God of Fishing

Chapter 2854: 300 years of retreat, reborn

Chapter 2854 Three hundred years of retreat, reborn

half year later.

Today, the pattern of the sea world has changed.

The defeat of Zhonghai Shenzhou cannot be concealed.

Now the army of Zhonghai Shenzhou has retreated, and the other four Shenzhou have begun to put pressure on Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Some of the strengths of Zhonghai Shenzhou have been secretly linked to the four major forces of Shenzhou.

This sea world reshuffle has quietly begun at this moment, and even in the eyes of many people, Zhonghai Shenzhou has actually existed in name only.

Now, it's only a matter of someone igniting that last fuse completely.

However, as the so-called dead camel is bigger than a horse, Zhonghai Shenzhou seems to have suffered heavy losses this time, and even lost four treasures of good fortune.

But don't forget, there was a Zhenhai deity who made a move.

The four major Shenzhou did not dare to join forces to break in, trying to overthrow the **** of the top forces in Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Therefore, they still need to wait patiently for this fuse, which is Han Fei.

However, at this moment, Han Fei is still busy working hard for the human race to settle in the Western Wasteland.

Han Fei is not familiar with Xihuang, but the gods are familiar! They have already identified a place that is not very far from the Gobi, and relatively close to the ancient barbarians, which is suitable for a temporary rest.


Fierce God's Valley, Honghuang Pagoda.

When Han Fei's name covered the challenge of the Great Desolate Beast, one of the seven trials, it immediately shook the entire Valley of Fierce Gods.

The top floor of the Honghuang Tower.

The bandit **** leaned on the tower wall to drink juice, and Han Fei also held a glass of juice to **** and slip, only to hear the sound of Honghuang Tower: "Actually, your strength can no longer be calculated according to the emperor's realm.

Let you challenge, be an exception. "

Han Fei: "But I'm still in the Great Emperor Realm, and this has never changed.

It doesn't matter whether I break through other trials or not, you should understand what I mean, the human race is temporarily living in the Western Wilderness, if something really happens, I have to trouble you to take shelter. "

"You've already made the list, and I'll do it myself when I need it.

I'm curious, how did you guys end up winning? "

Han Fei: "The matter is secret, so I won't reveal too much.

All I can say is that Zhonghai Shenzhou will definitely lose. "

"It's boring."

Honghuang Tower muttered.

But I heard Han Fei say again: "What is the Trial of Prehistoric Profound Truth in the Seven Trials of Prehistoric Pagoda?"

Honghuang Pagoda: "That trial, come back after you become a god! It's pointless to go now, and I won't open it for you."

Han Fei: "Is there no opening condition?"

"Yes! But I won't tell you. If you come back after you become a god, I'll tell you if I'm in a good mood."

Han Fei: ""

Han Fei said that he was still angry.

When it was over, Han Fei looked at the bandit God again and said, "Senior, the human race has a large population. In the future, there may be all harassment."

The bandit **** said indifferently: "Just follow the order of the Fierce Gods Valley.

However, if all of them came, the Fierce God Valley would not be able to hold it.

The premise is that at least it is in the sea-opening realm, and the following will not be used. "

Han Fei nodded: "Understood."

The bandit **** seemed to remember something, and then added: "Although Xihuang has many opportunities, there are also many dangers.

The human race in the Western Wilderness must adapt to the rules of the Western Wilderness. As far as I know, the human race is not strong at present, and it can even be said that it is a little weak. "

Han Fei: "Thank you senior for reminding me that although the human race is weak, it grows very fast.

I believe that it will not be long before the human race will return to the stage of history. "

Another half a year later.

Han Fei and Zhang Xuanyu each left a series of inheritances in the Thug Academy, and even passed down many exercises.

Han Fei vigorously promoted the arena culture of the fierce gods valley and encouraged the participation of the whole people, with great momentum.

On the other hand, the human race and the gods have formed an alliance, and Han Fei has helped the gods a lot, so the gods, many strong people, are also happy to enter the human world and experience.

Han Fei couldn't guess what effect this racial friction between gods and humans would have, but it would definitely boost the overall strength of the human race, which was beyond doubt.

And Yue Lingke, with the help of five senior brothers, shared the vitality and survived the divine calamity together, and became the only Zhenhai deity after the resurrection of the gods.

In a short period of time, Yue Lingke and Qiu Wanren were there, enough to protect the human race and the gods.

When the gods of the gods rise together, this place will be more secure.

As for the old murderer, he came back once after the Western Wilderness War ended.

However, when he returned, he was severely injured. It was said that he was besieged and killed by the two Zhenhai gods, and the other party used two treasures of good fortune.

After Han Fei helped the old murderer recover most of his injuries, the latter left independently, saying that he was looking for a secret place and began to really recover his strength.

Therefore, now whether it is a human race or a goddess, what is most needed is time.

They need to recuperate and bury their heads in practice.

But all of this requires resources.

Although Xihuang has endless opportunities, not everyone can get it, and there is no such opportunity that can directly benefit the family.

Han Fei spent most of the energy crystals collected in the fortune astrolabe, so that the current human race has the capital to establish a foothold in the Western Wilderness.

This is also the limit of Han Fei. He knows that the resources on his own are not enough to drive the rise of the entire human race.

Therefore, in order for the human race to rise, it must enter the Zhonghai Shenzhou.

On this day, Han Fei announced that he would be closed for an unlimited time.

Zhang Xuanyu, Xia Xiaochan, Zhang Xuanyu, Luo Xiaobai and others retreated together with Han Fei.

In the natal star.

Xia Xiaochan and the others need time to polish themselves and break through the Great Emperor Realm.

And Han Fei naturally continued to refine the star core.

But originally, he only had 1.02 million refining stars left.

In Vicious God Valley, 500,000 energy crystals were exchanged, but it was still not enough.

With insufficient resources, Han Fei's first reaction was to go to Zhonghai Shenzhou to steal.

However, Luo Xiaobai reminded him.

Once you have conquered Zhonghai Shenzhou, you will have everything, so why go to take risks under the nose of Zhenhai Shenzhou now.

What Luo Xiaobai means is that there are so many strong people in the Void Temple, you can borrow a little bit, and then you can return it after winning Zhonghai Shenzhou.

Han Fei took it seriously, so he managed to contact the Sixth God Senior Brother who was preparing to transcend the calamity. As the overlord of the North Sea, he should have some background.

No, Senior Brother Liushen was better at talking, and directly asked Han Fei to go to Beihai Shenzhou to get 2 million refining stars.

In this way, Han Fei has as many as 3.52 million refining stars on his body. This is already an astronomical number. Han Fei doesn't believe that he can't refine star cores with this?

This practice is nearly 200,000 years.

Although Han Fei's folding method is very fast, the fusion speed is not so fast.

After all, he slowly melted the law in the way of refining the stars of his life, and pushed himself to a peak in the Great Emperor Realm.

In the outside world, it is equivalent to two hundred years passing by in a hurry.

Xia Xiaochan and the others have long since left. Unlike Han Fei, they need to retreat for such a long time.

In less than 20,000 years, the four of them became enlightened one after another and went out to break through the Great Emperor Realm.

Even the loose life forms of Han Song's clone have now spread throughout the entire natal star.

Moreover, because of the effect of a large number of Soul Purification Orbs, in the past two hundred years, Han Song has single-handedly built a vast forest of monsters in the sand sea of ​​the Western Wasteland.

And the strength of Han Song's clone is naturally a matter of course, and has already reached the realm of the emperor.

On this day, when there were only less than 180,000 refining stars around Han Fei.

Finally, his heart is clear, he has completely integrated the law of 100,000.

This means that the star core has been quenched.

Han Fei immediately looked at his own information, but saw the information emerge in his eyes:

Host: Han Fei

Level: Level 119 Great Emperor

Genealogy of Canghai: 792

Fairy Spirit: 686548

Soul: 279,523 yuan

Power: 279523 Star Power

The First Spirit Vessel: The Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

First Talent Soul Beast: Twin Yin-Yang Swallowing Fish Level 119

Second Talent Soul Beast: Emperor Sparrow Level 119

Majoring in Cultivation Techniques: The Body of Gods and Demons

Yes, when he saw this combat power, Han Fei himself was a little dazed. The effect of refining the star core was terrifying.

When he saw this combat power, Han Fei couldn't help but cursed the God of War.

If he is so strong, what about God of War?

God of War does not have dual veins, and the number of stacks should not be as good as himself.

Therefore, the basic combat power of the God of War should be lower than himself.


I didn't feel the limit of my strength, and my soul and strength seemed to be able to break through.

It's the physique, yes, although the flesh and bones are also getting stronger subtly, but it's not enough. "

Han Fei couldn't help but have hope again, and immediately ran the Dao of Self.

"It can fully carry four times the combat power, but five times it is extremely difficult.

No, since you want to reach the peak of the emperor, you have to fully carry ten times the combat power to the extreme. "

Han Fei's heart suddenly became hot. If he could continue to become stronger, he might not be able to cross the 300,000 combat power mark.

However, when Han Fei saw his remaining resources, he frowned.

The upper limit of Supreme Divine Art is indeed very high, but the amount of resources required is also extremely terrifying.

180,000 refining stars, obviously not enough to temper his body to that level.

"It seems that you can only use the Dragon Blood Soul Orb?"

Tempering the flesh is an extremely troublesome thing. If he is given thousands of years of outside time, he is fully confident that the bones of the flesh will be strengthened to be able to carry ten times the combat power.

But he didn't have that time, so the Dragon Blood Soul Pearl was the best choice.

After all, didn't the one in the Dragon Pond give him the Dragon Blood Soul Orb just because he practiced the Supreme Divine Art?

Han Fei doesn't write ink, just do what he says.

The Dragon Blood Soul Orb may be very precious, but it is the top priority to become stronger, otherwise, why would you wipe out Zhonghai Shenzhou?

Can't rely entirely on Yue Lingke?

So, Han Fei, who had just finished the retreat, continued to start the retreat.

Sure enough, when the physique gradually becomes stronger, the basic combat power still has room for improvement.

However, when Han Fei's basic combat power reached the critical point of 300,000 combat power, he was finally stuck.

Even if he continues to absorb the Dragon Blood Soul Orb, he can only strengthen his physical limit and cannot improve his combat power.

This time, after only 60,000 years, the Dragon Blood Soul Orb finally ran out of energy and shattered on the spot.

And Han Fei's physique can carry the ultimate combat power, more than eight times, but less than nine times.

In fact, Han Fei knows that he is already very strong now, and his peak combat power at this moment has reached the god-killing level.

But it can only be regarded as a first-time god-killer.

If it can carry nine times the combat power, it should be regarded as an ordinary god-killing powerhouse.

Twenty thousand years later.

After Han Fei refined the last 180,000 refining stars and some energy crystals, his body's carrying limit finally reached nine times.

This time, if Han Fei is willing, the peak combat power can reach 2.7 million, which can be said to have skyrocketed.

"Is 300,000 basic combat power the limit of Supreme Divine Art?"

Han Fei knew that the resources available on him at the moment were basically exhausted.

Even, even if there are energy crystals, it can become stronger.

But if the basic combat power is constant, then the strongest one has a combat power of 3 million, which is still inferior to a strong man like Qiu Wanren.

If you only use your current strength to sweep up Zhonghai Shenzhou, you will only be able to fight a dozen god-level powerhouses at most.

Even if it can, it should be entangled for a long time.

Therefore, Han Fei did not leave in a hurry. He still needed to find a way to study what else he could have against Zhonghai Shenzhou.

"If you use the Seal of the Hidden God to sneak attack on the powerhouses in Zhonghai Shenzhou, it would be a strategy."

Han Fei pondered in his heart, but once this kind of thing is caught by the strong, even if there is a hidden god, it will not be able to escape.

Of course, Han Fei could also call Senior Brother Liushen and the others to take action.

If this is the case, with Yue Lingke and the help of the old fierce, there will be a total of four Zhenhai Gods, which should be enough to wipe out Zhonghai Shenzhou.

However, Han Fei didn't want to do it until it was a last resort. He wanted to avenge the revenge of the human race. He wanted justice for the dead. He wanted the footprints of the human race to be stomped on the faces of the entire Zhonghai Shenzhou.

At this point, if Han Fei still wants to improve himself, there are not many ways to do it. Either try to integrate the blood of the gods now, or try to conquer the body of gods and demons now.


Han Fei's heart moved, and he suddenly wondered if he could continue to deduce the void fishing technique.

However, Han Fei tried to deduce it for hundreds of years, and studied the void fishing technique from front to back again and again, but he did not find any advanced logic in the void fishing technique.

In the end, this idea could only be abandoned by Han Fei.

"It seems that I can only find a way to conquer the body of the gods and demons!"

Unlike the Supreme Divine Book, the body of the gods and demons is deduced after all, so this exercise itself has room for practice.

The difficulty is that after the unity of the divine body, there is no way, and you can only find a way to create the way behind.

The body of gods and demons can only be cultivated by bipolar practitioners.

Spiritual soul and physique, cultivate with the same body, turn in the same vein, merge with each other, entangle each other, transform each other, and finally, the divine body becomes one.

The important thing is not to cultivate in the same body, but to integrate with each other to achieve the state of unity of the divine body.

In the past, Han Fei did not try this kind of fusion because the bipolar way had not reached its limit.

However, his combat power has been stuck at the level of 300,000, which probably means that his bipolar path has also reached a peak, and it is not a matter of extreme path further down.

Han Fei got used to the current combat power a little, and after only a few months, he sat cross-legged again.

Bipolar cultivation, through the operation of dual veins, dominates the cultivation of the soul and body.

The fusion of the soul and the body naturally travels through the dual veins.

It is necessary to form an intersection of forces where the two veins meet.


When Han Fei tried it for the first time, he felt that these two forces repel each other, like the two ends of the magnetic poles, let alone merge with each other, even if they touch each other, it is very difficult.


Soul and body have no intersection at all. How should they be integrated? "

There is no specific operation method for the body of gods and demons, because the body of gods and demons has been the end of this practice in history.

There is no way to deduce it later, and some people may have walked this road in the past, but they may not have reached the extreme of the bipolar path, or there is no experience to refer to, so this last step requires Han Fei to explore by himself.

Retreat practice, endless.

Han Fei was not in a hurry to study the last step of the body of the gods and demons in one breath. He spent more than 3,000 years deciphering the cultivation concepts of the gods and demons and the body of gods and demons.

For the past three thousand years, Han Fei has been thinking about a problem, that is, the gods and demons Wuxianggong and the follow-up gods and demons can actually combine the soul and the body.

The idea that I had thought before that the integration of the bipolar path must be taken to the extreme is wrong.

This also means that whether it is himself or the Demon God, from the very beginning, something has been ignored.

Han Fei felt something in his heart, and only felt that this kind of neglected thing was the key to unlocking the cultivation method of the body of gods and demons.

On this day, Han Fei, as usual, lay on the star of his life and closed his eyes to think.


Suddenly, Han Fei felt that Zhang Daqian's clone had broken through to the Great Emperor Realm.

Han Fei was not surprised by this, because Zhang Daqian was in sync with himself.

Coupled with hundreds of thousands of years of practice, plus the baptism of reincarnation, it is strange that he does not break through.

Even, Han Fei once thought that perhaps Zhang Daqian's clone and Han Song's clone had reached the peak of the emperor. If he tried to combine all things into one, perhaps his strength would be able to break through the emperor's current 300,000 shackles.

However, he also felt that it seemed a bit of a loss if so.

After all, after becoming stronger quickly, he can drive them to become stronger together.

If you become a god-killer or a sea-suppressing **** by yourself, Yi Ying's insight will inevitably accelerate the practice of the incarnation outside the body.

As Han Fei waved his hand, a large amount of energy crystals, as well as half of the chaotic energy in the stars, the energy of fairy spirits, and even the spiritual energy, all rushed towards Zhang Daqian's clone.

No way, his resources are running out, and he still owes Senior Brother Liushen two million refining stars.

If Zhang Daqian wanted to continue his cultivation, he might have to be forced to leave the country to get resources.

Suddenly, when countless energy crystals flew out, Han Fei saw that he still had a group of abnormally shining energy crystals.

That is a bunch of seventh-level, eighth-level energy crystals.

These energy crystals are all saved by oneself and dare not act rashly.

Because Senior Brother Qinglong used a large amount of energy crystals of level 7 or above when he crossed the Divine Tribulation.

If he is going to cross the gods, I am afraid that he will also use it, so he has been saving it all the time.

No, Han Fei grabbed these energy crystals with a random move.

Han Fei didn't have any special thoughts. He just thought that he was busy with cultivation, and he forgot to see the difference between these powerful energy crystals.

What caught my eye was the eighth-level energy crystal, and information emerged:

Name Eight-level energy crystal

Introduce the only pure energy crystal nucleus in the body of the god-killing ominous life, with a large amount of power and soul power, a large amount of chaotic energy, a large amount of vitality, a large amount of which can directly absorb the soul of no master, and contains a large amount of pure heaven. The law contains implication that can be directly used in cultivation.

God-killing quality

Contains 18682 strands of divine origin

Contains 36 million strands of Chaos Qi

Contains the soul of no master 49600 yuan

Contains 60 million years of vitality


Remarks 1 The source of power can only be absorbed after the source of the **** is born

Remark 2 The soul of the owner in the ominous life body belongs to the state of completely no attributes, which can be directly absorbed without side effects.

Remark 3 The pure law of heaven can be applied to the comprehension and practice of any kind of law


I saw that Han Fei suddenly sat up, his eyelids trembled, and he hurriedly looked at several other eighth- or even seventh-level energy crystals.

After looking at the results, I found a problem, that is, these energy crystals contain different divine sources.

All eighth-level energy crystals possess both the divine source of soul power and the divine source of power.

However, for all seventh-level energy crystals, there is only one kind of divine source, either the divine source of power or the divine source of soul power.

"What does that mean?"


Han Fei's thoughts moved, and he went directly out of the stars, and he immediately found Qiu Wanren who was preaching.

When Qiu Wanren saw Han Fei, he couldn't help looking up and down: "Have you left the customs?

It seems to have gotten a lot stronger. "

Han Fei was busy: "Senior, I have a question, and I need you to help me clear my doubts."

Qiu Wanren smiled and said, "What doubts?

Not to mention the old man's boast, the wisdom of the old man is not comparable to ordinary people. "

Han Fei said: "After you become a god, have your comprehensive strength turned into a divine source of soul power?"

Qiu Wanren nodded: "Of course."

Han Fei: "Did you still have the source of power at that time?"

Qiu Wanren: "You should know that the path I take is actually a kind of extreme way. Even if there is a divine source of power, it will be transformed into a divine source of soul power."


Han Fei didn't care about this detail: "Then if the great emperor who takes the way of balance becomes a god, will he have both the power source and the spirit source at the same time?"

Qiu Wanren wondered: "Yes, but he can't keep two kinds of divine source power at the same time."


"Because no one in this world can achieve true extreme balance.

Then the divine source of power and the divine source of soul power cannot be balanced. This is one of them.

Second, the divine power of the gods comes from the divine source, and the divine source comes from the divine personality.

The godhead means shackles, so why is the godhead called the shackles of the gods? "


"Because the godhead will force the power source and the soul power source to transform into each other.

For example, after you become a god, the divine source of power is very strong, and the divine source of spirit power is weak.

Then, the godhead will convert the divine source of soul power into the divine source of power, which is irreversible.

This is the yoke. "

Han Fei nodded slightly, thoughtful in his heart, and then asked back: "So, after breaking the shackles, although the godhead is gone, but the divine source of power and the divine source of soul power will return?"

"Wrong, break through the shackles and reach the realm of killing the gods, if you want, you can condense the godhead at any time.

But this kind of godhead is different from the first godhead, but a real divine power.

You can strengthen the godhead, and at the same time strengthen the soul and physique, but it will not produce the kind of mandatory **** source transformation. "

Han Fei's pupils shrank slightly: "So, the godhead in the **** realm is fake?"

Qiu Wanren smiled and said, "I can't say that either. The old man has studied for endless years, and he can only say that the godhead of ordinary gods is incomplete, and the godhead is also said to be broken and rebuilt, just like reborn."

Han Fei's mind changed: "Is there a possibility that the divine source of soul power and the divine source of power merge with each other?"

However, Qiu Wanren suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Han Fei deeply: "This is what I'm researching now, the method of killing the gods and crossing the Zhenhai deity.

If you do, you will be the **** of Zhenhai. "

Han Fei was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help thinking in his heart that Senior Brother Qinglong crossed the divine calamity, entered the divine realm first, broke the divine personality, and killed the god, but he did not see the scene when he finally entered the Zhenhai deity.

However, when Lei crossed the divine calamity, he might not be considered a divine calamity, because he was originally transformed by Lei Ling.

It seems a bit like the fusion of the divine source of soul power and the divine source of power.

In this way, the body of gods and demons is itself a training method of Zhenhai **** level?

Han Fei: "Have seniors ever thought about how these two sources of gods should be merged?"

Qiu Wanren shrugged: "Everyone's path is different, if there are specific rules to follow to break through the Zhenhai God, and everyone will follow suit, wouldn't there be too many Zhenhai Gods left?

You'd better go ahead and talk about it now. "

Han Fei nodded: "Senior, I continue to retreat."

Before Qiu Wanren could speak, Han Fei "swiped" and disappeared again.

Qiu Wanren muttered, "Could it be that he has broken the supreme divine technique and found the way to become a god?

Is this too fast? "

And this time, Han Fei already had a clear understanding.

His current divine soul and power have no divine blessing, that is, no divine personality support.

However, the particularity of the dual spiritual veins made it possible for soul power and power to merge.

Han Fei suddenly had a bold idea in his heart. He had no godhead, so he couldn't give birth to the source of the gods, and to give birth to the divinity.

However, I happen to have the blood of the gods!

As soon as he entered the natal star, Han Fei immediately captured the blood of the gods.

This thing is very powerful, anyway, I have to try to integrate this thing in the end, why can't I use it to assist in the cultivation of the body of gods and demons?

Immediately, Han Fei poured out a drop of the blood of the gods and directly injected it into the body. At the same time, he ran the body of the gods and demons, and gathered this drop of the blood of the gods to the intersection of the vein of primordial and the vein of eternal darkness.


That drop of bloodthirsty gods, as soon as it was in place, it exuded a lot of divine power, trying to affect the blood vessels of his whole body.

However, Han Fei did not use the blood of the gods to transform his blood, but he saw that he injected the soul and power into the blood of the gods at the same time.

It is equivalent to using it as a container with some godhead effects, which is used to forcibly fuse the two powers.

Suddenly, Han Fei saw that the drop of the blood of the gods started to vibrate violently. At the same time, the power and power of the gods poured into the drop of the blood of the gods uncontrollably.

Even the whole body's qi and blood and the Law of Ten Thousand Dao were inhaled.

"how come?"

The change in the situation was a bit beyond Han Fei's expectations. He originally wanted to use the blood of the gods to act as a false godhead, and use the divine power in it to forcibly fuse the soul and power.

As a result, the blood of the gods is showing signs of being out of control.

"Give me town!"

Han Fei shouted violently and forcibly controlled the blood of the gods.

one day.

two days.

This state lasted for about three years, but Han Fei discovered that the blood of the gods gradually began to shrink. When the blood of the gods shrank to a certain extent, Han Fei seemed to see a black spot. Wrapped in the blood of the gods.

"not enough?"

At this moment, Han Fei completely forgot about Qiu Wanren's request.

Seeing that he is done, nearly 50% of his strength has been injected with the blood of the gods. Now that the blood of the gods is about to disappear, how can he care about Qiu Wanren's warning?

Immediately, Han Fei injected a drop of the blood of the gods into his body again.

Sure enough, Han Fei's state stabilized again with this drop of blood from the gods.

Five years have gone by in a flash.

If anyone sees it, they will be extremely surprised that Han Fei's body has completely decayed.

At this moment, the third drop of the blood of the gods was almost exhausted, and almost all of Han Fei's strength was infused into the blood of the gods.

At this moment, the third drop of the blood of the gods is almost dry.

Han Fei can only gamble, and use the law of life to forcibly protect his body.

Until, after another three months, when Han Fei saw that the last trace of the blood of the gods had dried up, that black hole the size of a fingernail finally emerged.

Han Fei was speechless, is this thing sucking all his power away?

But what's next?


Just when Han Fei was thinking about how to motivate that little black hole, he saw a white light burst out from the black hole, UU reading www.uukanshu. The white light of com was filled with a power that Han Fei was not familiar with, which instantly enveloped his body and made him lose consciousness.

Only a dry body is left, sitting cross-legged on the star of life.

Five hundred years later.


I saw a golden light split from Han Fei's rotten body, but I saw a white palm breaking through the rotten body and slowly crawling out of it.

"How did it become like this?"

Han Fei was swearing. As soon as he woke up, he felt as if he was trapped in a very narrow ball cage.

At this moment, when he crawled out of his rotten body, his face was stunned.

He looked at his decayed body, swallowed, and then looked down at his body, the skin was smooth and fair, and it seemed to be blown away.

But with just a little force, mysterious Dao patterns emerge, and in an instant, they are filled with the beauty of muscles.

As soon as Han Fei raised his hand, a mirror appeared in front of him. Looking at the mirror, it seemed that he had been beautified. Han Fei was very relieved. His skin became paler, and his bones seemed to have changed slightly. It's big, but the proportions are more perfect.

"what is this?


Reborn? "

Han Fei came back to his senses and immediately looked at his message.

However, this sight made him stand still on the spot.

I saw, the information in my eyes emerged:

Host: Han Fei

Level: Level 119 Great Emperor

Cang Hai Wan Genealogy: 2

Source Power: 601224

The First Spirit Vessel: The Primordial Vein

Second Spirit Vein: Vein of Eternal Darkness

First Talent Soul Beast: Twin Yin-Yang Swallowing Fish Level 119

Second Talent Soul Beast: Emperor Sparrow Level 119

Majoring in Cultivation Techniques: The Body of Gods and Demons

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