God of Fishing

Chapter 2706: Prestigious Primitive City

There were more than 600 people who followed Luo Xiaobai and Han Fei to the Primitive City. Because Han Fei was there, they were fearless.

Of course, there is another person in their hearts who is in awe and that is Luo Xiaobai. Not to mention much admiration or admiration, and even they felt that they could not understand this Terran War Commander at all.

They still think that the victory of this front-line war is because of the help of the powerful emperor. Otherwise, thinking about the scene where An Liudao and more than 800 Kaitian realms suddenly appeared in the rear headquarters of the human race, everyone felt scared for a while.

At this moment, Luo Xiaobai said that he was going to take everyone on a trip to the primitive city, but everyone felt inexplicable. Because today's war has announced the real war between the human race and the primitive city.

Since the war has officially started, why would they go to the primitive city with so many people? Looking for a fight?

But Han Fei did not object to Luo Xiaobai's proposal, so naturally everyone would not object. With Han Fei around, they would feel safe, and they also wanted to see what Luo Xiaobai wanted to do.

a few days later.

The Primitive City Council of Elders was already in chaos. Someone looked dignified: "After the accident happened on the front line of Lord City Lord, we ran out of three Open Heaven Realm 100 teams, and the force that was dispatched by the entire army also wiped out the human race is probably far beyond our imagination."

At this moment, someone respectfully said to the puppet An Bailin: "The city lord's frontline Kaitianjing has all died in battle, regardless of whether the beheading plan is successful or not, this time the human race is about to start a full-scale war."

"Lord City Lord, if we really go to war with the human race, we will definitely take advantage of the danger. Although we have a large number of Kaitian realm powerhouses to return, no matter how much Kaitian realm, there is no emperor realm. Deterrent."

The Council of Elders has held meetings for several days in a row. Someone said: "According to the news from the front line, the strength of the Human Race's Open Heaven Realm is generally low. Break through our front line? The Human Sovereign of the Human Race is afraid that he will do it himself."

An Bai said coldly: "They are no longer satisfied with testing."

Someone looked solemn: "If the Great Emperor of Heaven does not return, you may face two emperors. Can you resist it?"


Puppet Ann's face was cold and snorted, and the bottom was silent. After a long time, the puppet An Bailin said: "Sooner or later, our battle with the human race and the city of scavengers will start, but it is only a little earlier. Now we are not without an advantage, that is, our number of open heaven realms is far more than that. The sum of the number of human races and the city of wanderers is even more than ten times more than them."

Suddenly, the puppet An Bailin moved his eyes and looked outside the Primitive City.

The elders: "???"

I saw An Bailin with a solemn expression and said coldly, "The Emperor is here."


For a while, the elders of the primitive city looked at each other in dismay. Could it be that this is coming to the door? This emperor is so tiger?

But I heard An Bailin let out a low voice: "Call all the powerhouses of the Open Heaven Realm to come with me to meet this so-called human emperor."

The people of the human race followed Luo Xiaobai and Han Fei fearlessly. But when they came to the outside of the original city, they saw the 150,000 Kaitian realm soldiers fighting in the sky and forming a mighty group of gods.


These 622 human race powerhouses swallowed their saliva, they were not afraid but shocked.

"A lot of open world powerhouses"

"Each one seems to be strong."

But I heard Hong Yue say: "Every one has reached the late stage of Huaxing, which means that there are at least 150,000 late-stage Huaxing, and it is difficult to tell how many great perfections there are."

Some people secretly think in the face of such a powerful enemy, if the emperor and the strong do not take action, what will they do? Not to mention his late 150,000-year-old, even 150 of them, who add up to less than 2,000 people in the newly promoted Heaven Realm, may not be able to withstand it.

But at this time, everyone was also sighing in their hearts. When they were on the frontline, the original city really didn't move. Otherwise, these people would not be enough for a round of impact.

There was a small group of people in front of the 150,000 Open Heaven Realm powerhouse, and the leader of them was the puppet An Bailin. Of course, although it is Han Fei's own puppet, the play still has to be played.

After all, isn't Luo Xiaobai doing so many things just to act in this scene?

The puppet An Bailin was the first to speak: "A good human emperor and a good human war commander. You dare to come to my primitive city with only 600 people, do you really think that my primitive city can't keep you all?"

Han Fei sneered: "I dare to come today to see if you dare to keep me. You and I have played against each other, and you should know that you can't keep me at all. Then I want to see if there is anyone in your primitive city who can keep me. Leave me. I bet so I'm here?"

But seeing the puppet An Bailin's face sank immediately.

And those people in the elder group were shocked at the moment: "After this, the emperor has no patience and has used himself to test the primitive city."

Now An Bailin is the only one who is the strongest in the family whose life and death are unknown. Listening to the emperor's tone, he was not at all worried about Bai Rin, which made the elders know that the matter was a big deal. The emperor was not in the clan.

Not to mention the elders group, the expressions of many of the hundreds of thousands of Open Heaven Realm experts have obviously changed. When they were sent back, the Great Emperor was still in the Primal Chaos Ice Territory, but after he came back, he heard the cry of Tian Chan, which made them seem to have lost their backbone.

That is, An Bailin's return made them realize that the Tianchan clan and the Emperor Zun were still alive. But today all the human races are calling at the door. If they can't be left behind, what it means is self-evident.

An Bailin was silent for a moment and slowly opened his mouth: "Even if the Emperor of Destiny can't take action for the time being, how can you just rely on your human race, a bunch of crooked melons, cracked dates, and a group of Open Heaven Realm who don't even have a star, why should they be enemies of my primitive city?"

This time, I saw Luo Xiaobai stand up and only listened to her: "I am the commander of the human race, Luo Xiaobai, can I be the enemy of your primitive city? You can see me on the battlefield. A few days ago, it was your primitive city. The city took the lead in assembling a thousand people in the late stage of the Kaitian realm and the great perfection powerhouse to destroy the front-line forces of my human race. Although I have killed all of them, this action is equivalent to declaring war with my human race. Since your primitive city has declared war, how can my human race have it? No reason. No matter whether the emperor of your primitive city is severely injured or fallen, he is unable to take action after all. Since this is the case after the tidal wave, the primitive city is ready to meet the wrath of my human race."

For a while, someone from the Primitive City elders sent a voice transmission to An Bailin: "The city owner should take the initiative to send them to the door now to keep them. If they are put back, there will be endless trouble."

"Yeah, the city owner, Tianming, can't take action now, but now is our chance."

"City Lord..."

An Bai turned his head sharply and glanced at the group of elders, and everyone shut up.

Han Fei smiled lightly: "This kind of thing doesn't need sound transmission, how can this emperor dare to come today? Will An Bai fight?"

The human race powerhouse behind Han Fei seems to be nothing on the surface, but he feels a little inexplicable in his heart, so he can't fight. Lord Human Sovereign, what kind of medicine is this sold in the gourd?

An Bailin said lightly: "Those who think they can fight will be listed."

Suddenly, out of the 150,000 people, nearly 10,000 people were listed. The reason they came out was that they really didn't think the Terran could win. With such a small number of human beings and such strength, it is only a matter of one or several rounds of shocks. What dare not fight this kind of battle?

And what they thought was that they would fight again if they didn't fight today. What's more, there are hundreds of thousands of brothers and Lord City Lord behind their home court today. They may fall into some kind of trap, but they should not die. As long as they shot the human race, they would know if they were bluffing.

The rest of the people are smarter and only feel that the low-level trick of bluffing people with strength to the point of Han Fei should be disdainful. One bad use is too great a loss. So they concluded that Han Fei was not bluffing but had some special means.

Only listened to An Bailin said: "Out of a thousand people to enter the battle."

I saw thousands of Huaxing Great Perfection powerhouses stepping out of the void. An Bailin stepped out and confronted Han Fei across the air. Only Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai were present who knew that all this was just a show, and everyone else was nervous at the moment. Especially on the Terran side, they couldn't think of how to fight.


These people can cultivate to the great perfection of Huaxing, and they all act resolutely and have their own judgments. Since you are going to fight, fight for a round to destroy the human race. These people include the human race war commander in the late stage of the talent transformation star.

But in the next moment, a tortoise shell lifted off and the thousand people disappeared into a layer of enchantment. The Xuanwu Emperor Armor can reveal the internal details to the outside world or hide the internal details, depending on Han Fei's wishes.

Immediately, the elders of the Primitive City and the army of the Kaitian realm all shrank their pupils, and it was indeed a trap. However, is it really okay for the human race to set traps so blatantly in the primitive city?

The moment the Xuanwu Emperor Armor appeared, An Bailin and Han Fei disappeared at the same time, followed by a flash of fists and cicadas in the sky.


The 100,000-mile void energy ravaged the original city powerhouses who were considering whether to support them and were forced to temporarily stay on the defensive by the sudden impact. And there is a primitive city behind them. In addition to defending themselves, they also need to protect the primitive city.

There is no way that the position of the Emperor Senior Realm confrontation is too close to them, so they can't make the first shot.

In fact, the power of God's respect for the rules of communication escapes and others cannot intervene.

At the same time, the tortoise shell seals the sky.

The thousand Open Heaven Realm Great Perfection powerhouses are about to launch a charge. But all of a sudden, I saw a void in the world and a magical void passage connecting an unknown area.

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of Luo Xiaobai and the human race powerhouse, they saw a golden hook sticking out from the huge void passage.

This hook is huge and the hook body is as long as thousands of miles. I didn't see anyone in the hook. I saw a thousand people in the original city. dragged into the mysterious passage.

There are only three breaths before and after the time is not here, where are the powerhouses of the open heaven realm in the original city?

"what is that?"

"I felt numb at that moment just now."

"What kind of a means to reach the sky is to hook away thousands of Great Perfection-level powerhouses with one hook, and I haven't fished like this."

"Lord Commander, what is this?"

Luo Xiaobai was also stunned. In fact, at the beginning she and Han Fei said that it was enough for the two of them to come. Because their main purpose here is to expose the fall of the Great Emperor of the Primitive City.

They can come to expose this matter, but they can't let the puppet An Bailin say it. Otherwise, it may have an impact on their subsequent plans.

But Han Fei said that watching the show and watching the whole set requires these newly promoted human race powerhouses to come out and see the world, so this is the scene.

Not to mention that Luo Xiaobai felt that he had seen a big scene.

Only Luo Xiaobai said, "I will tell you when it's time to tell you. Now put away your shocked and stunned expressions."

In the past ten breaths, Han Fei and An Bailin have returned to their positions, and it seems that no one has any choice.

I just heard Han Fei grinning and said: "The original city is so big that it gave me the corpses of thousands of great perfectionists. I am really grateful."

I saw the halo on the surface of the tortoise shell sealing the sky, revealing the appearance inside.

All the people in the Open Heaven Realm are still standing there and Luo Xiaobai is still standing in front of them, but the thousand people in the late stage of the Open Heaven Realm have disappeared.

This scene saw the pupils of the powerhouses in the entire Primitive City shrunk, only to feel that their scalps were numb.

You must know that it is a thousand Open Heaven Realm Great Perfection. Even if it is to face the Emperor, it is not that there is no power in a battle, but it is just that the Emperor can't be left behind.

But it is impossible for such a terrifying force to disappear in just over ten breaths after entering the tortoise shell barrier.

Even the human race powerhouses behind Luo Xiaobai can't believe it if they haven't seen it. They have seen the whole process, so they know where these people are gone within ten breaths, so they are simply gone within three breaths. . They just recovered within the ten breaths.

An Bailin's expression changed drastically and her first reaction was to turn her head and shout, "Everyone spread out and don't gather together."

At that moment, when the people of the Primitive City heard the words, they all stepped aside to know if there would be such an enchantment that suddenly enveloped them.

Then I heard An Bai Lin say: "It's impossible that you absolutely don't have the ability to kill so many Open Heaven Realm Great Perfection in such a short period of time."

Han Fei grinned and said, "You know again?"

An Bailin: "Where did you transfer them without the avenue crack?"

Han Fei shrugged: "Why should I tell you? They won't come back anyway. Do you want me to try again?"

After finishing, Han Fei put away the Emperor Xuanwu's armor and said lightly: "The war between the human race and the primitive city has officially started. Enjoy the last peace in front of the tidal wave."

Under the gazes of An Bailin and countless powerhouses in Primitive City, Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai calmly took the more than 600 people from the human race and disappeared from their sight.

It was not until they completely disappeared at the end of the field of vision that the elders said: "What can the Lord of the City do now? This emperor seems to be very difficult."

Someone panicked: "Lord City Lord, they won this bet and if they go back together with the city of the homeless, after the tidal wave is combined, we are afraid that we will face the cooperation of the two emperors."

"Lord City Lord, why don't we move as soon as possible before the tidal wave comes?"

These elders are all panicked. It is really unbelievable that Han Fei's move today is too unbelievable. Thousands of famous Open Heaven Realm Great Perfection said that if there is no more, who can not panic when encountering this?

As for whether Han Fei will act before the tidal wave, they think it should not.

They knew that Han Fei's unimaginable means must be limited, otherwise the original city would be gone.

Therefore, Han Fei can only deceive some people, but he cannot destroy the primitive city by such means.

Since the primitive city cannot be quickly destroyed, the tidal wave front human race will not do it. After all, the human race also has to ride the tidal waves.

The puppet An Bailin's face was icy cold and he heard him shout: "Immediately inform the Primitive City to relocate all the thirteen cities under its jurisdiction to the vicinity of the Primitive City. We will have a tough battle to fight. In addition, we will open the Great Defense Array to remove the tidal waves before the arrival of the tidal wave. No one who is on a special mission is allowed to leave the primitive city. Finally, the elders will continue to hold meetings to open the heavenly realm and return to the camp to stand by at any time."

On the way back, Han Fei and the others did not hurry.

Han Fei: "The battle should be almost over by the time we return to the battlefield. This trip will be a **** battle after the tidal wave is complete."

Luo Xiaobai nodded slightly and paused: "What is the hook? Is the powerhouse of the Void Temple shooting?"

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "It's not that a very hungry Emperor Realm powerhouse often sends me some messages saying that he is very hungry. I just took this opportunity to prepare something to eat for him."


Luo Xiaobai: "It's nonsense again."

Han Fei smiled lightly: "He called the God of War, a strong man trapped in the sea of ​​stars..."

Luo Xiaobai nodded slightly, which explained that the strength of the powerhouse in the Great Emperor Realm was naturally not something she could understand now. Even such power should not be understood by Han Fei now.

Luo Xiaobai: "After all, it's not your own power, so don't use this kind of inhuman power indiscriminately. The most important thing is that a thousand Heaven-Opening Realm Great Perfection can refine a lot of refining stars and transforming stars."

Han Fei: "..."

When Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai were chatting, Hong Yue and others behind them were all holding back their curiosity. Finally, when he was free, Hong Yue finally asked, "What's going on with that Lord Commander Luo?"

In their opinion, Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai didn't seem to have done anything except for a wave, just to pretend to force them to run so far? Declaring war and telling people to be so upright?

Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai looked back and saw that everyone looked at them suspiciously. Han Fei couldn't help but glanced at Luo Xiaobai and said, "Can you explain it yourself?"

Luo Xiaobai said: "It all starts with the signal I sent to Primitive City when I took over as the war commander of the human race. The emperor said that I will be the second preacher of the human race. This is the cause. Because of this cause, there is a primitive The ambush of the city. Let the emperor pretend to be me in order to hide my whereabouts, but not to fear that I will be ambushed, but to take advantage of the opportunity of the ambush in the primitive city to pretend to use the power of the frontline powerhouses of the human race to create the combat power of the frontline headquarters of the human race The illusion of emptiness attracts the primitive city... As for why this game is done, you can understand for yourself."

Luo Xiaobai is reluctant to explain too much. She can't say that I want to destroy the high-end combat power of Primitive City in one go to create a fair frontal battlefield. Then arouse the blood of the human race with the sacrifice of the human race?

It seems too sneer to say that, but the truth is that those who can understand it will naturally understand.

As for why it is necessary to sacrifice to arouse the blood of a family, because a peaceful race cannot survive in such a complex world as the sea world.

In the sea world, no one will give you fairness. The wilderness of the East China Sea is eight light-years away. The distance is a million billion miles. The endless wilderness is endless. There are countless races.

This world is not beautiful, but a cruel world, but the current human race doesn't know what cruelty is because Han Fei's leadership is too smooth.

So Luo Xiaobai wants to break their beautiful life and let them know the world again.

The sacrifice of millions of people on the frontline battlefield at this time is just a warning to the people in advance to pave the way for the battlefield after the tidal wave.

Luo Xiaobai knew clearly that Han Fei, as a human emperor, could not do such a thing, so she did it.

The world may not understand or even blame her and call her ruthless. There are so many strong people, but they don't stand and watch the lives and deaths of millions of people.

But Luo Xiaobai doesn't care that this is the responsibility of the commander, and this kind of responsibility can make her feel better. After all, she is indeed sitting and watching millions of people die. There is no dispute.

After Hong Yue had been with Han Fei for so long, he quickly understood. I just listened to the doubt: "Then why did we come to the original city?"

Just listening to Luo Xiaobai said lightly: "Give them a way to turn defeat into victory... You just need to know that the emperor and the hundreds of thousands of open sky powerhouses in the primitive city after the tidal wave will disappear. That's enough."

"Will it all disappear?"



Everyone was stunned for a while, obviously shocked. They really couldn't figure it out and couldn't understand why so many powerhouses disappeared?

Luo Xiaobai and Han Fei continued to step into the void, only to hear Han Fei sigh slightly: "You have indeed grown a lot. Maybe many people will not understand you, but a few of us won't. Whenever you get tired, you can Tell me."

Luo Xiaobai didn't say a word, but there was a slight smile on his cold and indifferent face all the year round. Others might not feel it, but in Han Fei's eyes, it was extraordinarily brilliant.


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