God of Fishing

Chapter 2818: Prisoner

Chapter 28 The Imprisoned God


The patriarch of the Tianyin Protoss, as well as the old man, suddenly changed their expressions.

They couldn't believe that someone could appear here silently, and the two of them were unconscious.

If there is such a person, how strong is the strength?

The moment Han Fei spoke out, the old man was punched through by a punch, and his body was almost completely crushed.

What Han Fei has been waiting for is this moment, he needs someone to bring him to the core of the Tianyin Protoss.

As the old man said, Han Fei had discovered him a long time ago, so this time the other party's fishing operation, he did not pretend to take the bait, nor did he harvest, just to follow all the way to the core of the Tianyin Protoss.

As long as he came in, Han Fei had no intention of plotting it slowly.

Because he knew that the Tianyin Protoss had gods in charge, so the method of Xu Xuzhi would not work.

Once he is on the Tianyin Protoss's territory, and takes action against the Great Emperor Realm level, or the immortal realm powerhouse, perhaps the patriarch of the Tianyin Protoss may not be able to find it, but the **** will definitely find it.

Therefore, choosing to do it now is the best time.


The old man punched a hole through it, and at the same time, Han Fei had already slashed at the patriarch of the Tianyin Protoss.

At this moment, Han Fei, the Dao of the Self is fully functioning, the combat power is nearly 200,000 stars, and the power of the soul is equally powerful. With all-out strikes, even if he is a patriarch-level powerhouse, even if the opponent is a peak powerhouse, It is impossible to react instantly.

Moreover, this knife was still cut out from behind him, and the latter had no time to deal with it, and a top-grade fortune-telling spirit treasure-level battle suit appeared on his body.

"Clang! Clang!"


Han Fei's slashing with this knife, under the effect of time trick, is equivalent to two outbreaks. In addition to the battle suit, there is also a jade plate behind him, which should be a soul-suppressing treasure.

Rao is so, the patriarch's body burst in many places, after all, not everyone can have the physique of Han Fei.

The Tianyin Protoss, although they are also Protoss, is best at concealment and camouflage. They can be very good killers, but they are definitely not opponents of the body refining flow, especially when they are approached.

This knife slashed, and the opponent knocked the demon pestle on the ground. Just as he was about to wake up some kind of great formation, the corners of Han Fei's mouth twitched slightly: "thief".

This thief did not steal the demon-subduing pestle from the opponent's hand, but directly acted on the opponent himself.

Without the soul-suppressing treasure to guard, Han Fei did not believe that anyone could completely block the void robbery in the same realm.

Even if it's just for a moment.

Sure enough, the patriarch only felt a little blurry in his consciousness, and at this moment, the divine chain of creation had swept away.


I saw a powerful soul force rising into the sky. The patriarch reacted and saw the divine chain of creation, and naturally knew who was coming. Although he was shocked, at this critical moment, he didn't have time to think more. It was too late to avoid the attack of the divine chain of creation.

Therefore, his first reaction was to use his soul power to shake this place and lead the ancestors to take action.

In fact, there was no need for him to call, and a divine might spread here.

"Who dares to be so bold and forcibly break into my Tianyin Protoss?"

The mighty gods shrouded this place.

But that divine power could not shake Han Fei.

The **** pointed in the void and pointed at Han Fei, trying to kill Han Fei with one blow.

But at this moment, the Law Enforcement Divine Chain has already detained the patriarch of the Tianyin Protoss, and Han Fei looked at the **** who appeared, showing a faint smile.


The God of Creation appeared, and Qiu Wanren appeared here with his hands on his back.

In front of him, the god's finger shattered.

Qiu Wanren greedily breathed the air here. At that moment, the thousandfold spiritual energy in the Tianyin Protoss seemed to stop flowing in an instant, and all poured towards Qiu Wanren.

"It's so good! I finally see the sun again. This wonderful feeling is so nostalgic!"

The gods of the Tianyin Protoss shouted: "Who is your Excellency?

Don't you know that Zhonghai Shenzhou is united by all the powers?

If you dare to take action against my Tianyin Protoss, you will never escape from Zhonghai Shenzhou. "

"Hey! A group of children also tried to threaten the old man.

You kid, have you participated in the encirclement and suppression of my lineage of gods?

Today, I will cut you first. "

In Han Fei's ears, Qiu Wanren said, "Kid Han Fei, you can deal with the others here. This little **** will be handed over to the old man."

Han Fei: "Senior, you must detain him here, and I will come to help you when I turn around."

All this happened in a flash, and the old man was bombarded. Because the vitality of this place was controlled by Han Fei, he was unable to recover.

The contemporary patriarch of the Tianyin Protoss was attacked by Han Fei. Although his strength might not be weak, he was caught by the chain of law enforcement before he had time to display it.

All of a sudden, he won the two great emperors, and Han Fei smiled. This is two huge resource income.

No, under the shroud of the God of Creation, a golden inscription appeared, which was a series of sins of the patriarch of the Heavenly Hidden God Clan.

I just listened to Han Fei's words: "Baili Qiantu, you have assassinated the strong of all ethnic groups 15,201 times, and condoned the children of the tribe to hunt the strong of all ethnic groups.

He once deprived other clan of his luck 107 times for a single act, which is equivalent to condemning his clan, which is a heinous crime.

This envoy sentenced you to 12 million years in prison, 100 years of karmic fire, and 16,000 lashes. Is there any objection? "

When Han Fei read out the punishment of Baili Qiantu, the whole person was a little stunned. I'm afraid this punishment is not much better than the death penalty, right?

Karma has been burning for 100 years, and this is the first time I have seen it burn for such a long time.

Moreover, the basic detention time has reached 12 million years. If the current God of Fortune Prison is full, the fate of this guy will be the result of the immediate execution of the death penalty.

"I have no objection."

Of course, Baili Qiantu did not dare to have any objections, and compared with the God of Creation Prison, it would be a disease of his brain, and he would only be sentenced to one rank.

He only hopes that the ancestors can take the other party, or the matter of the Tianyin Protoss, attract the attention of other people, and have strong people to come to support.

As long as Han Fei can be beheaded, the God of Creation Prison will be without a master again.

And here is Zhonghai Shenzhou, and if the Divine Creation Prison appears here, there will definitely be countless strong people in Zhonghai Shenzhou who will try their best to inherit the Divine Creation Prison, so that they will have a chance.


After Baili Qiantu said there was no objection, Han Fei's expression was not very good-looking.

He originally thought that he would use the God of Creation Prison to catch these guys first, and then take them away.

But now it seems that this method is not appropriate, because once the good fortune prison is shot, these people are almost unable to get out in the short term.

It's almost impossible to auction them off.

Although he is the guardian of the divine realm, he cannot control the rules of creating the divine prison.

If you want to let go, you can only let these people take action in the form of issuing tasks. If they are willing, they can slowly reduce their crimes.

However, Baili Qiantu was sentenced to 12 million years in one fell swoop. How much contribution did he have to make to wipe out the 12 million years in prison?

Therefore, when Han Fei received Baili Qiantu, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

At this moment, the miracle of the Tianyin Protoss has risen to the sky with two more great emperors one after another.

At the moment, Han Fei felt a chill in his heart, and saw him raise his hand and swipe, directly pulling away the vitality of the old man.


Yes, Han Fei gave up the captive plan. Since these people can't be cashed out quickly, it makes no sense to keep them.

The power of the emperor realm can be regarded as a large amount of resources.

If you clean up the stars of your life, you can also pick up 100,000, or hundreds of thousands of refining and refining stars.

But at this moment, can not kill.

Killing it now will cause astronomical changes. This is in Zhonghai Shenzhou again, and it will definitely attract the attention of all parties.

Maybe there will really be gods from other forces.

Taking ninety-nine percent of the vitality of the old eighth, Han Fei sealed it in place.

At this moment, there are two other powerful emperors in the Tianyin Protoss. They are all astonished at this moment. Isn't that the position of the patriarch?

Something happened to the patriarch?

Also, why did the ancestor of the gods take action?

They were still quite stunned, and at this time, they didn't even think about running away.

After all, this is the territory of the Tianyin Protoss.

Even if someone forcibly invades, the ancestor of the gods should be able to solve it.

But the two of them saw that thousands of thunder marks suddenly appeared in the sky and came towards them, which made their expressions change drastically.

Someone was shocked: "This is, Qianlei Flash?

Lei Heng? "

Because everything happened so fast, they didn't know it was Han Fei.

But neither Han Fei nor Lei Heng could resist them.

At least, if they were not at the peak of the extreme path, it would be impossible to stop Han Fei at the moment.

"bang bang"

In just one encounter, one of them burst into pieces.

Looking at it again, his soul-suppressing treasure was forcibly suppressed by Han Fei, and all the surrounding methods were stagnant and forcibly controlled by Han Fei.

Not only that, the vitality here is blocked, and if Han Fei is penetrated, there is no way to revive it only by law and energy, unless Han Fei is willing to release the vitality.

At this moment, the other person realized the seriousness of the situation. One face to face, suppressing a great emperor, this is not an enemy he can resist.

The man immediately broke through the entrance to the virtual world, but before he could get in completely, he found that his body was going backwards, and the power of blue time flowed around him.

Also in the Great Emperor Realm, even though Han Fei's law of time is not completely mastered, it is not a big problem to reverse the time in a small area.

"who are you?"

This man was horrified, and he was a thousand thunderbolts, and he was the law of time. He punched a great emperor with one punch. How could such a strong man suddenly come to the Tianyin Protoss?

But what responded to him was the slash of the Blood Sky Blade. When the mighty force of the fusion of all laws appeared on the blade, this great emperor who had not yet broken free from the law of time could only bite the bullet and fuse the tortoise companion spirit. The whole body was armored, and at the same time, he tried to forcibly block the blow with the soul-suppressing treasure.

However, when he did all this and tried to break through the law of time with the power of the law, he was shocked to find that someone was competing with himself for the power of the law.

It was at this moment that the law got out of control, causing him to lose the last chance to resist.


With one slash, the mid-grade fortune-telling treasure mastered by this person was cut off by the Xuetian Blade with one slash.

At the same time, the power of this knife was still strong, and it cut off most of his body.

When Han Fei raised his hand, the Fengshen spear was densely stabbed, and he directly blocked where the two great emperors were, and he was slightly relieved.

"There are only four, the other one is lucky."

According to the information given by Yue Lingke, the Tianyin Protoss has five great emperors.

It's not that the number of their great emperors is small, in fact, this number is already a lot.

If it weren't for the fact that within 100,000 years, in the Xinghai, the number of emperors of the Tianyin Protoss would be well over ten, or even more.

The reason why Han Fei chose the Tianyin Protoss to attack was mainly because of this faction's ability to disguise too well.

If everyone knows the magic of concealment and does not have the ability to break through falsehoods, you simply don't know these hidden gods who are hidden in the dark.

In particular, in the turmoil in the Western Wilderness, the Tianyin Protoss should have sent a lot of people to pretend to be the strong people in each clan to integrate into it. When it is critical, these are pits.

Of course, Han Fei is selfish. Hong Yue reported when he was cultivating that the Hidden Protoss tried to attack Yiyi. This is the fundamental reason why Han Fei chose them.

This time, Han Fei took advantage of the busy time of the Tianyin Protoss to attack the inside of the clan. The first is of course robbery, and the second is to let the outside Tianyin Protoss cast their guard against them, and dare not stand out any more.

Home is gone, no matter how strong a soldier is, as long as he shows his head, even if he is not caught, most of them are in danger, and he does not dare to make trouble again.

At this moment, Han Fei watched the battle between Qiu Wanren and Tianyin Protoss.

However, I saw that god, the blood of the gods was pouring out, and the blood of the seven orifices was gurgling out.

And above that void, in all directions, there are thousands of Qiu Wanren standing proudly in the void.

Every one of them has a silver light in their eyes.


Han Fei sighed in admiration. As expected of the big guy who was able to indirectly create the Eternal Clan's cultivation technique, he forcibly suppressed a **** without even seeing him move.

Han Fei's perception swept away, and he tried to find the treasure house of the Tianyin Protoss.

However, it found some small resource libraries, and it seems that there are no large treasure houses.

So, Han Fei decisively took out the Navigation Vientiane.

He still remembered the purpose of this trip. In addition to revenge, he mainly came to rob.

However, the pointing of the Navigation Vientiane is a little confusing. The Tianyin Protoss has a treasure house, and there is more than one.

But as many as hundreds.

Therefore, the Nautical Vientiane is pointed everywhere.

However, the real good things should not be so scattered.

Then, these hundreds of treasure houses should also be resource libraries or the like.

At this moment, the four Great Emperor Realm powerhouses of the Tianyin Protoss have all been taken down, but the movement caused is not small. The slash that I just slashed into the three-layer barrier, the void shook, and everyone in the Emperor Realm should know that something happened. son.

However, they didn't know what was wrong, so they saw a group of guys wearing masks flying all the way.

Han Fei ignored it, but directly broke into the void and boarded the virtual world.

At this moment, Qiu Wanren incarnated thousands of people, chanting words in his mouth, as if he was chanting some incantation.

Within the range shrouded in the incantation, there seemed to be heavy blows that were like a heaven collapsing between heaven and earth, slamming down.

And the deity of the Tianyin Protoss had a golden toad lying on top of his head, the golden toad raised his head, and the sound of "quack quack" continued, as if resisting the spell attack.

And that deity didn't stop, Qiu Wanren incarnated in thousands, each of them was attacking, and the deity of the Hidden God Race that day was doing its best to deal with the attacks of these clones.

Han Fei glanced at Qiu Wanren, this old man has been suppressed for so long, and he can be so strong as soon as he comes out, what about the old murderer who was suppressed on the third floor of the God of Creation Prison?

Moreover, listening to their meaning, there is a strong man on the fourth floor of the God of Creation Prison. If we calculate it like this, how can that person not be able to dominate the level of strength?

He doesn't know whether this good fortune **** prison can suppress the master-level powerhouse, but to suppress the **** in front of him, there is no problem at all.

When Qiu Wanren saw Han Fei coming, he couldn't help but sigh, this kid sounds amazing! When I was reclaiming the clothes, I didn't even have a long life, and now I have suppressed the four great emperors in a blink of an eye.

"The law of life?"

Qiu Wanren turned his head and took a deep look at Han Fei: "Kid Han Fei, next time you see the opportunity."

The **** of the Tianyin Protoss looked extremely ugly at the moment: "Are you that human emperor Han Fei?"

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Can't you?"

The **** said coldly: "If you touch the foundation of my Tianyin Protoss, you will not be afraid of the revenge of the strong in the future.

What kind of resistance does your human race take?

My clan is not a **** of mine. "

Han Fei narrowed his eyes slightly: "What you said reminded me, if that's the case, then I'll just kill them all one by one."

This god's heart was chilled: "Humph, just the two of you want to take down my Tianyin Protoss?

Don't forget, this is the territory of my Tianyin Protoss, I want to see, why are you? "


I saw that although this **** was no match for Qiu Wanren, there was a azure jade plate in his hand, radiating light.

At that moment, the entire Tianyin Protoss, all the great formations, were all in motion.

And in the azure jade plate, a huge amount of mysterious patterns poured out, covering the whole body of this god.

I saw that the divine spirit surged from this god's body, and the coercion here skyrocketed, and the strength of this person also began to skyrocket inexplicably.

When Qiu Wanren saw this, his expression was calm, even showing a trace of disdain.

I wanted to slowly wipe out the soul of the other party, but unexpectedly, this person forcibly merged the fate of the entire Tianyin Protoss and forcibly devoured the laws of heaven and earth.

Qiu Wanren shouted: "Even if you fully carry the power of this world, you will not be able to exert it.

If you don't understand it, you won't be able to enter the god-killing level. After all, you are just a little god. "

After finishing speaking, a boundless phantom appeared behind Qiu Wanren, and the phantom kept getting bigger and bigger, reaching ten thousand feet, one hundred thousand feet, one million feet in the blink of an eye.

Han Fei took a deep breath and looked at the incomparably stalwart soul shadow, thinking that this is the world of the law?

or something?

Immediately afterward, I heard Qiu Wanren's voice, which rumbled between heaven and earth: "With my soul, I order heaven and earth to give Er the burial."

Han Fei only felt that an invisible pulse slammed down from the sky to this place.


With just one blow, all the void around the **** was shattered, and even though the **** of the Tianyin God Race had skyrocketed in strength, it was still covered in blood by the instant impact, and the whole person was collapsed for hundreds of millions of miles in an instant.

At this moment, Han Feifang knew that the god's action was so terrifying that everything between heaven and earth seemed to have turned into Qiu Wanren's power, and countless laws were collided.

But even in such a situation, the **** of the Tianyin Protoss quickly stabilized his figure: "Is it the ancient god?

I'd like to see, who is the more powerful **** of ancient and modern. "

"Wan Liuguang."

However, I saw that a series of law arrows, at tens of thousands of times the speed of light, killed in an instant.

"bang bang bang"

Qiu Wanren felt like stars exploded around him, but he stood still, with one palm in the air, and pressed down with his backhand.


Han Fei only felt that the heaven and the earth were upside down, this space seemed to be folded by some kind of force, the laws between heaven and earth were instantly out of control, and the arrows of the laws were all shattered.

Qiu Wanren crossed hundreds of millions of miles in one step, waved his hands and said, "Overturning the sky."

With Qiu Wanren's low voice, the billions of sky began to collapse. The gods of the Tianyin Protoss seemed to fall into a vortex, surrounded by shattered voids. With the rampant space laws, the space was filled with endless tearing power, as if about to The gods of the Hidden Protoss were torn apart that day.

In fact, the gods of the Hidden Protoss did have half of their flesh and blood, and were torn apart, leaving only the bones full of divinity in some parts of the body.

However, the recovery of the heaven and earth of the Tianyin Protoss gave him extraordinary resilience, and his body seemed to blend in with each other.

But before he fully recovered, he was surprised to find that his body was recovering, but his vitality was blocked and madly passing away.

"The law of life?"

The **** saw a wheel of life appearing behind Han Fei, and was frantically absorbing his own vitality, while blocking the connection between this place and the long river of life.

Seeing this, the **** broke his arm, and his arm turned into a torrent of laws, forcibly dispelling Han Fei's laws of life.

And the palm turned into five arrows to kill Han Fei.

Qiu Wanren was about to help when he saw Han Fei holding the chessboard left and right, and turning the pieces with his right hand.


With the move on the chessboard, a huge chessboard appeared under Han Fei's feet, and Han Fei was standing at the place where the move was made.


On the chessboard, the nebula flowed like a rush of sea water, with huge waves.

"Puff puff"

The arrow transformed by the god's hand instantly shot into the giant waves of the nebula, shooting all the way, seemingly violent.

But these five arrows, but three feet away from Han Fei's body, finally stopped and dissipated.

And at this moment, Qiu Wanren's incomparably huge Dharma-like world began to clasp his palms, where the palms were the gods of the Hidden Protoss that day.

In that scene, Han Fei's second son, who had just lifted up, didn't come down.

At this moment, the gods of the Hidden God Race that day were like ants, and Qiu Wanren's double palms were like mountain peaks.

Seeing this, Han Fei secretly thought that he really underestimated Qiu Wanren, thinking that the other party was not at the level of killing gods, and his strength must not be that strong.

But at this moment, let yourself know one thing, it is not only the god-killing level that can kill the gods, but also the gods themselves.


Qiu Wanren folded his palms, UU read www. uukanshu.com radiates terrifying power from its palm.

However, there was still a buzzing sound from his palm: "You make such a big move, someone must feel that now is your only chance to escape."

Qiu Wanren ignored this fellow at all, but looked at Han Fei.

I saw Han Fei throwing out the divine chain of law enforcement and digging into the palms of Fa Xiang.

When the law dissipated, the gods of the Hidden Protoss were already tied up, and the divine prison of good fortune hung above their heads.

The golden text appeared in the air, and Han Fei said, "Baili Qingfeng, you have avoided war seven times, assassinated the gods of all races 11 times, and deprived other races of luck 354 times. Compatriots who act in unison are equivalent to condemning the clan, which is a heinous crime.

This envoy convicted you and sentenced you to 21 million years in prison, 198 years of karmic fire, and 66,000 lashes. Is there any objection? "

Baili Qingfeng's heart sank when he heard the words. Although he wanted to refute, he didn't dare to refute, because he knew the end of refutation, which would be sin plus one more degree.

"I have no objection."

Han Fei grinned: "Don't worry, I promised you what I promised. I will definitely do what I say. I want your people from the Tianyin Protoss."

Baili Qingfeng's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Ergan, you are causing a civil war.

The strong of our clan will return, and they will never die with you. "

Han Fei sneered: "Civil war?

You Tianyin Protoss is one of the troublemakers. If you get rid of you people, the civil strife will be gone.

As for the powerhouse of your clan, what about your ignorant child?

Xinghai battlefield is he came back as soon as he said it?

If you can come back, nothing will happen to Miracle Forest. If you can come back, the gods are long gone. If you can come back, Zhonghai Shenzhou An dare to give orders to the world?

Bye bye, you

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