God of Fishing

Chapter 2746: Do you want to eat wolf meat?

Chapter 2746 Do you want to eat wolf meat?

Leaving Han Fei's life alone has a deep meaning. As long as he doesn't die, he is still alive. As for what kind of waste it becomes, who cares?

Han Fei originally thought that he only used Chu Hao to attract the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm in Zhonghai Shenzhou. He really never thought that the Hidden Emperor City would become the vigilant target of these great emperors.

Although there was indeed a Hidden Emperor City in his plan, it had nothing to do with the present after arriving at the boundless mining area.


Han Fei seemed to understand something, maybe in their opinion, the devil has actually fallen. And those suppressed in the sea of ​​gods and demons are all old demons. For so many years, even survival was a problem. Even if they really let go, what can they do?

Han Fei couldn't help but rejoice, this was a conspiracy, and he even prepared for the other party to guess that there would be problems in the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons. But the other emperors don't seem to care.

In order to cope with the seemingly tense situation at the moment, Han Fei waved his hand and put away the hot pot and barbecue. The Jade Spirit Pagoda in the hand reappears. Appearing on Bai Ye's head, Han Fei said, "Whether I can kill it today or not, this wolf is dead anyway."

"Little thief, you are courting death."

Among these great emperors, the ancient silver wolf of the ancient demon clan finally took the lead. And one person shot, the great emperors naturally shot together in tacit understanding.

However, Chu Hao grabbed Han Fei and rushed out. That ancient silver wolf phantom was blasted with a punch.

There was a giant centipede, swinging its body in the chaotic laws, and then saw hundreds of millions of sword shadows, falling like raindrops.

Chu Hao pushed a single chapter, and the force of the spiral stirred the law, forming a storm of the law in the palm of his hand, involving hundreds of millions of sword shadows. Tossed to the other emperors.

There is a demon plant that instantly changes thousands of miles of void, turning the world into a vast jungle. Chu Hao sneered: "Have you forgotten that I walked this way?"

With Chu Hao's finger flicking on a vine, the thousands of miles of empty jungle collapsed instantly like a domino.

However, Han Fei also saw a ray of red on the corner of Chu Hao's mouth. Because there was a ray of light behind him that swept towards him, but he rolled back his hand, gathered the ray of light, and smashed it towards another unknown emperor.

The battle here is dazzling, even if Han Fei didn't do anything at the moment, he could only see clearly less than one-fifth of the battle.

He suddenly found that the emperor's shot seemed to be simpler. One of their slight movements may contain extremely terrifying power, and it is obvious that it is only a little bit of void, and it can penetrate the ban of millions of miles.

"Could it be that the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm all made such a move?"

No, battles in any realm are tit-for-tat situations, and it is impossible to interpret this kind of understatement of battle only. Then there is only one reason, and that is the imbalance of power between the two sides. These Zhonghai Shenzhou's enemies, relying on the large number of people, so every time they attack, they condense their terrifying power to a point, forcing Chu Hao to take their power hard. In this way, they are considered to have an advantage in numbers.

Otherwise, if you fight with Chu Hao in close quarters, it will inevitably affect others to take action, and it will also affect yourself, and it will be easy for Chu Hao to counter-kill.

Because he was surrounded by all the powerhouses, for half an hour, Chu Hao barely led Han Fei to run across hundreds of millions of miles of sky. When he wanted to step directly into the endless void several times, Han Fei thought that Chu Hao could really take him with him. He ran away, but after following Chu Hao, he was abruptly pulled back from the endless void.

"Sure enough!"

In the eyes of these great emperors, Chu Hao really almost ran away with him several times, so he was always on guard.

And only Han Fei knew that this was something he had already discussed with Chu Hao, and he wanted to try to attract as many emperors as possible to hunt him down.

As long as the enemy believes that Chu Hao has the possibility of escaping, more powerhouses in the Great Emperor Realm will join the battle.

The great emperors of Zhonghai Shenzhou were also transmitting voices to each other: "There are a few more, don't sit back and watch. You should have already seen Chu Hao's strength. This time, not only do you have to **** the demon pot, but Chu Hao also has to die. Otherwise, the new Hatred of old hatred, Chu Hao will never give up in the future."

"Everyone, you should know how strong Chu Hao was in the past. This time, you must not let him leave."

"What else are you looking at? It's not obvious! Han Fei's only recourse is Chu Hao. He wanted to trap me and wait, but underestimated our determination."

"If you don't get out of the Imperial City, there will be someone in Zhonghai Shenzhou on the side of the beast line. What else is there to be afraid of?"

Some people are puzzled: "I always feel that this is not easy. The demon pot was born. Han Fei didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, could it be that Chu Hao also didn't realize it?"

Someone said: "Whether this is a game or not, but everyone, what game can ambush dozens of great emperors like you and me? Is it the sea of ​​gods and demons? This thing has not been opened for 1.8 million years. And there are countless historical data It is clearly recorded. That **** died long ago, and he did not die in the sea of ​​gods and demons at all."

Someone echoed: "Everyone, everyone should have felt the chain of order in the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons. There are no conditions for recuperation there, and even obtaining spiritual energy is extremely luxurious. If there is a problem with the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, it should be activated long ago, and the human race will Sacrifice 70 billion people?"

"That's true."


On Han Fei's side, Chu Hao's face was ugly: "The Fountain of Life is still more than 30 drops away. I haven't been able to return to the peak, and it is the limit to barely escape under the hands of nearly 30 great emperors. Those who haven't come out yet, I'm afraid they are all People with deep scheming, do you want to close the Internet?"

Han Fei thought that there were already quite a few people attracted this time, and he seemed to be able to close the net.

Suddenly, Chu Hao hovered and saw a cage full of spider webs appearing in front of him. At this moment, a woman was hanging on the spider silk and said: "Chu Hao, you can't escape. It's all in the Great Emperor Realm, the road ahead is blocked, the road behind is cut off, you have no demon pot to use today, why do you want to bring it with you? Han Fei is leaving?"

A voice came over the world: "Han Fei, hand over the refining demon pot, half of the great emperors here will not make another move, you may still have the possibility to leave."

Han Fei: "Senior Chu Hao, help me protect the law."

When the great emperors heard the words, their brows were slightly wrinkled. At this time, what was the use of helping him protect the law?

However, a quaint altar appeared. The moment they saw the altar, everyone knew that this was to summon something.

"It turns out that your confidence is here."

"The altar over there in Xihuang? Who is this kid going to summon?"

Immediately someone shouted, "Go ahead."

Chu Hao scolded inwardly, the stinky boy is not satisfied, this is a life-threatening rhythm!

It's a pity that the show can't stop here.

But he saw Chu Hao shouted violently and spewed out a mouthful of blood essence. The blood essence transformed into a giant tree behind him. On the tree, there was a human-shaped phantom sitting cross-legged: "Blood goes against the gods, the projection of the gods."

It was too late, but it was too soon. The emperors of the Seven Heavenly Spider Valley behind Chu Hao all retreated.

Someone shouted: "It's the bloodline of the descendants of the gods. This guy called the projection of the gods."

Chu Hao: "Kid Han Fei, since you want to play, let's be thorough and don't keep it."


The fire curtain stretched into the sky, and above the altar, a large cave of fire clouds emerged, and a figure walked out of the cave.

"Hahaha! Han Fei boy, is there anything good?"

However, as soon as the words fell, the God of War scolded: "Where did so many great emperors come from? What are you doing, kid?"

Han Fei shouted: "Senior God of War, you are here. Whether I can live today or not depends on you."

And around, Zhonghai Shenzhou, the emperors were in shock. Some people were vigilant in their hearts, while others were secretly relieved.

The reason for being vigilant is because the God of War is very strong. This old boy has gone to extremes to train his body and has reached the peak of the Great Emperor.

As for why he was relieved, it was because no matter how strong the God of War was, there were only two people on Han Fei's side. Moreover, this summoning technique cannot last. This means that the time for God of War to appear is limited, as long as they hold on, they will win this game.

"Xihuang God of War? How could you come back? Didn't you fall into Xinghai?"

"God of War, you help this son, have you really abandoned the Xihuang family?"

"Everyone, no, this is a clone. If the God of War could return, he would have returned long ago, and he will not wait until today. Moreover, his momentum is not that strong."

"Noisy, dare to threaten Laozi's remnants, I think you are tired of living."


The God of War was furious as always, and saw him jumping up, the battle axe across the sky, the axe light across thousands of miles, and the cobwebs shattered in response. The person who threatened the God of War just now is now facing a great enemy, and the secret magic technique erupted at the same time, and eight hundred blades attacked.


However, the power of the God of War is no longer comparable to that of the Great Emperor. Wherever the battle axe passes, the laws of all phenomena are all shattered.

Suddenly, the five great emperors shot one after another, and the six divine arts met the axe that opened up the world.


A terrifying explosion broke out here, and with the power of six people, only three people spurted blood, and their souls shook. Suddenly, someone shouted: "Everyone, he is indeed a clone. If the main body is at this point, we will not be able to take his axe at all."


The man who spoke flew across the sky, only to feel the blood in his body moving. The next moment, the ghostly shadow of the gods that Chu Hao summoned unexpectedly stretched out his palm and turned it into a huge demonic hand, grasping it for hundreds of thousands of miles.

The great emperor just now, unable to react in time, was pinched in it.

Chu Hao let out a low voice, "Death."

No matter how strong the emperor is, he can't match the power of the gods. The God of War strike just now forced him to resist. Now that the magic hand is shrouded, he cannot avoid it.


The phantom of the gods controls the sky and the earth. This person is wrapped in the divine nature, and his own avenues and laws are destroyed by the divine nature in an instant. This is the descendant of the gods.

The ancient gods are all descendants of gods, and there are a lot of gods and grandchildren. Although they are now destroyed, Chu Hao, the descendant of gods, still has some means to communicate with gods. This is the root of his threat to kill the emperor.


After a lapse of three days, the avenue crack reappeared, and the entire sea world was looking at the East China Sea Divine State. Over the years, the East China Sea's Great Emperor Realm powerhouses and fallen ones have been watched again and again.

When the **** of war saw this, he laughed: "Descendants of the gods, it's a bit interesting. Although there are only two of us, we can still fight. All laws are unified, the evil of power, the axe controls the universe, and I capture the power of heaven and earth to slash. God, kill..."

Han Fei was stunned when he saw it. He felt that the avenue of power was almost transformed into the pattern of laws, and all of them gathered towards the God of War. Above the battle axe, a khaki light bloomed. The God of War, holding a battle axe, seems to be holding up a vast expanse of land across the sky. At this moment, the naked eye can no longer see the true face of the God of War.


Han Fei saw that an old man covered in barbs burst into pieces and turned into a giant sandworm, but he couldn't break free and was crushed into sand. And those grit continued to be crushed into nothingness.


Another image of the fall of the great emperor spread all over the sea world.


In Zhonghai Shenzhou, someone frowned: "The Void Marks have been used up, how can Han Fei's child be able to kill two great emperors and powerhouses in a row?"


In the Western Wilderness, the ancient wild tribes, the totems are shining at this moment.

Many strong people surround the totem.

Someone muttered: "The totem has never had such a strong vibration. It feels like the God of War has returned."


Everyone looked at the sky, and then they all showed moving expressions: "This, the God of War has really returned? But why did you go to the East China Sea?"

"I heard from the God of War that he found a successor in the East China Sea Divine Province. Could it be that for the sake of the successor, he would come to the sea world with some kind of secret method?"

"This, Lord God of War, this is too much. No matter how many times we invited him, he didn't come out. Isn't this just a descendant? As for all of them coming back in person?"

An elder said: "It won't be possible to come back in person, but it is estimated that some clones must have returned. When they returned, they killed the emperor. Isn't this all causing trouble for us?"

Someone shook his head: "Master God of War is really, hey, he said before that he was going to send a group of giants over. It's been five hundred years, and those people haven't arrived. It's not reliable!"

Someone laughed and said, "Besides fighting, when has Lord God of War ever been reliable?"


South China Sea.

Feng Yu, who was training outside the Chaos Fire Territory, just returned from a secret inheritance, and Huo Gu immediately appeared beside her.

Girl Fengyu, how is this inheritance?

Feng Yu smiled and took Aunt Huo's arm and said, "It's alright! It's not difficult to cultivate in the Happy Realm, but the understanding of the Eternal Life Realm is a problem. Now I have some ideas and I have to go to the Chaos Sea. I listen to Senior Sister. It is said that the Chaos Sea is suitable for proving Taoism and longevity."


The road roared, and Feng Yu wondered: "Is there something going on in Nanhai Shenzhou recently?"

Huo Gu: "The South China Sea has been fine recently, but the East China Sea is the only thing."

Feng Yu: "Donghai Shenzhou?"

Huo Gu smiled and said: "This is the third great emperor who has fallen in the past few days. The ancestor said that the human race and some forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou started a war."

"Human? Han Fei?"

Huo Gu nodded slightly: "By the way, girl Fengyu, you are Han Fei's senior sister. If your strength is surpassed by Han Fei, will it affect your prestige?"

"Huh? I'm overtaken? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Feng Yu immediately let go of Huo Gu's arm and said, "I have never been surpassed in my life. My junior brother is still the one who brought in the door. Can I be slower than him?"

After speaking, Feng Yu walked back.

Huo Gu: "Hey! Where are you going, girl?"

Feng Yu: "I'm going to Chaos Sea to find my senior sister. It's faster to go to the Dragon Clan."

Huo Gu was speechless: "Hey, wait, what's the hurry! In a few years, the ancient land of crossing the gods in the South China Sea will open, and then the heroes of the entire sea world will gather in the South China Sea to compete for treasure. You can wait and talk about it. The Holy Maiden of Miracle Forest said that it is about recruiting relatives through martial arts, and you should be the representative of the younger generation, so this matter is up to you."

Feng Yu: "It's easy to say the gods, but what does this competition have to do with me? I'm a girl, can I still be recruited by her? Besides, I don't like that woman, she has a deep mind. "

Huo Gu: "Who told you to go to the competition! You are just attending on behalf of the family on a routine basis."

"Ah! Can you not go? Let Feng Xingliu go! He likes to be lively, and he will definitely not be able to walk when he sees that woman."

"No, Feng Xingliu's hustle and bustle, I'm afraid he was shot to death before he reached the Miracle Forest."


The overseas of gods and demons.

The God of War and Chu Hao, for a time, were unparalleled in power.

The God of War is rushing, and his time is limited, so hurry up. And everyone knows that the God of War is powerful, so there are seventeen great emperors fighting against the God of War.

The rest of the people tried to destroy the projection of the gods many times, but they were all beaten back, and they couldn't help Chu Hao for a while. If attacked by force, as Chu Hao said, who wants to be the one to die?

If it's just Chu Hao, it's okay to say that it's not a problem to slowly grind him to death. But now that there is more God of War, the problem is bigger.

Just listen to the ancient silver wolf of the ancient demon clan: "Lin Yaonu, this juncture is at a critical moment, don't hide it. Shouldn't your fortune lock soul clock be taken out?"

A female emperor sneered: "You said it lightly, why didn't your divine transformation order take action first?"

After finishing speaking, the two looked at the coquettish woman, and the woman said, "I can take the shot first, but the effect of fortune-telling breaking the silk is probably far less than the two fortune-telling spirit treasures."

Taikoo Silver Wolf: "It's better than nothing. You and I will work together to take down the God of War first."

The three nodded one after another, the war **** tomahawk slashed wildly, and in a blink of an eye, three thousand rounds came down, and the great emperor who besieged him was miserable. If it wasn't for this mere clone, they would have been chopped into Muggles by now.

That's it, five of them have been hit hard.

Suddenly, I saw a Void Wandering Snake continuing to revolve towards the God of War.

"Mid-grade Good Fortune Spirit Treasure?"

The God of War's giant axe slashed down, but the snake was actually invisible and swept past the tomahawk. He was tied to the **** of war.

"Fortune Lock Soul Clock"

I saw a bronze-colored giant bell appearing above the head of the God of War. The bell hovered in the void, and a beam of light was projected down. The God of War was blocked in the beam of light, and hit it three times in a row, but failed to break it.

"God Transformation Order."

However, I saw the ancient silver wolf, the bright moon **** disk appeared behind him, a flame levitated in front of him, and then he saw a wolf claw emerge from the **** disk behind him, its mighty and powerful, as if it had divine nature.

The God of War's expression changed slightly: "A blow from the gods?"


The God of War roared: "A mere attack of a **** is also trying to shake the god? Can you really take the **** as the emperor? Break it for me."

"bang bang bang~"

I saw that the body of the **** of war became red, and the broken silk of good fortune was shattered under a huge force.

"Axe combined with chaos, cut Taixu."

At that moment, I saw the God of War clone, all integrated into the battle axe. In Han Fei's shocking eyes, the battle axe kept getting bigger and bigger, and it burst the soul lock bell with a "click".

Seeing that the wolf claw had been caught, the axe was flourishing, and the power of infinite chaos poured out from the endless void as the backing, and the divine wolf claw was torn apart abruptly.

"Puff puff~"

But I saw that the ancient silver wolf, the female spider, and the **** and demon forest all spit blood.

The next moment, the God of War appeared and shouted loudly: "If it is a treasure of good fortune, I will of course be invincible. But a mid-level fortune-telling treasure is enough for Lao Tzu to split with three axes."

Han Fei was in shock when he suddenly heard a message from the God of War: "Boy, is it enough? How long do you want Lao Tzu to fight? If you fight like this, the one you gave to the emperor before is not enough, at least three."

Han Fei: "You always do your best to kill that female spider."

"Okay, after the beheading, my avatar will be scattered. It's too bad, and this time it's too bad."

Han Fei ignored the God of War and cried every day to be poor.

No, the God of War is even more fierce this time, the void behind him shatters, he directly draws the Qi of Chaos, condenses a giant axe that traverses the world, and slashes straight at the spider.

The female spider suddenly changed color: "Did you make a mistake, what did you kill me for?"

The female spider was surrounded by a powerful law of force and could not escape. And the other two, the Primordial Silver Wolf and the demon girl of the God-Monster Forest, just abandoned her and ran away first. These are fierce men who are fighting against the gods. This axe comes down, let’s be blunt, definitely Got it.

"No! My ancestor saves me..."

In the terrified cry of the female spider, I saw one, two, three... Finally, tens of thousands of beams of light blasted out from the endless void. A giant spider, covered with thousands of pairs of eyes, faced The axe spewed out a blazing beam at the same time.


The Chaos Great Axe finally shattered under multiple bombardments.

Han Fei stood up suddenly and pretended to have a big change in his expression. And the God of War looked ugly: "Ancient Great Demon, Thousand-Eyed Spider?"

In Han Fei's heart, the voice of the **** of war sounded: "Boy, it can't be cut off. The body is not there, my avatar's power is almost exhausted, and I can't move."

Han Fei: "Senior God of War, go back!"

God of War: "Go back? What will you do when faced with so many great emperors? Thousand-eyed Sky Spider, this thing is not cut off by ordinary great emperors. She can break the divine projection of this divine descendant by herself."

Han Fei: "Don't worry, I have my own way, and I will send you the fateful stars of the three great emperors afterwards."

"it is good!"

The **** of war is no longer talking nonsense, the fire curtain rises on the altar, and the **** of war retreats to the edge of the altar in one step, laughing loudly: "The broken worm in the sky spider valley, bad for the god, don't let the **** meet you in the sea of ​​​​stars. Valley people."

The God of War said such a cruel word and slipped away decisively. His identity is very valuable. Since Han Fei has a way to deal with it, he doesn't need to waste the last bit of his strength.

The Thousand-Eyed Sky Spider's face was ugly. He didn't want to get into trouble with a lawless guy like the God of War. This time, it was just a clone, and he could completely take over his thousand-eyed gaze. If the original body appeared in the world, most of the ambush would be killed by him. chop.

However, things have come to this point, of course he will not give up because of a cruel word from the God of War.

I saw the eyes of the thousand-eyed spider, and they all looked at Han Fei: "Void Temple let you experience, but did not let you die. Now give you a chance to hand over the refining demon pot."

"Thousands of eyes, who to give it to, this is a question."

While speaking, a branch stretched out from the endless void, and on that branch, a man in Tsing Yi held a folding fan and smiled.

"Big elder?"

The demon girl of the Shen Yaolin was overjoyed when she saw the visitor.

The man in Tsing Yi looked at Han Fei: "Pretend to be very similar, and he is indeed very confident. With Chu Hao and the God of War protector, you may really run away. Unfortunately, you underestimate the value of refining the demon pot."


The void vibrated, the beast roared low, and the space that was shattered was torn apart by three sharp claws, and a huge wolf head protruded from it.

The ancient demon clan's ancient silver wolf emperor also showed a happy face: "Ancestor, why are you here?"

The immemorial silver wolf's voice was strong: "Hidden Emperor City has no intention of helping this kid at all, what are you doing in the boundless mining area? Is this boy ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the arrogance of my immemorial silver wolf?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Damn you, do you think Chu Hao, the bereaved dog, can still save you? Or, can your Void Temple still protect you?"

The ancient silver wolf stepped out of the void, staring at it, and the pressure was heavy.

Han Fei said calmly: "I thought there would be no big fish, but now it seems that I was wrong."

The ancestor of the ancient silver wolf sneered: "It is a mystery. From ancient times to the present, the disciples of the Void Temple have fallen a lot, and it is not worse than you. Today, the gods can't save you, I said."


I saw that Chu Hao took the initiative to accept the projection of the gods, and sighed leisurely: "A bunch of idiots."

"Jie Jie Jie..."

After listening to Han Fei's dry laughter, he bowed his hands slightly towards the sea of ​​gods and demons: "Seniors, do you want to eat wolf meat?"

(End of this chapter)

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