God of Fishing

Chapter 2747: Demons dance

Chapter 2747 Demons dance


"The sea of ​​gods and demons?"


Because of Han Fei's actions, the great emperors all looked at the sea of ​​gods and demons.


Although this is the realm of the sea of ​​gods and demons, they don't believe that the creatures suppressed in the sea of ​​gods and demons will come out. How long has this place existed, and the resources in it are exhausted. After millions of years, can there still be life in it?


"Pretend to be a ghost."


The ancient ancestor of the silver wolf swung his claws across the sky, and a piece of heaven and earth swept along, shooting towards Han Fei and Chu Hao.


But this time, Chu Hao didn't make a move at all. He only heard the sound of "咻咻咻", and a chain of dark chains suddenly protruded from the bottom of the sea. All the great emperors have changed their colors, is there really a problem with the sea of ​​gods and devils?


Seeing this, the ancestor of the silver wolf immediately tore at those dark chains, but only a dozen of them were torn apart with one grab, and they were **** by the successive dark chains.


"Da da da~"


The chain shrank, like a seal chain, forcibly strangling the wolf's claws.


"Tsk tsk, a group of great emperors and powerhouses shot at a younger generation in the Happy Realm, are you all that capable?"


A sudden voice rang in the ears of everyone. I saw countless black chains stretch out from the dark barrier of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, dancing like dragons and snakes. A middle-aged man dressed in white, standing on the chain, greedily sucking the smell of the outside world.


"It's wonderful!"


Han Fei cupped his hands: "I have seen Senior Li."


The person who came was Li Tiangan, a strong humanoid who gave Han Fei a piece of heaven and earth at the beginning. He was the only big guy in the sea of ​​gods and demons who looked like a normal person.


"How can it be?"


"How can people in the sea of ​​gods and demons come out?"


"In the sea of ​​gods and demons, why are there still people alive?"


All the great emperors changed their expressions one after another, and people really walked out of the sea of ​​gods and demons, which made them have to be shocked.


Almost everyone is aware of one thing. Since Han Fei has long been connected with the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons, he did not hesitate to expose Chu Hao, and he did not hesitate to summon the God of War, and he did not hesitate to call out the people from the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons until this moment. Why?


Obviously, both Chu Hao and the God of War are acting. Their appearance is only to attract more powerhouses to come over. So, it's still a trap. But the last hunter was not the Hidden Emperor City, but the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons.


At this time, they realized that if all the people in the sea of ​​gods and demons were still alive, how many people would there be? If these people are still strong...


Suddenly, some powerful people in the Great Emperor Realm began to retreat secretly. Originally, they had a low chance of grabbing the refining demon pot in the end. In addition to grabbing the refining demon pot, they also wanted to grab people and harvest the luck of the human race.


But now, if they can't see the situation clearly, the sea of ​​gods and demons used to suppress too many practitioners of the devil's way. If these people didn't die, then everyone would have to run away today.




In a certain space, the darkness of the sea of ​​gods and demons spread out, and an incomparably huge darkness enveloped an emperor who had retreated secretly and wrapped the strong man.


The emperor's reaction was fast enough. The first time, fierceness erupted, and the light illuminated the darkness. But in that piece of darkness, a whip mark wrapped around it, and before he could break free, the darkness closed.




But when the darkness of the sea of ​​gods and demons subsided, a huge giant frog appeared in everyone's field of vision. I saw something in the belly of the giant frog jumping from east to west, as if it wanted to burst out.


However, the belly of the giant frog was like a swollen ball, and it started to get bigger. After reaching a certain level, it suddenly contracted with a "bang", and there was no more movement in the belly.




The crack on the avenue reappeared, and the roar resounded through the five major divine states in the sea world. It was so easy that another powerful emperor fell.


"Hahaha! I've been hungry for 1.8 million years, and I finally have a full meal. Hahaha... Haijie, I'm back!"


All the great emperors of Zhonghai Shenzhou have changed their expressions, how is this possible? What creature could swallow a great emperor so easily?


I saw the Thousand-Eyed Spider's complexion changing slightly: "Magic Dao Giant, Heavenly Ghost Toad?"


"Hahaha! There are people who know Lao Tzu, quack... worms, delicious!"




The sea of ​​gods and demons began to tremble, and colorful brilliance appeared on the continuous seal.


The strong man of the God and Demon Forest frowned slightly and stretched out his hand a little. The endless branches in the depths of the void, like the hands of a demon, were shrinking, trying to grab the ghost toad that day.


But right after, I heard a voice chuckle, and some red flowers were inexplicably grown on those branches.


The Great Emperor of the God-Monster Forest changed greatly, and spontaneously cut off all the branches at the same time. But this didn't have any effect. I saw that in the void, the red flower opened the way, and a strong man from the God and Demon Forest suddenly gave birth to red flowers on his body.


"The Great Parasitic Emperor? Why are you?"


The strong emperor, the law stirred, trying to annihilate the red light on his body. But the turbulent law actually bloomed the flower of the law, which was still red.


The white-clothed emperor of the Shen Yao Lin immediately shot: "Jing Shenzhi."


A twig, radiating light, like a beam of light in the darkness, illuminating the world, piercing the power of the law outside the powerhouse of the God-Monster Forest.


However, the divine branch that bloomed was weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blooming white light gradually turned into a scarlet color.


"No! What is this?"


The great emperor who was parasitized by the safflower did not hesitate to use the great fortune-telling treasure to suppress all dharmas, but when a red flower floated past, the fortune-telling treasure burst and annihilated together with the safflower.




A light laughter came: "Is this the current Great Emperor? So weak?"


I saw that the safflower paved the road, a beautiful woman with bare feet and slender white thighs, stepping on the safflower step by step, walking on the flower. This woman is wearing a bright red short skirt, bright as a flower, with lotus root arms supporting her in the air, she smiles with a smile.


All the emperors felt their scalps numb, because when the woman was picking flowers, the emperor of the gods and demon forest was withering at a speed visible to the naked eye. The red flower in the woman's hand, however, burst into a bright red light, reflecting the woman's cheek, which was extremely beautiful and moving.


Han Fei couldn't help sighing, remembering the last time he saw this man, his upper body was beautiful, and his lower body was twisted like a tentacle monster. It seems that now, it has been restored!


Finally, the white-robed emperor of the Shen Yao Lin said with an extremely ugly expression, "The former king of the North Sea, Jiang Honghua."




"How can it be?"


"She is the North Sea Magic Flower?"


"According to historical records, wasn't she cut off and suppressed her dead body in the sea of ​​gods and demons?"


Han Fei was also moved, the former king of the North Sea? Is this identity so arrogant?


Now, Senior Brother Liushen is the overlord of the North Sea. This is the king of the North Sea in the past. After he comes out, he won't find trouble with Senior Brother Liushen, right?


Jiang Honghua smiled sweetly: "I! If you don't mention it, I've already forgotten about it. Shen Yaolin, is your **** still there? When I cut my body, today, I'll charge some interest first!"




The crack on the avenue reappeared, and another strong emperor in the realm fell.


In the five major divine states, all the strong faces were dignified, and they were all numb. In just a few days, the Great Emperor frequently fell. In just a few moments today, three great emperors have fallen one after another. What happened in Donghai Shenzhou?


The white-clothed emperor of the Shen Yaolin had a solemn expression, and only listened to him say: "Thousand-eyed, wolf ancestor, you and I should work together in this battle to kill them together."


This time, the White-robed Emperor didn't talk about competing for the demon pot. There will be opportunities after refining the demon pot, but now there are monsters one after another in the sea of ​​gods and demons. If they don't leave, they will not be able to leave.


Thousand-Eyed Spider: "That's what I mean."


Although the Taikoo Silver Wolf was unwilling, he still gave a low voice: "Let's go."




Just when they were about to give up the battle, the huge waves roared into the sky, and a crab claws stretched out from the waves: "You guys are gone, what shall we eat?"


The giant horns were caught between the old men with one horn. When the old man saw this, his face changed greatly, and he wanted to retreat.


But the next moment, with a swipe of sword light, he suddenly attacked and killed him behind him. He didn't have time to think about it, his single horn burst out with blue light, turning into a giant bull, trying to block the sword light.


But the moment the sword light touched the single horn, it turned into a spiral, a spiral sprint, easily piercing the one-horned mad cow.


At the same time, the crab pinched down: "A black dragon phantom is wrapped around this old man."


Emperor You was astonished: "rule-based magic."


Yes, that crab claw is just a clip in the void, and the strong emperor is locked, and even the power of the law is blocked.


The ancestor of the ancient Yinlang took action, after all, he was the great emperor of the ancient demon clan, and he could not be killed so easily.


However, Li Tiangan, who had never moved, flicked his fingers, as if a marble had been shot out, but Han Fei had seen a lot of these marbles, where are the marbles, those are the stars!




The stars shattered, with infinite power, turning into a sword.


"Xingchen Huajian? Abandoned disciple of the Eastern Sword Pavilion, Li Tiangan?"


Someone recognized Li Tiangan's identity, and it was during this conversation that Xingchen turned into a sword and made a spell with the ancestor of the ancient silver wolf. The ancestor of the silver wolf, the giant palm was pierced, and a wolf claw suddenly turned into powder.


"What does Li Tiangan do?"


The ancestor of the ancient silver wolf can't seem to believe that he was pierced by a sword, and even annihilated a wolf claw, which means that the opponent's strength is no longer the peak of the ordinary emperor, and he can overcome the calamity at any time. Ruthless.


The person who spoke earlier was a sword cultivator from Zhonghai Shenzhou. I just heard the man say: "According to legend, in the past, the **** of the Eastern Sword Pavilion passed down the eldest disciple, the first sword cultivator in history, and in pursuit of the ultimate sword, he fell into a demon. After being the queen of demons, his teacher, the Sword God Splitting Heaven, once produced three swords. But he couldn't be cut, so he was expelled from the division and suppressed in the sea of ​​gods and demons."






Even Chu Hao, who was beside Han Fei, couldn't help but be shocked: "I've heard of him, and the swordsmanship is unparalleled. It is said that just after proving the Dao, he realized the divine way. He was the person closest to the gods in the Eastern Sword Pavilion in the past."


"Be good, you giant!"


Han Fei couldn't help but sigh, when he was in the sea of ​​gods and demons, he just ordered a few sentences, and then he realized the original Dao sword and Wuxiang Wuji sword one after another. At that time, he knew that Li Tiangan was definitely a master of kendo. Seeing that sword just now has further confirmed his thoughts.


But after hearing Li Tiangan's true identity, Han Fei still couldn't help but sigh, he insisted on taking the three swords of the gods without dying.


With Li Tiangan's shot, the one-horned mad cow was rolled by two knives, rolled to death, and the entire cow's head was twisted off.


I saw a big crocodile laughing loudly: "Old Xie, the body belongs to you, and the head belongs to me."


The big crocodile is naturally the Eastern God Crocodile. When Han Fei came out of the chaotic wasteland, a scale of the Eastern God Crocodile blocked the attack from the sky for more than thirty breaths, and it was just a scale. Han Fei didn't know how strong he was.


However, at this moment, he saw in front of his eyes that the one-horned mad cow was completely swallowed up by the Eastern God Crocodile.

"Smelly crocodile, you know how to grab my head."


At this time, I saw that the body of the one-horned mad cow was cut into dozens of pieces inexplicably. Because it was wrapped by the dragon shadow, its soul could not escape. It could only look at a big crab and drag his body, dragging his body into pieces. Drag into the mouth.


"Ancestor Silver Wolf, save me."


The ancient ancestor who attracted the wolf didn't pay any attention to him at all. At this moment, he felt a little cold behind his back. There are five, so five super strong have come out. Any one of these five will not be weaker than the three ancestor-level powerhouses, or even stronger.


Moreover, at this moment, the sea of ​​gods and demons has begun to open. A large tortoise swam out of the middle, and the tortoise shell rose to the sky, and the road seemed to be frozen.


The person who came was not someone else, but the old turtle, the Great Emperor Xuanwu.


I just heard that the silver wolf ancestor shouted violently: "Let's go."


All of a sudden, on the Zhonghai Shenzhou side, with the roar of the silver wolf ancestor, everyone moved. In fact, they wanted to run for a long time, but they didn't dare to run because the one in front of them died too fast.


Now, the three great ancestors are taking the lead, and they are naturally unwilling to lag behind.


I just heard the old turtle's voice in a low voice: "I just remembered to run now, what did I do earlier? The tortoise shell seals the world, the law locks the universe, seals..."


The old turtle's lock, hundreds of millions of miles of void, have chains of order, and the dark chains of the sea of ​​gods and demons have also joined the blockade.


And after the old tortoise set up this game, in the sea of ​​gods and demons, a large number of strong people emerged from the sea world.


"Hahaha! It's finally out."


"Happy, see the sun again."


"I'm already starving."


"I smelled the breath of the pure-blooded demon."


"Haha! Little friend Han Fei, you are too slow, you are suffocating me to death."


"Little friend Han Fei, you are going too far. Cooking wolf meat outside and tempting me to wait."


"Little friend Han Fei, you can't run away later. I want to catch some pure-blooded monsters, and I need you to cook."




Han Fei replied with a smile: "It must be. By the way, seniors, can you leave me the remains of three great emperors? I promise to sacrifice a few in the past."


"No problem, but you need to be a cook for a few days."


Han Fei smiled and said, "That's natural. I still have a lot of recipes, and I'm still waiting for your seniors to taste them. There are also fine wines, all of which are 10,000-year-old craft brews."


"I! I'm so greedy for me."


"Hahaha, kill him."


At that moment, the so-called three great ancestors were inexplicably horrified. Because the number and strength of the enemy has far exceeded their imagination.


They wanted to run away, but there was nothing they could do. Top powerhouses such as Li Tiangan, Jiang Honghua, Tianguiha, Dongshenjiao, Xie Wukuan, and Lao Yuan did not give them a chance to escape at all.


In particular, the three of them sacrificed the spirit treasures of the middle and lower grades, but they were forcibly smashed by Li Tiangan and Jiang Honghua. And when they sacrificed the only high-grade fortune-telling treasure, they were suppressed by the old tortoise.


Since then, they didn't even have the last chance to escape, they were killed on the spot by the sword intent and ultimate move that was comparable to the gods.



Beside Han Fei, Chu Hao's eyelids trembled wildly, and the corners of his mouth twitched from time to time.


He originally thought that Han Fei could only have some means to release a small amount of demons, or to have some deal with the demons.


But now, this is to unblock the entire sea of ​​gods and demons!


The ban on the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons is gradually dimming, and it is still trembling. The dark chains have begun to dance wildly. Some places have begun to blur.


He didn't dare to imagine that when all the demons in this place came out, what kind of blood and blood rain would be unleashed in the sea world?


Because, he saw more than one hundred strong emperors. Moreover, the Great Emperor has not come out yet.


Just when Chu Hao's heart was complicated and unspeakable, there was a man in white beside him and Han Fei at some point.


Han Fei hurriedly saluted: "Han Fei has seen the devil."


The devil nodded slightly: "If you make a demon pot, you will show it, so you kid aren't afraid that I will be moved too?"


Han Fei smiled and said: "The younger generation naturally knows not. First of all, the demon pot is not in a complete state, and it is still broken and incomplete, and its power is not enough to use at the level of a god. Is it pointing to the direction of the road? For example, how does "Shen Mo Wu Xiang Gong" go down?"


Having said that, Han Fei took out a jade slip and handed it to the Demon God: "This exercise is called "The Body of Gods and Demons", it is the limit of the current deduction of the demon pot, and it is also the method of "Gods and Demons Without Phases". Upgraded version."




The Demon God's heart moved: "I have already understood this technique, but I haven't been able to fully deduce it. The demon pot has been directly deduced to the next level?"


Han Fei: "Senior, refining the demon pot can't directly deduce a practice that doesn't exist at all. Since it can be deduced from "The Body of Gods and Demons", it means that this practice once existed. In China, we are not the first to follow the path of extreme balance."




The power of the demon **** was shocking, and the surrounding waves retreated. After a few breaths, the devil said: "Can you push down?"


Han Fei shook his head: "No, the predecessors should have only reached this point, and they can no longer move forward. After the body of the gods and demons is cultivated, the road to the ultimate balance will be broken."


The Demon God gave Han Fei a deep look: "Is this technique just given to me?"


Han Fei smiled slightly: "Junior does have an unkind request."


The devil said to the jade slip: "Tell me."


There is already a demon body that has been deduced, and the demon will naturally not spend time deducing it. Moreover, since there is no road after the body of the gods and demons, refining the demon pot is really of no use to him.


Han Fei: "The younger generation hopes that the senior demon **** can protect the human race for three thousand years."


"You really dare to speak."


The devil looked at Han Fei with a smile, as if he wanted to see why Han Fei was so angry.


Han Fei: "Actually, seniors protect the human race, and there is no need to stay in the boundless mining area. A **** protects a race, you only need to speak. People like Zhonghai Shenzhou don't dare to challenge the majesty of seniors?"


Demon God: "But why would I do this. Because of this "Body of Gods and Demons"?"


Han Fei: "Senior, only you and I can walk the path of true extreme balance in this world. After all, whether there is a way back after the body of the gods and demons, only we can explore. The follow-up of the body will definitely be told to the Demon God Senior without reservation.”


Demon God: "By refining the demon pot?"


Han Fei shook his head: "The demon pot can only be deduced from the existing exercises, I know this very well. The senior Chu Hao next to me, he has mastered the demon pot for 100,000 years, if he can endlessly deduce a higher level He has already become a god. Therefore, the key is not to refine the demon pot."




At this moment, the crack in the avenue reappeared, and another great emperor fell in Zhonghai Shenzhou, but Han Fei didn't care.


Han Fei continued: "The opposite of the ten thousand clans is the ominous. When the ominous comes, the gods are helpless. The way of extreme balance is a new road, and this road may have the capital to fight against the ominous. Join forces? As long as I don't die, I will grow up eventually. With the demon pot, I will inevitably embark on a path of confrontation. This may also be my mission. This is also the mission of all ethnic groups, and naturally it is also your mission, senior. I can't. I can't count on these wastes in front of me to fight against the ominous, right?"


The Demon God nodded slightly: "It seems to make sense. However, I will be regarded as a demon by all races, what do you think?"


Han Fei grinned, looked at the great emperors of Zhonghai Shenzhou, and said lightly: "If the senior refers to the ten thousand races, it is the selfish generation in front of me, then what if the junior falls into the devil's way? What if my human race falls into the devil's way? "




The Demon God suddenly burst out laughing: "It's kind of interesting. Your kid suits my taste. No wonder Xuanwu said that you should be a demon by nature. As he said, I agree."


"Thank you, Senior Demon God."


Demon God: "It's just that without three thousand years, my prestige can suppress them for a thousand years at most."




Demon God: "Do you think I will stay here for three thousand years when I reappear in the sea world? At most one thousand years, I and many old friends here will go to Xinghai. At that time, although some people will stay, they will not be able to stop Zhong Hai. These guys in China."


Han Fei: "That would be a thousand years."


What the human race needs now is time, not to mention a thousand years, a hundred years are crucial.


At the current growth rate of the human race, a thousand years is enough to give birth to countless strong men. Although it is not comparable to the other five meridians, but the human race at that time, no one said that it can be destroyed.


Moreover, it is not that he has not grown up. In a thousand years, Han Fei dare not say that he will definitely become a great emperor. But he is confident that he has the confidence to cultivate to the peak of longevity. And the emperor bird, the little black and the little white, is more likely to surpass himself.






Two consecutive avenues of cracks have reappeared, and this place has already killed madness. In the past, those who were suppressed by the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons were all the world's great demons, and all of them were lawless lords. What if a group of great emperors came to Zhonghai Shenzhou? After all, there is no escape from a dead word.


There are five major divine states in the sea world, and at this moment, countless strong people are terrified by them. The fall of the great emperor and the strong one after another is a miracle that has not been seen in hundreds of thousands of years.


In Nanhai Shenzhou, Feng Yu sent a message to Han Fei in confusion: "Little Junior Brother, have you invited Senior Senior Brother?"


Han Fei responded: "No, it's just some seniors in the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons. They are a little hungry and are just hunting for some food."


Feng Yu: "..."



Deep in the boundless mining area, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Hidden Emperor City.


Someone looked at the sea of ​​gods and demons: "The people from the sea of ​​gods and demons have finally come out. After today, the group of demons dances wildly, and the era of the end of the law may come to an end..."



When the eyes of countless people turned to the East China Sea, the darkness of the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons finally disappeared between heaven and earth.


In just one day, 37 great emperors stained the East China Sea with blood.


There were only five people who escaped. Fortunately, none of the so-called three ancestors escaped. Because they are facing an existence that is older and more terrifying than them.


The reason why five people ran away was because the others were too weak and had not yet returned to their peaks. Otherwise, it is impossible for anyone to escape.


Han Fei is very satisfied with this result. The emperor may be very precious, but what does it have to do with him?


Anyway, at this moment, the entire sea world is shocked, and the East China Sea has become a forbidden area for the emperor for a while, and no one dares to come.


During this time, only three great emperors were exiled and returned. Yes, it was put back, not that it couldn't be killed.


The Demon God stood in front of the three great emperors who were not from the ancient six bloodlines, and said lightly: "Go back and tell the various powers in Zhonghai Shenzhou. Human race, the gods will protect it. If there are any more rash movers, kill them!"


(End of this chapter)


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