God of Fishing

Chapter 2814: The Sea of ​​Watchmen of the Prehistoric Tower

Chapter 24 The Sea of ​​Watching of the Prehistoric Pagoda

one year later.

On Han Fei's natal stars, a large number of refining and refining stars turned into dead stars, and endless energy was sucked into the leylines of the natal stars.

Contrary to Han Fei's expectations, the difficulty of integrating the vein of eternal darkness and the vein of the earth is not small. It took a thousand years, but only more than half of it was completed.

Two years later.

Han Fei spent a total of 90,000 lotus stars and nearly 30,000 energy crystals on his body to fuse the vein of eternal darkness with the earth vein.

However, as soon as the two veins merged, Han Fei discovered one thing. The stars themselves seemed to be a little less able to withstand the flow of the two veins.

This is like the fact that the physical body cannot carry the powerful and extraordinary spiritual veins.

Although Han Fei's natal star has been strengthened countless times, from Xuan Huangtu, to chaotic spiritual soil, to whole body chaotic spiritual soil, it is still not enough.

In desperation, Han Fei could only continue to retreat.

It took Han Fei nearly 2,000 years just to integrate the Earth Vessel. Now, after integrating a whole natal star, Han Fei is not sure if the resources on his body are enough.

one year.

two years.

ten years.

fifty years.

When Han Fei woke up from the retreat, 50 years had passed by the outside world, but 50,000 years had passed by the stars.

And this is not because he voluntarily stopped practicing, but because his resources are empty.

Yes, there were a total of 770,000 refining stars, excluding the 130,000 that upgraded the time chain, a full 640,000 refining stars were swallowed by himself.

Han Fei couldn't even imagine this number.

He finally understood why God of War was so short of resources, how could it be so?

A strong emperor in the realm can also provide 100,000 refining stars of this quality, and swallowing it by himself is equivalent to swallowing six emperors.

Co-authored, the path of Supreme Divine Art differs from the path of ordinary emperors in that one places the refining stars outside the natal stars, and the other swallows the refining stars.

No wonder the original name of the Supreme Divine Art is Star Devouring Divine Art, which is what it meant.

It's ridiculous that I always thought that this star-devouring star was to smash the stars, surround the natal stars, and strengthen the star core.

Now, he finally understood.

But the key point is that after consuming so many refining stars, Han Fei found that the fusion degree of his life stars was less than one-fifth, and there were thousands of fusion laws.

This means that if he wants to reach the level of the peak of the emperor, he still needs countless resources.

However, the only good news is that although the natal star has not been fully integrated with itself, it has been able to carry the flow of the leylines.

Knowing that Han Fei had to go out to make money, he couldn't help but look at his own message:

Host: Han Fei

Level: Level 119 Great Emperor

Canghai Wan Family Tree: 3801

Fairy Spirit: 13602

Soul: 59842 yuan

Power: 59842 Star Power

The First Spirit Vessel: The Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

First Talent Soul Beast: Twin Yin-Yang Swallowing Fish Level 118

Second Talent Soul Beast: Emperor Sparrow Level 116

Majoring in Cultivation Techniques: The Body of Gods and Demons

Seeing this data, Han Fei's mouth twitched, and he confirmed again that the basic combat power of the God of War definitely exceeded the 100,000-level level.

He has only integrated the second spiritual vein and one-fifth of the stars of his life, and he has already surpassed the level of the peak of ordinary great emperors.

If there are sufficient resources, and if you retreat for another hundred years, I am afraid that you will be able to reach the level of the peak of the extreme emperor.

The problem is, his star core hasn't fused yet.

However, Han Fei seems to have overlooked one thing, that is, the God of War does not have a second spiritual vein.


Han Fei appeared in the pub waiting for one person.

With a glance, he found that Chu Hao was sitting with a pot of tea in front of him.

There were two other tables of guests around, who were attracted by Han Fei's sudden appearance. He seemed to know who the visitor was, and couldn't help but watched curiously for a while.

Yue Lingke raised her eyes and glanced at Han Fei, her face was not very good-looking: "You missed the party several times."

Han Fei scratched his head awkwardly and said, "Senior, my retreat can't stop."

"Humph! Next time, be sure to participate."

Han Fei nodded quickly: "It's definitely, I won't miss it next time."

After finishing, Han Fei came to sit opposite Chu Hao: "Why are you still here?"

Chu Hao's tone was calm: "Where can I be if I'm not here?

From what I know about you, your retreat this time is not short! "

Han Fei sighed secretly in his heart, then thought of something, and said in a low voice, "Well, how about borrowing some refining stars?"

Chu Hao couldn't help looking up at Han Fei: "You borrow it from me?

How many refining stars are in you, don't you know? "

Han Fei simply said, "It's used up."

"cough cough"

Chu Hao immediately stood up, and then looked at Han Fei in astonishment: "What?"

Han Fei's face was ugly: "It's really used up."

Chu Hao was speechless: "Are you kidding me?"

Han Fei: "As of now, I don't have anything to hide. The Supreme Divine Technique I use requires too much resources."

Chu Hao was silent for a moment: "I used to rely on you to help me. After I came to Xihuang, I didn't have time to get resources, so I came to Vicious God Valley.

How many refining stars do you think I have? "

Han Fei: "What about the energy crystal?"

Chu Hao raised his eyebrows: "Waiting for a one-man tavern is not cheap, I've been here for more than three hundred years, and I'm almost running out of money.

If you are not in a hurry, I will go to the Honghuang Tower and come back later? "

Han Fei looked at Chu Hao speechlessly, and said in a leisurely voice, "You are probably the poorest emperor I have ever seen, no one."

Chu Hao: ""

Chu Hao: "I'll be honest, if you want resources, then you have to go to the Honghuang Pagoda early."

"Of course I will."

After talking to Chu Hao, Han Fei got up directly, walked to the bar, and came to Yue Lingke.

"That, sister-in-law"

"and many more"

Yue Lingke interrupted Han Fei: "What do you call me?"


Yue Lingke showed a rare smile: "Say, what's the matter."

Han Fei: "Sister-in-law, I'm very shy, can I borrow some refining stars from you?

I promise, I will double it in the future. "

Yue Lingke is also unequivocal: "How much?"

Han Fei's heart immediately shook. It seemed that he still had to find his thighs to be useful. He only heard him say, "Borrow a million coins first."


Han Fei: ""

Yue Lingke rolled her eyes directly: "Where can I steal a million refining stars for you in a tavern like me?"

Han Fei: "Sister-in-law, your shop has been open for hundreds of thousands of years, right?"

Yue Lingke sneered: "Then do you know how many people I have raised in these hundreds of thousands of years?

Many people in the clan are inconvenient to show up, and it is inconvenient to be born. Every time I pass it directly from the stars of my life, I can't make ends meet. I have saved more than 300 years in total. How much do you think I can have? "

Han Fei: "Well, sister-in-law, why didn't you catch some prisoners and sell them back?"

Yue Lingke looked at Han Fei deeply: "Do you think I can get out of the Valley of Fierce Gods?"

"excuse me."

Han Fei is embarrassed, these days, it's not easy for everyone!

Suddenly, Han Fei thought of something: "Sister-in-law, do you think I can get out of the Valley of Fierce Gods now?

The god-killing powerhouse of Zhonghai Shenzhou, dare not touch me, right? "

Yue Lingke: "Want to capture prisoners?"

Han Fei nodded again and again, what could be faster than capturing prisoners?

Honghuang Tower kills ominous?

Yes, yes, but he still dislikes the fact that the resource form of energy crystals is too simple.

Yue Lingke: "This is fine, but I'm afraid your Void Mark will be forced out.

But it's good, or you can directly ask the powerhouse of the Void Temple to take action and solve the bloodline problem of the gods.

At that time, I can gather the powerhouses of the entire ancient gods and help you make money.

At that time, we can get you as many resources as you want. "

"Uh! That's fine, I'll add up."

Han Fei Xin said, that has to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

Once the problem of your god-born bloodline is solved, there will inevitably be a large number of strong people who want to transcend the divine tribulation. How can there be resources for me at that time?

When I really get resources for myself, I'm afraid it will be eight hundred years later.

Han Fei: "Sister-in-law, if I borrow it from a bandit god, can I borrow it?"

Yue Lingke smiled slightly: "Don't look at the bandit god's frequent attacks recently, but ask how many people in the Fierce God Valley have seen the bandit god?

Everyone knows that the bandit **** is there, but they don't know where the bandit **** is.

Would you like to go out and shout in the street? "

"That's it."

Han Fei: "What about the arena?"

Yue Lingke: "Who will fight you?

Moreover, how can there be so many great battles in the arena? "

Han Fei: "Then I can only test in the Honghuang Pagoda?"

Yue Lingke: "To be precise, among the seven trials of the Prehistoric Pagoda, there is only one that is most profitable, and that is the ominous battlefield.

The ominous battlefield sent by the Honghuang Tower can not only play energy crystals, but also replace refining stars.

Of course, you can also enter other trial grounds in the Honghuang Tower to see if you can capture some prisoners.

However, under normal circumstances, non-Western Wilderness people are unlikely to enter the trial grounds of the Honghuang Tower. Once they enter, they may face the siege of all the Western Wilderness powerhouses, most of which are no different from courting death.

But there are also some conceited and talented people, or some Zhonghai Shenzhou spies, who may sneak in. "

Han Fei: "Then I'd better go to the ominous battlefield first!"

If you want to break through the trial record, you must have strength.

If you want strength, you need resources.

Fortunately, I still have time. Since even Yue Lingke and the others are not in a hurry, it seems that I don't need to worry so much.

Finally, Han Fei turned to the table and asked Chu Hao, "How many of them have come out during my retreat?"

Chu Hao: "I come out often, but you are not there.

There are only a few trials in the Honghuang Pagoda, and sooner or later you will have to meet them. "

Han Fei nodded: "Yes, then it's time for me to go to the tower."

In front of the Honghuang Tower.

Han Fei doesn't expect to hit a new record all at once.

They are all the strongest records left in the endless months. Even if his strength has improved again, compared with those people, there are still shortcomings.

In front of the tower, the arrival of Han Fei attracted the attention of many people.

Every day, there are a lot of powerhouses in and out of the Honghuang Tower, but there are almost no powerhouses in and out of the Great Emperor Realm.

Therefore, the appearance of the Great Emperor can still cause a commotion.

"Look, that's Human Sovereign Han Fei."

"Ah! It's really him, has he finally come to the tower?"

"It must be that a powerhouse of this level should not be interested in resources, otherwise why should he retreat for 50 years?"

"This retreat time is too short. I heard that it is not long before he becomes the emperor."

"Don't worry about it, people will be able to capture the powerhouses of the Great Emperor Realm long ago.

I don't know which trial he is going to pass. "

"Come and have a look?"

"Right on my mind."

"Go together."

The news that Han Fei entered the Honghuang Pagoda spread like wildfire.

At this moment, Han Fei is looking around inside the Honghuang Tower. There is nothing special here. This is just a portal, and the grade is not high-end.

But in the portal, there is some power of law, and it is very strong.

The six portals are divided into six directions, and there is a door of trial, which is closed. This should be the ultimate meaning of the Honghuang Pagoda.

Among the six doors, only the two doors of the Ominous Battlefield and the Golden City were entered and exited one after another.

Just in front of these two doors, a stone tablet was erected with the names of the top 100 branded on it.

The ominous battlefield can not only earn resources, but also test, and can also contribute to all races, and the most people come in and out.

When Han Fei walked towards the ominous battlefield, many people took the initiative to move out of the way and became curious.

When he came to the door, a force of law intertwined, surrounding Han Fei's wrist.

The next moment, Han Fei felt a voice ringing in his mind.


"Are you, Honghuang Tower?"

"Yes! Anyone who enters the trial must leave their names.

If you fall, even if the world will forget you, but I will not. "

"Han Fei."

Then, the law dissipated, and a spiral mark was formed on Han Fei's wrist. Han Fei could perceive that he only needed to activate the mark to transmit.

It seems that the Prehistoric Pagoda is a bit similar to the Gate of No Distance, and they are very keen on killing ominous people!

It wasn't until everyone saw Han Fei stepping into the portal that there was an uproar.

Someone was surprised and said, "Isn't it wrong?

This human emperor will fight an ominous battlefield as soon as he comes? "

"Could he just kill the ominous?"

"of course not.

You are too weak to tell you.

All I can say is that the only purpose of Han Fei's appearance in Honghuang Tower is to set a new record. "

"Li Daoyi's record, is that what a normal person can beat?

Since time immemorial, the name has not wavered.

Even if this Han Fei is talented and grows rapidly, can he break it? "

"What do you know, the demon pot is on him.

I heard that the initial purpose of refining the demon pot was to suppress ominous beings. "

"I also heard that refining the demon pot is not complete."

"Whatever he does, just wait and see.

Within a day, the results can be seen. "

"Do you think he can make the list?"

"I have no doubts about being on the list, after all, he is the owner of the refining demon pot.

But it's hard to say where. "

In other words, when Han Fei appeared from the teleportation channel, the first thing he saw was a light cyan seal that was like a curtain, like a wall erected in this vast sea of ​​stars.

Behind the wall, there are tens of millions, hundreds of millions of strong people of all races.

On the other side of the wall, it seemed like a sea. Han Fei could see a surging bright red nebula flowing, and countless ominous creatures, from the sea of ​​​​nebulae, were fighting against the strong of all races.


Behind Han Fei, a group of figures came to watch the play. They wanted to see whether Han Fei was as godlike as in the legends.

Han Fei waved to the man casually and said, "Brother, come here."


Chen Mang looked confused. He came to see the play, but he didn't expect to be called by Han Fei.

Excited and apprehensive.

"See, I have seen the Emperor Human"

Han Fei: "What's your name?"

"Ah! Chen, Chen Mang."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, it's my first time here, I want to ask my brother, what is this place?

It seems to be different from the usual ominous battlefield.

Here, there is not even a city. "

Chen Mang felt honored when he heard that Han Fei was actually inquiring with him, and immediately raised his head and his face turned slightly red: "Sir, there is a city here, but it is not here.

This place is indeed not a normal ominous battlefield.

This is the sea of ​​​​watching. "

"Sea of ​​Watching?"

"The Sea of ​​Watching is a sea of ​​nebulae guarding the sea of ​​​​stars, and it is a natural barrier to block the ominous."

"It is said that this is a boundary place in Xinghai, have you seen that enchantment?

That is the bank of the Sea of ​​Watch.

On the other side of the embankment, where the nebula flows, is the Sea of ​​Watching.

Originally, we should not have seen this embankment, but in the ancient times, the Sea of ​​Watch was ominously broken through a gap, and it was here. "

"We need to plug this gap.

From a long time ago, when Xihuang was still in the ancient prehistoric era, the powerhouses in the Western Wasteland Realm fought here through the Prehistoric Pagoda.

Therefore, this ominous battlefield can be regarded as the oldest and longest super-large ominous battlefield. "


Han Fei couldn't help sighing, doesn't that mean that this battlefield has been fought for endless years?

Han Fei: "What's in the depths of the Sea of ​​Watching?"

Chen Mang shook his head: "There is a city of watchmen.

In addition to the city of watch, other people may have to go to the emperor to know.

My strength is mediocre, and I can only fight near the embankment.

But many long-lived realms and even great emperors are in the depths of the sea of ​​​​watch. "

Han Fei: "Thank you."

"Ah, you're welcome, you're welcome"

Han Fei didn't ask again, Yue Lingke said that there are endless ominous creatures in this ominous battlefield.

However, as far as I can see, there are no powerful ominous creatures near the embankment, only a few terrifying ominous creatures occasionally appear.

After looking at most of the battlefield, Han Fei didn't see a single ominous creature of destruction level.

Therefore, this is obviously not the main battlefield.

Therefore, there are some situations that Chen Mang can't tell clearly, so he didn't ask any more.

I saw that Han Fei walked on the void, and in the blink of an eye, he had already crossed the embankment.

came into view.

It is a war of tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

Obviously, the door leading to the sea of ​​​​watching is not only the Honghuang Tower, but there should also be visitors from other places.

Behind Han Fei, a group of people followed.

And the countless people who were originally in a non-belligerent state, saw a large group of people following Han Fei, and were a little curious at first.

Involuntarily, they turned their attention to it.

I saw that Han Fei didn't stop for half a minute, but from his side, there were one or two, thousands of sword lights blooming with divine brilliance.


The sword lights here are all scattered.

Within a radius of 100,000 miles of Han Fei, all ominous creatures exist, all of them are targeted by these sword lights.

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of ominous creatures were purified by this brilliant sword glow.


"So fast."

"What a terrifying power of purification."

"Who is this person?"

Countless people exclaimed. After all, hundreds of thousands of long knives slashed into the sea of ​​​​watch with one person. Such a scene is extremely rare.

It's not that there are no strong emperors who come to the sea of ​​​​watch, but the strong people of the emperor usually go directly into the depths of the sea of ​​​​watch, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see them really take action.

Therefore, when Han Fei made his move, it shocked so many people.

In fact, many of the ominous creatures that Han Fei killed were pollution-level and degenerate-level ominous creatures, and occasionally there were a few terrifying-level creatures.

Many people who are fighting with ominous creatures only feel that the light is swept away, and the ominous creatures who are fighting against them are inexplicably purified, leaving only an energy crystal.

Many people didn't dare to take these energy crystals at first, but they found that Han Fei's walking speed was very fast, and he didn't mean to collect these energy crystals at all. At that time, everyone hurriedly collected these energy crystals. Are you happy?

And the group of people who followed Han Fei to the show at first, inexplicably found a bunch of energy crystals, which was a great surprise.

"Sure enough, the emperor really came to record."

"So strong, with a wave of hands, the ominous creatures will be wiped out."

"Fart, didn't wave at all."

"It may be that the ominous creature here is too weak, and I don't know how far he can go."

"That's right, the real powerhouses usually don't start on the banks.

Even if Han Fei could kill the Quartet here, it would be meaningless. "

"Is this, showing off?"

"Fart, people are opening the way, you see how fast he is, he directly opened a way to the sea of ​​​​watch."

"My heart is longing for it!"

Han Fei doesn't care about the remarks, and he doesn't like these energy crystals at the moment. The low-quality energy crystals mean nothing to him.

But in a short time, hundreds of thousands of people followed behind Han Fei. Everyone also obeyed the rules, and the energy crystallized. Whoever grabs it is whoever gets it.

However, as Han Fei moved forward, fewer and fewer people could keep up with him.

From 100,000 people, it gradually became 10,000 people. When there were only a few thousand people left, Han Fei saw a large number of ominous creatures coming towards him.

Han Fei suddenly stopped and looked back at everyone: "Everyone, if you can, don't follow."


In addition to the thousands of sword lights, there are also large chains of life protruding from the void.

In the stunned eyes of everyone, Han Fei entered the group of ominous creatures alone.

Soon, Han Fei's figure was covered up by Nebula and disappeared in front of everyone.

In the face of ominous creatures below the destruction level, Han Fei can now easily purify them without relying on the refining demon pot.

In the sea of ​​​​watch, Han Fei swept all the way, but surprisingly, he did not encounter a destruction-level ominous creature.

Until his perception appeared one after another big stars floating in the stardust.

And these big stars are filled with the power of purification.

These floating and sinking purification stars seem to be dotted with stars, and they are actually connected with each other by chains that exude a purifying brilliance.

It makes this sea of ​​watchmen seem to form a huge and dense net of stars.

Occasionally, Han Fei could see that one after another ominous creatures came over from the net of stars.

Han Fei was full of curiosity. He originally thought that there was an ominous battlefield over the dam~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But now it seems that the ominous creatures over there are just fish slipping through the net of the stars.

I don't know who set up this ingenious star barrier.

On top of these floating purification stars, Han Fei also saw a powerhouse at the level of longevity.

These people would occasionally take action to kill the ominous creatures in the immortal realm that tried to penetrate the star barrier.

Only then did Han Fei understand that this is probably what the real Sea of ​​Watch battlefield looks like.

Han Fei seemed to have thought of something, so he took out the Navigation Vientiane without concealment, and meditated three times in his heart before the Navigation Vientiane finally made a point.

"Only the music maniac is here?"

Han Fei was a little disappointed. He thought that Xia Xiaochan and the three of them would act together, but after three consecutive attempts, only Le Renkuang was on the ominous battlefield.

Still, it's better to have someone present than not.

Han Fei continued to move forward, the speed of the Great Emperor Realm, shuttled between the stars very quickly, and soon found an incomparably magnificent giant city among the stars.

From a distance, it looks like a giant palace with a milky white halo.

There are often figures who leave the city and go to the depths of the sea of ​​​​watch, and there are often people who return from the depths of the sea of ​​​​watch.

Han Fei came from the rear, so it didn't attract much attention.

There are gates under the city to pass through, but no one guards the gates.

The big characters "Watching City" were branded on the city gate, and the charm was shrouded in it. It was obviously the pen of the gods.

"No guards?

Perhaps everyone does not feel that there will be danger coming from behind their own homes. "

But the moment Han Fei entered the city of watchmen, he could sense that six or seven extremely obscure perceptions passed over him one after another.


Han Fei's heart moved, these perceptions are not the same, but they are all in the realm of the gods.

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