God of Fishing

Chapter 2819: The whole family and the high-profile return

Fall in love with youkanshu.com, the **** of fishing

[Thanks to the leader of "Baike"... The boss has a happy life and the boss makes a fortune...]

Baili Qingfeng was taken into the Divine Creation Prison, while Qiu Wanren frowned slightly and said, "Kid Han Fei, do you want to slaughter the entire Tianyin Protoss?"

If Han Fei answered yes, this would make it difficult for him. If so, what is the difference between Han Fei and Zhonghai Shenzhou?

Han Fei smiled and said, "Senior, you think too much. I want to take them all away, but that doesn't mean I want to slaughter them. The Hidden Protoss has been established in Zhonghai Shenzhou for many years. Because

Innately mastered the art of concealment, in fact, it has long been a thorn in the eyes of all races, a thorn in the flesh. After all, no one wants their family members to be disguised by the Tianyin Protoss. In fact, very

Maybe the Tianyin Protoss has already done this, so the major forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou did not dare to rashly remove the Tianyin Protoss, otherwise it is very likely to cause a series of unpredictable events.

disaster. Now, I take them away, maybe for their own good. "

Qiu Wanren: "Then what are you going to do?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Sell it! I won't kill them, but it doesn't mean that these people are good people. The gods will have today, and the hidden gods deserve a lot of credit on this day. I believe that according to you

The intelligence of our gods learned that it was because the people of the Tianyin gods were disguised as gods that the gods were completely exposed, which led to a massacre 100,000 years ago. "

When Qiu Wanren heard this, his eyes widened: "Really?"

Han Fei: "Be true, I'll bring the information to you someday."

Qiu Wanren nodded his head seriously: "Okay! If this is the case, the Heavenly Hidden Protoss should not be spared lightly. It's okay to sell it, but it can't be sold casually. I'll study it later.

Fan, breaking the inheritance in their bloodline, cutting off this technique from now on, and making them an ordinary race is the long-term solution. "

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "Is this okay?"

Qiu Wanren smiled and said, "Otherwise, why do you think the gods have become what they are now? Do you think, why am I here to guard the gods' bloodline?

There are too many strong people, why are you looking for me? "

Han Fei raised his eyebrows: "If this is the case, is it possible that you can always break the bloodline inheritance of all the gods?"

Qiu Wanren: "Theoretically, as long as it is a bloodline inheritance, it can be broken. However, some inheritances are hidden too deep, and it will be difficult to do.

Everyone knows the technique of concealment, which means that this technique is very shallow. With the ability of an old man, it should not be difficult. "

Han Fei: "How long does it take for you to decipher the bloodline of the other party and withdraw this kind of bloodline inheritance?"

Qiu Wanren suddenly showed a confident smile on his face: "Three years at most. I can't guarantee other things, but I can't say that there is no past or present, and no one will come later.

The old man is definitely such a strong player, with rich experience and few others. Besides, the blood inheritance of this family is too popular, so it is easy to handle. "

Han Fei immediately grinned and said, "Then I will trouble you to get old."

Qiu Wanren laughed: "It's not too late, let's not talk about this first, this old man will help you arrest everyone first."

At this moment, the powerhouses of the Tianyin Protoss, who didn't know what happened, were still bewildered, thinking of coming to the patriarch to ask about the situation.

But when the divine power swept through the three-layer enchantment, these emperors were terrified.

However, just when they were about to retreat, the entire Tianyin Protoss formation was activated, and infinite power penetrated into the virtual world. They were also temporarily trapped in

In the three-layer enchantment.

When it all subsided, when they thought it was over. They saw a figure appear in front of them.

Han Fei didn't hide his identity at all, but walked out of the virtual world in a fair and bright manner, and said with a smile: "Everyone of the Tianyin Protoss, you have been given to me by me.

Hijacked, if you don't want to die, just stand there and don't move, don't lose your life in vain, it's not worth it. "

However, who would listen to Han Fei at this moment, relax, are we idiots?

Suddenly, more than a dozen long-lived realm powerhouses ran away one after another. Han Fei can appear upright and bright, and he came from the patriarch. Obviously, the patriarch has already come out.

Something happened.

However, Han Fei's coercion came, and the unparalleled killing power made them stunned. In the blink of an eye, a thunder mark flashed.

"Puff puff"

However, in a short while, the 12 strong immortals were all pinned to the spear by Han Fei.

And those who were still trying to escape from the Daoist Realm and Xiaoyao Realm, for some reason, couldn't move, because there was a pressure stronger than Han Fei, which appeared here.


I just listened to Han Fei: "I'll let you relax, so you can let go. Otherwise, it's hard for me to guarantee that I won't be a killer."

"You... who are you?"

There is a long-lived realm opening, but the next moment Han Fei slapped it and slapped this person directly.

"Who am I? Why don't you even know me? You don't see much information about yourself, so you have the guts to ask me."


Of course, many people here recognize Han Fei. Although they have never seen the real person, they have seen the portrait. It's just that they didn't expect Han Fei to be so tyrannical.

If they don't agree, people will be smashed to pieces.

The next moment, I just heard Han Fei say: "I counted to three, but I didn't let go of my heart, and I killed without mercy."


Before Han Fei could count down, he saw this group of people disappearing in place one by one, obviously not ready to fight with Han Fei.

Han Fei sneered, this is not a problem.

However, Han Fei did not condense the world projection of the stars of his life, but instead enlarged it more and more. I saw that the hanging islands were collected by Han Fei into the stars of life.

After all, it was created with a lot of hard work. Wouldn't it be delicious to use it for the people after a little transformation?

As for those below the Emperor Venerable Realm, there is no need for them to let go of their hearts, and they can forcibly take in the stars of their own destiny. And Qiu Wanren's main task is to break the

The heavy defense and prohibition of the Tianyin Protoss is enough.

The third-layer barrier has been broken, and the second-layer barrier is shrouded in divine power, and everyone here seems to be frozen, unable to move at all.

A **** can use coercion to crush these ordinary people, or use coercion to see how well they can crush these people without making them feel extremely painful.

Therefore, if the gods take action against ordinary people, there is basically no solution.

As for Han Fei, he was only responsible for reaching out and fishing wildly. Those who were locked in place, from the sea to the open world level, were full of fear, and they could only see one.

Another big hand in the void directly tore away their hanging islands and stuffed them into an unknown world projection. In a blink of an eye, they have appeared in another place

in the realm.

If there are only hundreds of floating islands in the second-level barrier, then there are nearly a thousand floating islands in the first-level barrier. These dangling islands are just sea-opening borders.

ordinary people below.

But no matter how ordinary they are, their bloodline is not ordinary. Once they grow up and have the opportunity to enter the second-layer enchantment, they will become a qualified Tianyin Protoss.

Therefore, although Han Fei would not kill these people, he would sell them after removing the inheritance power in their blood. In an avalanche, no snowflake is

Guilty. What kind of life experiences they will have later, Han Fei doesn't care, and he doesn't bother to care. Just like when the human race was in decline, no one cared about the human race.

After performing a wave of miracles holding the floating island in front of countless ordinary people, less than a quarter of an hour had passed before Han Fei started.

A large force with a population of nearly one billion was uprooted, and no one was left.

After taking all the Hanging Islands into his pocket, Han Fei walked to the three powerful emperors.

I just heard him say: "It's a pity, my destiny stars can't take you away. My **** of creation, I don't need someone who is unknown."

After finishing speaking, Han Fei raised his hand, and a piece of time law circulated around him, turning into a huge mirror of the sky.

I saw Han Fei straightening his clothes, showing a bright smile, aiming at the mirror of that time, and said with a smile: "I am Han Fei, the emperor, this is my first time in Zhong Hai.

Shenzhou, although the time is short, it is here after all. Now that I'm here, I have to leave something behind... Well, let's set off a firework for you all. looking forward to the next

The arrival of..."




At that moment, the three great emperors bloomed in the void, the heavens roared, cracks traversed Zhonghai Shenzhou, and rain of blood poured down.

"what happened?"

"The Fall of the Great Emperor?"

"Three great emperors even fall, who would dare to make trouble in Zhonghai Shenzhou?"

At that moment, Zhong Hai Shenzhou was shocked, and countless people looked up, but they didn't know what happened.

After about a hundred breaths, several figures appeared in the space where the Tianyin Protoss was located.

However, this place is already empty, there is only a broken floating island, which has been disintegrated, and the rocks are flying and messy.

Apart from the rock, there is only a time imprint left, on which Han Fei is repeating what he just said, like the time imprint of water waves, the corner of Han Fei's mouth.

With a smile, his eyes were deep, as if he was staring at someone opposite.

Gradually, one, two, three...

Until more than ten people gathered together and looked at the imprint of time, their faces were not very good-looking.

However, I saw a man in a simple Tsing Yi walk in the air, stretched out his hand and wiped it lightly, and the imprint of time shattered and dissipated.

These people are naturally the gods of Zhonghai Shenzhou, and they never imagined that a little human emperor would dare to threaten the entire Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Someone's voice was cold: "Everyone, this Han Fei is arrogant and domineering, and he has pulled the foundation of the Tianyin Protoss. This is a demonstration and provocation with us. What do you think?

? "

Someone said: "This kid really thinks that with the protection of Dongwu, the Demon God, and the Hidden Emperor City, he can keep other people safe?"

A goddess responded indifferently: "There is also a new goddess, Li Tiangan. He is afraid that he wants to distract us and relieve Xihuang."

Someone sneered: "The little trick of the worms, I thought this would provoke us. If you really go to the human race at this moment, you will fall into his arms, maybe you will turn around and start a war in the Western Wilderness.

There is only one possibility for this son to have only this confidence. He can also use the Void Mark. "

Someone said indifferently: "There is a lot of divine power left here, and a **** who has a way of spiritual cultivation has descended. Baili Qingfeng should be defeated by that god.

In their hands, but they haven't fallen, and I can't see how they go. Obviously, Baili Qingfeng was taken into the God of Creation Prison. And the way Han Fei'er left, only

One - the gate of no distance. "

Everyone nodded, and in the end, the man in the simple Tsing Yi said, "The more this is, the more it means that Xihuang is being persecuted too much.

Then Han Fei couldn't find a chance to start. As for the Tianyin Protoss, this time was indeed unexpected. However, this kind of thing is inextricable. Ladies and gentlemen, you and other sects, if

If you encounter this accident again, don't confront him at the first time, and send me a letter first. I want to see if he dares to come a second time. "

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and they felt relieved when they said this. As for the Tianyin Protoss, this time it is indeed planted. If it is definitely not coming back, we can only admit it.

Of course, they weren't very angry. The Tianyin Protoss has never been pleasing, so it's better not to.

Here, Han Fei went directly outside the Valley of Fierce Gods through the Gate of No Distance.

By this time, he no longer cares whether he hides his identity or not, or even whether he uses the Gate of Infinity. There will be a battle between Zhonghai Shenzhou and the four big Shenzhou, and I am also

In order to restore the blood of the gods, and they have become an undead enemy, what is there to worry about?

The fall of the Great Emperor, the sound spread to the sea world, and the Fierce God Valley naturally knew it, and people were talking about it.

At this moment, Han Fei suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of some people.

I saw that with a wave of Han Fei's hand, three silver masks and one gold mask appeared beside him. I saw that Han Fei took out four spears and arranged them in a row.

Hanging four sheets on all sides.

The guards in the Valley of the Fierce Gods were dumbfounded. They knew this man, but why did this man appear outside the Valley of the Fierce Gods? How dare he walk out of the Valley of Fierce Gods?

Also, what the **** are those four masks?

The next moment, Han Fei's mind moved, the world's shadow appeared, and three long spears of several dozen meters appeared. On the spear, each wore a string of people.

In total, there are 12 people in the Eternal Life Realm, 27 in the Happy Realm, and 19 in the Evidence Realm.

This number can already be compared to the power of the Celestial Clan, so at this moment, Han Fei is strung on the spear, and it is displayed in the public, which can be said to be shocking.

Hearing Han Fei pointing at the four masks, his voice swept the entire Fierce Gods Valley: "From today, the Tianyin Protoss is gone. This is the patriarch of the Tianyin Protoss and the three

A strong emperor. Maybe it was missed, and there is a chance to make up for it in the future. "

After speaking, Han Fei looked at the three spears and swaggered into the Valley of the Fierce Gods, without the guards daring to make a sound.

This one is really crazy. The last time he came back, he only carried one long spear, this time he directly carried three. Thinking of the celestial phenomenon of the fall of the great emperor just now, who can

Don't understand what happened?

Entering the Valley of Fierce Gods, Han Fei threw a refining star to a dragon shepherd, who came out trembling and respectfully followed behind Han Fei.

Lord, are you too lazy to cover up now?

Han Fei: "Take me to Yanlong Auction House."

"Yes, Lord Human Sovereign."

And at this moment, in the Valley of Fierce Gods, the pot exploded directly.

You Da Kou was speechless: "This madman, will this really not cause a battle of gods in advance?"

The three major pirates of the Western Wilderness, the three leaders seem to have disappeared at this moment. However, in the Valley of Fierce Gods, there are many strong men from the three major bandits.

At this moment, their emotions were extremely complicated, ranging from shock, admiration, and admiration. It's like they've robbed all their lives, and it feels like they've been robbed forever


And this one seems to be a real bandit. He didn't give up the robbery of Xihuang. He went to Zhonghai Shenzhou and robbed a protoss, and they didn't even think about it.

Such crazy behavior.

In the Valley of Fierce Gods, a middle-aged man who was in the crowd couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows, and seemed very depressed.

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have taken this kid in. Sooner or later, I would kill him."

Yes, this person is a bandit god. The mysterious guardian of the Valley of Fierce Gods, on weekdays, played the role of an ordinary person, wandering in the Valley of the Fierce Gods.

At this moment, the emotions in the Valley of Fierce Gods are excited. Although everyone is puzzled, it is clear that Han Fei has just returned from the Honghuang Pagoda. It has only been a few days? They have all gone to Zhonghai Shenzhou No.1


Someone scolded: "It's promised that within a thousand years, you will be on the list with all your heart, and your sister! Is that how you will be on the list?"

Waiting for one person's tavern, many people scolded, and Han Fei's words on the list were still in their ears.

Chu Hao had been holding the wine glass for a long time, his expression stunned. Looking at the diners who rushed out of the tavern excitedly, he was a little confused. When did this kid have

Is this something? Doesn't this mean that he can't beat this kid now?

When Yue Lingke saw this scene, she was a little stunned, but she came back to her senses and muttered to herself, "This one is more troublesome than Lei Heng!"

Vicious God Valley, the rock dragon that Han Fei rode on has followed countless people behind him.

On both sides of the road, a mighty team spontaneously formed, all of them came to watch the powerhouses of the Tianyin Protoss.

The dragon priest who was randomly selected by Han Fei was blushing at the moment, and he felt that he was about to develop. This golden signboard of my own cannot escape. later since

For my own rock dragon, the fee must be doubled, otherwise it will be a shame for the Emperor's card.

"The emperor is mighty."

"Your Majesty, do you want to set up a big bandit organization? I would like to follow."

"I would too."

"Your Majesty, why are these people wearing masks?"

Han Fei responded with a smile: "The Tianyin Protoss, since the opening of the sea, has no names, they only have masks and numbers. Only when they leave the Tianyin Protoss do they have a name.

Will appear in the form of anyone. "

"Lord Human Sovereign, how did you break into the Tianyin Protoss?"

Han Fei: "Then I can't tell you, and I don't recommend others to do it."

"Master Human Sovereign, are you going to auction these powerhouses?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "The auction is of course for auction, but not now."

"Lord Human Sovereign..."

Everyone said your words, and I said that all kinds of questions emerged one after another, and Han Fei could only answer selectively.

When Han Fei came to the Yanlong auction house, Li Yan and Long Yan, as well as everyone in the Yanlong auction house, added up to five hundred people, all waiting here.


At this moment, Li Yan's legs were shaking slightly, and his hands were shaking a little. The moment Han Fei made it clear that he wanted to come to the Yanlong auction house, he had already started to prepare.

Han Fei has identified their Yanlong auction house! Don't say he didn't take such a big order, he has never seen it in his life.

On the other hand, Long Yan's face was full of excitement. Her eyes were full of small money, and she felt like she was going to send it.

When Han Fei came to the Yanlong Auction, besides Li Yan and the others, countless strong people were already waiting here.

Han Fei nodded slightly to everyone, followed closely, and his voice spread throughout the Valley of Fierce Gods again: "Everyone, I am Han Fei, the emperor of the human.

The technique is famous all over the world. To many forces, brought a lot of trouble. I'm in a good mood today, I went to Zhonghai Shenzhou to destroy this sea world cancer in one fell swoop, for me

All ethnic groups celebrate. "

"good good good good"

"The emperor is mighty."

Amid the clamor of shouting, Han Fei raised his hand and inserted the three spears in his hand at the door of the Yanlong Auction, and then said, "This is the Tianyin Protoss.

All the powerful emperors in the clan, I will stand here and hang them for three years. I want everyone to know that the hypocritical clans in Zhonghai Shenzhou will be wiped out one by one.

Countless people looked at Han Fei with a look of admiration. It was crazy, but they liked it.

Xihuang and Zhonghai Shenzhou were originally opposites. There have been more battles between the two sides, and now there is such a person who stands up and says that he wants to destroy Zhonghai Shenzhou. Do not

Whether it works or not, they like it if they can say this.

Han Fei shouted: "In addition, when I went to Zhonghai Shenzhou this time, I did not only capture dozens of emperors in this area. The Tianyin Protoss, a family of one billion people, I have brought them back.

I will strip away the blood inheritance of the Tianyin Protoss, and let them experience the suffering of the Protoss..."

"What, a billion people?"

"Hey! What does the emperor mean, have the entire protoss been robbed back?"

"I...I'm speechless."

Someone whispered: "Is this really okay? Many people should be ordinary people, right?"

Someone scolded: "What ordinary people, that is the enemy. It's just an enemy who is still weak at present. If you can't talk, don't talk."

"That's right, did Lord Human Sovereign say to kill them? No, look at this place again? This is the auction house, and these people must be auctioned off."

Some people wondered: "But what are the ordinary people of the Tianyin Protoss, what are they going to do when they buy them back?"

For a while, everyone fell into deep thought. Yup! What are these people buying back for?

Han Fei doesn't know about this issue either, he only cares about robbery. But he felt that he couldn't see the use, others should be able to use it, right? Originally, these people were

So he didn't care. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

There are many big bosses in the arena shouting: "Human Emperor, why don't you sell it now? Why wait for those three years?"

Han Fei said with a smile: "Everyone, I said that I will first strip off their bloodline inheritance and let them experience the suffering of the gods. It's only three years, and soon."

When many people heard this, they were horrified. Can Han Fei strip away other people's bloodline inheritance? What kind of means is this?

A strong emperor laughed: "If this is the case, their prices will come down!"

Han Fei: "It doesn't matter, I have the right to vent to the gods. I don't care if the money is not rich."


Waiting for a tavern alone, Yue Lingke and Chu Hao both snorted, don't you care? Who licked their face to borrow money before?

However, the two of them immediately showed a smile, because Han Fei said something in their hearts, that is to let these people experience the suffering of the gods. That

This kind of experience, ordinary people will not understand at all.

After Han Fei had dealt with the crowd, he placed numerous restrictions at the entrance of the Yanlong auction house. Li Yan was sweating profusely standing behind Han Fei and greeted him with a smile, his face almost freezing

When it was over, Han Fei patted Li Yan on the shoulder and said, "Help me watch, I can't treat you badly."

"Yes, yes, Lord Human Sovereign instructed, I will personally watch it every day."

Han Fei nodded slightly, then looked around, and cupped his hands slightly: "Everyone, I have to go to retreat, and I have to check the list. I'm very busy."

Everyone: "..."

Many people were immediately speechless, thinking in their minds what kind of rankings did you build? If you are on the robbery list, you have already surpassed the three major pirates in the Western Wilderness at this moment.

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