, walked in front of Qiansi Emperor Liu, and said lightly: "Just now you should have felt the feeling of being manipulated by the soul, maybe the impression is not clear, but I tell you again, You have become my slave. Now, you have two choices. One is to blow yourself up. I can't control it. If you want to die, that's your business. , in the future, maybe I will set you free."


I saw that Qiansi Emperor Liu gave birth to eyes and mouths, which appeared on the trunk, looking very strange.

"Don't try to lie to me, devouring teeth."

At this moment, tens of thousands of Qingsi returned, trying to penetrate Han Fei. However, Qingsi stopped at a distance of ten feet from Han Fei. No matter how hard Qiansi Emperor Liu tried, he couldn't make any progress. He couldn't even touch Han Fei now. Once killing intent arises in his heart, he will immediately be bound by the contract.


Dozens of blue threads of the Qiansi Emperor Willow burst, which was the result of trying to forcibly break through the bondage.

But at this moment, Han Fei carried his hands on his back and said proudly: "Win the king and lose the bandit, who said that the emperor can defeat Kaitian? I don't have much patience, I will give you more time to think about it. Think carefully, Think carefully, either die or surrender, you choose one."

Qiansi Emperor Liu was silent and did not speak for a long time. After fifty breaths, Han Fei said lightly, "Half the time has passed."

Han Fei's reminder seemed to bring Qiansi Emperor Liu back to his senses.

Just listen to him: "Will you let me go?"

Han Fei smiled contemptuously: "It depends on your level of growth. Do you think you are very good at proving the Tao? If you can't follow in my footsteps, then you are not even qualified to stay by my side as a servant. What do I want you to do?"

Emperor Qiansi Liu wants to slap Han Fei's body with blue silk. I'm not qualified to be a servant? I am a dignified emperor.

I just listened to Han Fei adding: "I can subdue you by opening the heavens. How many people in this world do you think can do it? Do you think that if I prove the Dao, you will be my enemy of unity?"

Although Qiansi Emperor Liu resisted in his heart, he had to admit that Han Fei was very strong. Just now, he couldn't even break his defense when he broke through the blue silk. He controlled the disc starfish to self-destruct, but he failed to blow it up, but he killed them all.

Even in the stormy quicksand sea, this person stepped into the air, broke through the tide of mine monster fish independently, and cut off several thousand willow whips on his own. This kind of person should not be a simple character.

He knew that if Han Fei was proving the Dao, it was very likely that he was indeed not even the enemy of Yihe.

However, if the dignified emperor is a servant, how can he grow up? This terror will be the biggest mountain on his cultivation path.

But if you don't surrender, then you cultivate yourself, for what?

Qiansi Emperor Liu: "Why should I believe that you will set me free?"

Han Fei snorted coldly: "You don't have a choice, you can only believe it. Also, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me, and not killing you is already the greatest kindness to you. If you don't have value now, I will have nothing to do with it. I chopped you off without hesitation. After all, there are very few who dare to take the initiative to shoot at me and not die."

Qiansi Emperor Liu felt Han Fei's momentum, strong and domineering, but without the slightest pretence. The opponent has a strong killing intent, and at a glance, he knows that there are countless dead souls under him.

In the tangle of Qiansi Emperor Liu, Han Fei said lightly: "There are ten breaths left."

"Good! I would like to be a slave."

In the end, Qiansi Emperor Liu surrendered. He was afraid of death. He slowly practiced the road, and he survived. If he chooses to self-destruct and fall for the sake of this moment's enthusiasm, then what has he been working hard for so long? An empty dream?

Han Fei seemed to have known Qiansi Emperor Liu's choice for a long time, but nodded lightly: "Now, UU reading www.uukanshu.com block this sea of ​​quicksand, protect me, don't move with the sand."

Han Fei sat cross-legged and recovered.

This battle is not easy at all. Han Fei used almost every means. If it wasn't for Qiansi Emperor Liu's carelessness, or if he had the trump card of Void Robbery, facing Qiansi Emperor Liu, he could only escape for his life.

Of course, if the puppet army of the puppet city can be released, it can still crush him. But here is the sea of ​​storm and quicksand, and the puppet city can't be released at all, and it can't go deep to connect with the stars of life, everything has to rely on its own strength.

It can only be said that this time is good luck, if the Qiansi Emperor Liu is stronger, but if the opponent's strength reaches the Happy Realm, there is only one result for him, and that is to run, there is no second choice at all.

?? Two-in-one, asking for a ticket...



(End of this chapter)

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