God of Fishing

Chapter 2634: Distortion (2 in 1)

Han Fei didn't try to dig up this small dirt **** in the first place, but took out the Navigation Vientiane and meditated in his heart "Lei Luo's position in the Ridge of Burial God".

Seeing that the Navigation Vientiane did not turn, Han Fei was relieved. It seems that Li Luoluo did not peep secretly, and used himself to find the place where the devil fell.

Although Han Fei still felt that the wind was smoother, he did not notice the difference, and no one followed along the way.

If Li Luoluo doesn't follow, other people, even those who are in the free and happy realm, should not be at all moving across this piece of Emperor Venerable Cemetery.

At this point, Han Fei was relieved, and then pointed with the Navigation Vientiane, and quickly found a corner on this hillside.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Excavation."

As a result, no one moved, Liu Qiansi looked at Han Fei, and Han Fei looked at Liu Qiansi.

I saw Han Fei said speechlessly: "No, you didn't dig, could it be me?"

Liu Qiansi: "…"

Liu Qiansi was speechless. Although she didn't want to believe that this small soil **** was the place where the demon gods fell, wouldn't she let herself lead the way by letting herself dig a hole?

Han Fei: "Don't worry, something is going to happen, none of us can escape."

Liu Qiansi bit her head and used her roots to dig a hole. The digging speed was not fast, because the land of the Emperor Zun's graveyard had already been affected by the power of many Emperor Zun, and had undergone a qualitative change.

When he was in the wind circle before, a strong emperor could use his own power to condense a small group of mines, so that the inside of the mines was filled with the crystals of gods and the chalcedony of heaven.

In this Emperor Venerable Cemetery, there are more fallen Emperor Venerables, and their strength is stronger. Liu Qiansi only dug a hundred meters deep, and he dug up seven or eight crystals of the gods.

Moreover, the land is getting harder and harder, and the mountains are about to crystallize. Continuing to dig another 200 meters, Han Fei discovered that there were many chaotic spiritual soils here.

Even Liu Qiansi was refreshed, this is a good thing.

But I heard Han Fei say: "Give me the Chaos Spirit Land,"

Liu Qiansi: "…"

Although Liu Qiansi is also heartbroken, but at this time, you should consider, is it something that will happen later? As a result, you still have the mind to dig for treasures here?

Two hours later, Han Fei's harvested chaotic spiritual soil could reach 3,000 square meters. If he placed it in the stars of his life, he could open up about 30,000 kilometers, which was comparable to the spiritual medicine garden of mysterious yellow soil.

And this is just because they only dug a part of the area, and they really want to dig up this small hill, not to mention 3,000 square meters, 30,000 square meters. If you stay in this God Burial Ridge for a long time, let alone 30,000 square meters, 300,000 square meters may be dug up.

It is conceivable that if there are 300,000 squares of chaotic spiritual land, it will be enough to change the pattern of his own destiny and stars, making Han Fei's heart bewildered for a while.


This is the roaring sound for an unknown number of times. Suddenly, Han Fei felt something strange. Because the spirit power contained in this roaring sound is stronger than any previous one, and the strength is about twice as strong.

Han Fei quickly put one hand on Liu Qiansi's body and inhaled a large amount of soul power into his body.

However, it was precisely at this time that Han Fei's star core was compressed to its current extreme, and the natal stars seemed to have suspended the power backfeeding, which led to the fact that half of these soul powers could not be absorbed by themselves.


Han Fei frowned, this is not a good sign. Along the way, Wuzhu's soul power swallowed too much, resulting in the fact that the gods and demons can't quickly balance the absolute balance between the power and the spirit power, so that part of the Wuzhu soul power, after passing through the original vein and the eternal dark vein, was excluded again.

At this time, Han Fei suddenly looked at his personal information, but saw the information emerge in his eyes:

Host: Han Fei

Level: Level 109 (Kaitian · pole balance)

Canghai Wan Family Tree: 120012

Spiritual Qi: 1.41 million

Soul: 59.99 yuan (59999999 points)

Perception: 60 million miles

Strength: 59.99 Star Power (59999999 waves)

The First Spirit Vessel: The Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

First Talent Soul Beast: Twin Yin-Yang Swallowing Fish [Level 109]

Second Talent Soul Beast: Emperor Que [Level 109]

Majoring in Gongfa: Gods and Demons Wuxiang Gong


Han Fei realized that this is the limit that his body can carry at present. This bottleneck is the bottleneck of Dao lock. If this bottleneck cannot be broken, then one's own strength will not be able to make further progress.

Even, once he left God Burying Ridge and went to the outside world, he should have sensed the emperor's calamity.

Therefore, no matter what, his first road lock is to be opened.

Condensing the Dao Lock itself is not difficult, it just locks a part of one's own strength with a Dao, so that part of his body can be freed up so that he can hold more power.

The emergence of this bottleneck made Han Fei understand that there is a limit to the extreme way, and this limit is calculated according to the practitioner's own comprehensive strength.

Because his own practice of gods and demons has no phase, so the spirit and power are kept in sync. If others come to this step, only one of them will touch the bottleneck.

"Is this the limit?"

Liu Qiansi wondered, "What?"

Han Fei: "It's nothing, how much power and soul did you have when Huaxing was consummated?"

Liu Qiansi: "Does it count as a lock?"

Han Fei shook his head: "No."

Liu Qiansi: "260,000! My soul strength is as high as 260,000, and my strength is 210,000. But I haven't compared it with others, so I don't know if it's higher or lower."

Han Fei: "It's very high."

This statistic is indeed very high. Even Han Fei himself, if he hadn't practiced the God-Devil Wuxianggong and practiced it to the extreme, it would actually be equivalent to 300,000 points of Soul Strength, but Liu Qiansi was as high as 260,000. Is this height imaginable?

However, as a freak who can roam the sea of ​​quicksand storms and burst out tens of thousands of blue silk at the same time, it is understandable that this guy has such a high spiritual power. Mostly because he spent too long in the storm quicksand sea, and there was never a shortage of concentrate resources.

However, this also confirms a point from the side, that is, the extremists are really powerful. Even if Liu Qiansi has such a high level of soul strength, it is actually quite rare in the same realm, and there may be no one among the millions of people who can be higher than her. However, for the extreme practitioners, their upper limit is much higher than that of Liu Qiansi, so under the same situation, it is natural to have the absolute upper hand.

Liu Qiansi: "How about you, how much?"

Han Fei: "Guess."

Liu Qiansi: "…"

Liu Qiansi dared to be angry and did not dare to say anything, and said in her heart that if you give herself another chance, what a... it must be far away from Han Fei, this person is simply a devil.

Suddenly, Liu Qiansi's body suddenly stiffened, only to hear her startled and shouted, "No, something is pulling at my roots."

It was too late, it was so fast, a gap suddenly opened under Han Fei's feet, and he didn't even have time to react. in situ.

When Han Fei was stable, he looked up and saw that he was standing on a towering cliff, and directly opposite him was a sitting giant, ten thousand feet tall, with his **** sitting on a mountain peak. , with both hands on both knees, looking straight ahead.

For a time, Han Fei, Liu Qiansi, and Emperor Que were all frightened by the giant opposite.

It was Di Que who reacted first and said, "Look at your feet."

Han Fei and Liu Qiansi hurriedly lowered their heads, and saw a towering mountain under their feet, the light shining and the mist flowing. However, Du Du was not enveloped by the power of law.

I just heard Di Que say: "It's against the world, you are looking for the right direction, this is the tomb of the gods. All the barren tombs of emperors in the outside world are concealed, making people mistakenly believe that the tomb of the gods is one of them. But the actual There is no extremely tall and majestic peak there, and there is no splendid atmosphere of gods. But it is different in the reverse world. Looking around, this mountain is so high that it can touch the sky, and it can look down at the world. This is the real tomb of the gods. "


Liu Qiansi asked, "What is the reverse world?"

Emperor Que: "This is a way of creating the world, the path of cultivation, the same destination, the end of the avenue, and many means. Creating the world means that the strong are strong enough to create the world. Generally speaking, those who can do this. , at least the emperor-level powerhouse. These creation worlds, according to the creator's mind, are hidden in a corner of the real world, and they are more difficult to find than small worlds, because they exist in unknown space nodes."

Han Fei was speechless: "Isn't it a small world?"

Emperor Que: "It's not the same, the world barrier in the small world is far worse than this, otherwise why do you think the emperor's strong man can't find it here?"

Han Fei: "Regardless of it, I just want to say, what happened to the giant on the opposite side? Look at that giant, with a majestic appearance, it seems to be shrouded in the power of law. I just want to ask, is that a person? Also, Who pulled us down?"

Emperor Que was also unable to answer Han Fei's question, which was the first time he had encountered this situation.

However, Di Que knew who pulled them down, and only listened to him saying: "It wasn't someone who pulled you down, it was you who accidentally touched this creation world, the will of this world, and forcibly dragged you in."

However, seeing Han Fei heaved a sigh of relief, it would be better if someone dragged them down, otherwise this person is too strong, and he brought them here without them feeling at all. Obviously, he is much stronger than them. .

Just listening to Liu Qiansi said: "Then what should we do now? The giant's eyes are looking in our direction, making me feel a little hairy."

Han Fei: "You have no hair."

He was teasing Liu Qiansi, but Han Fei himself and Di Que were also a little hairy. Anyone who saw this scene would actually be a little hairy.

It was as if when he woke up, he suddenly stood on the top of the mountain, and opposite him, there was a giant of 10,000 feet, and Bao Xiang looked at him solemnly.

A few people just stood on the top of the mountain for a while, not knowing what to do for a while.


Suddenly, the bell-like sound of soul power exploded in here.

The three of Han Fei's brains were buzzing with shock. However, at this moment, they saw that a door appeared between the giant's eyebrows. This sound of soul power came from that door. The sound boomed, and the surrounding soul power instantly flooded Han Fei and the three of them.


Emperor Que did not hesitate to return directly to Han Fei's body. Red light appeared on Liu Qiansi's tree body, and Han Fei quickly put one hand on Liu Qiansi's body.

Only after this, did Liu Qiansi return to normal.


With another rumbling sound, these forces receded in the blink of an eye and were sucked in again by the door.

When the sound of soul power subsided, Liu Qiansi's body shook a few times, and then she calmed down.

However, Liu Qiansi said in awe: "It's terrible. I feel like I've become a monster. The trunks are all crooked and twisted like green threads condensed into a ball. Did you see that door?"


The emperor sparrow emerged from Han Fei's body again, looked at the giant's eyebrows and said: "It seems that the source of everything is there. This giant should not be a real person, but now it looks like a seal, in order to suppress What's inside. Han Fei, if something happens here, even me, I'm afraid I can't save you, are you going?"

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "Go! It's all coming, how can you not go. The magic sound is separated by a stick of incense, and it seems that the door will only be opened when the magic sound oscillates. We have to go first. , wait for the next magic sound to appear."

Liu Qiansi said: "Really go! You go in, what should I do?"

At this time, Liu Qiansi was really panicked. Without Han Fei, she was almost 100% sure that she would be demonized, and then she would become a monster like the mine demon in the circle of death, and even her soul would be lost.

I saw Han Fei stretch out his hand and said lightly, "It becomes a stick."

Liu Qiansi immediately knew what Han Fei meant, she turned into a stick body, and Han Fei could hold it in her hands. In that way, no matter how many times such a magic sound shock is encountered in the future. As long as Han Fei is fine, he will be fine.

Of course, this also means that he has to enter that door with Han Fei. What is the future, everything is unknown, it may fall, or there may be opportunities.

However, Liu Qiansi felt that even if there was a chance, it should belong to Han Fei. After all, only Han Fei can really deal with this magic sound.

However, this is the only way for her to survive. This gamble is actually very worthwhile. If Han Fei dies, she will die unless Han Fei abandons her.


I saw Liu Qiansi's figure on one side, turned into a long cyan stick. Just listen to her: "Although I can turn into a stick body, but I am not a real weapon after all, my body strength, at most, can barely compare to the best artifact, but it should still be lacking, you don't use me to fight with gods. what!"

Han Fei said speechlessly: "Oh! Are you expecting me to die sooner? You are fighting with gods."

Han Fei held Liu Qiansi casually, then tilted his head to look at Di Que and said, "Although you are the king of beasts, the power of this demonic sound is obviously different from your path. In the future, if I don't call You, don't come out."


Emperor Que is not stupid, this road, only Han Fei can walk, once this road is on, he had better not even look through Han Fei's body. If it is really the inheritance of the gods, with the power of the gods, all peeping may be backlashed.

However, if there is anything, you can ask Han Fei directly, so it doesn't matter if you look at it or not.

After Emperor Que returned to Han Fei's body, Han Fei took a deep breath, stepped into the void, and walked towards the giant's eyebrows.

As he said, he has come, and he happens to have mastered the Gods and Demons Wuxiang Gong. Since the journey here is smooth, then there is no way to get here, and something went wrong.


When Han Fei took this step, he saw that the scenery in front of him seemed to have changed. Vaguely, he seemed to see a vague bridge between the mountain he was on and the giant, which was made of dense phosgene, which was very unreal.

However, when Han Fei stepped out again, his expression changed suddenly.

There are three reasons for Han Fei's discoloration.

First of all, the distance between the top of the mountain and the giant is not far, otherwise Han Fei and the others would not have seen a door between the giant's eyebrows. It stands to reason that with such a distance, Han Fei was only one step away, but when he took this step, he found that the distance between himself and the giant did not seem to change.

Secondly, Han Fei found that after he took this step, his little finger was bent unnaturally. Your body, you know it. Han Fei is quite confident in his bones and physique, but one of his fingers is bent. The point is, he didn't feel any pain.

In the end, what scares Han Fei the most is that when he stepped into the void, he felt as if there was someone standing behind him.

He had the desire to look back, but it was this thought that made him feel the crisis of life and death.

Yes, at that moment, Han Fei knew that he couldn't look back, he couldn't look, he would die if he watched it.

At this time, Liu Qiansi also voiced Han Fei: "I can't look back, I don't know what's behind, but I feel that I will fall when I look back. It's terrible. I just had this idea and I felt like I was going to die."

Liu Qiansi was about to cry, she is a dignified emperor! But because of a single thought, she felt like she was going to die, which made her truly believe what Han Fei said. I'm afraid she really came to the tomb of the gods!

Liu Qiansi thought that it must be the means of the gods to be able to cut off the life and death of the emperor in one thought.

Han Fei: "Nonsense, I want you to say it."

Han Fei took a deep breath and took another step forward. One was to see if he could approach the giant, and the other was to see what happened to his fingers.

However, after taking another step, Han Fei found that the distance between himself and the giant seemed to be a little bit closer. However, his entire little finger was soft, as if there were no bones, and he didn't feel the slightest pain.


Han Fei's forehead was oozing with fine beads of sweat. It was too weird. At this time, he wanted to retreat, but when his body tried to step back, he could even feel a cold breath blowing into his own body. neck.


After two consecutive swear words, Han Fei was also panicked. If Wang Xiaojiu was left here, he would have been completely blown away. There is no way out!

Han Fei's voice transmission to Liu Qiansi: "Do you feel that something is wrong with your body?"

Liu Qiansi: "No! I'm in good health, why are you... Hey, what's wrong with your little finger, why is it drooping?"

Han Fei's face sank, is Mao Liuqiansi okay?

However, Han Fei had no way to retreat at this moment, he could only bite the bullet and take a step forward, without waiting for Han Fei to lie to himself, Liu Qiansi exclaimed: "How did your little finger become Tentacles?"

Han Fei's eyelids twitched wildly, yes, his little finger turned into a smooth octopus tentacle, not a little finger at all.

Han Fei also tried to move his little finger, but it turned out that his little finger was a little outrageous. It could turn 360 degrees without dead ends, and it could even be rolled into a squid roll. He could even feel every pore on the tentacle, feel the pulsing nerves of the tentacle.


Han Fei's first thought was that he was distorted, and that was the only way to explain it.

However, why do you have distortions yourself? With his own dual veins, his cultivation of gods and demons has no phase, and he is naturally compatible and has no resistance. How can distortions occur?

Moreover, at this moment, the magic sound has not yet sounded, and he is not running the gods and demons without phase, so he is not in the state of cultivation, so how can there be distortion?


Han Fei tried hard to keep himself calm, and he thought of turning back again, but the instinct of life stopped him.

"No, if you look back now, you will really die."


Han Fei swallowed, could it be the ghost behind him? But the other party is so powerful, why is it necessary to distort himself?

Seeing that Han Fei didn't respond, Liu Qiansi said again: "You, you shouldn't be, is there a distortion?"

"Shut up."

Han Fei drank to stop Liu Qiansi, he calmed down in place, and then turned the Avenue of Time on his body, trying to reverse the time.

However, the Avenue of Time had just emerged, and a dense fog swept over from behind Han Fei. The next second, the Avenue of Time was banned.

Han Fei was thoughtful, and after being silent for dozens of breaths, he finally continued to take a step.

Han Fei knew that a thousand miles in one step did not exist. From the top of the mountain to the center of the giant's eyebrows, he could only walk step by step and down-to-earth. And every step you take, your body distorts.

From one finger, two fingers, to one hand, one arm was completely distorted, Han Fei took a whole hundred steps. At this moment, Han Fei's arm has turned into a thick and smooth tentacle, like a large piece of mashed meat.

Liu Qiansi panicked, and hurriedly shouted: "You are crazy, you have to go forward, your whole hand has been deformed, and now you have only walked less than one-tenth of the distance, really waiting for you When you go there, your whole person is deformed."

However, Han Fei did not stop and continued to move forward.

At first his feet were still feet, but later they were no longer feet, but squirming soft tentacles. Because Han Fei never stopped, both feet soon became like this. Halfway through the journey, Han Fei's half-body had turned into a giant squirming monster with fleshy tentacles.

Han Fei's face, UU reading www.uukanshu.com even began to distort. However, the corner of the mouth, which was almost split to the base of the ear, slowly opened, revealing sharp teeth.

Han Fei was laughing, and Liu Qiansi's scalp was numb as she laughed.

"It's over, it's a problem with his soul. I know, how can the Kaitian realm covet the inheritance of the gods? Isn't this looking for death? It's over, I'm dead, I'm dead."

Liu Qiansi muttered, and he guessed that the reason why he was not distorted was because Han Fei was still holding him. And the way Han Fei thought he could fight the magic sound failed, so Han Fei kept distorting. Once he is completely distorted, he will be finished.

However, just after Han Fei had crossed most of the distance, his entire body had turned into a creeping monster. There was only one face that could barely be seen as a human face, with a big mouth open, and a calm voice said: "I've come so far, it's useless to mess with my mind."

Liu Qiansi was about to cry, and she scolded directly: "Who is messing with your Taoist mind! Don't you know what you have become?"

"Shut up, I'm not talking to you."

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