God of Fishing

Chapter 2808: The first generation of gangsters, come back to the arena

Chapter 2808 A generation of gangsters, come back to the arena

"Wait for yourself?"

When Tie Sanchui said these words, Han Fei couldn't help feeling that fate was so magical. From the moment he met Chu Hao, it seemed that he had already had a relationship with the ancient gods.

Han Fei's heart moved. Since this is the case, it seems that he doesn't need to stay in the wild ancient clan. The key is to go to the ancient ancient gods as soon as possible.

Han Fei: "By the way, Senior Six, Senior God of War should have told you that I brought a lineage of lava giants.

They have been in my natal star for a long time, can the current wild ancient clan accept them without being discovered? "

Liu Tianming smiled and said: "Of course, but the number of thousands of people, we have our own method of placement."

Around Han Fei, the world projection descended, and the lava giant clan elder and more than 4,000 lava giants appeared on the sand sea.

At this moment, when the lava giants appeared, they were naturally happy.

Although Han Fei's natal star environment is also good, but after all, there is no sense of belonging.

When they saw Liu Tianming's tall body, they immediately realized something.

First Elder: "Little friend Han Fei, is this?"

Han Fei: "Elder, everyone, this is the current Patriarch of the Ancient Wilderness, Senior Liu Tianming.

As well as the two deputy patriarchs, Senior Iron Three Hammers and Senior Quan Tiangang..."

Liu Tianming laughed: "Old friends, you have suffered."

The Great Elder looked excited: "Finally, have you arrived in the Western Wilderness?

I have seen the Tianming Patriarch. "

Liu Tianming is also quite embarrassed. The giants have many branches, and it is not easy to find one more.

He only heard him say loudly: "Everyone, the ancient barbarians will be your home in the future.

In the Western Wasteland Realm, there are not many people who dare not give us the face of the ancient wild people. "

There was a commotion among the people of the lava giant clan. Although the environment seems to be very bad at the moment, this is the kind of environment they should live in.

After a while of greeting, Han Fei said goodbye to the Great Elder and others, and only Liu Tianming and Han Fei were left here.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Senior Six, since the gods are waiting for me, I won't stay here."

Liu Tianming: "Do you know where to find the gods?"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and a token appeared in his hand. As the token was urged, the Gate of Infinity appeared abruptly in front of him.

Liu Tianming was stunned: "The Gate of No Distance?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Lao Wu, I'm going to the ancient gods.

There is a shortfall of 20,000 ominous creatures, I will make up for you later. "

However, a line of text appeared directly at the Gate of No Distance: "Where are the ancient gods?"


Han Fei's smiling face just now froze, and said in shock, "I don't know!"

The Gate of No Distance: "I don't know either! Unless I have been there, or you provide an accurate location."

Han Fei: "..."

Liu Tianming's mouth twitched slightly: "Little friend Han Fei, you... Although the Gate of Infinity can ignore distance, it is not omniscient.

If it was so easy to find the gods, they would be long gone. "

The Gate of No Distance: "Is there anything else to do with me?

All right, I'm leaving? "

Han Fei: "Ah! Bye~"

Han Fei was also a little confused. He just wanted to pretend to Liu Tianming, but he was slapped in the face the next second.

Co-authoring or your own nautical Vientiane is reliable!

After leaving the Gate of No Distance, Liu Tianming said: "Little friend Han Fei, what this old man thinks, you can actually go to the Valley of Fierce Gods to have a look.

After all, the gods are waiting for you, and it is impossible for you to find them.

So, they definitely leave some messages. "

Han Fei nodded slightly: "In that case, I won't bother, I'll go and have a look."

Liu Tianming nodded, and then handed out a huge wristband to Han Fei: "If little friend Han Fei wants to appear in the Valley of Fierce Gods as a wild ancient clan, you might as well wear this thing.

This is a top-grade fortune-telling treasure created by Lao Tie himself, the Starburst Bracer, which is branded with the top-level divine art of Starburst Divine Fist.

In the wild ancient clan, there are only two of these things, one for the old man and one for the fist.

Wearing this thing, others will think that you are a direct disciple of one of the two of us, and they should not doubt your identity. "

"High-grade good fortune spirit treasure?"

Han Fei took the Starburst Bracers and handed over slightly: "Thank you, Senior Six."

Liu Tianming smiled and said, "It's okay.

By the way, remind a little friend.

In Xihuang, if you encounter bandits, you don't necessarily have to face each other in life and death.

Xihuang people have never liked to kill people from Xihuang people.

You can use bandit looting as a trial.

They rob you, and you rob them in turn. "

Han Fei raised his eyebrows, is there such a statement?

"What about people other than Xihuang?"

Liu Tianming: "That's all you need, if you are sure that the visitor is not from Xihuang, you can also kill.

However, if you tie it up and take it to the Valley of Fierce Gods to sell it, you can also make a lot of money. "


"Understood, many thanks to the sixth senior for the suggestion."


Han Fei left the wild ancient clan, but he didn't go to the Valley of Fierce Gods for the first time.

After getting used to the Starburst Bracers a bit, and after initially mastering the Starburst Divine Fist, he directly searched for it on the Western Wilderness map with the Navigation Vientiane.

Perhaps the gods will leave some information for themselves, but the Valley of the Ferocious Gods is the center of the Western Wilderness, and there are many people.

Although he can disguise himself as the war giant of the ancient wild ancient clan, after all, there is no need for that. If he can directly find the ancient ancient **** clan, why bother going to the Valley of Fierce Gods.

As long as the blood of the gods is completed, the Western Wilderness pattern is rewritten, and then go to Xia Xiaochan and the others, they can greatly reduce their danger.

Otherwise, if the blood of the gods is not replenished in a day, the open and secret struggle between Xihuang and Zhonghai Shenzhou will always exist, and the danger will be everywhere.

"Huh! Death spiral?"

He couldn't help being a little stunned when the needle of the marine vientiometer pointed to the death spiral.

Because the Necronomicon Tree said that death spirals appear from time to time, and the locations and places where they appear are also different.

Also, it's not that the people of the death spiral, few people can come back alive, this should be a rather terrifying Jedi.

Could it be said that this is similar to the abyss crack in the riotous sea, but it is actually a transmission channel?

Han Fei thought it was very possible.


half a month later.

Han Fei has been wandering around in the no-man’s restricted area for more than ten days. According to the guidance of the Navigation Vientiane, he plunged into the no-man’s restricted zone.

There is a lot of spatial turbulence in this no-man restricted area, and even in some places, an entire space moves.

Therefore, once you enter the no-man restricted area, it is not that you cannot go out, but you can only go out by chance.

However, at the speed of the Great Emperor Realm, it is possible to forcibly tear apart the turbulent flow of space and find a way out, but it will take some time.

Han Fei appeared in multiple spatial positions with the help of the Air Bay Vientiane. Finally, on this day, he saw a spiral blue circle of light hanging on the sky.

Han Fei originally thought that the death spiral was an existence similar to the abyss crack.

Unexpectedly, this thing is quite psychedelic, like a strange space ripple.

When Han Fei saw the death spiral, he did not feel the suction force, as if the thing did not have suction force.

However, Han Fei would not enter rashly.

The twin magic was performed, and Han Fei went to the death spiral as a white mist.

When he reached the Great Emperor Realm, Han Fei's courage naturally became bigger.

Even with the body of White Mist, it is comparable to an ordinary emperor. Could it be that he can't even enter a dangerous place?

When the body of White Mist re-entered the death spiral, it seemed that in an instant, the force of billions of heavy suction and pulling suddenly appeared.

The strength of this pulling force was beyond Han Fei's imagination.

Even if he had an unparalleled physical body, he almost fell apart the moment he entered this death spiral.

With the operation of Han Fei Dao, the laws converged, and the body of White Mist barely stabilized.

From the perspective of the body of the black mist, when the body of the white mist enters the death spiral, it disappears from the naked eye.

However, the connection between Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai is a continuous death spiral, so he is not worried.

With the strength of ordinary emperor peaks, Han Fei resisted the force of suction and pull until he saw a circular black hole-like barrier.

"Is it a transmission channel?"

Han Fei was about to get into the black hole barrier, but the next moment, a divine beam of light rushed out of the black hole barrier.

With just a single blow, the body of White Mist, which is comparable to the peak of the ordinary Great Emperor, shattered in an instant, and was crushed without even a chance to react.


Han Fei instantly became one, and the seven orifices bleed.

I saw his body surging with vitality, and the injury he suffered just now was healed in the blink of an eye.

"What a powerful force."

Han Fei was horrified, it was definitely a god-level power.

At that moment just now, he seemed to have been crushed by his divine nature, and he couldn't even resist in the slightest.

"Could it be that there are gods in this death spiral guarding the ancient gods?"

Han Fei was not reconciled, and after a while, he performed the twin magic again.

Different from the last time, this time Han Fei entered the death spiral and shouted: "Junior Han Fei, come to fill the blood of the gods, forget the senior Mingcha."


After dozens of breaths, Han Fei was penetrated again, and no one responded to him from beginning to end.

"Don't you believe me?

It seems that the chain of good fortune must be exposed. "

After dozens of breaths.


Han Fei was crushed again, and the twins were reunited.

"Shouldn't be! If it is the **** who protects the gods, when he sees the law enforcement **** chain, he should recognize it, why would he still shoot at me?

Could it be that there is no **** sitting in the town, but some kind of formation? "

Once again, Han Fei entered the death spiral again.

But instead of rushing in this time, he began to observe the death spiral.

He could feel that within this spiral, there seemed to be another space.

The reason why this space has such a powerful suction and tear force seems to be related to the operation of the laws of space.

"It seems to be purely the power of space law, but why is the divinity born in the space law?

If there is no god, where does the divinity come from? "

Han Fei frowned. For the first time, he had doubts about such things as divinity. Is divinity really born from gods?

The emperor can become a **** only when he integrates various methods, transcends the divine tribulation, and concentrates on the divine personality.

It is God, there is divinity.

That divinity should be a law will or some kind of rule emanating from the gods.

The basic difference between a **** and a great emperor should be the godhead.

Therefore, the Godhead breeds the Divinity.

In other words, Godhead gives birth to divinity.

But how did the godhead come together?


Han Fei's eyes lit up suddenly, and he could only become a **** by transcending the calamity.

Godhead is formed because of fusion.

Doesn't this mean that the Godhead is formed by the compression of laws.

This is a bit similar to the compression of the star core of the Supreme Divine Art.

Unfortunately, before Han Fei could continue his research, he was crushed again.

Even though he did not go deep into the depths of the death spiral, there was still a divine force that rushed out and crushed him directly.

once, twice, three times...

After Han Fei entered more than 20 times in a row, the death spiral suddenly disappeared. Under Han Fei's eyelids, it faded in the void and disappeared without a trace.


Han Fei was also speechless, the Nautical Vientiane Device clearly pointed to the death spiral.

But I have the peak strength of the Great Emperor, and I still can't get in. Who can get in except the gods?

Even Han Fei directly suspected that the gods might not be able to enter.

However, Han Fei can be sure that this entrance is absolutely correct, but no one can enter, that can only indicate a problem, there is a problem with the way to enter.

After repeatedly hitting the wall, Han Fei did not continue to look for the death spiral.

Although he seems to be able to comprehend something from the death spiral, he does not know enough about the gods, so it is meaningless to speculate and calculate.

After you have completely merged with the stars of your life, maybe you will come back to this death spiral, which will be a different feeling.

Since he couldn't get in, Han Fei didn't force it. As Liu Tianming said, the gods were waiting for him, so he would definitely leave some clues for him.

As for Xihuang, the easiest place to go is not the No Man's Restricted Area, the Gobi and other places, but the Valley of the Fierce Gods.

That is the center of the Western Wilderness, where the bandit gods are located, a place where even Zhonghai Shenzhou dare not be hard.


Han Fei had already decided to try his luck in the Valley of Fierce Gods, but it was not so fast to get out of this no-man restricted area.

When he went out, Han Fei forcibly rushed through the voids. After walking for half a day, he suddenly found a group of eight people in his perception.

These eight people are all in the realm of longevity.

Moreover, among these people, there are actually three demon plants, three Zerg races, and two guys with weird compasses. Obviously, they are not from Xihuang.

"God Demon Forest, Tianzhu Insect Valley?"

Han Fei's heart moved, and it was a coincidence that the ancient gods could not find it, and unexpectedly met someone from Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Liu Tianming said that people from Zhonghai Shenzhou are very valuable when they bring them to the Valley of the Fierce Gods to sell.

What you lack the most right now is resources, right?

Ever since he became the Great Emperor, he has become so impoverished that even his breakthroughs depend on the crystallization of energy.

Although the energy crystallization is good, after all, there are not many types of resources, only the Qi of Chaos and the Soul of No Master. There are not many types of energy, and it absorbs too much.

However, these people are all in the realm of longevity, so they should be worth a lot, right?

If one can sell a thousand and eight hundred high-quality refining stars, this is almost 10,000 refining stars.

Immediately, Han Fei moved.

I saw that he changed his body and turned into the appearance of a giant king again, and his strength was positioned at the peak of the long-lived realm. After all, most of the strong emperors have a certain reputation.

Even if he pretended to be a war giant, he had to pretend to be a little more convincing, and then put the Starburst Bracer on his hand, not afraid that someone would see through his identity.

not far away.

The three Zerg powerhouses in the Tianzhu Insect Valley are responding to the return of some insects from multiple space gaps, it seems that they were released in advance.

The powerhouses of the three gods and demon forests sat cross-legged, and from time to time, next to them, petals bloomed, or vines appeared.

But I saw one of the men holding a compass and said, "Have you found anything?"

But they saw the three people in the forest of gods and demons shaking their heads: "No, the no-man restricted area is too big, the space here is intricate, and more than half of the marks we left before have been smashed by the space here, and the rest Yes, there is no feedback."

A woman from the Tianzhu Insect Valley also said: "I haven't found it here either. There are not one out of ten Escape Spiders sent out. At present, I haven't found anything special in the no-man restricted area."

Only one of the women said: "I found a ruin, but it seems to have been stolen, and nothing else has been investigated."

Someone sighed: "If you want me to say, let's just hunt for treasures. We have found more than 30 secret realms and more than a dozen ruins, but we haven't found the shadow of the ancient gods."

Another man with a compass said: "Actually, even if we find it, so what?

Although the gods of the ancient gods can't become gods, there must be a lot of the existence of the peak level of the great emperor. I am afraid that we are not enough to plug our teeth. "

A woman from the God-Monster Forest said: "It can't be said that, even if it is in a restricted area, most of the ancient gods would not dare to show their faces.

They don't know if we have any communication objects on us.

Besides, if we have an accident and fall, our family will know about it, and we will naturally suspect that there is no restricted area.

Therefore, even if the ancient gods discovered us, they would not necessarily take action against us. "

Someone said: "But the No Man's Forbidden Zone has been rummaged through as early as 100,000 years ago, and people have been looking for it since then. Except for a few death spirals, there are only large tracts of secret realms and ruins left."

"You said, could it be a death spiral?"


Death spirals appear everywhere, you don't have to go to the no-man's-land to find the death spiral.

Moreover, in the early years, after a god-level powerhouse entered, it came out again, and it seemed to be the source of the boundless sand sea.

It is the place where the Sand Sea God released the boundless desert in the past. Only the inheritor of the Sand Sea God can enter safely. "

Soon, after the last person in Tianzhu Insect Valley took back all the Escape Spiders, he shook his head slightly: "Let's go, change a place.

We don't have to be discouraged, maybe other teams have already discovered something. "

When Han Fei heard this, he was immediately excited. Are there other teams?

I saw the two guys holding the compass, turned around for a long time, and finally determined a direction: "The space in this direction is relatively stable, let's go!"

Just as they were about to leave, they felt a terrifying pressure coming at the same time. Before they could take action, a spear pierced them from the side.

"Puff puff~"

Three people in a row were pierced through, and they couldn't react at all.


There were still five people, their expressions changed drastically, and they were ready to flee immediately, but where would Han Fei give them this chance?

The blasting star fists blasted out one after another, and several people flew in response.

Under the absolute suppression of Han Fei, there is no room for resistance in the Longevity Realm.

In an instant, the bodies of the five were smashed to pieces.


I saw Han Fei screamed, grabbing the long spear that had already pierced three people, its length increased sharply, and punctured one after another.

In the blink of an eye, these eight people have all been strung on the spear.

There was a person holding a jade slip in his hand, which he had just taken out and was about to crush, but unfortunately he didn't have time.

After being strung together, several people were shocked to find that their strength was actually sealed.

At this time, Han Fei came from the void.

Just listen to him grin: "You eight, not bad."

The expressions of these people changed greatly, and one of them stared at the Starburst Bracers on Han Fei's wrist, and said with difficulty: "The ancient gods, the Starburst Bracers, who are you?"


Han Fei slapped the other person's head crookedly: "It's not polite.

Recognizing the Starburst Bracers, and asking who I am, is there a hole in your mind? "

The man was sad and angry, but he couldn't do anything now.

Just listen to a female cultivator in the Tianzhu Insect Valley: "There are only two Starburst Bracers, one is in the hands of Liu Tianming, the chief of the ancient gods, and the other is in the hands of the deputy chief Quan Tiangang.

If the two of them were to take me down, there would be no need for a sneak attack.

Are you their disciple?

As far as I know, the ancient gods have not directly participated in the war yet?

Your Excellency is capturing me now, which means that the ancient gods are directly involved in the war. Do you know the consequences? "

Han Fei Xin said that all you have to do is to question my strength, otherwise it would be inappropriate to directly show the strength of the Great Emperor Realm.

I just heard Han Fei sneer: "There is so much nonsense, how about my ancient gods participating in the war?

Since you have been met by me, don't even think about running away.

However, I can also give you a chance, eight people, take out 80,000 refining stars, and I will let you go. "

"Eighty thousand?"

However, seeing the ugly faces of the eight people, they only listened to a female cultivator from Shen Yaolin: "Who can easily come up with 10,000 refining stars in the longevity realm?

Fellow Daoist, if you need resources, I can give you a thousand refining stars each. "

Seeing that Han Fei's thoughts moved, he locked the seal of the eight people and eased a little.

"Bring it."

The goddess Sister Lin's expression changed slightly: "Fellow Daoist, is this wrong?

You let me wait, and I will give you the resources. "


When Han Fei reached out and grabbed it, the female cultivator was thrown straight into the sky. The next moment, her fist shot into the sky, and the woman was smashed into powder on the spot, and even the soul-suppressing treasure was crushed by Han Fei.


Above the sky, cracks in the avenue appeared, and the blood rain dyed the sky red.

There is no restricted area, multiple teams, looking at the sky at the same time, their expressions change, someone has fallen?

At this moment, Han Fei, the other seven people are all stunned, thinking how can this person be so arrogant, if they disagree, they directly kill.

This is a strong man in the realm of longevity. How difficult is it to practice so far, just because he violated this person, he was directly killed?

Han Fei is not the kind of person who loves fragrance and cherishes jade~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In his eyes, these people are just moving stars of refining.

Han Fei glared angrily: "Refining the stars, take them out."

These people did not dare to disobey immediately, and Han Fei didn't kill them, which shows that they are still useful.

In fact, most of them already know the ending in their hearts. The worst result is to be sold to the Valley of Fierce Gods, but at least they are still alive, as long as someone from the family comes to redeem them, which is better than falling.

Immediately, several people hurriedly threw out piles of refining stars.

Han Fei immediately grinned, didn't this resource just come?

Not only can I make a fortune from these people, but I can also sell it in the Valley of the Fierce Gods, which is a **** profit.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Come on, I know there is a way to connect you and other teams.

Hurry up, otherwise, you have also seen what happened to that person just now. ” 5168/10876791

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