God of Fishing

Chapter 2707: Eve of Races (3 in 1)

human race.

When Luo Xiaobai and the others came back triumphantly with all the soldiers on the front line, the entire human race was shaken.

Because of Han Fei's urination, when the frontline wins, he must share it with everyone. Originally, it was better for Luo Xiaobai to talk to the entire human race in person, but Luo Xiaobai was not used to Han Fei's coquettish actions, so he refused.

Before the human army arrived, Han Fei's voice came: "My fellow human beings, I am the emperor Han Fei..."

When people heard this, they immediately chose to let go of what they were doing. Han Fei hadn't heard this from the entire human race for many years, but he came here twice recently. Once Luo Xiaobai took office, and once now.

The next moment, I heard Han Fei's voice continue: "Under the leadership of the war commander Luo Xiaobai, the front-line battlefield launched the largest frontal battle with the primitive city in history. My human race and the primitive city have launched their forces. A super battlefield with a total of more than 65 million people. My human warriors killed 1,203 people in the original city of Kaitianjing without losing a single person. Killed 68,312 people in the original city of Kaitianjing, beheaded 5 million people of Venerables, and beheaded 21 million people of explorers People... A total of more than 26 million enemies were killed, a great victory."

In the end, the word "Great Victory" sounded like the roar of thunder and exploded in everyone's ears.


"My human race is invincible."

"It's amazing, this war commander just took office, and he won such an exaggerated victory."

"It's really too exaggerated. I think at the beginning, there were not so many strong men in the entire riotous sea. As a result, now a big victory has killed such a powerful enemy... The human race has indeed risen!"

Of course, there are also people who wonder: "Beheading 1,203 people in the city of primordial Kaitianjing? But I haven't lost a single human being, is this exaggerated? It must be the emperor who shot."

Some people agreed: "It should be Lord Human Sovereign who shot, otherwise it would be impossible to win such an exaggeration."

After more than ten breaths, when the entire human race was about to fall into a carnival, Han Fei's voice came again, but this time, the voice was no longer joyful.

Just listening to Han Fei's voice was a little low: "We won this war, but we also paid a huge price. In this battle, more than 268.62 million people from the sea-opening realm of our human race fell, and nearly 1.3 million people in the venerable realm fell. , the explorers lost 8.2 million people. Yes, we also paid a heavy price when we won the victory. The front-line soldiers lost more than 20% of the battle, and the emperor is very sad..."

For a time, Wanmin, who was still cheering just now, suddenly stopped laughing.

No matter how many enemies died, when the number was in their ears, they didn't feel anything. When Han Fei destroyed the city of scavengers, he didn't lose many people.

But now, many people are not happy when they hear that nearly ten million people have lost their lives. Those are thousands of lives, all flesh and blood, with dreams and expectations, the same fresh life as them.

Over the years, everyone knew that the human race was on the rise, and that they knew that Han Fei existed, they were invincible. But today, the facts tell them that everything is not what they imagined.

Death is right before their eyes. War is on their side.

The 26,862 Myriad Pirates of the Seas, 1.3 million Venerables, and even the 8.2 million Explorers. Those realms are what many people dream of but cannot reach. But it was such a group of extremely powerful beings in their eyes that in just a few days, they completely disappeared between this world and were completely buried in this boundless wasteland.

Some female nuns, some weak practitioners, could not help shedding tears.

And Han Fei's voice sounded again, low and firm: "My compatriots of the human race, we entered the sea world from the turbulent sea, for the rise of the human race, and for the prosperity of the human race. But this road is absolutely impossible. It's not as simple as everyone thinks. Today, we are facing a primitive city. Tomorrow, there are countless primitive cities, and there are even more powerful enemies waiting for us. We have no time to stop, we We are not qualified to sink into today's stable life. Our human race is far from rising... The warriors on the front line cannot sacrifice in vain, they are fighting for a better tomorrow for the human race. We finally got out of the sea of ​​riots. , We finally have the opportunity to become stronger. Therefore, no matter how powerful the enemy is in front of us, we must step on him, destroy him, and destroy him. For our younger generation, in this sea world, To lay a brand new world, let them all have the opportunity to open the sky and prove the Tao. Therefore, we have no time to grieve..."

Han Fei paused, and his voice was firm: "After the tidal wave, it is time for our human race to start a racial war with the primitive city. Starting today, one billion troops will be recruited, and the recruitment plan will be announced in three days for the entire human race..."

Not long after Han Fei's voice disappeared, above the sky, the army passed through.

Accompanying them is the monstrous blood and killing intent.

These people centered on the imperial city and dispersed to the surrounding more than 300 cities.

At this moment, in the major human race cities, various speeches began to ferment.

Someone said: "In a war, tens of millions of people will fall. When the racial war starts, how many people will fall? Is this really what we are after?"

Someone scolded: "Ignorance. The riots are safe in the sea, why don't you stay? Lord Human Sovereign is struggling to find a way in the sea world, fighting all over the world, why? It's not for the prosperity of our human race."

Someone said, "However, if there are really so many enemies, how can I see them when I wait for the whole battle to die?"

Someone sneered: "Death in battle means that you were eliminated by the sea world. What do you think so many people signed up for the front line? Everyone is to become stronger, to sharpen themselves in order to become a real strong. Which one's road to rise? , not a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood? How many of you have not read the biography of the emperor? Is it easy for the emperor?"

A teenager said: "I want to participate in the war, although only in the law enforcement environment, but I want to participate in the war."

Someone scolded: "When is it your turn to play? Frontline battlefield, where is the law enforcement environment?"

The boy's tone was firm: "What we will start is a racial war. I don't believe that the primitive city is still a powerhouse above the law enforcement realm. Since it is a racial war, there will be battles at all levels."

"Yes, war is the fastest way to improve strength. And strength is the eternal truth. If you and I don't work hard and just want to enjoy the results of other people's battles, such a human race is not far from destruction. "

For a time, in the major cities, the voices of participating in the war and the voices of quarrels emerged one after another.

After half a day. Those soldiers on the front line returned with their tired bodies and full of killing intent.

These people are easy to identify, because the hostility in their bodies is too strong and the killing intent is too strong, so those who see them are intuitively frightened.

Green Bamboo City.

Zhang Haichao was holding a jar in his left hand and a long **** knife in his right hand, and was asking something from the shop on the side of the road.

"Boss, may I ask if Shiban Street is in this place?"

The shop owner was a little stunned when he saw the killing intent on Zhang Haichao, and nodded again and again: "Sir, this, this is Shiban Street."

However, Zhang Haichao's face darkened slightly: "Do you know how to get to the Xuji Refining Shop in the ninth district of Shiban Street?"

Hearing the words, the boss hurriedly said, "I know. Old Xu's Refining Ware Shop, go past this intersection, turn left, cross three intersections, and there is a small alley, keep going inside, and you can see it."


Zhang Haichao strode away under everyone's attention.

After a while, when Zhang Haichao saw the entrance of the small alley, he took a deep breath, frowned, and walked in.

When Zhang Haichao walked into this alley, many residents did not dare to talk to each other, and watched Zhang Haichao come to the old Xu family's refining shop.

At that time, the nearby neighbors knew what was going on.

Xuji Refining Shop is very conspicuous, because the refining sound is loud and the power is dissipated, so it enjoys a large piece of land.

When Zhang Haichao came to the shop, he saw a big man with bare arms, waving a hammer and hitting a red knife embryo. Every time the hammer goes down, the force forms a gust of wind, which disperses around.

Not far from the big man, a woman was smelting materials with the "Smelting Spirit Sutra".

When she saw Zhang Haichao, a piece of ore that the woman was smelting slammed to the ground. But she saw tears in her eyes, looking at the **** long knife in Zhang Haichao's hand.

The middle-aged man naturally realized something, and saw that he hammered faster and faster, swinging more than 300 hammers in a row, until the hammer in his hand burst with a "bang", and he gasped heavily, his hands Supported on the refining table: "My son, don't you have a corpse?"

Hearing this, Zhang Haichao couldn't help the corners of his eyes sore, and saw him kneeling on the ground with a bang: "Uncle, Xu Da, in order to save me, perished with a Venerable Realm enemy, and blew himself up on the spot. This knife was left by Xu Da. He once He told me that this knife is his father's best work and his favorite weapon in his life. I'm sorry, but I killed Xu Da, and I couldn't even leave his body. I, Zhang Haichao, would like to replace him Xu Da, serving the second elder."


But he saw that middle-aged man strode forward and grabbed the long sword into his hand. With his sleeve, he wiped off the blood stains on the knife, and said solemnly: "This is the path he chose, and it is no wonder that he fell on the road. If you want to repay his life-saving grace, you should go to the battlefield and kill more. A few scraps of primitive cities."

After a pause, the big man continued: "As for revenge, hum, the son's revenge, of course, I will avenge it."

The woman's tears flashed and she couldn't help sobbing slightly.

But I heard the middle-aged man shout: "Why are you crying? You and I are both practitioners. You should know that if you practice all the way, you will die, or I will die."

Zhang Haichao hurriedly said: "Uncle, Xu Da's revenge should be reported by me. Your two elders can't go to the battlefield."


The middle-aged man scolded: "Why do others need to avenge my son's revenge? The human race is going to rise, everyone should raise the sword in their hands and cut thorns for the human race. How can I be an exception? My son, my son saves you for the sake of you. Fighting for the human race, if you kill the enemy on the battlefield, you will be worthy of his fall..."

There were actually tears in the eyes of the middle-aged man. He turned his head away and waved his hand gently: "You are pretending to be another person in this jar, right? Go, don't let his family wait for a long time..."

Peach Blossom City.

Under the peach blossom tree, a woman has been waiting here for a day and a night.

This is the place of conscription, so people come and go, and no one notices her.

It was not until two strange men, carrying a box of armor, looked around for a long time before they stepped forward.

"Excuse me, is it Lin Adi?"

"it's me."

There was no expression on the woman's face, but her eyes were fixed on the armor box behind the strange man.

The two men's expressions condensed slightly, and then both sighed slightly. One of them took off the armor box and held it in his hand: "We went to your residence, and we didn't wait for you to come back. After inquiring, we learned that you are here. This is Zhou Mosheng's armor box. He killed seven explorers. The one who was exhausted and died, before he fell, he looked up to the sky and shouted, if there is an afterlife, he will live up to you."

The corners of the woman's mouth raised slightly, and a trace of clear tears fell, only to hear her say: "Enough."

Seeing that Lin Adi stopped talking, the two of them just looked at the peach blossom tree quietly. After looking at each other, they both sighed slightly and retreated quietly.

An hour after the two of them left, Lin Adi came to the recruitment office with the armor box in her arms: "I am the peak strength of the explorer, and I want to participate in the war."

Recruiter: "Name, address, is there anyone else at home?"

Lin Adi said lightly: "Lin Adi, No. 1099 Qianhua Road, Peach Blossom City, single."

Everyone has their own story, and there is never a shortage of people with stories in this world.

Some people forget their dreams and fight, some people fight for others, and some people don't dare to fight. The key is that if you dare not participate in the war, you will not dare to participate in the war, and they will often find some excuses for themselves.

For example, in recent days, there have been some criticisms about Luo Xiaobai.

At a certain dinner table, I felt: "I won't go to war anyway, the human race loss rate is as high as 20% or more, and the original city of Kaitianjing has been wiped out. I heard that those Kaitianjing are all in the late stage. Or the Great Perfection level. It stands to reason that it is impossible for the human race to win, but now not only has it won, but not a single one has fallen, it is definitely Lord Human Sovereign shot. However, Lord Human Sovereign shot to help Kaitianjing, Naturally, there is no way to suppress the ordinary battlefield. This shows that in the real war, the Emperor Human Emperor has no skills, and it is difficult to take care of everyone."

Someone whispered: "I heard that all this was arranged by the war commander Luo Xiaobai. It is said that she has a lot of powerhouses in her hands, but she doesn't let them take action. Just use ordinary soldiers to fight. The person is beautiful, but the heart is really cruel!"

Someone said: "I also heard that Luo Xiaobai, before he reached the front line, was already using my human warriors as bait."

"No, this is a battle of tens of millions of people. If a racial war is going to break out, a battlefield with billions of people at every turn, in that complicated situation, there is no way to direct it. Fight. That's a joke with our lives."

"Hey, I think, Lord Human Sovereign is really ignorant this time! This time, Lord Human Sovereign said that he would start a race war."

"Hey! I know that Lord Human Sovereign has pursuits, but his pursuits are not necessarily our pursuits. Anyway, I will not go to this recruitment."

Of course, these people are just talking about it, and they don't dare to publicize it everywhere. After chatting for a while, each went home. As a result, this time, a few people found out, where is their own demon plant? Where did the demon plant go?

Someone shouted: "The law enforcement team..."

A moment later, when the law enforcement team arrived and saw this scene, they sneered and said bluntly, "Did you discuss the Emperor and the War Commander in private?"

Several people looked at each other: "Does this matter?"

But seeing the law enforcement member sneer: "You can't forget that these demon plants are all followers of the emperor. You criticize the emperor, these demon plants understand, but they just ran away, which has already given you a lot of face. Come and register and explain why."

Someone was stunned: "Is this okay?"

Law enforcement team member: "Why not? Who told you to be rude? Okay, the matter has been roughly figured out, but I want to remind you that all those who criticize the emperor and the war commander are forcibly recruited. You guys, come with me. Bar!"

"Ah? Why? What did we say, why are we forced to recruit troops?"

"Why, don't we even have the right to freedom of speech?"

Law enforcement team member: "Why? Naturally, it is to let you really appreciate how cruel the battlefield is on the front line. As for freedom of speech, you will have to wait until you have experienced the real battlefield before you can talk to me about freedom of speech. If you don't know anything, just Knowing nonsense and deceiving people, you still want to sit in the rear of the human race? Don’t worry, it’s not just you, there are many people like you, you are not alone.”

After a while, this group of people was escorted away by the law enforcement officers. As for resistance, it was impossible. If they dare to say that they have criticized the emperor and the war commander, they may be directly killed. So instead of resisting, they would rather go to the army.

After several days of sinking, the sadness brought by the front-line battle was gradually replaced by the fear and anxiety of the tidal wave in the future.

The people who rioted in the sea had never experienced tidal waves, but only knew how to fight under the description of those chaotic wasteland humans.

a month later.

It has only been one month since the tidal wave was launched, and as a result, the distribution of resources for resisting the tidal wave has not yet started. Gradually, some people started to worry.

"What's going on? There's only one month left before the tidal wave arrives, so why haven't you released the pure stone yet?"

"It's not that they haven't been distributed. I heard that the Lava Jue Human Race, the affiliated beasts of Yin Yangtian, the Terror Forest, the Zerg Race, and the Seabed Human Race have all been gradually distributed. Now, our human race has not started to distribute."

"Hey! Why pick them first?"

"It's probably because of their small number! It's convenient to send when there are fewer people. I have too many people in the human race, and it is not easy to distribute resources."

"If that's the case, then there should be a plan, right? I'm a little suspicious, isn't the number of net stones a bit insufficient?"


Someone's expression darkened: "I heard the Chaos Wasteland people say that when they resisted the tidal waves before, except for the Great Defense Array, each of them had at least dozens of pure stones on them. As long as they are used properly, You can kill dozens of ominous creatures. However, our human race is indeed too many, one person per person, it costs 180 billion, ten per person..."

When someone heard this, their expression changed slightly: "Yes, how many people are there in the Wanlin Clan? Even if we pay their resource bank, it would be unrealistic to want to send dozens of pure stones to each of the people. ."

Suddenly, on the major streets in the city, a street office manager began to shout: "Please pay attention to the compatriots of the human race, please pay attention to the compatriots of the human race. Anyone who has a realm below the law enforcement level, go to the Emperor Statue Square and gather..."

When countless people heard it, they were immediately overjoyed. It seemed that they were going to distribute resources! Everyone thinks that it should be distributed from the weak, but I don't know how much I can send.

Because the entire human race is waiting for the release of resources, they are very active, but after a while, the square near the statue of the emperor is full of people.

After waiting for an hour, within dozens of miles near the square of the statue of the emperor, except for the necessary streets, there were people standing everywhere.

However, I saw a strong person in the open sky, standing above the sky and said: "My fellow human beings, the tidal wave is approaching, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, the emperor said that it is not necessary for all people to fight. Therefore, the human race below the law enforcement realm , most of them will enter the strong natal star to live temporarily, and will not participate in the tidal wave confrontation..."


"It turned out to be like this. I was startled. When I heard the human race in the chaotic wasteland, I thought it was very mysterious. I thought it was going to go through a war."

"Ha! I just said that under the law enforcement environment, it is impossible to fight at all. It is also a good thing to enter the powerful star, and it is a good thing to come out after the tide is over!"

However, some people are reluctant to say: "Why! We can also fight."

"Yes! We have never seen tidal waves. It is impossible that all ominous creatures are enemies above the law enforcement level, right?"

"We are going to fight, and we are also part of the human race."

Most of the people who spoke were young people. These people were generally more aggressive, more confident, and greatly admired the Emperor Han Fei.

An old man scolded: "A bunch of little bastards, you know shit. The emperor is for the good of the entire human race, you just need to obey the orders."

"That's right, a group of **** who have never been beaten by war at all. Do you know that when the tidal waves come in one round, you may be all gone."

"Idiot? If you can participate in the war, Lord Human Sovereign will not let you participate in the war?"

"Little brat, listen to us, it's a good thing to want to make achievements, but don't be arrogant, you will only add trouble to the emperor."

For most people, it is naturally the best thing to be able to spend such a dangerous time as tidal waves.

Seeing the commotion below, the Open Heaven Realm expert said: "Everything is quiet, and Lord Human Sovereign is not completely preventing everyone from fighting. However, only those who meet the conditions can stay."

"Sir, what are the conditions? I want to join the war."

The Kaitian realm powerhouse said lightly: "Those who want to participate in the war, the first condition on the ground is that you have no relatives. Anyone who has relatives and friends alive is not allowed to participate in the war. Those who meet this condition and are willing to participate in the war, come here. Gather under the statue of the emperor."

Immediately, many people breathed a sigh of relief, and then sighed: "It's still the thoughtful consideration of the Emperor."

Someone slapped his own boy on the head: "Did you hear that? Do you meet the conditions? You are stupid, this is a matter with a high probability of death. Lord Human Sovereign sympathizes with all beings and does not want to see the scene of relatives being separated. "

But: "Why do you have no relatives, you can choose by yourself!"

An old man said leisurely: "A person who has no worries is lonely in his heart, and he can only judge everything by himself. Boys, people are different.

But I saw that a teenager stepped out of the crowd, came to the unmanned avenue, and walked towards the statue of the emperor.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "That boy, although you have no relatives or friends, but there is no need to participate in such a battle! There will be countless battles, big and small, in the future for the human race. What are you so eager to do? Come back quickly."

Someone shouted: "Boy, your strength is still weak. If you want to participate in the war, you will only have the qualifications after law enforcement. What strength do you have now? What are you rushing for?"

"Boy, come back!"

On the side of the road, countless people were persuading, but the young man grinned: "Thank you for your kindness, uncles and aunts, everyone's path is different. I have no worries, so I can fight. I remember the biography of Lord Renhuang said that There is a saying: Fighting makes me grow and make me stronger."

Someone laughed and walked out of the crowd, and then he responded: "The next sentence is, so I am eager to fight and live to death."

Someone went on to add: "Behind, I bloom in the slaughter, like a flower in the dawn."

However, more and more young people walked out of the crowd, but within a short time, about 1.2 million people gathered under the statue of the emperor.

In fact, the population of 1.2 million orphans is very small for a city with a population of nearly 500 million. This is the world of practitioners. If it weren't for the count of six hundred years, the life of the human race would have been relatively stable. It may be more than seven or eight times this number.

Of course, there are some who did not choose to participate in the war, and naturally they were not counted.

There are so many cities in one city, and there are more than 300 human cities, with a total population of almost 400 million. That's still a huge number.

After telling people to pack up the things in their homes within a day, the powerhouse in the open sky took the lead and took those lonely people who chose to participate in the war to the imperial city first.

Because in the human race, the proportion of the population under the law enforcement environment accounts for the vast majority, so when such a group of people enters the star of life, the city of the human race is suddenly empty, and the population is directly reduced by 80%.

But this is the case. In the human race city, the total population is nearly 40 billion, which is also not comparable to the original city of scavengers.

And those who stayed knew that they could avoid tidal waves under the law enforcement environment, but they couldn't. Someone can safely avoid it, and naturally someone has to take the risk for them.

But no one complained because of their strong strength and natural burden. Compared with Han Fei, what they have undertaken is nothing at all.

No, half a month after the human race under the law enforcement environment entered the natal star. At this moment, the omen of the coming of the tidal wave is very obvious, but the pure stone resources have not been released. The remaining humans are waiting, and many people even speculate whether there is something wrong with the Jingshi resources.

It was on this day that Han Fei descended on the major cities with the Void Descending Technique, and his voice spread throughout the human race: "My fellow human beings, I am Human Emperor Han Fei. Everyone, gather at Human Emperor Square and prepare to receive Jingshi. supplies."

"finally come."

"Hahaha, it's good to come, it's good to come."

"If you have resources, you can fight."

"It seems that the resources are in place."

People are overjoyed, and what they are most afraid of is the problem of insufficient net stone resources. But until today, Han Fei finally appeared, which gave them a reassurance.

Han Fei appeared in the Human Emperor Square of the major cities. Looking at the hundreds of millions of people, Han Fei opened his mouth and said, "Fellow people from the human race, I called everyone here today. In addition to distributing supplies, there is another thing that this emperor wants to explain to you."

Many people raised their breaths, thinking that this tidal wave is more difficult than describing it?

"Lord Human Sovereign, we are not afraid."

"Yes, we are not afraid, the human brothers in the Chaos Wasteland have taught us a lot."

"We are confident in our ability to resist tidal waves."

Hearing Han Fei's opening, his voice was shocking: "Everyone, tidal waves are actually not a danger that is difficult to resist. The human race in the chaotic wasteland has experienced it once every hundred years, and now they are living well, so this emperor is not worried, This is not what the emperor wants to say."


"It's not a tidal wave, what's that?"

Just listen to Han Fei: "This emperor is ready to use the tidal wave to sneak attack on the primitive city."



"Sneak attack on the primitive city?"

Many people were stunned for a moment, followed by expressions of great joy. Since it was a sneak attack, it must have killed Primitive City by surprise.

It's just that many people still don't understand why Han Fei said such an important thing.

And some people responded very quickly. It turned out that it was not that there was no Jingshi resource, but that Lord Human Sovereign deliberately delayed it. The arrival of the tidal wave is only half a month away. At this time, Han Fei announced the plan to attack the original city, which was obviously to catch a thief.

The human race has a population of 180 billion. It is impossible to say that there are no spies in the primitive city, and it is not that they are trapped in the city every day and cannot go out. Once you go out, there is a chance to be seized by the opportunity and the like.

Han Fei chose this point to announce his plan, even if these people found out, even if they ran away, but so what? Unless they were in the sea-opening realm or the open-heaven realm, they couldn't have gone from the human race to the primitive city in such a short period of time.

However, someone will definitely find a way to get the message out, it's inevitable.

Therefore, Luo Xiaobai has already set up a net, waiting for the fish to be hooked.

As for the fact that the Kaitian realm can achieve space crossing through the star beads, under the guidance of the Navigation Vientiane, there is nowhere to hide the squatters, and 13 people have been secretly executed by Han Fei before.

Han Fei continued: "My fellow human beings, you all know that this emperor recruited one billion troops to fight against the primitive city. However, the number of soldiers recruited this time is not enough. It may be more than 3 billion people. Although compared to our human race, 3 billion people are nothing. But don't forget, they are the aborigines of the sea world, and their general strength is stronger than us. We want to win. , If you want to make an absolute crush, it is not enough to be evenly matched. Therefore, the emperor needs to recruit 8 billion troops again. With three times the number, surround and wipe them..."

The so-called billion-dollar conscription was nothing but Han Fei's words to tell people in Primitive City. At the same time, let them believe that the human race will indeed attack them after the tidal wave.

After a short pause, Han Fei continued: "Although it is three times as many, it is not easy to fight, and we will certainly suffer heavy losses. The only thing this emperor can promise is that this is a great war, this war , determines whether our human race will become strong. Participants may die, but they may also get a lot of resources and even opportunities."

"My lord, I am willing to go."

"Lord Human Sovereign, I didn't accept the registration because the number of people was small. I must participate today."

"Lord Human Sovereign, this sneak attack, oh no, I must be counted in this battle!"

Han Fei signaled everyone to suppress the voice: "Don't worry, everyone, attacking the primitive city is a big deal, but it is also a big deal to fight against the tidal waves. We have to take care of both, if you all go with me to attack the primitive city, then Who will guard the human city? Therefore, this emperor only takes eight billion people. First of all, those who are unaccompanied and lonely, come under the statue of the emperor..."

On Han Fei's side, he was recruiting troops and preparing to attack the primitive city.

Primitive city.

elders meeting.

A very senior elder said: "Lord City Lord, we have also found out the strength of the human race. There are actually very few real powerhouses. This time the emperor went back and directly recruited one billion troops, and the war of races was about to break out. In the war, my primitive city is not incapable of fighting, but in this chaotic wasteland, in addition to the human race that is now in the ascendant, there is also a city of wanderers that is closely related to the human race. If the fate of the emperor is uncertain today, and the enemy has an inch, we must not fall into passive. Therefore, Lord City Lord, we all feel that when the tidal wave is coming, we can solve this dilemma by bringing the army of Heaven and attacking the human race."

The puppet An Bai said coldly that Luo Xiaobai's calculations were accurate. The only way these people could come up with was to sneak attack on the human race.

Moreover, this method has been unanimously approved by the Presbyterian Church, and it is wonderful not to say it from my own mouth! Not even a doubt.

After pretending to ponder for a moment, the puppet An Bailin slowly said, "Okay."


"The Lord of the City is wise."

Some elders seemed to want to appease the puppet An Bailin, and added: "Lord City Lord, the human race has built more than 300 cities, but there is only one human emperor. As long as the human emperor is contained, my primitive city will be 100,000 open, and no one will be able to stop it. ?"

Someone pondered: "Although the thousands of Kaitian realm were consummated that day, they disappeared in just ten breaths. But we can conclude that such tactics have great restrictions. As long as the human race is attacked, the Kaitian realm is strong. If they attack separately, the Emperor will definitely have nothing to do."

Someone echoed: "Yes, such means can be used casually, otherwise my primitive city would be long gone."

The puppet, An Bailin, tapped the table with his fingers, and pondered for a moment: "Do you think the human race will also attack us?"

"Heh, sneak attack on us? What are they attacking with? With a population of 180 billion, it is a question whether the tidal wave can survive. UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com Jingshi and they are not enough!"

The puppet An Bailin: "What if you enter the stars of your life to take refuge?"

"Even so, when the human race first arrived in the sea world, they worked hard to build the city, and it is impossible to see it being destroyed. Some human races can take refuge in the stars of their destiny, but there must be strong guards guarding the city. So many cities, how many people are needed to resist, This number is difficult to measure. So, we think that the human emperor is incapable of taking care of the entire human race?"

An Bailin: "Since the elders have analyzed it so thoroughly, then this seat should give it a try."

An elder stood up: "The city master is enlightened."

"I'm waiting to wish the Lord of the City a triumph."


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