God of Fishing

Chapter 2807: savage ancients

Chapter 2807 Wild Ancient Race

Wild Ancients.

This is a powerful racial group consisting of dozens of humanoids, not just a single race.

There are giants, rock people, two-headed people, one-eyed people, dwarves... and the biggest race is the war giants.

Yes, it is a war giant. Han Fei had contact with him when he was a child, and eventually disappeared into the war giants in the long river of time.

When approaching the wild ancient people, Han Fei found some traces of war giants.

From a few meters high to more than twenty meters high.

But their strength level is far stronger than what they met in Shiwanda Mountain in the past.

A super power in the Western Wilderness, if most of them are in the Venerable Realm or the Sea-Opening Realm, it is far from enough.

Han Fei found that all the war giants over 20 meters tall here have reached the Open Heaven Realm.

Even, as far as the war giants he has seen so far, he has not found any strength below the Venerable Realm.

Han Fei didn't know if there were other powerhouses monitoring the war giants, so he didn't go there rashly.

I saw him lightly breaking open a void in a place that was still some distance away from the ancient savage tribe.

This level of spatial law changes, ordinary people can't feel it, even if it is a long-lived realm, they may not feel it.

However, for the Great Emperor Realm, such an action is more obvious.

Han Fei transformed himself into the appearance of the giant king of the past.

If someone perceives or finds it because of this small change, he can follow their perception to find it.

Under the technique of divine concealment, even if the opponent is a great emperor, it is impossible to find his own flaws, and he will only think that he is a powerhouse of the war giants.

If it weren't for the enemy, he would naturally be curious about his identity and come to find out.

Sure enough, the moment Han Fei made a move, dozens of perceptions immediately swept over.

Han Fei's heart was moved, what about so many great emperors of the wild ancient clan?

There were a total of 22 perceptions, and Han Fei quickly looked back following these perceptions, and saw a strong emperor looking towards him.

Among them, there are only 12 great emperors of the war giants.

The others are the great emperors of various humanoid races.

"Who are you?"

"Brush brush~"

Three figures in a row appeared in front of Han Fei in a blink of an eye.

These are three war giants, all 40 meters tall, and all three are holding battle axes. Perhaps for giants, battle axes are more combative.

Han Fei cupped his hands: "Three, can you take a step to speak?"

"Who will borrow a step from you?

Is the Tianyin Protoss already so brazen?

I actually pretended to be my war giants and appeared here in a grand manner. What happened?

Want to go to war? "

"Tianyin Protoss?"

Han Fei's face was stunned. Could it be so coincidental for the Tianyin Protoss and Tianyin Divine Art?

Could it be that the Tianyin Divine Technique that I have cultivated and the Shenyin that I deduced are the Divine Techniques of the Tianyin Protoss?

Han Fei: "Several, I'm telling the truth. I'm not from the Tianyin Protoss."

Opposite, a war giant buzzed: "On the territory of my wild ancient clan, there is no need to take a step to speak, if you have something to say, say it quickly.

Also, immediately replace this appearance, my wild ancient clan does not have an emperor like you. "

Han Feixin said that the minds of giants are sometimes not very bright.

However, as Han Fei's thoughts moved, many perceptions from the back of the savage ancient clan were blocked by the law.

The faces of the three war giants changed slightly, only to hear Han Fei speak quickly: "I'm Han Fei."

After finishing speaking, Han Fei withdrew the power of the law, because he saw that dozens of great emperors had already stepped into the void and were in all directions.

"Fart! Why don't you say you are the **** of war?

Guys, hit him. "

Han Fei: "?


? "

Han Fei was stunned, only to see that the three great emperors on the opposite side had already slashed over.

He said it shouldn't! Just rely on my relationship with God of War, old iron.

The race of the God of War, how could they take action against themselves?

However, the three on the opposite side were really cut over, and Han Fei immediately retreated.

But saw the void burst, surrounded by a dozen or so powerful emperor realm.

A fist slammed down from Han Fei's body, Han Fei's hands clasped together, and the avenue of self was turned. In a short time, four times the combat power was blessed, and the firepower was full.


However, even if the combat power was raised to the limit, he was still bombarded by the strange force of the fist, and flew towards the surface of the sand sea.


"Cough cough!"

"Fuck, the power of a punch is comparable to my full-strength blow?"

The next moment, Han Fei was blasted onto the boundless desert on the surface of the Western Wasteland.

He saw tens of thousands of huge fists blasting out from under the sand sea, and Han Fei immediately burst out with invincibility and slammed towards those fist marks.

"Boom boom~"

"Boom boom~"

Only one war giant shouted: "Ridiculous, this combat power is about to reach the peak of the extreme way, and Han Fei, Han, you have a big head."

There was a dwarf swinging a hammer, as if a star floated on the surface of the sand sea and smashed towards Han Fei.

Han Fei was also a little angry. He thought that it would be enough to quietly touch and report the name. My dear, this group of animals will be beaten when they come up. It is simply inexplicable.

"Think I didn't do anything to deal with you, did you?"

I saw Han Fei stretched out one hand, and a giant hammer appeared. The hammer of the limit, with ten thousand strikes, directly blasted the star-like sledgehammer, setting off a storm of millions of miles of sand.

However, when he blasted the giant hammer, his hands were shaking. What a terrifying hammer, its power was no weaker than that of the punch just now.

Yes, the opponents are all physique practitioners, who can take the road of physique cultivation to the realm of the emperor, so none of them are normal, and their combat power is all over the table.

Han Fei had just finished dealing with the impact of the giant hammer, and two battle axes slashed from behind him. Although the power was not comparable to the punch and hammer just now, it definitely surpassed the combat power of an ordinary emperor described by the God of War.

Han Fei threw two punches in reverse, slashing sideways with only the strength of his flesh.

"Bang bang~"

In an instant, flying sand spewed forth, and in this endless sand sea, hundreds of thousands of miles of sand were emptied out.

And on top of his head, there is another knife, which combines the power of various laws, and slashes down with the wind and sand in the sky.

At that moment, the invincible golden body folded his hands together, took a knife abruptly, and opened his mouth to spurt a forceful sword light, slashing the sky.

Several great emperors who besieged Han Fei changed their expressions one after another.

Someone's face was solemn, and this person's physical body was strong, and such a killing move still failed to break his physical body.

Someone changed color: "Invincible Road?"

Seven or eight people began to besiege in turns. Outside the battlefield, there were three war giants watching, as if they were still discussing something.

One person tutted: "This person's combat strength is not bad. Although he used a secret technique, he can fight to such a degree. Looking at the West Wasteland, there are not many."

One person said curiously: "Don't say it, his fighting style seems to be extremely fierce, and his physical quality is not inferior to mine at all."

Another person wondered: "Tianyin Protoss has such a master?

Aren't they more powerful in the power of the soul?

Why is the physical strength so sturdy, and he has embarked on the road of invincibility? "

The three couldn't help but look at each other: "This, can't be true, right?"

Han Fei shouted violently: "Hey, are you sick?

What's not to be true, right?

I am Han Fei.

I said yes to the God of War, I want to come to the wild ancient people, so you treat the guests like this? "

"Fart, you said you are Han Fei, you are Han Fei?"

"That is, after the recent chaos in the Western Wasteland, hundreds of Han Fei have appeared, and none of them are real."

Han Fei himself was confused, and hundreds of Han Fei appeared?

Nima, who is so idle, has to pretend to be himself.


The thunder exploded, and thousands of thunder marks spread all over the void.

Han Fei appeared from a thunderstorm and said, "Is this enough proof?"

After speaking, Han Fei raised his hand, and a divine fire altar appeared behind him.

At the moment, a group of five big three rough war giants said: "Yeah! Is this true?"

The next moment, I saw a message from the God of War in the fire curtain: "What are you doing?"

Han Fei waved his hand, and the words were branded on the fire curtain: "What are you doing?

Dozens of great emperors from your savage ancient clan joined forces to fight me, so I can't ask you to support the scene? "

Opposite Han Fei, those great emperors looked at each other, what is it that dozens of great emperors join forces to beat you, and there are no more than ten people in total to shoot at you, why do you come here when you open your mouth?

The God of War was probably also fascinated, and immediately responded: "No way! Our wild ancient people are very hospitable and very friendly to outsiders. Have you touched the wrong place?"

But I saw that at the beginning, the three war giants quickly said: "Little friend Han Fei, there is a misunderstanding, I will tell Lao Zhan."

I saw that the war giant wrote on the tomb of fire with spiritual thoughts: "Old Zhan, my sixth! A misunderstanding."

God of War: "Elder Six?

What are you doing? "

But I saw that the war giant wrote: "What a misunderstanding, we thought little friend Han Fei was fake.

You don't know what happened recently. Hundreds of Han Fei appeared in Xihuang, which has caused many wars.

Well, you rest! "

God of War: "Don't mess around anymore! Han Fei, a misunderstanding, after you talk, find someone to chat with me, and tell me about Xihuang."

Lao Liu: "I'll talk to you tonight."

Han Fei withdrew the altar with a confused look. Suddenly, the great emperors who were carrying big axes and hammers, who were still fierce and fierce just now, have changed their smiling faces.

Han Fei was also speechless: "Do you believe it now?"

I just heard the old man laughing: "I believe, I believe... Originally, we just wanted to try little friend Han Fei."

Han Feixin said that I believe in you, but that posture just now was a test?

If I came here from the Long Life Realm, I'm afraid I've already been beaten up many times.

I just heard Lao Liu say hello: "Don't stand here, or others will really think that something big has happened.

Lao Tie, Tian Gang, you can just stay. "

Although everyone was curious, they still smiled at Han Fei, and then "swiped" into the sand sea.

I saw the old sixth laughing: "Little friend Han Fei, we don't know each other.

I am Liu Tianming, the current patriarch of the Ancient Wilderness. "

After finishing speaking, the old six pointed to the dwarf and said, "This is the deputy chief, the iron three hammer."

The dwarf looked at Han Fei with a smile and said, "Little friend Han Fei, it really surprises the old man to be able to take my hammer.

This hammer of mine cannot be taken by the Great Emperor of Extreme Dao.

Little friend Han Fei, your strength has grown a little too fast. "

Han Fei's mouth twitched, only to hear Liu Tianming smile: "Little friend Han Fei, your strength is indeed something I never expected.

But fortunately, the old iron only hit the first hammer, fortunately you are all right. "

Han Fei couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "The first hammer?"

Liu Tianming smiled and said: "Three iron hammers, naturally there are three unique hammers, the first hammer is the weakest, and the third hammer can shake the gods."

Han Fei: "..."

After finishing speaking, Liu Tianming continued to point at the one-eyed giant and said, "This is Quan Tiangang, and also the deputy chief of our wild ancient clan. He is one of the best in the Western Wilderness."

Han Fei's eyelids are slightly raised, and the deputy chief can shake the gods. What about this Liu Tianming?

When he was fighting just now, Liu Tianming didn't make a move, just watched from the side. If he made a move, would he be able to take it?

Also, the old guy, God of War, also said that the powerhouses of the ancient wild tribes are very weak, so what is this called emptiness?

Even the deputy patriarch can shake the gods, what if this is false?

So what is false?

Han Fei clasped his fists: "Junior Han Fei, I have seen three seniors.

Sixth Patriarch, I don't know what you just said, there are hundreds of me in the sea world, what is going on? "

"Don't call me the sixth patriarch! It's like we have six patriarchs in the wild ancient clan, you can call me Tianming patriarch, or the sixth senior."

Han Fei: "Senior Six."

Liu Tianming waved his hand and placed a seal on the barrier, and immediately said with a slightly correct face: "Little friend Han Fei, you may have been busy practicing and breaking through all these years?

You don't know something, your current identity has been completely exposed, and it has been used hundreds of times by others. "

Han Fei frowned: "Use, just one identity, how to use it?

What's the point of those people pretending to be me? "

"Of course it makes sense."

Just listen to Liutian Mingdao: "Now, everyone knows that the divine prison of creation is on you.

The gods are waiting for your appearance to help them unlock the bloodline restrictions on their bodies.

At this time, the people of Zhonghai Shenzhou pretended to be you. What did you say? "

Han Fei's face changed slightly: "Luring the gods out."

Liu Tianming nodded: "Yes, but the gods are not stupid, otherwise they would not live today.

Therefore, if anyone from Zhonghai Shenzhou pretends to be you, although the goddess is curious, most of them will try it.

If it is an ambush, even if it is suicide, it will not give Zhonghai Shenzhou the slightest chance. "

Han Fei: "You can pretend to be me, again and again, shouldn't the goddess believe it?"

Just listen to the old railway: "It's not just Zhonghai Shenzhou who is pretending to be you, the Western Wilderness is also pretending to be you."

"The Western Wilderness is also pretending to be me?

What are you pretending to do? "

Old Tie bared his teeth and said with a smile: "Naturally, he took the opportunity to kill the powerhouses in Zhonghai Shenzhou! We can't ambush the gods in Zhonghai Shenzhou, so we shouldn't allow the gods or the powerhouses in the Western Wilderness to ambush them, right?

This move has trapped a lot of Zhonghai powerhouses. "

Han Fei twitched the corners of his mouth. At this time, he heard Quan Tiangang say, "There is another kind of thing, just like you, it's Han Fei's self-destruction when you come up. I have met more than a dozen of the ancient tribes."

Han Fei: "Why is this?"

Quan Tiangang: "This is an internal battle in the Western Wilderness. Someone in the Western Wilderness wants to use a knife to kill people, and wants to hint to Zhonghai Shenzhou that you and I are colluding with my wild ancient people, so that Zhonghai Shenzhou can take action against my wild ancient people, after all, the God of War has helped you.

However, Zhonghai Shenzhou wasn't that stupid, so they sent two people over to stay with the wild ancient clan. "

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "So you all know that the two emperors are here?"

When Liu Tianming heard it, the three of them couldn't help but secretly said, "You didn't touch those two, did you?"

Han Fei blinked twice: "I said, they have been put into the God of Creation Prison by me, do you believe it?"

Six Tianming three people: "..."

Han Fei also knew that he was impulsive. The ancient barbarians were also one of the most powerful superpowers in Xihuang. How could they allow the two great emperors to block the entrance?

Now, these two people have been taken over by themselves, and Zhonghai Shenzhou may not notice it in a short time, but after a long time, they will definitely know.

When the three of Liu Tianming were speechless, they were also shocked at the same time. In such a close situation, they quietly solved the two great emperors. They seem to have underestimated Han Fei's strength!

Liu Tianming: "Forget it, the suppression of the two great emperors is nothing but a big deal.

All of us thought that you would go to the gods first, but unexpectedly you came first to our wild ancient race."

Han Fei was puzzled: "I'm just afraid that Zhong Hai Shenzhou will set up an ambush or something, and once it intercepts me, it will be difficult to restore my blood.

That's why I first came to the Wilderness Ancient Clan to take a trip, and at the same time as sending them off, I wanted to know about the current situation in the Western Wilderness. "

Liu Tianming shook his head slightly: "The current situation in Xihuang is chaotic.

You should know how many **** battles broke out in Xihuang, right? "

Han Fei nodded, it's not difficult to know about the battle of gods.

I only heard Liu Tianming say again: "But you should not know that this battle of gods involves the checks and balances of the four major Chinese states against Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Otherwise, all the gods of Zhonghai Shenzhou will enter the Western Wilderness, who can protect the descendants of the gods? "

"Four Shenzhou to check and balance Zhonghai Shenzhou?

Has the pattern of the sea world been confirmed? "

"Of course, among the five major divine states in the sea world, Zhonghai Shenzhou has dominated the universe for too long.

In fact, if you change to any power and enter the Zhonghai Shenzhou, after a long time, it will become the same as the current Zhonghai Shenzhou.

As if someone is used to being a superior, he cannot allow someone to pull him down from the altar.

This is a mistake that countless strong people have made in history.

Now, Xinghai is in chaos, east, west, north, south, four major Shenzhou, naturally will not continue to let Zhonghai Shenzhou come to him. "

Han Fei couldn't help but say: "So, is it the combined force of the four Shenzhou that restrained all the gods in Zhonghai Shenzhou?

But as far as I know, there are no gods in the South China Sea and the East China Sea, right? "

Liu Tianming shook his head slightly: "One, it is not only the gods that can involve gods.

Secondly, if the four major Shenzhou can control one side, how can it really not have the power to compete with the gods?

Otherwise, simply let Zhonghai Shenzhou directly unify the sea world. "

Han Fei's heart moved, and if he wanted to say that, it seemed to be true.

In the boundless mining area of ​​Donghai Shenzhou, there is such an existence as the Goddess of Light.

Nanhai used to have the **** of Nandou.

Needless to say, Beihai, even though he didn't know the battle strength of Senior Brother Six Gods, he could definitely shake the gods. According to Senior Sister Kagura's tone, they just didn't want to break through the Great Emperor Realm, not that they couldn't break through.

Han Fei: "Since the gods are being restrained, is it possible that Zhonghai Shenzhou only wants to rely on those great emperors to come to the Western Wilderness to kill the gods?"

Liu Tianming shook his head again: "The Four Great Divine Regions only temporarily contain the gods of Zhonghai Divine Region, and the battle of the gods has only broken out three times.

These three battles of gods broke out because Zhonghai Shenzhou found the place of the gods.

Therefore, if the gods are discovered again, the battle of gods will continue to break out.

It is impossible for Zhonghai Shenzhou to give up, because they know that once the bloodline restrictions of the gods are lifted, there will be endless revenge waiting for them. "


The ancient gods and the people of Zhonghai Shenzhou are already deadly enemies, and before the ominous come, one of the two must be completely suppressed.

Divine descendants can't turn over without being beaten, Zhonghai Shenzhou will not be able to rest for a day, sleep and eat, this kind of result is not what Zhonghai Shenzhou wants.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, as long as the strong people in Zhonghai Shenzhou do not give up the base camp of the sea world, they have to fight, and they have to fight if they don't.

Han Feixin said that I must be on the side of the gods!

Just listen to him: "Senior Six, do you know where all the gods are?"

Liu Tianming shook his head: "I don't know, maybe the bandit God knows, but he will never tell us."

Tie San hammered: "Little friend Han Fei, you may have to hurry up.

On the Zhonghai Shenzhou side, it has begun to ignore the rules.

It is only a matter of time before the gods are found.

Three times in a row they were almost dug out. "

Han Fei frowned: "Could it be that Zhonghai Shenzhou really wants to go to war with Xihuang?

Now that the ominous return, they are so messed up, why is it okay? "

Quan Tiangang snorted coldly: "They are used to being uncles, what are they afraid of?

It's just a group of dead emperors left and right, they don't care.

Moreover, because of the ominous return, Xinghai also needs a stable rear.

So, this is the default. "

Liu Tianming sighed leisurely: "Now, Zhonghai Shenzhou really doesn't care about its face anymore, and has continuously deployed various means.

The first is to provoke civil strife in the Western Wilderness and secretly support some bandits to cause trouble.

At the same time, a high reward is set up, and anyone who provides the exact information of the Nandou Emperor or the Divine Descendants will directly offer a reward for the creation of spiritual treasures.

If you can provide information at the emperor level, you will be rewarded for high-grade good fortune spiritual treasures and various resources. "

Han Fei's heart was moved: "Just now you thought I was that Tianyin Protoss, what's the matter?"

He only listened to Liu Tianming: "The Tianyin Protoss is a race in Zhonghai Shenzhou that majors in soul and transformation and concealment.

They have inherited a magical natal technique called Heaven Invisibility.

This technique can simulate face, voice, body, breath, air luck, coercion, avenue, etc. with the laws of heaven, and can freely hide the true strength of the body.

Many of the things that impersonate you are made by them.

And if nothing else, these people have secretly sneaked into the major forces in the Western Wilderness, and it is extremely difficult to identify. "

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that the method he cultivated would still have such a background.

Suddenly, Han Fei's face changed slightly: "Then I'm here today, will I..."


Just listen to Quan Tiangang: "Although the Tianyin Protoss can become others, their real combat power is there.

And we are all physique practitioners~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A spiritual practitioner pretends to be a spiritual practitioner, and it is impossible to escape our eyes. "

Liu Tianming said: "In addition to these three intrusion methods, Zhonghai Shenzhou has even directly launched a war.

Started to clear up many small forces in the Western Wilderness, coercion and inducement, and asked these people to point out the whereabouts of the gods.

We can't underestimate the small power of Xihuang, everyone is mixed in Xihuang, and the three big bandits can't completely control the entire Xihuang.

Previously, the gods were discovered three times, twice because of these small forces, and once because of a bounty mission. "

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "Did Xihuang not resist?"

"Of course there is."

Tie San hammered: "Is Xihuang a place where they say they can set foot in China Sea Shenzhou?

In the past three hundred years, Zhonghai Shenzhou's army has been repelled six times.

Now, waiting for you. ” 5168/10871783

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