God of Fishing

Chapter 2708: The army frozen to death

The day before the tidal wave.

At this time, ominous creatures have appeared on the periphery of the human race city, but the number is not large. For the more than 30 billion human race people, it is no different from a group of cannon fodder.

In the imperial city, Han Fei, Luo Xiaobai and Han Xuan stood in the sky.

At this moment, there are 10,000 sea-opening realms, and 40,000,000 venerable realms are arrayed here. As well as the lava giant clan, the powerhouses of the undersea human clan, some monster plants and fierce beasts from the Terror Forest and Beastmaster Island, gathered here.

I just heard Han Fei's voice leisurely: "Everyone, this tidal wave, because of the limited amount of pure stone, we still need to rely on you to guard the human city. In the major cities of the human race, there are super-large teleportation arrays leading to the imperial city, and the location is convenient. It’s the Emperor’s Square. If the tidal waves are violent, don’t forcefully resist them. My fellow human beings don’t need to sacrifice here. When necessary, you can bring everyone to retreat to the imperial city. The human race is left to you for the time being…”

The sea-opening realm powerhouses were moved when they heard the words.

Someone said: "I wish the emperor a triumph."

"I wish the emperor a triumph."

The sound here is like a waterfall, shaking the world. Those who stayed behind the human race knew that compared with the racial war in the primitive city, the tidal wave was just a common disaster.

Perhaps in the tidal wave, there will be sacrifices. But, compared to the war of races, it may not be worth mentioning at all.

They are not ordinary cultivators, and at least the ones present are the powerhouses above the Venerable Realm. They know that between the powerhouses, the strength spans a small realm, which may be two levels of combat power.

The advantage of the human race is that there are many people, but the advantage of the primitive city is that people have lived here for hundreds of thousands of years. As far as the average strength of the race is concerned, the Primitive City is sure to surpass the human race. Han Fei's three-on-one fight sounds like he has an absolute advantage, but in reality, it's hard to say who is stronger or weaker.

It is a pity that they were required to stay behind the human race, otherwise they would really be willing to fight with Han Fei in the primitive city.

Wait until the crowd disbands.

Han Fei: "Uncle Xuan, the tidal wave situation, I can only trouble you to control it."

However, behind them, Hong Yue couldn't help but interject: "Lord Human Sovereign, why don't I go to the Primitive City with you? There are only these types of tidal waves, and it doesn't make any sense for me to be here!"

Han Fei shook his head: "Old Hong, I want you to stay here, naturally my purpose."

Hong Yue: "???"

Seeing that Hong Yue didn't understand, Han Xuan still couldn't hold back and said: "Old Hong, you still don't understand. Han Fei wants you to have more contact with people of all realms and increase your popularity. This is In the future, I would like to be entrusted with important responsibilities.”

"Ah this..."

Seeing Han Fei nodding slightly, Hong Yue couldn't help himself for a while.

Back then, he had thought about killing Han Fei. Later, when Han Fei rose up, he was ashamed to come up to him. After so many years, he didn't dare to neglect, because he knew that this was no longer the era when he was able to dominate the turbulent sea as a king.

From taking refuge in Han Fei, to hibernating in the mountain city, and then fighting to save the human race. Today, he is no longer the Hong Yue he used to be. But he never thought about how many Terrans he could manage. But at this moment, Han Xuan's words woke him up.

Yes, Han Fei asked him to assist Han Xuan and manage the human race. Han Xuan even put him in charge of the frontline battlefield. Various events of various sizes, one after another, kept him busy and enriched.

Now it seems that all this is indeed intentional, Han Fei is tempering himself!

But seeing Hong Yue's face blushing, his voice was loud and clear: "Hong Yue will definitely live up to the expectations of the Emperor."

Han Fei: "Just do your best, the human race still has a long way to go. Lao Hong, you have to work hard, but don't be caught up by latecomers."

After Han Xuan's one-point broadcast, Hong Yue's heart was filled with anger, and his heart was instantly opened up a lot. I saw him grinning: "After all, I used to be one of the only kings who rioted in the sea."

The next day, tidal waves arrived.

However, Han Fei is no longer in the human race.

Similarly, the puppet An Bailin is no longer in the original city.

In a void near the original city, Han Fei, Luo Xiaobai, and the puppet An Bailin stood quietly. Although this is just a play, only a few people know about this play, so it will not affect the overall situation.

The reason why Luo Xiaobai made this plan is actually very simple. The powerhouse in the open sky is the biggest difficulty in Primitive City. They are mixed with most of the original city, and it is difficult to kill them without affecting ordinary people.

Even in a head-to-head battle, Han Fei would not be able to kill hundreds of thousands of the late Kaitian realm and the Great Perfection in one go. Even if there are puppets in the puppet city, it will cost a lot of puppets to succeed.

Therefore, if the Battle of the Open Heaven Realm starts directly, the human race and the wanderers together may not be enough to charge for a few rounds.

Therefore, Luo Xiaobai's purpose in going to the primitive city is this, he wants to create a sense of crisis for the primitive city, and let the elders take the initiative to propose a sneak attack strategy. Even if the elders do not propose this strategy, the puppet An Bailin will control one person and propose this strategy.

In order to make this play more realistic, only 10,000 Kaitianjing was left in the city. Otherwise, if you really want to take everyone away from the Kaitian realm, this will arouse suspicion.

Luo Xiaobai: "Although they are now trapped in An Bailin's natal star, but there are hundreds of thousands of people in the late stage of the Kaitian realm and the great perfection, do you have a solution for these people?"

Han Fei: "Don't worry, I'll solve it. Everyone is trapped, and it's hard to fly. Just detonate..."


Luo Xiaobai knew what Han Fei meant, and directly detonated An Bailin's star core, and most of those who opened the heavens were killed and injured immediately.

However, in this way, many people may be wiped out under the rule of Emperor Venerable, and by then, so many experts in the Open Heaven Realm will be blinded in vain.

Han Fei smiled again and said, "Haha, just kidding, the tidal wave will probably last for two to three days. If we shoot at them now, we will only scare the snakes. We will deal with them before we shoot."

When it was over, the voice boomed in the stars of An Bailin's life: "Everyone, stay in the city for two to three days. We will make a sudden attack at the end of the tidal wave, that is, when the human race is most tired from dealing with the tidal wave. At that time, It was the time when my original city was twisted in crisis..."

Among the stars of An Bailin's life, the people opened the sky to answer.

Someone tutted: "I'm really looking forward to it!"

Someone laughed: "Anyway, this time, the human race will definitely suffer. They have a lot of people and their overall strength is very weak. As long as I start fast, it is enough to cause them to suffer heavy losses."

Someone sneered: "Let that human emperor be arrogant. I don't want anything else. If anyone can catch the human race war commander, I would like to buy a low-quality soul-suppressing artifact."

"Fuck, you are willing to spend your whole blood!"

The Kaitian realm powerhouses in the primitive city are looking forward to the start of the sneak attack.

Han Fei was also waiting. There was one sentence he said right, that is, wait for the end of the tidal wave, when the people in the primitive city are the most tired, and then take action.


After half a day, a darkness shrouded in, this is ominous.

Taking advantage of the moment when this ominous aura hit the protective barrier of the primitive city, Han Fei quietly entered the primitive city in the form of a black mist.

After all, it is not the first time that he has come here, and this great formation of protecting the city seems to be useless to him.

On the first day of the tidal wave, the Primal City consumed nearly 20 billion net stones. The Primitive City only has 13 cities under its jurisdiction, and each consumes a lot. Overall, on the first day of the tidal wave, at least 50 billion net stones were consumed.

The next day, the people of Primitive City were fighting in an orderly manner. Suddenly, I saw the great defense formation, and suddenly a gap opened. The reason is unknown. All of a sudden, many people were stupid, and a large number of ominous creatures poured into the huge crack.

Immediately, hundreds of experts from the Open Heaven Realm came to block it.

However, for some unknown reason, the defense formation seemed to have failed, and the crack could not be repaired.

"No, there is a problem with the formation. Anyone who can understand the defense formation, hurry up and come here."

However, the formation masters in the primitive city quickly came to a conclusion: "No, a formation eye is broken, we need an hour."

Hearing that it only takes an hour, those experts in the Open Heaven Realm breathed a sigh of relief. If it was only an hour, it would be simple, as long as they blocked it for an hour.

However, a master of the formation method immediately said: "But this is the core formation eye, which will reduce the efficiency of the entire defense formation by 30%, and may also cause other formation eyes to rupture. We need to increase the investment in net stones."

"What, the effect of the entire defense formation is reduced by 30%?"

For a time, the open sky changed color. The next day was when the tidal wave was at its most ferocious. The defense effect of the Great Array was reduced by 30%, which meant that the consumption of pure stone was at least 50% faster than usual, or even more.

But listening to the open heaven realm powerhouses, they all shouted: "Everyone help defend other fronts and withstand this hour."

This time, everyone just thought it was an accident. After all, there was only one problem with the eye, and it could be repaired quickly.

In the end, an hour later, there was a problem with the three formation eyes, but the Three Thousand Open Heaven Realm shot strongly. The main method of shooting is to quickly kill ominous creatures with pure stones.

Finally, on the second day of the tidal wave, the number of net stones consumed by Primitive City reached nearly 36 billion. The Primitive City only had 13 cities under its jurisdiction. Because the ominous creatures attacked more fiercely, their consumption also increased slightly. Overall, on the first day of the tidal wave, at least 90 billion net stones were consumed.

Halfway through the third day.

The momentum of the tidal wave is no longer so fierce, and the consumption of pure stone has obviously begun to decrease. During this period, there was no problem with the defense formation.

Among the powerhouses in the Open Heaven Realm, someone said, "I don't know what's going on with Lord City Lord."

Someone said: "It must not be shot yet, but it is estimated that it should be done within three hours."

Someone said to himself: "It is impossible for the human race to stop. If they want to completely occupy the chaotic wasteland, they must use this tidal wave to collect enough energy crystals. Otherwise, with so many people, how can an emperor be raised? And once the entire human race participates in the war, the chance for the Lord of the City will be great."

Someone echoed: "Yes, we just need to wait for the news. When the tidal wave ends, the Terran will be severely damaged, and the city of the wanderers will definitely take action. The war is still inevitable, but the Terran may not be able to pay the price. At that time, as long as The city lord is holding back the emperor, and my primitive city, the city of the homeless, will be the biggest winner in the chaotic wasteland.

But just as everyone was thinking about how the Primal City would dominate the Chaos Wasteland, suddenly, the entire Primordial City's great formation suddenly went out.

Yes, the whole thing was extinguished, the defense formation stopped, and there were no ominous creatures blocking it, rushing in like a tide.



"No, why did the big formation stop?"

"help me…"

For a time, the powerhouses in the Venerable Realm and the Explorer Realm who were responsible for consuming ominous creatures on the city walls were directly hit by a round of shocks, and nearly a million people were directly eroded by the ominous. After all, no one could have predicted that the Great Defense Array would stop working!

At this time, the Presbyterian Church and the powerhouses in the Open Heaven Realm suddenly changed their expressions.

Some of the elders will shout: "No, there are traitors, and some people have moved the defense formation."

Some people shouted: "All open the sky and open the sea, protect the city."

"The main city is unbreakable. The Kaitian realm powerhouses stationed in the other thirteen cities will each leave a hundred people to protect the city, and the others will quickly return to help."

The main city of the original city has gathered more than 60% of the descendants of the Tianchan clan. Once the main city is destroyed, the Tianchan clan will surely suffer disaster. At this time, the powerhouses of the Presbyterian Society can't care so much. Even if there are problems in other cities, they can only give up, but the main city must be defended.

For a time, more than 8,700 Kaitian realm powerhouses quickly rose to the top.

Someone shouted: "The elders will quickly arrest the traitors, let's guard the main city first."

"All sea-opening borders form the second line of defense. Once there are ominous creatures that slip through the net, they must be cleaned up."

"All the Venerable Realm forms the third line of defense, and the Venerable Realm immediately moves closer to the core area of ​​the main city."

"Master of Formation, is there any possibility of repairing the Great Defense Formation?"

Many masters of the formation have tried to repair the formation for the first time. The core formation of the main city is in the city lord's mansion, hanging high above the original city. When they arrive, above the suspended palace, the city is protected. The foundation of the great formation has been turned into powder, and the seventy-two pillars of the Dao pattern carved in the entire hanging palace have all been broken.

Immediately, a master of the formation method shouted: "The big formation eye of the city has been damaged and cannot be repaired. But everyone, the tidal wave can last up to three or four hours now, everyone, stand up!"

"Break your lungs!"

Some people scolded, the ominous creatures are not powerful, but there are too many, they are in the late stage of the Open Heaven Realm, of course not afraid of the Great Perfection, but the scope of the space that can be controlled is limited.

And a city is very large, they may be able to withstand it in the early stage, or they can achieve a large-scale killing. But such a large-scale attack cannot be used continuously. Once there is a gap in use, a large number of ominous creatures will immediately break through the blockade.

However, at the moment they are helpless.

Someone said: "Damn, if the city owner didn't take away hundreds of thousands of Kaitian realm, even if the big formation is completely broken, it is not necessarily a problem to resist for three days and three nights. But now..."

Someone shouted: "No matter what, give me three hours. When the tidal wave ends, ordinary people can play."

At this moment, among the crowd in Primitive City, a figure quietly left.

After a while, Han Fei appeared in a relatively safe place behind the primitive city.


I saw that Han Fei smashed the ice with a punch, and jumped out with An Bailin and stepped onto the ice. Just a few breaths after Han Fei stepped out, the broken cave re-condensed, as if it had never been punched through.

Above the ice layer of the Chaos Wasteland, it only takes 300 breaths to fill the extremely cold orb of the top-grade artifact level with the power of extreme cold. In the later stage of the Open Heaven Realm, as long as you stay here for a hundred breaths, it is almost the same as immortality. The Great Perfection level may have stronger resistance, but at most two hundred breaths cannot be more.

In the stars of An Bailin's life.

His voice echoed: "Everyone, calm down the human race. I will let you all enter the human race city in a while. Remember, I want you to attack indiscriminately. Only in the chaos of the human race can my primitive city win. "

Immediately, the powerhouses of the 150,000 Primitive City were all ready to go.

"Is it finally time to start?"

Someone whispered: "Although the attack on ordinary ants this time will have some impact on the heart of Taoism. But this is a battle of races after all, and we should go all out to slaughter the human race as much as possible."

Someone sneered: "The Human Sovereign and the Human Race War Commander are just arrogant and arrogant. Apart from the large number of people, what else is there to praise?"

Someone said: "More people is enough. I heard that there are 180 billion people. I don't know if it's true or not. It's very troublesome to kill."

Someone sneered: "What happened to the population of 180 billion, which are gathered in more than 300 cities, how many cities can a human emperor keep? We just need to do our best to destroy that city. Only through the aftermath of the battle, it is enough to give people to the people. A devastating blow."

"Okay, you have to be careful about everything. You should be aware of the strength of the Emperor. Of all of us, someone will inevitably encounter the Emperor. Whoever encounters it will be unlucky."

"Isn't the emperor restrained by the city lord?"

"The battle of Emperor Zun, it's hard to say, anyway, just be careful."

At this moment, the puppet An Bai said: "Everyone, prepare to fight."

For a time, everyone gathered together, all weapons were in their hands, and the avenue was ready to run at any time.

But the next moment, with the advent of the world's phantom, their first feeling was cold, a bone-chilling cold.

"Fuck, what's going on?"

"Where is this?"

"Fuck, isn't this above the ice?"

"Why are we here?"

"It's so cold, no, everyone immediately urged Huo Yuan Gong."

"Wait, we are sealed in the enchantment."

For a time, many people swept around, and were stunned to find that perception could not penetrate even a thousand miles.

Although above the ice layer, the osmotic perception will be directly frozen and shattered, but this does not mean that the perception cannot be swept here. In that instant, they still get feedback.

However, this time, they were horribly discovered that their perception was limited, and there seemed to be invisible barriers around them, which directly trapped them.

"No, I can't hook up with the stars of life."

"It's over, the city owner has a problem."

"Your mother-in-law said nonsense, this is not the city owner at all."

Yes, at this point, who would believe An Bailin, that would be stupid.

However, now, under the suppression of the Tortoise Shell Sealing Heaven Formation, even if they knew that there was something wrong with An Bailin, what could they do?

I only heard someone shout: "Follow me, everyone, we are more than a hundred thousand people, not any enchantment can trap us."

"Everyone, do your best, otherwise, on top of this ice layer, our combat power will drop sharply, and if we want to break through the barrier, it may not be possible."

These hundreds of thousands of Kaitian realm late stage and great perfection powerhouses, the first reaction they think of is to break through the enchantment.

However, with their crazy impact, they slammed into the tortoise shell to seal the sky with all their strength, but they only made the tortoise shell tremble, and could not destroy the tortoise shell.

Just kidding, after all, it is the Emperor Armor of the Great Emperor Realm, and it is the kind that is best at defense. How can the Kaitian Realm be destroyed?

After hundreds of shots in a row, everyone was desperate. In the late stage, the strength had dropped by nearly 70%.

At this time, someone scolded: "An Bailin, you bastard, you actually betrayed my Tianchan clan."

"An Bailin, come out if you have the ability!"

"It's over, my primitive city is over. An Bailin has betrayed me, and I'm waiting to die. There is no strong guard in the primitive city. The primitive city is over."

After a hundred breaths.

Among the hundreds of thousands of people, 30,000 people have fallen, yes, they were frozen to death. There is no way, can't open the Xuanwu Emperor Armor, and can't withstand the power of extreme cold, can't you freeze to death?

The key is that, being frozen to death here, is being frozen to pieces together with the soul. The power of extreme cold is an indiscriminate penetrating attack, and the soul is frozen and shattered, which is a matter of course.

However, Han Fei was still quite surprised. These people were rich in fire energy. There were 120,000 people, and they had to withstand 200 breaths. Come to think of it, this has something to do with the sea of ​​fire in the chaotic ice field. The cultivation of these people is still effective.

However, after 300 breaths, there are not even half of those who are still alive, and only 50,000 people can barely survive.

After 400 breaths, no more than 600 people were still there. And these hundred people are all Dao-lock-level powerhouses with fire attributes.

But even so, Han Fei was not ready to take action himself, but just waited for a hundred more breaths.

In the end, within 500 breaths, all of the 150,000 Primitive City's late-stage Kaitian Realm and Great Perfection powerhouses fell, and no one survived.

Among the stars of Han Fei's life, Luo Xiaobai, Liu Qiansi, Liumen Haixing, Wang Xiaojiu and the others, after witnessing all this with their own eyes, felt that their bodies felt a little cold.

Liu Qiansi: "I swear, I won't enter the ice nest in my life, it's too scary."

Liumen Haixing's big eyes twitched: "Han Fei, Haixing wants to switch to the Avenue of Fire."

Wang Xiaojiu and the others looked at each other in dismay, and Huang Ergou's teeth were chattering, and it was making a non-stop rattling sound.

Wang Lanlan: "Look at your virtue, it's not that you are frozen, why are you shaking?"

Huang Ergou: "Look, it's cold, da da da..."

Wang Xiaojiu sighed: "How suffocated these people are? They were frozen to death without even seeing the enemy. This is much more suffocating than dying on the battlefield. They don't even have the chance to die with their opponents. "

And Luo Xiaobai said: "Put these corpses away! Now is not the time to appreciate the achievements, there are still a group of Open Heaven Realm in Primitive City, and these people also have to die."

Liumen Haixing snorted and sucked it into Wang Xiaojiu's head. He suddenly felt that Luo Xiaobai seemed to be a more ruthless character than Han Fei!

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