God of Fishing

Chapter 2633: Tomb of God (2 in 1)

"Rush in? We don't know what's behind the gate of the void."

What Liu Qiansi said was indeed true. She only knew that the Gate of Void was the entrance to God Burying Ridge. But he didn't know what was in God Burial Ridge.

However, he felt that this should be in the old turtle's calculations.

Since he brought it out to himself so easily, he thought it was amazing, but he just felt that this God and Demon Wuxiang Gong was too easy and too simple.

But when I entered the circle of death, I discovered that those who practiced the God-Devil Wuxiang Gong and those who didn't practice were very different, and I felt like a duck to water here. The magic sound that Liu Qiansi was afraid of, and the powerful mine monsters everywhere, not only couldn't hurt herself, but instead became a boost to her growth.

Han Fei guessed that the old turtle should have expected this situation long ago.

Since he had expected it, he should be able to go to this God Burying Ridge.

Moreover, Li Luoluo also admitted that they have actually been to Burial God Ridge, but they have not found the place where the Devil God was buried or where he fell. This also indirectly proves that Burial God Ridge can enter.

Moreover, Li Luoluo also clearly stated that the center of Storm Ridge was the entrance to God Burial Ridge, and the other party did not deceive the slightest bit.

Han Fei's heart moved: "No matter what it is, you have to enter."

Han Fei has his own trump card, and he can be willful at least twice. Therefore, at this moment, I only listen to Han Fei: "Crush."

Liu Qiansi can't do anything either! She didn't know why she met Han Fei, a lunatic, a gambler. Although the other party is obviously directed at this place.

The door to the void appeared here, which was indeed beyond her expectations. However, is it really not too risky to rush in like this?

It's a pity that now, Liu Qiansi has no right to speak, Han Fei said to rush, she can only rush.


Liu Qiansi swept out and took Han Fei to the door of the void in an instant. She just paused for a moment and plunged headlong into the Void Gate.

After entering, Liu Qiansi also said: "The mine monsters outside didn't seem to respond, and they let us in."

Han Fei: "They are cultivating."


Liu Qiansi couldn't understand, but Han Fei knew that they were waiting for the magic sound. After losing the consciousness of their own soul, they knew that if they absorbed the magic sound, they would become stronger.

Therefore, these mine monsters are all waiting for the arrival of the magic sound.

The only thing that surprised Han Fei was that he did not meet the emperor-level ore monsters along the way. It stands to reason that if the ore monsters here hear a magic sound every once in a while, their strength should grow rapidly, then here There should be no shortage of emperor-level mine demons.

But now, the facts are in front of you, there is no emperor-level mine monster.

Suddenly, their eyes lit up. The next moment, the two saw a crimson world, and the air here seemed to be full of mania.

Mixed evil spirits, energy riots, and raging storms, mixed with the law of wind, swept the world.

"The ancient land."

Han Fei's heart was suddenly shocked, that's right, this is an ancient land.

In the past, in the yin and yang days, under the steps of entering the sea, there was a connection to a prehistoric land, but compared with this, it was too childish.

At this moment, Liu Qiansi and Han Fei were directly burned by the raging energy storm.

Liu Qiansi immediately ran the law of force and placed a barrier of force around her body, which extinguished the fire of energy.

But seeing Liu Qiansi shoot out thousands of blue silk, the next moment, Han Fei saw that these blue silk could not break through the void, and once the blue silk was outside for a longer time, it would start to burn.

Liu Qiansi was immediately stunned: "The space here is extremely stable, and even the void cannot be broken open. Moreover, the fire of energy here is difficult to extinguish. Once I stop the power of the law, we will immediately fall into a state of burning. "

Han Fei took a slight breath: "It won't burn to death, let's see."

Han Fei didn't need to release his perception to know how far his perception could not penetrate. In the periphery of Storm Ridge, perception is not easy to release, let alone in this ancient land.

And Han Fei looked around, but did not find that the enemy of the mine monsters only had the energy of riots and the evil spirits.

"I'm out."

At this moment, Emperor Que took the initiative to speak. This kind of place is simply his perfect training ground.


When the Emperor Sparrow appeared, Liu Qiansi didn't feel anything. He took it for granted that this was Han Fei's companion spirit. However, when the surrounding suffocating energy poured into the emperor's body, Liu Qiansi realized that it turned out that this person was the most fierce.

This kind of suffocating evil spirit, even if she did not dare to absorb it, a little carelessness, confusion, madness and agitation, and the breeding of demons, it is simply one of the most dangerous challenges on the road of cultivation.

Only Liu Qiansi said, "There seems to be nothing here."

Han Fei: "Do you believe this yourself? As a strong emperor, you shouldn't show fear."

While speaking, Han Fei took out the Navigation Vientiane again, and his mind moved, but the Navigation Vientiane did not turn.

"Hey! The old turtle isn't there?"

Yes, Han Fei's first question was not to ask where the Demon God fell, but to find the old turtle. He felt that the change in Storm Ridge a few years ago was related to the old turtle.

That's why he thought that the old turtle should have arrived earlier than him. But it turned out that the old turtle was not here.

Once again, Han Fei said in his heart, "The place where the devil fell."

This time, the direction of the Nautical Vientiane is pointed, and the position is due west, which is very clear.

Han Fei was a little puzzled, and Li Luoluo said that he had searched for a long time in God Burial Ridge, but found nothing. However, the Navigation Vientiane Instrument found the location of the Demon God accurately and accurately, which seemed to be too easy.

Liu Qiansi bit her head and said, "Do we still have to go inside?"

Han Fei: "Go!"

In fact, when she got here, Liu Qiansi took the initiative to ask this question. Her heart is actually full of curiosity. This is a world she has never set foot in before. This kind of place not only represents danger, but also represents a huge opportunity. .

I don’t know how old this place is, but Liu Qiansi didn’t dare to walk fast. In less than 100 breaths, Han Fei and the others encountered the first living creature in the ancient land, a ghost-like thing floating in the air. They couldn’t say that at all. It is a kind of life.

But I saw Di Que suddenly said: "The evil spirit. The evil spirit condenses the demon. In the past, many strong people fell here. The remnants of these strong people were scattered in the heaven and the earth, and some of them were not very clean, so they condensed into the evil demon. The evil spirit can only be shot with the power of the soul, and the only thing to be afraid of is to never let the evil spirit enter the body. Try it."

Liu Qiansi didn't know Dique, but judging from the attitude of this man and Han Fei, she felt that the two were not the relationship between the master and the companion.

Otherwise, how could the companion spirit speak to the master in such a tone?

Han Fei nodded slightly, this time he personally shot, the power of the Yang God broke out, and he collided with the evil spirit that was ushering in an instant.

When the demon saw Han Fei's boxing mark, his body was blurred and almost completely disappeared. But Han Fei's roar broke out, and the other party paused for a moment. Hundred punches have already landed on this evil ghost phantom.

"bang bang bang~"

This evil demon probably didn't expect anyone to grasp his weakness as soon as he came up, so the soul body was smashed to pieces by Han Fei almost immediately.

At this moment, there is also information in Han Fei's eyes:


[Introduction] In the ancient flood and desolate places where the evil spirit was strong, the strong man Yun Lao's spirit could not dissipate in time, and was swallowed by the evil spirit body to form a evil spirit. Sha Demons are ruthless and painless, unable to decay naturally. The Sha Demon has a wisp of soul thought from the remnant soul of the strong man, and can possess the great tactics of the strong man in his lifetime. But the best destination for the evil spirits is the possession and boarding. Once they are successfully possessed, they can hide in the depths of people's hearts. Whenever the host's emotions fluctuate greatly, the evil spirits will appear, absorb these emotions, and turn them into themselves. opportunity for growth. 【Level】109


[Boundary] The Great Perfection of Huaxing

[Combat Skills] Possessing Sha, Sha Qi Impact, Chaos God Sha

【Collectable】Ferocious Orb


[Remarks] The only way to deal with the evil spirits is to destroy the soul of the other party.

"Huh! Not strong."

Han Fei found that this demon was not beaten very much. Just when he was a little suspicious. The shaman turned into a virtual form, streaking through a blood-colored fog, trying to cover Han Fei.

Han Fei retreated, guarded by Xinghai Xuansha all over his body, turning his hands, endless water torrents of ten thousand knives, containing invincible will and killing gods, slashed into this fog.

"Puff puff~"

The shadow of the evil spirit in the mist was so dim that it almost disappeared, but just when Han Fei felt that he was about to kill the evil spirit, a pair of **** eyes suddenly flashed.

At that moment, Han Fei suddenly realized that there was a cold aura coming from his back.


Han Fei was shocked, when did this thing get on his body?

"Come on... wake up."

At the moment when Han Fei was covered in hair, Di Que's voice entered Han Fei's mind.

The next moment, Han Fei suddenly returned to his senses, only to realize that the evil demon had been swallowed by the emperor bird. And the cold breath on his back disappeared.

Han Fei immediately realized: "I fell into an illusion?"

Emperor Que: "It's not an illusion, it's the chaotic spirit of the demon. Once you believe it, then he will really appear on you and immediately possess him."

"A turtle son."

Han Fei was sweating on his forehead. It was so dangerous. Even though he suppressed this ghost in all directions, he was still almost possessed.

I just listened to Di Que: "It's not that exaggerated. Even if you are possessed by a demon, as long as your Taoist mind is firm and your soul is strong, you can still wipe him out, but it's just a little more troublesome."

Han Fei's face sank slightly. He had just met the first evil demon, and he almost got caught. If there are a lot of opponents, how can this thing stop it?

As a bystander, Liu Qiansi saw this scene all the way. He also saw the evil spirit who was suddenly lying on Han Fei's back, and only felt his heart skip a beat.

This is not because he is the emperor, so he can despise these evil spirits, but a guy as strong as Han Fei, who almost got it, is really scary.

Moreover, he also knows that this is just a demon, and God knows how many such things exist in this ghost place. Perception and inability to perceive, and don't even know where this thing will suddenly appear?

Of course, while Liu Qiansi was horrified by the existence of the demon, she was also very curious about the emperor bird. This companion spirit looked so strong. That dare to swallow evil spirits, it is simply crazy.

Han Fei glanced at Liu Qiansi: "Let's go! Keep going."

Liu Qiansi didn't say anything, he could see that Han Fei came prepared. All the way to drive straight in, the magic sound can't do anything about him, the distortion mine monster can't do anything about him, and the sha demon can't do anything about him, obviously he was almost possessed by the sha demon, but he turned his head and forgot. Go deep.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Liu Qiansi is, she knows that Han Fei definitely has a clear goal for this trip, which may be a big opportunity.

If this is the case, does it mean that he may also get this opportunity. As soon as she thought of this, Liu Qiansi no longer complained, and swept forward while carrying Han Fei.

Han Fei was still independent with his hands behind his back, and regained his previous calmness. He just listened to him: "It always feels a little wrong. Although this journey is already dangerous, I always feel that something is missing. In such a dangerous place, Why is there no emperor-level mine demon?"

Emperor Que: "Maybe it's just not the time to meet."

Liu Qiansi said, "Whether it's the storm and quicksand sea, or the circle of death, or here. In fact, it's not small. If we go straight in, the possibility of encountering the emperor-level mine monster is not high. The mine monster wants to To reach the Emperor Venerable Realm, at least one tier 8 concentrate, or a tier 9 concentrate, is only possible. This grade of concentrate is extremely rare no matter where it is."

Han Fei nodded slightly, thinking that what Liu Qiansi said made sense.

So, Han Fei put away his doubts and said to Di Que, "Aren't you still two Dao locks away? Do you want to eat more demons to make up for it."

Emperor Que: "Eat or not, I can make up for it. This world is full of evil spirits. If I stay in this environment for a long time, at most three months, I will have five road locks. But now there are no road locks, right? It doesn't make much sense to me."

Han Fei: "Great! It means a lot."

Emperor Que: "How do you say?"

Han Fei: "The problem is me. If I don't solve the problem of the human race, I will not be able to prove the Dao. And to liberate the human race, the battle strength will naturally be increased by one point. If I don't prove the Tao, you will not be able to prove it. Dao, so in the future huge challenges and dangers, five Dao locks will definitely be stronger than three Dao locks. You are like this, so is Xiao Hei Xiaobai."

Emperor Que was silent for a moment and said: "Actually, I think your goal is too big. Have you ever thought that even if you have made your best efforts, the chaos in the wasteland suddenly appeared because of Lord, what are you doing?"

Han Fei: "That's okay, the emperor's affairs will naturally be solved by the emperor, I just do mine."

Emperor Que: "Okay! By the way, that Li Luoluo, if you go out this time, you should have less contact with her for a short time."

Han Fei: "Why?"

Di Que said: "The Seven Absolutes Divine Spider is very smart. She didn't take action against me, maybe it's not just because of you. I thought about it for a while, didn't you say that this journey feels a little wrong? If this feeling is very strong If so, then trust that feeling.”

Han Fei was stunned: "You mean, Li Luoluo did something wrong?"

Emperor Que: "It's hard to say."

Han Fei and Di Que were talking like no one else around, but Liu Qiansi, who heard them talking, was not feeling well. How could these two talk about the emperor? The key is, listening to Han Fei's tone, it seems that his cards are very tough, and it seems that the emperor is supporting him.

At this moment, Liu Qiansi was even a little fortunate, fortunately she didn't kill Han Fei, otherwise if the emperor and the strong came to the door, I am afraid that it would not be enough to be slapped by others.

An hour later, after they cooperated with Emperor Que to kill more than 300 sha demons, they finally came to a land of mountains.

Yes, at first glance, it looks like a barren mountain. But when Han Fei approached one of them, he found that there was a strong death energy on the mountain. However, in addition to the dead air, the middle and upper parts of these mountains seem to be filled with precious light, as if there are strange treasures hidden in the mountains.

But if you want to dig a mountain for treasure, it is not realistic, because there are dozens of sha demons on any mountain. Even on the mountain, there is the sword rhythm of the sky, which is clearly the sword rhythm of the emperor's realm, as well as the unknown law power.

Liu Qiansi was immediately stunned: "Okay, there are many laws of the emperor's realm, and they are shrouded on the mountain. The power of some laws makes people dare not approach them."

Emperor Que: "It's the Emperor Zun's cemetery. It seems that this wild and ancient land in the past was just an ancient battlefield. A large number of Emperor Zun fell here. Their bodies sleep here and escape from their bodies. The power has become what it is now."

"The Emperor's Graveyard?"

Han Fei and Liu Qiansi couldn't help but scream, and they both looked at the endless mountain, both dumbfounded, thinking how many emperors have fallen here!


Han Fei swallowed and tapped with his foot, Liu Qiansi said, "Can you tell what kind of cemetery is buried in this cemetery, what realm is the emperor?"

Liu Qiansi: "…"

Liu Qiansi said speechlessly, "I don't know how long this has been dead, so I can't watch it, right?"

I just listened to Di Que: "It's simple, look at the size, and look at the haze of light escaping from the mountain. For example, this mountain is only more than 20 miles away, and the halo on it is dim. Happy Realm. Look at that one, more than 50 miles across, and there are seventy or eighty evil spirits on it. Although the halo is not dim, it is not too strong. The strength during his lifetime was probably not at its peak in the middle of the Happy Realm. Look at that one, It is more than 180 miles across, and the surrounding mountains are smaller than him, and there is a feeling of being surrounded by stars, so it is naturally a long-lived realm."

"Longevity, die here?"

The corner of Han Fei's mouth twitched. As far as he could see, there were two emperor tombs in the immortal realm within a radius of 10,000 miles.

It's hard for Han to imagine, what kind of war happened here back then, so many emperors fell?


Han Fei suddenly said: "Li Luoluo said that they couldn't find where the Demon God is, but according to this statement, the bigger the mountain, the stronger the Fallen One is. Isn't it necessary to find the largest one to determine the Demon God? Where is it? The dignified gods, the fallen places, are not comparable to these mountains right now?"


Liu Qiansi gave a strange cry and shook several times in disbelief. He knew that Han Fei had a plan here, but who knew that their plan was to plot the tomb of the gods. Isn't that crazy?

Even the cemetery mountain of the ordinary Emperor Zun seems to be extremely dangerous. How dangerous is the tomb of the gods?

Liu Qiansi felt that she was about to finish. Although she was the emperor, her heart was not that big. And Han Fei, the master, has no bounds of courage. It seems that he is here to dig the tomb of the gods! Co-authoring yourself is a tool for Han Fei to dig his grave?

And Han Fei seems to have a headache too, is he still hating the tomb of the gods? According to the current situation, even if there is a tomb of the gods, you can't enter it, right?

After taking a few deep breaths, Han Fei felt that he still had to use the Navigation Vientiane to find out the divine curtain. Whether it works or not, you have to look at it for yourself. Now that I can't take the opportunity here, is it possible that I won't be able to in the future? When he proves the Tao by himself, most of the emperor's tombs here can always be dug by himself, right?

It's just that Han Fei didn't know why Li Luoluo couldn't dig this grave. If you really dig clean, you will definitely get a lot.

When the Navigation Vientiane stopped turning, in the direction of the tomb of the gods, there happened to be a long-life cemetery in the center.

Han Fei thought for a moment, then suddenly said, "I want to come in."

Liu Qiansi: "How do I get in?"

Emperor Que: "It's a bit difficult. There are more than 100 demons out there. How many do you think you can stop?"

Han Fei: "Then slip in, it's just the immortal realm, you shouldn't be able to recognize your disguise."

After speaking, Han Fei looked at Liu Qiansi: "Can you turn into a stick?"

Liu Qiansi: "I'm like this, isn't it like a stick?"

Han Fei: "The kind you can hold in your hand, look at your two big disc-like feet. Have you ever seen a stick with long feet?"

Liu Qiansi: "…"

However, she saw Liu Qiansi swayed and turned into a cyan stick body, which was the same as a long stick weapon.

I saw Han Fei's thoughts move, and Little Black and Little White appeared.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Xiao Hei, open your mouth."

After a while, a small pure black fish was swimming between the gaps in the mountain. From time to time, the little fish opened its mouth and sucked in the power of a strange law.

Liu Qiansi: "What kind of fish is this, how can it even swallow the law?"

Han Fei: "Are you the master, or am I the master?"

Liu Qiansi: "You are."

Han Fei: "Then shut up, the less you know, the better."

Although Xiao Hei can swallow the power of the law, he can only swallow a little, otherwise the movement will be too big and the evil spirits will be alarmed.

For three days, the bell-like roar continued, and in this place of God Burying Ridge, the sound was even louder than the outside world.

The little **** moved quickly, and finally came to a small dirt **** between the tombs of the Happy Realm, under the sound of the Navigation Vientiane Ceremony. The com mountain is black and not lost, and there is nothing.

The point is, even the evil spirits don't bother to come.

After Xiao Hei spat out Han Fei and the others, Han Fei, Di Que, and Liu Qiansi stared at the ten-mile-long hillside with a confused expression.

Emperor Que: "Is your nautical instrument broken?"

Liu Qiansi: "Does the gods live here?"

Han Fei gave him a white look: "Do you think it's too small? Would you like to build a bigger one for you?"

Liu Qiansi: "…"

I just listened to Han Fei: "The Navigation Vientiane Instrument can't be wrong, I finally understand why they can't find it in Liluoluo. Who can find it? Thousands of graves, normal people must find them in big places! Who would pay attention to such a small dirt bag, if it hadn't bulged a little, who would have thought it was a mountain?"

------off topic-----

Two in one, ask for a ticket...

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