God of Fishing

Chapter 2816: Battle Doomsday

Chapter 26 Battle Doomsday

Fierce God's Valley, Honghuang Pagoda.

When Han Fei's name suddenly appeared on the stone tablet, it immediately caused a cry of exclamation.

Someone exclaimed: "On the list, the emperor is on the list."

Some people were surprised: "Is the speed of this list too fast?

How long has this been going on? "

Some people laughed: "Is it strange that the emperor is on the list?

He is the owner of the refining demon pot, and his own strength is also extremely powerful. Now he is also a real Emperor Realm powerhouse. It would be strange not to be on the list. "

Some people wondered: "That's what I said, but the speed of this list is too fast. It just jumped up and jumped to the 72nd place, killing nearly 200 world-class ominous creatures."

Someone said, "Don't look at 200 World-Destroyer-level creatures for now. In just a few hours, he actually killed 15,200 Destruction-level ominous creatures. Those are all existences comparable to the Eternal Life Realm!"

A group of people sighed and really wanted to watch this battle.

But they knew that even if they went, it would be impossible to watch the battle, because the place where Han Fei fought was not something they could set foot on.

Waiting for one person's tavern, Chu Hao sighed slightly: "Unfortunately, I also obtained the refining demon pot before, but I didn't have such good luck."

Yue Lingke: "This also shows the problem, you are not lucky enough, so you can't really own the refining demon pot at all.

The world only knows the power of refining the demon pot, but they have not thought about it, even if they let them take some things, they do not have the ability to take them. "

At this moment, the Xinghai cliff.

Han Fei just played a little trick and killed nearly 200 ominous creatures in the Great Emperor Realm in an instant, but he knew that this kind of scheming would only have this chance.

At this moment, he has cut off the connection between this place and the long river of life. The little vines of the demon pot are still dancing, and he can still take away dozens of ominous spirits every moment.

However, those ominous creatures that have not yet been killed have stopped and stopped attacking.

Are they not fools, go up and wait to be harvested?

Thus, the battle returned to its previous state again.

However, the killing efficiency of the demon pot Xiaoteng has indeed decreased a lot, and the reaction speed is no longer so fast.

After Han Fei killed more than 20,000 ominous creatures, the killing efficiency of those world-destroying ominous creatures, the demon pot refining seemed to have dropped to freezing point, only less than half of the initial.

Therefore, there are more and more destruction levels that can avoid the demon pot vines. In addition to refining the demon pot vines, Han Fei also needs to rely on the chains of life rules to purify the flow of knives in order to continue a large-scale killing.

After realizing this, there was finally an ominous creature of the World Destruction Grade who ordered the Horror Grade ominous lifeform to withdraw from the battle, and a large number of Destruction Grade swarmed up.


"Puff puff"

When tens of thousands of destruction-level ominous lifeforms attacked together, they could no longer withstand the charge by relying only on the rules and chains and the purifying sword light.


But I saw that thousands of thunder flashes erupted, and thousands of thunder marks were beating in the field.

Soon, in the flashing arc of thunder, one after another, the destruction-level ominous life forms were killed by Han Fei because the speed could not keep up.

At this time, Han Fei's combat efficiency can be said to have dropped by more than ten times.

Outside the arena, the middle-aged man beside Le Renkuang sighed: "The efficiency of refining the demon pot has dropped a lot, and if things go on like this, this battlefield will be surrounded by circles.

It is impossible to break the record. "

Lin Zhi: "But it's still very powerful! One person alone fights tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ominous beings.

In this case, it is already a natural resource to be able to fight. "

Le Renkuang didn't panic at all at this moment, and even took out some meat skewers to eat and watch.

Lin Zhi: "Why did you still eat it?"

Le Renkuang bit down a piece of meat and said, "I'm afraid that his fight will enter a stable state. In this case, he may have to fight for a long time."

"Fighting for a long time?"

Everyone doesn't know it very well, but people's energy is limited after all, even the emperor is no exception. They know that Han Fei can fight, but they are not sure how long he can fight.

In theory, with the passage of time, Han Fei's combat power should continue to decline.

At this time, the space where Han Fei was located was already full of energy crystals, but he didn't have the time to get them.

At first, everyone didn't understand the meaning of Le Renkuang's words.

In fact, those Destruction-level ominous creatures did indeed do this. Whenever Han Fei cast Thousand Thunder Flash, there would be a large number of Destruction Grade to block Thousand Thunder Flash.

At first, Han Fei jumped with thunder, avoiding battles one after another, and was able to kill some horrible ominous beings in seconds.

Discovering this, those terrifying grades seem to have received some kind of order, and every time two or three go to contain a thunder mark.

Just like at this moment, Han Fei just appeared from the thunder, and three terror-level shots were shot at the same time.

Han Fei raised his hand and swept away with a sword, and the three terrifying levels were purified in an instant.

At this moment, a world-destroying ominous creature suddenly shot, turned into a black needle in the sky with ominous power, and shot Han Fei.

Han Fei responded very quickly, pushed backhand, and a light of purification blocked himself in front of him. Those black needles fell like rain, but none of them could break through the light of purification.

Immediately, Han Fei flicked his fingers, and a sword light filled with the light of purification counterattacked out.

At that moment, the world destroyer wanted to retreat, but he found that Han Fei's knife came too fast.

When it was almost time, he could only slash part of his body to avoid this blow.

But just as he avoided it, Han Fei flickered and appeared beside him, the law of time was running, this world-destroying ominous life body was stagnant, and the next moment was penetrated by the sword light, and the whole turned into a nothingness.

From the point of view of others, Han Fei is naturally powerful. With just two moves, he killed an ominous life form of the world-annihilation level.

But looking at the ominous life forms of the extinction level, Han Fei found that this person's combat efficiency was reduced too much.

This shows that Han Fei at this moment is not invincible.

Moreover, at the moment when they fought, Xiaoteng refining the demon pot didn't even have time to shoot.

As a result, there were once again nearly a hundred ominous creatures of the world-annihilation level.

Sure enough, this shot turned into a battle of pursuit. After a full hour of battle, Han Fei finally only killed more than 40 ominous life forms of the world-annihilation level.

This is the embodiment of his current combat power, although his basic combat power has surpassed the peak of the normal emperor.

But the World Destruction level is comparable to the existence of the Great Emperor Realm after all. Han Fei can kill more than 40 in one hour, which is already very powerful.

If it weren't for the law of life, he might not even be able to kill half of it.

During the battle, Han Fei had already taken back the demon-refining pot Xiaotan.

After observing Han Fei for several hours, the ominous side dispatched hundreds of World Destroyers again, trying to trap Han Fei at once.

However, at the moment when these world-destroying shots were taken, a ray of light flashed in Han Fei's eyes, and as the thunder roared on his body, the sea of ​​​​stars was suddenly covered with thunder arcs, and the thunder arc deceleration field was activated.

All the ominous beings here, the speed suddenly decreased by more than 50%.

At this moment, the demon-refining pot Xiaotan rushed out again, and the hundreds of world-destroying ominous things were once again fooled, and they were pierced in a blink of an eye.


A **** shook his head slightly: "This kid is quite a thief, and he has been holding back until now."

A goddess said: "After all, it is because of the lack of strength that he needs to play with these scheming. That hour just now was his real strength."

A **** shook his head slightly: "It's still weaker. If it's only like this, I'm afraid he won't even be able to make it into the top ten."

On the side of Zhan Shenkou, Lin Zhi and the others only felt refreshed when they saw Han Fei break out.

Lerenkuang still didn't have much reaction, as if he had expected this.

Moreover, he didn't think that Han Fei had no means.

The Fierce God Tower, on the stele on the ominous battlefield, Han Fei's name, after slowly rising to 64th place, suddenly jumped to 16th place, and the ranking directly changed to 48th place, which caused a wave of heated discussions again.

"So fast, is this already in the top 50?"

"He killed more than 100 ominous lifeforms of the world-annihilation level at once. What special means must be used?"

Some people sighed, and others sighed: "Although this speed is already very fast, it is still incomparable with Li Daoyi's data.

Moreover, unless the Emperor suddenly kills hundreds of World Destroyers again, it is a question whether he can enter the top ten. "

"It is."

"Indeed, brushing the list is estimated to be difficult."

At a time when many people felt a little pity, Han Fei was reaping the ominous creatures in the lightning arc deceleration field.

In addition to killing more than a hundred World Destruction Rank, he also killed more than 10,000 Destruction Rank.

Moreover, he also collected the scattered energy crystals.

Han Fei sighed slightly. In fact, by this time, he no longer had the means to suddenly kill a large number of world destroyers.

Perhaps it is possible to create a chessboard, but it would be too wasteful to use it here.

However, he didn't care, because he himself came here to make money this time, not to make a record.

At this moment, those ominous lifeforms of the world-annihilation level who have been played twice are finally smart, and no longer rashly shoot in large quantities.

And because there was not a large number of World Destruction-level shots, Han Fei's pressure was greatly reduced.

After harvesting in the field of thunder marks deceleration, Han Fei ran the Dao of Self without hesitation, and his combat power increased rapidly, directly quadrupling.

Because the strength is improving too fast, the physique can't keep up. There is no way, Han Fei can't take care of the strengthening of the physique now.

However, three times the combat power is enough.

At this moment, Han Fei felt that he was incomparably powerful.

Around, a large number of destruction-level ominous creatures are still rushing to kill.

But this time, the life rules were chained, and the speed skyrocketed, as if dancing in the sea of ​​stars, so the near destruction level was purified in an instant, and it was not even qualified to resist.

Han Fei has experienced the Immortal Realm, even if he is at the peak of the Immortal Realm, his combat power is only 5000.

But now, with the power of 180,000 stars, his combat power has soared too much.


A **** suddenly opened his mouth: "Is this a secret method, or what?"

A **** said: "Supreme Divine Technique does not have this trick, it should be a secret technique."

Others didn't respond because they weren't quite sure either.

At this time, Han Fei, who was full of firepower, stepped in the void, and the surrounding destruction-level ominous creatures burst one after another, like fireworks in full bloom.

His goal turned out to be the ominous mist.

Finally, there is a world destroyer shot, although they know the danger, but they can't retreat.

A world-destroying ominous creature charged at full speed, turning his palm into a black blade, while Han Fei just slammed into the void with one hand, the space shattered, turned into a stream of knives, and poured out.

"Puff puff"

The world-destroying ominous creature was chopped into powder in a blink of an eye, and immediately fell on the spot after being swept away by the power of purification emanating from Han Fei's body.

On the side of Zhan Shenkou, Le Ren murmured: "That's right, this is his true strength."

Lin Zhi and the others were stunned. On the battlefield, Han Fei would kill him if he made a move.

At the same time, among the hundreds of thousands of ominous creatures, the divine wheel bloomed behind Han Fei, and under the protection of the light of purification, under the gods, they were all like ants.

This time, Han Fei rushed to kill for more than three hours, and there were countless destruction-level and world-level ominous creatures that fell into his hands, and more than 200 died.

At this moment, countless people have been surrounded under the Honghuang Tower.

On the stone tablet, Han Fei's kill count was changing every second.

"It's 12th, and although there's not much time left, it doesn't seem to be a problem to hit the top ten."

"Look, the World Destruction-level kills exceeded 500."

"The most terrifying thing is the Destruction-level, which has exceeded 50,000. If only the number of kills of the Destruction-level is concerned, Han Fei has already ranked sixth."

"Look, it's number 11."

Under the Honghuang Tower, there was a lot of noise.

In the battlefield, Han Fei didn't seem to be tired at all, and finally, it caused an ominous and foggy vibration.

There seemed to be something in the darkness that couldn't sit still, and a giant dark claw protruded from the ominous fog, reaching a hundred thousand feet.

The giant claws grabbed towards Han Fei, and the space along the way was faintly cracked.

"Doomsday class."

Han Fei has seen doomsday-level ominous lifeforms more than once, and this level is not something he can shake for the time being.

The moment the giant claw appeared, Han Fei knew that this battle would be impossible.

I saw that thousands of thunder marks scattered, and tens of thousands of life rule chains in the void were buckled towards the giant claw.

Then I saw that the giant claws clenched their claws into fists, as if crushing a world.

From the palm of his hand, terrifying purgatory swept in all directions, and the chains of life rules began to shatter under the impact of a lot of ominous aura.

In the end, even one of the tens of thousands of rule chains could not be buckled on this Doomsday level.

At this time, most of the other party's body was already rushing out of the ominous fog.

Han Fei took a deep breath, the blood sky blade appeared in his hand, and he made a gesture of drawing the sword.

In an instant, all the power gathered on this sword, all the methods merged, and the brilliance was magnificent.


An extremely splendid sword light slashed towards the huge body of hundreds of thousands of feet.

And the head of the doomsday-level ominous lifeform has now poked out the ominous mist, twisted and irregular head, a mouth like a black hole in the abyss, and sharp teeth condensed out of darkness.

Seeing Han Fei's sword, the doomsday-level ominous lifeform didn't avoid it, but slapped it towards it.


I saw that the sword light, which was supposed to be unfavorable, when it touched the ominous power of that level, it sounded like fire and water mingling.

I saw that a finger of the doomsday ominous spirit body was cut off.

However, it was limited to this. After all, this knife smiled, and the broken finger recovered in an instant.

And that palm, continued to shoot, was not blocked.


Han Fei was shot flying at a thousand times the speed of light, and his body rubbed a fire mark in the sea of ​​stars.


After more than three breaths, Han Fei was able to stabilize his body, but his body was already dripping with blood, and the wheel of life behind him was shining brightly, quickly repairing Han Fei's injuries.

"Sure enough, at this level, unless the avenue of self is fully functioning, it can't be stopped at all."

Different from the powerhouses of the Temple of Time, they only use time and ancient life to match the doomsday-level ominous life form with the Great Emperor Realm.

However, Han Fei is still not good enough.

Even if it broke out completely, it is still not enough.

It is not that the law is not strong, but that it is defeated by absolute power.

During this time, although the gods did not speak, they were still quite surprised that Han Fei was able to withstand this blow.

As for Zhanshenkou, the middle-aged man beside Le Renkuang sighed: "It should be impossible to kill Doomsday, but it is strong enough.

In the past, Lei Heng slashed the Doomsday level six times, but he only made his move after staying in the Great Emperor Realm for a long time.

How long has it been before the Emperor has been promoted to the Great Emperor Realm, and to be able to achieve such a record is enough to shock the sea world. "

Le Renkuang squinted his eyes: "This strength will soon catch up with the old man."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "That's not enough, but if you let the emperor grow up for a while, it's really hard to say."

I saw that Han Fei stepped a little under the field and shot out again, this time he directly transformed into the Taiji map of good fortune and slashed towards the doomsday level.

And the doomsday-level ominous lifeform, raised his hand and punched, with a mighty ominous mist, collided with the Taiji map of creation.


The Taiji map collapsed, Han Fei was blasted away again, and the entire fist of the doomsday was cut off.

At that moment, Han Fei tried to take away the vitality of this doomsday level, but he failed to cut off the other party's long river of life, and was strongly shaken by the invisible force.

The doomsday level didn't stop, spewing a sword pillar from his mouth, and it came in an instant, almost wanting to nail Han Fei into powder.

However, he saw a long river of time appearing all over Han Fei's body, and the river rolled in a roll, as if thousands of Han Fei appeared.

Different time nodes, one after another shot.

In this way, Han Fei was worthy of the next blow.

This time, when Han Fei appeared, his body was shining brightly, and the invincible golden body was covered with cracks.

The sword pillar was locked by countless time chains, and it failed to hurt Han Fei after all.

"do not fight."

Han Fei called out, although he still has the strength to fight, but it is unnecessary, because with his current strength, he can't kill this thing at all.

Han Fei stopped and shouted, "Big brother, go back!"

The Doomsday level still wanted to continue to take action, but saw that the **** beside Lerenkuang had appeared on the battlefield at some point.

Just listen to his voice lingering: "You are the doomsday class after all, want to bully the small with the big?"

And the doomsday-level ominous creature shouted angrily: "This person has the combat power of a god."


The **** of all races raised his hand, and the sword of ten thousand feet hung high in the sky: "I will let you back."

The dark pupils of the doomsday-level ominous lifeform took a deep look at Han Fei, and finally said: "With the gourd, you can't win."

Han Fei smiled and said, "That's my business.

Next time I come, I will still fight you at the level of the emperor, and I will kill you. "


The doomsday-level ominous lifeform ignored Han Fei, and his body gradually retreated into the ominous fog.

And behind Han Fei, the wheel of life turned, and the injury on his body had recovered seven or eight points in a blink of an eye.

When Han Fei returned, Le Renkuang said with some resentment: "When I have completed a hundred folds, I will go to your natal star to retreat."

Han Fei grinned and said, "Okay!"

When it was over, Han Fei and the god-level powerhouse slightly cupped their hands and said, "Thank you, senior, for your shot."

And the **** smiled faintly: "He shot because we acquiesced.

In fact, he shouldn't have done it.

Your secrets are great. "

Han Fei was stunned for a moment, these gods didn't even see that it was his own Dao that was running?

On the surface, Han Fei replied with a smile: "Unfortunately, it is not an opponent after all."

The **** shook his head slightly: "It's not bad, I look forward to your next visit."

After finishing speaking, the **** waved his hand and led everyone back.

After a while, everyone returned to Watch City, and Han Fei was thinking about something.

This was the first time that a god-level powerhouse was walking with him.

His heart was touched. It seemed that it was not because the gods were fast, but because they had mastered the use of higher-level power.

Moreover, the place to walk is not reality, but a place similar to the virtual world.

It is a pity that I am not a **** yet, and I have not been able to touch this level of movement for the time being.

Back in the city of watch, the **** left, and did not communicate with Han Fei too much.

The first sentence Han Fei said was: "Little Crazy, how can I replace these energy crystals with refining stars?"

Lerenkuang: "Actually, it's not very cost-effective to change."

Han Fei: "Also change that."

Leren said madly: "Come with me, there is a special place for resource exchange in the city of watch."

After a while, Han Fei came to a small independent palace in the Watch City.

I saw an old man in the Great Emperor Realm sitting on a chair at the door reading a book.

Le Renkuang: "This is Senior Li, the resource transfer envoy of the City of Watch."

The old man also raised his head at this moment, looked at Han Fei, and couldn't help saying: "The old man is also very curious, how many ominous life forms the emperor killed."

Although everyone did not go to the Xinghai Cliff to watch the battle, Han Fei and Han Fei dared to challenge the Xinghai Cliff, which was enough to make everyone curious.

Not only the old man, Han Fei sensed that hundreds of eyes were looking here.

Han Fei shrugged slightly: "There are 548 six-level energy crystals, 61,012 five-level energy crystals, and 44,110 fourth-level energy crystals."


In the dark, many great emperors were stunned. Is this person so strong?

One day has not yet come, kill so many?

Someone smiled bitterly: "Another list-sweeper?

These people who brush the list are really all perverts! "

Someone sighed: "This is a hundred times stronger than the last one who came to the list!"

Someone sighed: "It seems that I have to go back to the sea world to understand the current sea world pattern.

When such a character appeared, we don't know. "

The old man in front of the palace was also stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Amazing."

Han Fei: "I won the prize, Senior Li, I don't know how to exchange this resource?"

The old man smiled and said, "Fourth-level energy crystals require ten pieces to exchange for one refining star.

Level 5 energy crystals, you need 2 to get a refining star.

Level 6 energy crystal, one can be exchanged for 10 refining stars. "

"Uh! This ratio, it's too bad to change it?"

The sixth-level energy crystal is the product of the world-annihilation level, which is equivalent to the Great Emperor Realm.

But a great emperor can pick out 100,000 good refining stars.

But this energy crystal can only be exchanged for 10 pieces, which is 10,000 times worse!

I just listened to the old man saying leisurely: "After all, ominous creatures don't have their own destiny.

Moreover, the energy that energy crystals can provide is relatively simple, and in terms of effects, it is much worse than refining stars.

So, it can only be this ratio.

Of course, if you want to use it yourself, although the effect of energy crystallization is a little bit, if you take the time to take care of it slowly, the effect is also good.

What, do you want to change it? "

Han Fei thought for a while, and the old man was right. Although the energy crystallization is not bad, it is far worse than the refining stars. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

The Supreme Divine Art, known as the Star Devouring Divine Art, is the main one.

Han Fei gritted his teeth and said: "Change, below the sixth-level energy crystal, all change."

As for the sixth-level energy crystal, Han Fei plans to keep it, because when the power of the soul is greatly improved, he still needs the soulless soul in the energy crystal.

Old Man Li laughed and said, "Little friend, cheer up, this old man counts you 31,000 refining stars."

After a while.

Le Renkuang and Han Fei were walking on the road to Watch City, only to hear him say, "What I said, it's a bit of a loss."

Han Fei: "It doesn't matter, although it's not much, it's actually quite a lot. It's a big deal to come a few more times in the future."

"It's not that simple, you have been targeted by the Doomsday class.

Next time you come, you won't be able to hunt so much.

Unless you can fight the doomsday and kill these ominous creatures at the same time"

Han Fei: ""

After more than ten breaths, Han Fei said: "As expected, the robbery came faster!"

However, Han Fei's eyes became more and more firm. Finally, he seemed to have made up his mind and said, "Fatty, I'm back to the Valley of Fierce Gods."

Le Renkuang was speechless: "Is this back?

you don't fight anymore? "

Han Fei: "Don't fight, you said it all, next time you won't be able to get so much, then you'll be a fart!"

Le Renkuang seemed to have guessed what Han Fei was going to do, and quickly said: "You are trapped in the Valley of Fierce Gods now, where else can you go to rob?"

Han Fei grinned and said, "Who told you that Fierce God Valley can trap me?"

When Le Renkuang heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Take me one."

Han Fei immediately shook his head: "No! The place I'm going is too dangerous, so I can only go alone."

Le Renkuang's face sank immediately: "Where?"

"Zhonghai Shenzhou."

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