God of Fishing

Chapter 2815: The Battle of the Ominous Battlefield

Chapter 25 The Battle of the Ominous Battlefield

Those gods just swept over and did not communicate with Han Fei.

Immediately following, Han Fei felt some perceptions swept across, including the Great Emperor Realm and the Eternal Life Realm.

Obviously, there are no restrictions on perception in the city, and many people may just look at it out of curiosity.


There was no need for Han Fei to go to Lerenkuang, he discovered himself in advance.

Han Fei followed his perception and saw that Le Renkuang was sitting on a large platform with a fierce looking guy eating barbecue.


Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless, this guy Lerenkuang still has the same style as always, no matter where he is, he can always get two when he is free.

Space transformation, Han Fei leaped in a few steps.

I saw Leren waved his hands excitedly: "No! Are you finished retreating?"

Han Fei shrugged: "I can't be in seclusion all the time. Are you here for a trial or for a meal?"

Le Renkuang smiled and said, "Of course the trial is here, but I can't stand the fight all the time. I haven't eaten it for a long time, so you can also get two."

At this moment, a group of people are staring at Han Fei, and they naturally know who Han Fei is.

Now, who doesn't know the name of Han Fei in this sea world?

In the East China Sea, more than forty emperors were murdered.

The South China Sea Rebellion was caused by this guy, and even two god-level powerhouses fell.

The master of refining the demon pot, the guardian of the divine prison, any identity can make people feel shocked.

Han Fei had a little impression of some of them, and had a relationship when he was crossing the ancient land of the gods.

These are all powerhouses who slay the gods, two great emperors, 23 longevity realms, including Lerenkuang, his strength has also entered the longevity realm, but the realm is not stable, and the stacking method should not exceed 100.

Seeing Han Fei walking by, the crowd of Zhan Shenkou quickly made a space.

It's not that they are afraid of Han Fei, but that Han Fei has a great relationship with his own Shaozhai master.

"I have seen the emperor."

Everyone was chattering, which was a polite response.

I saw a relatively elegant middle-aged man stood up and cupped his hands, then looked at everyone, and said angrily: "What are you doing here?

Eat somewhere else. "

Han Fei smiled and said, "No.

Now I no longer need to hide my identity, and you don't need to see it. "

Hearing what Han Fei said, the middle-aged man smiled and said, "Human Sovereign, please take a seat."

Han Fei nodded slightly in response, and then saw a valiant woman beside Le Renkuang staring at him curiously, and her face flushed slightly.

Han Fei was curious: "Who is this?"

Le Renkuang's face also flushed slightly: "That, Lin Zhi is mine"

"Master Shaozhai, it's hard to be a Mrs. Yazhai, what's the embarrassment to say?"

"That's right, our sister Linzhi is the face of slaying pirates."


Someone was yelling, Han Fei knew it, and put his hand on Le Renkuang's shoulder: "Okay, Xiaokuangkuang, you're finally enlightened!"

Le Renkuang shoved a few meat skewers into Han Fei's hands, and then glared at everyone: "What are you kidding?"

Immediately, Le Renkuang whispered: "Ling Zhi, my future wife is fixed."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth grinned, which was a happy thing, but at this moment he was poor, and there must be no such thing as a meeting gift.

But I heard Han Fei say: "Miss Linzhi can see you, it is a blessing that you have cultivated in eight lifetimes.

After the pacification of Zhonghai Shenzhou, you have to take Miss Linzhi back to the human race to see and inherit a descendant. "


Lin Zhi's face was blushing, she was a good player in fighting, but inheriting the children really made her not know how to respond.

However, Lin Zhi immediately raised his head and slapped the music maniac: "Listen, you were not happy at first."


Han Fei slapped Le Renkuang's head with a slap: "You don't know how to lift up."


Everyone said in their hearts that the one who dared to raise his hand and smoke the young village owner, except for the big village owner, may be this one.

After smoking, Han Fei pressed Lerenkuang with his elbow: "My daughter, she is very talented.

You are a little behind. "

Leren muttered wildly: "And Xiaobai."

Han Fei rolled his eyes: "Only if you can introduce her to one."

The two muttered a few words before Le Renkuang said, "Why are you leaving now?

I heard that you got a lot of refining stars in the Valley of Fierce Gods. I guess you may not be able to come out without a few hundred years. "


Han Fei sighed faintly: "You may not believe it, I am now poor."


This time, a group of people pouted and rolled their eyes.

It is well known that Han Fei sold a bunch of prisoners and made a lot of money. It is a bit unkind to cry poor now.

Lerenkuang is also speechless: "I have never seen you poor."

Han Fei: "I'm really poor this time, or do you think I'll come here?

By the way, tell me what exactly is happening in the Sea of ​​Watch, I have to leave after the fight. "

Le Ren raised his eyebrows wildly: "So urgent?"

Han Fei: "I'm really poor, so I might not be satisfied here."

Le Renkuang was a little surprised. He knew Han Fei. He knew that Han Fei would not cry poor all the time. Now that he has cried several times, it seems that he is really poor.

Just listen to him: "Hundreds of thousands of refining stars are not enough?"

Han Fei shook his head: "It's far from enough."

This time, I just heard the elegant middle-aged man speak: "Has the emperor cultivated the supreme magic?"

Han Fei didn't hide it. In Xihuang, there were many people who knew the Supreme Divine Art.

Everyone knows that, but everyone still doesn't understand. Even if you practice Supreme Divine Art, the resources are used up a little too quickly, right?

Fifty years, it took 500,000 refining stars, right?

Wouldn't this cost 10,000 a year?

Le Renkuang: "How much?"

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "I'm not borrowing money from you.

The quantity I want is too much for you to borrow. "

Le Renkuang immediately tore off a piece of meat and said, "Do you underestimate me?

I'm high and low"

Le Renkuang suddenly remembered that Han Fei had used more than 500,000 refining stars in the past 50 years, and he was immediately discouraged, let alone 500,000, he couldn't even get 100,000.

In the Valley of the Fierce Gods, although there are many strong slayers, he can't ask everyone to give himself the resources.

His cheap master has recently disappeared again. He is now in the critical period of breaking through the stacking method. He has very few refining stars on his body, less than a thousand, which is not enough for Han Fei to stick his teeth between his teeth.

Han Fei smiled and said: "If you can get hundreds of thousands of refining stars by yourself, I will definitely not be polite to you.

I don't take anything that kills pirates.

Okay, tell me about this watch city, I'm going out hunting. "

The people of Zhan Shenkou were secretly relieved, for fear that Lerenkuang agreed. Even if they didn't complain, they would still have less than 100,000 refining stars on their bodies, which meant little to Han Fei.

And Han Fei's words about not taking the slaying of pirates made them feel good about Han Fei instantly.

Le Renkuang was no longer hypocritical, but said: "The city of watch is not responsible for resisting the ominous, but responsible for guarding the Skynet. You should have seen the purification stars on the road. These connected purification stars are called Skynet.

Skynet spans nearly half a light-year, but this is just the rear barrier of the Sea of ​​Watch. "

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "What a big handwriting, is this artificially arranged?"

Le Renkuang nodded: "It is said that it existed in the flood era.

In front of Skynet, there is also the Xinghai cliff. How can I say it, this is a difficult thing to explain, my dark blue roar black hole swallows you know? "

Han Fei nodded: "A **** hole?"

"Do not!"

The flesh on Le Renkuang's face trembled: "The Sea of ​​Watching is a gap that connects the unknown world.

The gap is like a flood gate. The gap is not large, but the throughput is amazing. Because of the gushing of this gap, a sea of ​​watchmen is formed.

But in the prehistoric era, or maybe even longer ago, someone tried to cut off this incision and block the ominous entry into the Xinghai. He succeeded, but he also failed. "


Han Fei's heart was quite shaken. He was able to form a flood gate for the sea of ​​​​watch.

Le Renkuang continued: "It is said that he succeeded because most of the ominous creatures are blocked on the other side of the Xinghai cliff.

It is said that he failed to succeed because the ominous creature, after a long time of trying, managed to get through the Xinghai cliff with ominous force, which is equivalent to building bridges between two cliffs.

All the ominous creatures we see now come from that bridge? "

"Can't be destroyed?"

Han Fei's first reaction was to destroy those bridges, but if it could be destroyed, it would have been destroyed long ago, not now.

This time, the elegant middle-aged man said, "It can't be destroyed.

Countless people have tried it in the ancient times, and even the Three Gods Temple had done it in the past.

It is said that the killing was extremely tragic, the gods fell, and the ominous fall was even worse.

In the end, the two sides were deadlocked and a tacit understanding was formed.

As long as the ominous creatures do not attack with all their strength, the powers of Xinghai will no longer try to destroy the bridge.

This tacit understanding has been from the flood era to the present. "

"Three shrines shot?"

Han Fei was puzzled and needed the three temples to join forces. Wasn't there a war at the level of dominance here?

In the end, they couldn't stand still, and each took a step back.

Han Fei: "Then what kind of powerhouse will come over now?"

Lerenkuang: "It depends on what kind of powerhouse takes the shot.

If we dispatch a god-level powerhouse here, the other party will naturally come to doomsday-level ominous creatures.

Of course, like you, if you have a refining demon pot, if the doomsday level cannot come, it will be a massacre for you, so you will be directly identified as a **** level. "

"Oh, I didn't know my level was so high."

Han Fei was speechless. He had not even fought yet, but he was recognized as a god-level powerhouse, saying that he was still 108,000 miles away from the gods!

However, it seems that Senior Brother Lei Heng, Yue Lingke and the others are obviously considered to be powerhouses at the level of gods.

Is it because of too many kills?

Or is the number of powerhouses on the ominous side limited?

"Okay! Come on, I'll try it."


Han Fei took a bite of the meat skewer, got up and said, "I haven't fought against doomsday-level ominous creatures, so let's go."

Le Renkuang got up quickly: "I'll be with you."

"it is good!"

Immediately everyone stood up one after another, Lerenkuang was going, and they naturally went too.

In the city of watch, the seven god-level powerhouses are also looking at Han Fei at the moment.

Someone said indifferently: "Is this the owner of the demon refining pot?

It seems, nothing special, I also want to see where he can play. "

A goddess chuckled lightly: "Don't underestimate him, hold the refining demon pot in hand, and still live to this day, how can there be any simple role."

Someone said lazily: "I also heard that there is a little junior brother in the Void Temple, but I didn't expect to meet so soon, and it seems to be growing very fast.

Let's go, if you want to see it, go see it! "

After leaving the Watch City and flying through Skynet for about an hour, Han Fei and the others finally came to the end of Skynet.

Going forward, everyone encountered a large number of ominous creatures rushing towards Skynet.

When I got here, I only heard Le Ren madly say: "From here, you have to fight.

Otherwise, although there is a way to avoid these ominous creatures, but when you reach the Xinghai cliff, you are likely to be surrounded and suppressed.

The ominous creatures above the destruction level are all wise. "

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Then fight.

If you can't keep up, don't follow. "

But I heard the elegant middle-aged man say: "I can take the Shaozhai master there, you guys stay."

Lin Zhi: "I'm going too."

Lerenkuang: "What are you doing, the Xinghai Cliff is very dangerous."

Lin Zhi immediately frowned: "No, I have to go."


Suddenly, a man in Tsing Yi appeared beside everyone, Han Fei's heart moved, so fast, when he reacted, this man had already arrived.

Immediately, the middle-aged man slightly cupped his hands: "I have seen you."

The god-level powerhouse didn't care: "No one has challenged the Xinghai cliff for a long time, and I want to see it too.

If you want to see it, I will take you to see it. "

Han Fei and the deity looked at each other, and it was impossible to intuitively judge the strength of the other party. He could only judge that this person was a deity-level powerhouse from the faint divinity exuding from his body.

The **** glanced at Han Fei: "Is the demon pot complete?"

Han Fei shook his head: "Not yet."

I saw the **** said with a little regret: "That's a pity, you can't break the record."

Han Fei immediately smiled and said, "Junior didn't come to break the record, I came to make money."

Spirit: ""

There was a **** to lead, but after a while, everyone stepped out of the void.

Han Fei saw that the Sea of ​​Watching, which was supposed to be full of nebulae, had a completely empty vacuum filled with endless dark and deep space.

And in this endless dark deep space, several ominous mist-shrouded areas can be seen, and this area has been shrouded in another distant nebula.

Outside these ominous mists, a large number of ominous creatures gathered, and every moment, a group of them swept towards Skynet.

Likewise, every moment an ominous creature emerges from the ominous fog.

Le Renkuang: "Be careful! If you can't move, you can return to the Watch City, or leave with the mark of the Prehistoric Pagoda on your wrist."

Han Fei grinned and said, "It's not that you can't beat it, it's just how much you can beat in a day."

After speaking, Han Fei stepped out.

He didn't care about the god-level powerhouse watching him fight, and he even knew that more than one **** had come.


Before the ominous fog, countless ominous creatures were constantly attacking. Suddenly, in this sea of ​​stars, a figure wandered from the void, causing many ominous creatures to be stunned.

Immediately, seven or eight ominous creatures of the world-annihilation level rushed out in an instant.

They know that the strong of all races who can come here alone must be very strong.

But the other party is only the Great Emperor Realm, and they cannot be feared.

"Puff puff"

It's a pity that these seven or eight ominous creatures of the world-annihilation level were pierced by a blue light before they had time to shoot, or before they could fully burst out of power.

The vines that made the demon pot bloomed in an instant, and the few ominous creatures that destroyed the world were like fireworks, blasting a gorgeous halo in the void.


Le Renkuang couldn't help sighing and said: "No wonder countless people want to make demon pots, they don't need to do it themselves, isn't it the same as picking up money?"

The middle-aged man next to him said, "How can it be so simple, even if the nine vines of the demon pot are complete, it is not absolutely invincible.

It seems that there is a kill limit, which is the short-term upper limit of the refining demon pot. "

Lin Zhi also exclaimed: "It's like picking up money, destroying the world. It's a sixth-level energy crystal, and one can be exchanged for 10 refining stars."

in the field.

The sudden fall of seven or eight world-destroying ominous creatures immediately attracted the attention of a large number of ominous creatures.

Immediately, there was a world-destroying ominous creature shouting: "Kill!"

The ominous voice shook the sea of ​​​​stars, only to see one after another ominous creature rushing towards Han Fei.

Among them, the main ones are terror-level, and there are very few destructions.

Because the ominous creatures below the destruction level have no independent consciousness.

Even if it is a destruction level, they only have a little intelligence, and most of them know that now is not the time to take action on their own.

Han Fei didn't come here to set the record, so he didn't care whether it was a terrifying or a destructive one.

However, if he does not set records, he will not set records, which means that any level of ominous creatures are eligible to challenge him.


In the void of oneself, there are chains of life rules one after another.

"Puff puff"

Many horror-level ominous creatures were directly penetrated, and there was no time to flash.

After all, the horror level is only equivalent to the Happy Realm, and Han Fei is now a powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm, and he is not at the same level as the ominous creatures at the Happy Realm level.

Therefore, when tens of thousands of life chains appeared, thousands of horror-level ominous creatures were penetrated in a blink of an eye.

And every ominous creature that was penetrated by the chain of life had no chance to revive at all, because their long river of life was blocked and the ominous body was purified.

"The law of life?"

Lerenkuang and the others didn't know what method Han Fei used, but the seven god-level powerhouses who came to watch were all moved at this moment.

A **** said in an uncertain tone: "If I don't feel wrong, that's the law of life, right?"

A **** nodded: "Yes, although I have never touched it, this is indeed the law of life, forcing ominous vitality and possessing extraordinary purification power.

I knew that the Void Temple would definitely not be so casual in accepting people, this son is indeed extraordinary. "

Some gods sighed: "I'm curious, how did he understand the laws of life in this era?"

One of the gods said: "What do you think so many people are doing to make the demon pot?

It is said that refining the demon pot will give birth to something called the dew of the beginning.

This thing can be derived from the original source avenue, the original source law, the treasure of good fortune and other magical things.

I remember that someone once derived the treasure of good fortune with the dew of the beginning.

Unexpectedly, this Han Fei actually derived a law, really bold! "

When the **** said the ability to refine the demon pot, several other gods present were stunned.

They have never owned a refining demon pot, and they don't know about it.

However, this initial exposure immediately aroused their interest.

However, the **** added just now: "Don't make that idea, everyone, it seems that this initial dew will only be born after the refining of the demon pot is changed.

Don't say that you can't get the refining demon pot, even if you can, whether you can wait until the birth of the first dew is a question.

It is very likely that it will be killed within a few days. "

A goddess also said: "His situation cannot be reproduced.

Simply grasping the laws of life is not enough.

It can only make you stronger when the battle is ominous, but at other times, such as the war between the powerful people of all races, the effect of the law of life is not so obvious. "

Outside the venue, Lin Zhi tugged at the cheerleaders and said wildly, "What kind of rule chain is this? It's such a terrifying power of purification. Horror-level ominous creatures don't even have the ability to resist."

Le Ren opened his mouth wildly: "I don't know either!"

"Isn't he your best brother?"

"Then I don't know either! We each have different experiences, and we haven't spent much time together recently. I don't know if it's normal."

The other people in Zhan Shenkou saw their eyes straight. They thought that the potential and aptitude of Shao Zhaizhu were unparalleled in the world.

But looking at it now, the brother of the Shaozhai owner seems to be even more terrifying!

If they can, they even think that it is not impossible to change the Shaozhai owner.

"Puff puff"

When thousands of horror-level ominous creatures were not even qualified to be killed by the refining demon pot, the world-destroying ominous creatures drank again and again.

Suddenly, in addition to the horror-level ominous creatures, a large number of destruction-level ominous creatures entered the venue.

Although these Destruction Grade ominous creatures did not seem to want to join the war prematurely, they were still killed in pieces in the face of World Destruction Grade orders and their underdeveloped intelligence.

Sure enough, this time, although Han Fei could still kill some with the rule chain, he couldn't stop them all.

After all, Destruction-level and Terror-level, that is a realm gap, you can kill dozens or even hundreds of them at the same time, but you can't kill thousands of them at the same time.

But for a moment, hundreds of thousands of ominous creatures dodged and charged in the void.

At that moment, the refining demon pot finally showed its divine power. Around Han Fei, an absolute restricted area was almost formed. Anyone who tried to step into this restricted area, whether it was a terrifying level or a destructive level, would be penetrated immediately.

However, unlike the previous Han Fei battles, there were too many ominous creatures here on the Xinghai Cliff, and naturally the more ominous creatures came around.

Originally, it would theoretically take Han Fei more than an hour and nearly two hours to kill 50,000 ominous creatures.

But here, in just over half an hour, the number of natal stars that Han Fei killed exceeded 50,000, of which there were more than 10,000 ominous creatures of destruction level.

However, the killing speed of the demon pot began to slow down, and the efficiency continued to decline.

Lin Zhi: "Look, the demon pot seems to be reaching its limit, and it is no longer possible to kill with one hit."

Le Renkuang also had an ugly face. Although the demon pot was powerful, it was indeed weak now. Not only could he not be able to kill with one hit, but even his speed was reduced a lot.

Le Renkuang was about to shout out to Han Fei, but he heard the middle-aged man beside him speak: "Master Shaozhai, don't worry. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

It is impossible for the emperor to not know the problem of refining the demon pot at the moment, but do you think he means to retreat?

Absolutely none, so he still has the means to use it. "

When Le Renkuang heard it, he was slightly relieved. Han Fei had a lot of trump cards, which he completely believed.

Another moment later.

The moment when those ominous creatures could be revived after being pierced by the refining demon pot, the hundreds of world-destroying ominous creatures who had been waiting for this moment seemed to see an opportunity, and they rushed up to Han Fei on the spot. Shred.

However, at the moment when hundreds of ominous creatures of the world-annihilation level appeared beside Han Fei, most of them were pierced by the refining demon pot.

The efficiency of refining the demon pot is declining, but these world destroyers are too close to escape.

However, they felt that they no longer had to worry about refining the demon pot, so they didn't care about being penetrated.

However, at the moment when they were penetrated, they were stunned to find that their ominous bodies, although collapsed, could not be reorganized again.

Some gods couldn't help sighing: "He blocked the connection between the ominous creatures and the long river of life in that area.

Without the support of the long river of life, these ominous creatures still have to die.

This law of life is indeed terrifying. "


It was also when Han Fei instantly killed nearly 200 ominous creatures of the world's extinction level, the Fierce God Valley, in front of the Honghuang Pagoda, and on the stone tablet in front of the portal of the ominous battlefield, the name that was almost unchanged all year round suddenly changed. .

I saw that a line of golden text was directly inserted into the list of 100 people.

Ranked 72nd, Han Fei, killed 198 ominous creatures and 15,200 horrific ominous creatures.

Suddenly, the air in the Great Desolate Tower was hot, because the cold air was sucked away by countless people.

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