God of Fishing

Chapter 2748: Enter the boundless mining area

Chapter 2748 Entering the boundless mining area


In a battle of the Great Emperor, most of the place where the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons was located has become a Jedi.


The major forces in the boundless mining area, many strong people, fled. They are not stupid, that level of Dao rift appears 37 times a day, who can't be afraid?


Especially some big forces in the boundless mining area, they all know that the human race is heading for the boundless mining area. Although the arrival of the powerful emperors, they did not know. But in the past, the Taoist Realm, the Happy Realm, and the Longevity Realm appeared many times, and even stayed.


Now, more than 400 years later, no one expected that the war would end in this way. Some people who couldn't figure out the situation eventually ran away first.


Han Fei and all the demons came to the boundless mining area, but did not immediately launch an encirclement and suppression of the boundless mining area. They can kill the emperor, but if they let the demons attack ordinary people, it is impossible.


At this moment, Han Fei deliberately chose the place where the Puppet City used to be located, and set up a dinner to cook.


1072 people have been hungry for too long. Fortunately, they don't choose, so they can satisfy them with the simplest and most convenient hot pot and barbecue. The hot pot itself tastes good, and the seasoning is sufficient. The group of demons is not really like the five senior brothers, and they need to satisfy such a strong desire for tongues, so this meal can be described as a storm.


In addition to the three great emperors thrown by the Eastern God Crocodile to Han Fei, there are a total of 34 great emperors who have become the delicacy in Quan Mo's mouth. In particular, the ancestor of the silver wolf, with a huge body, was eaten to nothing.


Han Fei's words matter, he accompanies the group of demons to eat and drink, three days and three nights, delicious food and wine, and only beautiful women singing and dancing.


In the past three days, Han Fei watched the pressure of the demons continue to grow stronger. In addition to the energy provided by the emperor's flesh and blood, the energy gathered in the heaven and the earth, and the spiritual veins and the earth veins came through.


On this day, Han Feizheng and the old turtle were sitting beside the Mine Monster Stream. The two of them looked at the Mine Monster Stream, and their hearts were full of sighs.


Han Fei: "Old Yuan, where did your clone go with the Demon Demon Tree?"


Lao Yuan said in a leisurely voice, "Go and walk on a new road, embark on a new journey. You know, I will always leave myself a way back."


Han Fei nodded slightly, didn't ask any more, but said, "What's the plan later?"


"When we are in this world, the sea world will be in chaos. In the sea of ​​gods and demons in the past, among those who were suppressed, many of our former friends failed to survive the erosion of the years and perished. Therefore, this revenge is of course retribution."


While talking, Dongshen Crocodile walked over with a few skewers of barbecued meat, and handed a bunch to Lao Yuan and Han Fei: "Hey, our enemies are all over the five major Shenzhou. After this banquet is over, I will wait for my return. The world will be in chaos.”


"Come on!"


Han Fei took the meat skewer and took a bite. The juicy gravy was gushing out.


Han Fei: "Senior Eastern God, although you have already been born, you still have to be careful when you travel this time. When your strength is restored to its peak, you can go to seek revenge. You can still survive in the sea of ​​gods and demons, and the ancestors of many forces Most of the human races have survived to this day.”




The Eastern God Crocodile laughed loudly: "It doesn't matter, life and death have fate, God let us live, of course we can't die in vain. Moreover, now that the distortion is no longer, all of us are extremely strong, the world can rival , not much more."


Across the distance, someone laughed and scolded: "Dead crocodile, you are blowing a fart! There are not many strong people in the sea world, but there are many Xinghai."


Dongshen Crocodile sneered: "It's hard to come out, isn't it sweet that I stay in the sea world and enjoy a thousand years of stability?"


Jiang Honghua: "The matter of revenge is not in a hurry. You have just switched to the unipolar way, and it has not yet stabilized. When this way is stable, it is time to walk between the dead. Even if you have not become a **** after millions of years of understanding, it is not a big problem. The environment is more relaxed.”


Suddenly, Li Tiangan said, "Everyone, I'll go first. I've been away from the Oriental Sword Pavilion for too long, so I'll go back and pay homage."


Tian Gui Ha: "I said Lao Li! Your master has already cut you three swords and expelled you from the school. You go back now, what's the matter?"


Li Tiangan: "That's my master after all. Now that he's an old man, and Dongfang Jiange is down, I have to leave something for them. Besides, I'm in a different mood when I go back this time. Teach. Perhaps, there may be a calamity in the Eastern Jiange."




Everyone who was eating and making trouble all looked at Li Tiangan.


Han Fei also looked over in astonishment. Is this about to cross the gods? Too exaggerated, right? The demon **** has just recovered, and Li Tiangan will survive the divine calamity again, so there must be two gods in this group of them.


Jiang Honghua sighed with emotion: "It's good, your calamity is not hatred. And my enemy has long been unknown. Well, this time I went to Zhonghai Shenzhou to see if I can put an end to my past wishes and past hatred. After that, I may also It’s time to cross the calamity. When the time comes, Lao Li, come over and protect the law for me.”


"it is good."


The Eastern God Crocodile glanced at Lao Yuan beside him, as well as the big toad who was still eating and drinking: "Lao Yuan, old ghost, you two should also have the ability to transcend God's Tribulation, right? When?"


Lao Yuan: "I'm going to solve the long-cherished wish of the past. It will take hundreds of years in the shortest time, and more than a thousand years in the slowest time."


Tian Gui Ha laughed: "I, Lao Li! I'll take a trip with you to see the calamity, I have a reference."


Li Tiangan nodded slightly: "Okay."


All of a sudden, everyone talked a lot, and they all pointed out their own way. Han Fei could naturally hear that this was a farewell. Everyone may meet again in the sea world, but for now, we still have to complete some of the causes and effects that we have forged.


Li Tiangan: "Everyone, farewell."


Before he left, Tian Gui Ha took a pot and ran away, leaving behind the sound of laughter.


"Dog thief."


"Smelly toad."


"You leave the pot!"


"You bastard, I ate half of the meat."



Following, Jiang Honghua handed over slightly: "Everyone, I'll take one step first."


Dongshen Crocodile: "Hey, they're all gone, don't support Han Fei? How many times have you seen the Hidden Emperor City?"


Someone laughed and said, "This scene has lasted for three days and three nights, that's enough."


Han Fei was also a little stunned, and suddenly understood something, yes, where you can't eat. These big guys said that they were eating and drinking here for three days. But in fact, it was here to give Han Fei face for three days.


Han Fei immediately cupped his hands: "Thank you seniors."


Someone laughed and said, "What's there to thank, we can come out, that's because of you!"


Someone laughed and said, "I like your kid's temper. It's explosive enough. If you have something to do in the future, remember to call me."


Han Fei: "Definitely."



More than a thousand people, one by one, said goodbye and left.


In the end, only the big crabs like Demon God, Lao Yuan, and Xie Wukuan were left here.


The Demon God didn't leave, it seemed because he was looking at the scenery, he looked at it, and seemed to have the ability to overlook the Divine State.


At this moment, everyone almost disappeared, and the devil said lightly, "There are gods in the sea world!"


When Han Fei heard this, he couldn't help but look over.


Demon God: "Gods, it's not so easy to fall. The mysteries of gods cannot be traced. Although I don't know how many gods there are in the sea world, it can be seen from the sky that there must be gods hidden in the world. Han Fei boy, I'll wait for you to become a god."


After speaking, the devil raised his foot and took a step forward before disappearing without a trace.


Lao Yuan: "Even the devil is gone, so I should go too. Han Fei, grow up quickly! You were born at this time, and I will return at this time. Everything seems to be a coincidence. But there are no coincidences in the world. , I am waiting for the present world, it will lead to chaos in the sea world, and in troubled times, the strong will flourish. Some ancient existences in the past may be revived. This is not a good thing, and it may be a sign before the disaster. "


Hearing this, Han Fei nodded slightly: "I hope to go through the calamity with you at that time."


"Oh! Why don't you go to heaven?"


At the end, Lao Yuan glanced at Xie Wukuan who was still calmly stuffing meat into his mouth and said, "Why are you leaving here?"


Xie Wukuan: "You go your way, the boundless mining area is suitable for my cultivation. It will only take less than a hundred years for me to return to the peak."


Lao Yuan: "As you go, I'll go first."


When Lao Yuan left, Han Fei sat beside Xie Wukuan and had another drink with Xie Wukuan: "Senior Xie, why don't you just rest with my human race?"


Xie Wukuan: "I still have to stay away from you, otherwise your human race will not be able to cultivate."


Han Fei was stunned, but it was also true that a strong emperor in the realm could just take a sip, and how could an ordinary person be able to compete for it!


Xie Wukuan: "I'll find a place to eat slowly. You're busy. Well, after you start, it's best to go to Yindi City. After all, people live here, and they won't be able to save face if they don't visit."


Hearing this, Han Fei nodded, "This junior has exactly this intention."


Xie Wukuan said that after the action, Han Fei himself thought after the action. The boundless mining area, he is determined to eat.


Xie Wukuan walked away with the cauldron. Han Fei didn't know where he went, but he was in the mining area anyway.


Outside the Mine Monster Stream.




Han Fei's heart moved, Luo Xiaobai, Beastmaster, Liu Qiansi, and elders of the lava giant clan appeared one after another in the stars of life.


After a while, the human race opened the sky, the ten major legions, and the hundreds of millions of people were all released.


For a time, the entire Mine Monster Stream was overcrowded. The mine monster stream at this time is no longer the original mine monster stream, and the mine monster stream without its ominous power has returned to normal. Because it is the place where the ore veins gather, there are not a lot of ordinary ore monsters around.


Of course, the human race will not stay here forever, but it can be used as a temporary training ground. When all the boundless mining areas are laid down, human footprints will spread throughout the boundless mining areas.


At this moment, hundreds of billions of human race powerhouses are also surprised when they appear in this unfamiliar place. They felt the abundant energy here, and the aura concentration was much higher than that of the wilderness.


"Is this the boundless mining area?"


"What a strong spiritual energy."


"The energy concentration is very high."


"Are there any enemies?"


"I'm afraid you're going crazy. The Emperor and the others are all standing there. They're not in a hurry at all. How could there be enemies."


"Finally, we still won the final victory."


"Ha, from the moment Lord Human Sovereign came back, I knew I had won."


"Hey, are we going to have a celebration party?"


"I don't think so? The boundless mining area is not owned by our human race. If we want to win this place, we must fight!"


"His Majesty is back, so why don't you just take it down?"




At this moment, people are talking a lot.


Han Fei's voice covered the sky: "My fellow human beings, I am Han Fei, the emperor of the human race. What I want to tell you, my human race has passed the most difficult time. From now on, we don't need to worry anymore, we will be at our feet. This boundless mining area opens up the prosperity of our human race..."




"The emperor is mighty."


"Hahaha, I just said, the war is over."


"Your Majesty is invincible."


"The offal from Zhonghai Shenzhou was finally driven away by us."


Han Fei hasn't spoken yet, but the people of the human race are already happy. In the past four hundred years, they did not dare to slack off, and everyone worked hard to cultivate. All goals are the same, get stronger, get stronger, get stronger.


Today, Han Fei's words made many people burst into tears.


I just heard Han Fei continue: "Fellow compatriots. Although the human race is safe, this is not the time for us to slack off. Although we are already safe, the 70 billion compatriots of the human race cannot die in vain. Zhonghai Shenzhou deceives my human race, this emperor will definitely Ten times the return. But now is not the time for this emperor to take action, because the human race has not grown into a towering tree... This emperor can tell you that the prosperity of the human race does not mean that the human race has no enemies. This emperor will protect the human race for thousands of years. , rest and recuperate. But we can't just curl up in this corner of the boundless mining area. The sea is very large, the five major states, and the trillions of territories, our human race will go to. After a thousand years, we may face more challenges. Therefore, Thousands of years, please cherish…”


"A thousand years."


"A thousand years of peace is already very luxurious."


"With all the enemies around, how much pressure does the Emperor need to bear in order to keep the human race peaceful for thousands of years?"


"After going through the wilderness and fighting for 400 years, I just realized that, let alone a thousand years, a hundred years is a hurdle. For a thousand years of peace, I don't dare to hope."


"Don't be pessimistic, everyone. Lord Human Sovereign said that our human race will set foot in all parts of the sea. This is to better strengthen our human race, so we should look forward to it."


"That's right. We have too many things to settle in this battle and practice. The human race in a thousand years will definitely not be what it used to be."


Han Fei's voice rose again: "My compatriots, now, the boundless mining area is not our world. There are hundreds of forces in the sea world. But these are not important. These forces are like ants to our human race, and this emperor will lead them personally. You go out to battle. All explorers and above can go out and go out with the emperor, and we will take over the boundless mining area."


"I go!"


"Hahaha! Lord Human Sovereign is personally recruiting, why can't I wait?"


"When the Emperor is there, is that going to fight? It's going to pick up treasures, that's all over the place."


"This kind of good thing must not be missed."


"I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing as soon as I arrived at the boundless mining area. This can't help but remind me of the scene when the Wanlin tribe was swept away."


"Ah! Why can't I go to the law enforcement environment?"


"What do you think? It is said that any small mine demon in the boundless mining area cannot be stopped by the law enforcement environment. Even the explorers only have the share of mining. Go, are you going to die?"


"Then you explorers can go?"


"Isn't that nonsense? Explorers have survived the calamity and can be the same as the law enforcers? Besides, we are going to pick up treasures. Do you really think that the emperor is going to fight, what can it be our turn to fight?"


"That is, young people, they are too immature, and they don't even know what it means for the Emperor to go on an expedition."



After speaking, Han Fei Ling said: "Hong Yue, you stay here and take care of the human race under this realm."


Hong Yue: "Lord Human Sovereign, you are all gone, in case..."


Han Fei: "There is nothing in case, you can rest assured to stay here, regulate everyone, and don't let the mine monsters invade. It is very safe here, even if the emperor and the strong come, they have to die."


"Ah, this... good."


Han Fei looked at a peak of the spiritual veins, where Chu Hao was sitting cross-legged. This time he was not lightly injured and still needed to be recuperated. Naturally, the battle in the boundless mining area did not require him as a powerful emperor.



The boundless mining area.


The former Wanlin clan power no longer exists. As early as when the Wanlin Clan was destroyed, there were countless enemies who came to loot resources.


But unexpectedly, the Wanlin Clan, which the forces thought were easy to deal with, could not be attacked for a long time. Moreover, that "Zhang Beihai" was still provoking, causing trouble, and looting. In just a few hundred years, more than ten forces have been destroyed in his hands.


And the major forces have also carried out as many as eleven sieges against "Zhang Beihai", and finally in the fifth siege, they destroyed the lineage of the Wanlin Clan and killed "Zhang Beihai".


However, "Zhang Beihai" did not die, but miraculously survived. Then it became the revenge of "Zhang Beihai".


There was no way, the major forces could only continue to besiege. It was not until 200 years ago that Zhonghai Shenzhou Emperor Zunjian had a break in the boundless mining area, and then they laid a trap and killed Zhang Beihai in the ninth siege.


Yes, they thought they were killed, but less than ten years later, this "Zhang Beihai" came back inexplicably. Once again launched a crazy revenge against the major forces in the boundless mining area.


Moreover, this time, "Zhang Beihai" has already completed the emperor's robbery.


Later, a strong man of Zhonghai Shenzhou Boxing Sect thought that "Zhang Beihai" was a character, so he brought him under his command.


As a result, only 20 years later, when the Emperor of the Fist Sect went to the Sea of ​​Gods and Demons to fight, the forces of the Fist Sect in the boundless mining area were corroded by this "Zhang Beihai", and the fist sect was slaughtered by "Zhang Beihai". clean.


When the emperor came back, he was furious and frantically searched for "Zhang Beihai" all over the world.


During this period, the two had many confrontations, and finally, more than 60 years ago, the boxing expert found the trace of "Zhang Beihai" and went to strangle.


This time, no one would think that "Zhang Beihai" would be alive. After all, the Emperor Zun of the Boxing Sect is very powerful, so how could a guy who has just entered the realm of Emperor Zun be able to match?


However, in that battle, the Emperor Zun, who was at the pinnacle of the Fist Sect, fell to the western mining area of ​​the boundless mining area.


This incident was cited as a story for a while. It is mainly the powerhouses of other forces that laugh at the incompetence of the powerhouses of the Boxing Sect. There are also people who lamented that this "Zhang Beihai" was a character who was strangled several times and miraculously survived several times. It must have been a great luck.


Unfortunately, since then, no one has been able to find "Zhang Beihai" again.


As soon as Han Fei's body entered the boundless mining area, the information was already synchronized. It turned out that Zhang Daqian's clone was actually hiding in the line of beasts.


In the past six hundred years, Zhang Daqian's avatar, in the name of Zhang Beihai, provoked and disgusted opponents, angered countless people, and successfully exchanged for three opportunities for Nirvana rebirth.


This also means that if you count the first Nirvana that came back from the Shendu Dynasty. Zhang Daqian's avatar experienced a total of 4 Nirvanas.


Every nirvana, Zhang Daqian's strength doubles. Every time his strength doubled, it meant that Zhang Daqian's potential was several times that of ordinary people.


After only four nirvanas, Zhang Daqian's avatar has already entered the ranks of the supreme genius. At this moment, he has already reached the peak of his strength.


"This giant beast is indeed worthy of the way of the gods. As long as you make enemies crazy for yourself, you can use the anger and huge resources of the other party to achieve Nirvana and rebirth. If you continue to develop like this, if you are in the Happy Realm, the Long Life Realm, and the Great Emperor Realm. If he can be killed once, then the combat power of Zhang Daqian's clone is probably comparable to that of a bipolar powerhouse."


Of course, it's easy to cause trouble, but after being killed, you have to make sure you can fight back. Otherwise, after Nirvana, if you are killed again, it will be over.



A line of vicious beasts.


Obviously knowing that the main body is coming, Zhang Daqian's clone immediately found Li Luoluo: "I thought it was too simplistic at first, thinking that it would be possible to come here in a hundred years, who knows that it will be more than five hundred years. But it's a bit slow, but Fortunately, I'm here, the boundless mining area is ours."


Li Luoluo's beautiful eyes lit up: "Did you sense the body? How did you win? So many emperors have fallen in one day, who is helping you? Was that **** at the time? Or the Void Temple?"


Zhang Daqian's avatar: "There is no god, it's just that I have made friends with some seniors who have been suppressed for many years."


"In the sea of ​​gods and demons?"


Li Luoluo couldn't help but said in surprise: "They have been trapped in such a ghost place for so long, how can they still have such terrifying combat power?"


Zhang Daqian's avatar: "The real powerhouse is indelible with time. Some people are too strong, even if they are weak, they are not comparable to ordinary emperors."


Li Luoluo was full of curiosity: "Unfortunately, I couldn't witness that battle. Hey, what kind of strength do you have now, what about the Emperor Que? You proved the Dao 400 years ago, so why don't you come to fight with me for **** now?"


Zhang Daqian's clone: ​​"You've already been promoted to the Great Emperor, so what are you worried about? Also, I'm not very interested in the beast lineage right now. We just need to maintain a good cooperative relationship. ."


Li Luoluo: "Oh, now that you are proving the Tao and becoming an emperor, you are much more confident. Forget it, then send troops! Hurry up and grab the territory."


Just listening, Li Luoluo's voice suddenly sounded above the line of fierce beasts: "The line of beasts belongs to the line of fierce beasts, the army gathers, and kills Baimeng City, robbing, robbing people, and grabbing territory. All the forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou will be cleaned up all the way, and there is no need to show mercy. ."


As soon as the vicious beast pulsed, the divine beast immediately responded.


"Boss Raging Fire, the beast lineage has sent troops."


Raging Fire Qilin's spirit lifted: "Come on, he actually did it, so many great emperors have fallen, I really can't think that Han Fei did it."


The fire qilin sighed for a while, and immediately shouted: "The gods and beasts belong to the lineage, and they are sent to Baimeng City, close to the southern region. All the strengths of Zhonghai Shenzhou will be taken and brought to Baimeng City."


Baimeng City.


The Shendu Dynasty has a strong opponent and said to everyone: "It's almost, take all the strengths controlled by the Dynasty."


In the capital of terror, Xiangxiang said, "I've been in ambush for many years, I can close the net and grab as much territory as possible."


Two chapters in transition... The boundless mining area is over soon






(End of this chapter)


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