God of Fishing

Chapter 2855: fight

Chapter 2855 The battle starts

Canghaiwan's genealogy is second, which Han Fei never expected.

Of course he knew that the blood of the gods was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful, and he even abruptly raised his bloodline level to the second place in the entire Canghai family tree.

The bloodline of this level has even surpassed Emperor Que and Xiao Hei Xiaobai.

Han Fei felt the blood running in his body, which actually contained divine power, and could continue to give birth to divine power.

In a sense, he can no longer be regarded as a great emperor, but a god.

As for whether there are other uses for this bloodline, Han Fei doesn't know, and he is also very confused at the moment.

Compared with blood, Han Fei pays more attention to source power.

Because the appearance of this kind of power directly replaced the power of the soul and the original power system.

"Is this the power of the unity of the gods?"

Han Fei's mind moved, and the next moment he crossed the Xinghai quagmire and appeared in the Xinghai. He just punched and hit a bright golden light.

At the moment of punching, I felt that both the vein of primordial and the vein of eternal darkness were activated, and soul power and strength were instantly blended into the black hole.

Immediately, the two powers were transformed into a brand new power, which not only increased the combat power, but also had divine power. Moreover, this power seemed to incorporate the power of all kinds of magic, a bit like the realization of the devil. Ragnarok.

Ragnarok is a double-killing technique of the legal body, and now, after realizing this source power, he can punch at will, even if the Ragnarok of the Gods is not used, the effect of the double-killing of the legal body has been achieved.

To put it bluntly, the power of this punch may not be much stronger than before with the same power, but once it is related to the double killing of the legal body, the lethality caused may be several times that of the previous one.

Moreover, Han Fei could feel that the combat power of his punch was actually 600,000 combat power.

This means that the source power is indeed the effect of the superposition of soul power and power.

if so

Han Fei's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately ran the avenue of self, and the next moment, his heart was agitated.

He thought that he had finally increased the carrying capacity of his physique to nine times, and now he would probably have to fold it in half.

However, what surprised him was that at this moment, he could still use nine times his combat power.

what does that mean?

If he activates it with all his strength, he can even explode with more than 5 million combat power.

"how so?"

While shocked, Han Fei began to think about the hidden secrets.

I saw that Han Fei slammed into Xinghai with punch after punch, feeling the way the source power works and the display state of the power that he punched out.

After a while, he understood.

It turned out that the composition of the source power is essentially the power and the soul, but the power of the soul does not need this body to carry, so what Han Fei needs to carry is still the part of pure power.

"I see."

This also means that if only the physical carrying capacity is counted, it is still the power of 2.7 million stars.

But after the divine body is unified, it can carry the source power of 5.4 million.

Han Fei couldn't help but realize that his current state was very special, somewhat similar to the previous five senior brothers.

It is like a Zhenhai deity who has not survived the divine calamity.

The only difference between himself and the realm of the gods is that he has not crossed the divine tribulation and has not been recognized by the heaven.

After realizing his current state, Han Fei suppressed his liking.

Because the source power at the moment told him that there is still room for improvement.

Because, at this moment, it is no longer the state of being stuck with 300,000 combat power.

Otherwise, his source power at the moment will only be stuck at 600,000, and will not exceed 600,000.

And this should be the road ahead of the Supreme Divine Surgery.

After all, Han Fei has already completed the body of gods and demons, and this path should not bring him more improvement.

Then, it is only possible that he accidentally touched the road ahead of the Supreme Divine Surgery, so he broke the original bottleneck.

However, I don't remember that during this period of retreat, you have practiced the supreme divine arts?

Moreover, the natal stars created by the supreme divine arts have been completely integrated by themselves.

"Wait, that's not right"

Han Fei suddenly realized that the Supreme Divine Art does not need to be practiced. As long as he embarks on the path of the Supreme Divine Art, he will continue to become stronger until his body and soul cannot withstand the continuous power of the Supreme Divine Art, and eventually his body explodes. Death.

Obviously, according to the normal situation, I may have more combat power at this moment, but this part of the combat power, I should seal it, just like the God of War.

But I didn't feel that my body couldn't carry it, and even when I was running the Dao of the Self, I didn't feel that the carrying limit was reached.

So, no accident, the extra power from this part should be something he did inadvertently during the time he lost consciousness, or what mystery was touched at the moment when the black hole erupted.

It's just that Han Fei really doesn't have a clue about the supreme magic.

Although he wanted to continue his research, he didn't know how long he had slept. It had been more than two hundred years before. What if he slept for three or five hundred years?


When Han Fei appeared in the outside world, he immediately synchronized with the information of Han Song's clone and Zhang Daqian's clone.

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it seems that I haven't slept for a long time, and it has only been 302 years in retreat."

"Are you out?"

As soon as Han Feifang appeared, Yue Lingke appeared beside him.

I saw Yue Lingke looking Han Fei up and down, and the next moment she couldn't help but say in shock, "Are you a god?"

Han Fei shook his head: "No, why does my sister-in-law think I'm a god?"

Yue Lingke couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "I thought you had mastered the Supreme Divine Art. You are full of divine power. No matter how you look at it, you look like a god, not an emperor."

Han Fei couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. He didn't have too much to stabilize his current strength, so it was inevitable that he could not control himself.

After all, in this retreat, his peak combat power was much stronger, from the original peak of 900,000 combat power to the current peak of 5.4 million combat power, a full six times stronger.

This level of improvement will inevitably require stabilization and adaptation, otherwise, as it is now, the whole body will be able to escape from the divine.

After being reminded by Yue Lingke, Han Fei knew that he could not close himself, and he had to get used to his current strength first.

However, at this time, he couldn't afford to continue to retreat.

After all, the resources are exhausted, and only the 7th and 8th level energies are crystallized.

Han Fei couldn't help but explain: "Maybe it's because I took the blood of the gods!"

Yue Lingke narrowed her eyes: "Not more than that?

I heard that your blood is surging, your qi and blood are strong, and your whole person has changed. Could this be because of the blood of all gods?

Could it be that improving blood vessels has the effect of rebirth? "

Han Fei said with a smile: "Of course, there is also some improvement in strength.

By the way, sister-in-law, can I ask what your current combat power is?

It's that kind of ambiguous power, soul, you know. "

I just heard Yue Lingke say: "The Zhenhai God, the God and the God-killing level may have a little difference in combat power.

It's a realm where power and soul blend together, how can I say it?"

"Double kill with legal body?"

Han Fei said something to Yue Lingke.

Yue Lingke nodded immediately: "Yes, junior brother, your understanding is good!"

"Is that so?"

I saw that Han Fei randomly pinched a thunder ball in his palm, Yue Lingke looked at it, and suddenly showed shock and awe.

The next moment, the fifth senior brother appeared in front of Han Fei with the wine gourd, and looked at Han Fei with some depression: "Little junior brother, you have mastered the power of Zhenhai **** level?"

Han Fei: "Is this really the power of Zhenhai God?"

Fifth Senior Brother looked at the lightning ball and nodded again and again: "That's right, although the part of the power you used is relatively weak, it must be at the level of Zhenhai God.

Once you use a secret technique, such as the Dragon Ball you used before, you can immediately exert the combat power of Zhenhai God-level.


"But what?"

Fifth Senior Brother hesitated for a moment and said, "The state of your power is surprisingly stable.

Under normal circumstances, at the level of Zhenhai Divine Spirit, based on divinity, after blending the spirit and power with each other, the state of power is not particularly stable.

After all, these two powers themselves are repelled by him, but the divinity born at the Zhenhai **** level is more pure, so it can temporarily act as a carrier. "

Han Fei's heart moved, he didn't feel unstable at all, and he didn't need to use divinity as a carrier.

But he felt that all this may have been completed in the black hole.

Therefore, if it is true as the fifth senior brother said, his power is more stable than other Zhenhai gods.

Han Fei: "So, Fifth Senior Brother, do you have a measure of combat power?

For example, in terms of previous combat power, how much power do you have now? "

Fifth Senior Brother: "Since Junior Junior Brother has comprehended source power, he should know that this kind of power can superimpose the divine source of power and divine source of soul power.

If according to the algorithm of the previous Great Emperor Realm.

Divine soul or strength, any one of which reaches 5 million, it is regarded as the entrance to Zhenhai Divine Spirit. "

"As soon as you enter Zhenhai Divine Spirit, during the battle, the spirit and strength blend together, and the combat power that can burst out, under normal circumstances, I mean the general situation, which is probably between 7 million and 9 million.

As the strength continues to become stronger, um, the strongest old-fashioned Zhenhai God, the combat power will be higher.

As for the upper limit, I can't say for my brother. "

"so tall?"

Han Fei couldn't help smacking his tongue, and then asked again, "How about you, brother?"

Fifth Senior Brother did not hide this, after all, Han Fei has cultivated his source power, and it is necessary to measure the strength of Zhenhai God.

Just listen to the fifth senior brother: "More than 28 million!"

"How many?"

Han Fei's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Just listen to the fifth senior brother: "After all, being a brother can't be regarded as a first entry into the Zhenhai **** level, so it's not very meaningful to be a reference for my brother."

Han Fei: ""

Yue Lingke twitched the corners of his mouth: "Hey! If you scare the younger brother again, you must not think that all Zhenhai gods are the same as him.

But most of the people who first entered the Zhenhai Divine Rank may have a combat power of about 8 million. For example, I am not as exaggerated as him, only less than 9 million. "

Han Fei: ""

Han Fei really wanted to roll his eyes at the two of them.

Good guy, I just felt that I had entered the realm of Zhenhai gods, but I didn't expect it to be the bottom of Zhenhai gods.

People are promoted to Zhenhai Divine Spirit, casually, eight or nine million, such as the pervert of the fifth senior brother, the good guy starts directly at 15 million.

This gap is really not that big.

Fifth Senior Brother said: "No matter what, if you are really at the Zhenhai God level, under the same realm, you can't completely use this combat power as the standard.

After all, everyone has different avenues and laws, different levels of secret techniques, and different degrees of source control.

The strength of the Zhenhai **** level is not well defined. "

Han Fei hurriedly said: "Okay, Junior Brother knows.

Fifth senior brother, sister-in-law, I have no problem, I just came out of retreat.

One or two preparations are needed. By the way, sister-in-law, what is the situation in Zhonghai Shenzhou now? "

Yue Lingke said sternly: "The situation is treacherous, and the undercurrent is surging.

Right now, it is still supported by a few superpowers, and many people are watching you and seeing how the human race makes a move. "

Han Fei said with a smile: "How can you make a move, hit him.

In fact, the war in the sea world is nothing more than the matter of those Zhenhai deities.

Maybe someone in Xinghai is watching, but they didn't care when they watched the show before, they can't be shriveled now, they will come out to care.

The gods have already won this round. If they knew each other, they would have quit Zhonghai Shenzhou long ago. "

Yue Lingke also showed a rare fighting spirit: "Also, the gods have been preparing for this battle for three hundred years.

In the past three hundred years, there have been 32 divine descendants who have crossed over to the divine robbers. If the resources were not limited, this number could be even more.

However, it should be enough to deal with the current Zhonghai Shenzhou. "

Han Fei nodded, and suddenly said: "What I'm more curious about is why the people of Zhonghai Shenzhou, knowing that they will lose, why don't they escape?

It stands to reason that after they prepare for the battle of the gods, they should choose the opportunity to withdraw from Zhonghai Shenzhou. Why do they have to stay in Zhonghai Shenzhou? Isn't this a fight? "

Fifth Senior Brother smiled and said: "Zhonghai Shenzhou is prosperous and prosperous, with outstanding people.

They have been in charge of the endless years and the layout is far-reaching. How can they give up when they say they give up?

If Zhong Hai Shenzhou fought to the death in this battle, it would really become a super civil war sweeping the sea world, which many people in Xinghai didn't want to see. "

Han Fei: "Will you make a move?"

The fifth senior pondered for a while: "If this battle is huge and lasting, and it is serious enough to destroy the countless cultivation forces in the entire Zhonghai Shenzhou, they will take action."

Han Fei: "I don't know how serious it is, but I don't care.

The Gods and Demons Forest, Ancient Demon Race, Sky Spider Valley, Guangming City, and Chaos Protoss always have to be liquidated. It cannot be said that they will not be liquidated, and I will not liquidate them.

I think the same should be true of the gods, right? "

Yue Lingke nodded: "Of course, the eight million gods will come down after their last breaths, so that on this day, no one can stop our determination to take revenge."

Han Fei grinned: "Sister-in-law, since we are going to fight, we must fight an earth-shattering victory. In this world, no one will compete with us."

Immediately, Han Fei looked at the Fifth Senior Brother and said, "Senior Brother, Senior Sister Kagura said that you want to unify the sea world.

We are not the kings of all races, and we can't achieve the hearts of all races in the sea world.

Therefore, it can only be suppressed by force.

In this case, I don't care about Xinghai, I only care about the sea world. "


The fifth senior brother took a big sip of the gourd on his arrival: "You can figure it out for yourself! If possible, try not to affect some ordinary creatures."


After half a day.

In the no-man’s-free zone in the Western Wilderness, a certain place is surrounded by clouds and fog, and the rays of the sun are overflowing.

A half-human, half-beast, looking extremely ferocious powerhouse is entrenched here.

Under his feet, in all directions, there are many skeletons, even a skeleton of a god, but at this moment, even the slightest charm has disappeared.


Han Fei stepped forward and cupped his hands: "The battle of Zhonghai Shenzhou is about to start. Has the strength of the predecessors recovered?"

The old murderer slowly opened his eyes, and a killing intent wavered slightly: "How to fight?"

Han Fei: "Senior can choose to take action at that time."

The old murderer's voice was low and contained killing intent: "Someone is watching Xinghai."

Han Fei: "I know, this time, there will be no one on Xinghai's side."

"it is good!"

Han Fei didn't know how the old murderer was imprisoned in the God of Fortune Prison in the first place, but the murderousness of the old murderer was indeed very serious.

Even after being locked up for endless years, it seems that nothing has changed.

But this is also good, Lao Xie is also one of the ancestors of the gods, and naturally stands on the side of the gods.

When he suppresses the sea world and there is no war in the sea world, if the old murderer is still wanton killing in the sea world, then he must be checked and balanced.

Old no.


The Gate of No Distance reappeared, only to hear Han Fei: "Did you know about the last war in the Western Wilderness?"

Two words immediately appeared on the door of no distance: "I don't know."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Then I'll tell you."

After a while, Xu Shi Han Fei spoke too wonderfully, and the Gate of No Distance vibrated frequently.

Just listen to Han Fei's voice lingering: "Look, your help is meaningful.

Hundreds of millions of ominous things are hidden in the astrolabe of good fortune, and after this battle, they are all erased.

Jiang Taichu almost became the second ominous, and was smoothed out by my Void Temple.


It's not me blowing, choose to help me, Lao Wuyou is not a loss at all. Now, I will start to rectify the sea world. After this battle, it will be a time when all clans are united in fighting against bad luck. "

After flicking the door of no distance, Han Feixin's goal has also been achieved. At this moment, the door of no distance trembled slightly, and seemed a little excited.

Han Fei: "Old Wu, go to Beihai Shenzhou."

"Old Wu, go to Donghai Shenzhou."

"Old Wu, go to the South China Sea."

"Old Wu, go back to the Western Wilderness."

human race.

Humans are an extremely adaptable race, and they can adapt to any environment.

Especially for this group of human races that Han Fei brought out from the riotous sea, they once stayed in the riotous sea. Compared with the current environment, they are happy.

At the very least, no matter how far away they are in the sea world, there is also a concentration of spiritual energy that is unmatched by the riotous sea, as well as countless opportunities.

The Thug Academy, a group of elite disciples, seems to have just returned from exploration.

Luo Xiaobai is testing the results of their trip.

There is no way, if the Zhonghai Shenzhou war is not started, the human race can only stay in the Western Wilderness.

Luo Xiaobai and the others will go to the Valley of Fierce Gods for training in the first few years, but after being promoted to the Great Emperor, they need to fuse the magic.

For them, the best fusion state is the experience of the world.

Luo Xiaobai's choice was the most direct, returning to the thug academy to teach and educate people.

Lerenkuang incarnates and opened a super large food inn in the human race. People come and go every day, three religions and nine styles, and various forms. In their eyes, Lerenkuang is just a strong boss.

Zhang Xuanyu directly controls 30% of the human race arena, digging for talents everywhere all day.

Yes, to him, finding someone is more meaningful than the arena.

Every controversial figure in the arena has a great personality.

Of course, Henry Zhang seems to like the feeling of being a big brother.

As for Xia Xiaochan, she ran around everywhere. She was keen on fighting. Most of the time, she was with the major expedition teams of the human race to explore the dangerous land of the Western Wilderness.

In his free time, he would go around the thug academy and the arena, and he would also take Han Chanyi to practice.

On this day, everyone is busy.

Suddenly, above the dome of the human race habitat, a layer of sky curtains bloomed, and Han Fei's figure appeared in the sky.

"All my compatriots, I am the emperor Han Fei. If you don't mind, you can put aside the work at hand for the time being and listen to my nagging."


In an instant, the entire human race was in an uproar, and countless people were surprised.

Three hundred years ago, Han Fei appeared and brought the human race to Xihuang.

Three hundred years later, when Han Fei appeared again, the first thing people thought was that the war was coming again?

The human race was not ignorant of the battle three hundred years ago. After all, eight million gods witnessed that battle.

He said that Han Fei alone blocked the three major god-killing powerhouses in Zhonghai Shenzhou, the four great treasures of good fortune, and eighteen gods.

With the last sword and one sword, the two powerful god-killers were beheaded. When countless people of the human race heard it for the first time, they were shocked.

They know that without them knowing, Han Fei has endured a lot alone.

At this moment, the cultivators walked out of their homes one after another, the battles in the arena stopped one after another, and countless spectators looked up at the sky.

The thug academy, countless disciples, looked up at the sky in admiration, exclaiming incessantly.

"The Emperor, the Emperor"

One after another, the sound of shouting gradually sounded, and gradually swept the world like a tide.

The thug academy, Luo Xiaobai's heart moved, is the war going to be officially started?

Han Chanyi looked at the sky and hummed, thinking that as soon as she got out of the customs, she would go to war. Don't you know how to see her daughter?

Of course, she just recited a few words in her heart. In fact, she knew some things about the human race that no one else knew.

With the ominous return, there is not much time left for Han Fei or even Wanzu.

I saw that Han Feibao looked solemn and said with a majestic face: "My fellow human beings, I think many people should know what my appearance means.

Well, we're going to fight again.

And this time, it is the ultimate battle for my human race to determine the status of the sea world.

Back then, the 180 billion human race followed me from the turbulent sea to the sea world.

Slaying the Ten Thousand Scales Clan, destroying the primitive city, crossing the sea of ​​gods and demons, blood flowing all the way in the sea and Shenzhou during the battle, 70 billion people fell into the vast sea.

They should have had a good life, or they were born, old, sick, and died, or traveled the sea, or married and had children, but as a result, many of them have no bones left, and their souls are scattered. I don't know if you have forgotten them, but I dare not. "

"How can you forget?"

Someone shouted, with tears in their eyes: "My family, all buried in the blood expedition, all thanks to the **** of Zhonghai Shenzhou, I can't wait to eat their flesh and drink their blood."

"This hatred has been engraved in my bones and blood, and I will never forget it in this life."

"Lord Human Sovereign, if you want to take revenge, please bring me one."

Some people are full of blood: "The time for reckoning has come, and my generation will shed blood in the sea to avenge the 70 billion heroes and martyrs of our human race."

"Fight, fight, fight"

For a time, the world was boiling, and the killing intent was skyrocketing.

The goddess lineage, the strong people who have integrated into the human world, also shouted loudly: "In the battle for Zhonghai Shenzhou, how can we not have the **** lineage of me?

My clan was slaughtered to the bone, all thanks to Zhonghai Shenzhou. "

In the sky, Han Fei said again: "The time has come, and now is the time for my human race to take revenge.

In the name of the emperor, I am called the people of the family.

Where are the ten legions? "





The ten major human legions represent the strongest combat power of the human race. Each legion has 100,000 strong people.

From the sea-opening realm in the past to be able to enter the battle group, to today's open sky realm and above, it is only thousands of years.

I just heard Han Fei shouting: "Order, Luo Xiaobai, the former human war commander, temporarily return to his position, and bring the ten major human legions to go out with me."

In the thug academy, Luo Xiaobai glanced at the students: "Everyone is ready for battle. If this battle is won, there will be many big and small battles to come, and then it's time for you to come on stage."

"Yes, teacher from UU reading www.uukanshu.com."

"Teacher, can we win?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, someone next to him shouted, "Aren't you asking nonsense?

When did the Emperor Human Emperor lose? "

Luo Xiaobai smiled slightly: "I can win."

After speaking, Luo Xiaobai's figure quietly disappeared in front of them.

Han Fei drank again: "Order, all the powerhouses of the human race who are not in the top ten legions of the Open Heaven level or above, gather in the main city."




With a loud voice, it sounded from all sides of the human race, and silhouettes swept across the sky.

"Instructed, Han Xuan, the guardian of the human race, recalls all the tribes in the Western Wilderness, and leads the human race, ready to enter Zhonghai Shenzhou at any time."


Han Xuan's voice spread throughout the world in an instant.

"Order, the human guard Hong Yue, assist Han Xuan, start recruiting, form a troop of 10,000 troops, and be ready to deal with the small-scale battle in Zhonghai Shenzhou."


Hong Yue's voice was loud, and at the same time, he was surprised, when did he become the guardian of the human race?


Han Fei's voice just fell, and above the sky, Yue Lingke's voice sounded: "The goddess lineage, eight million people listen to orders, all members gather, ready to go."

Yue Lingke's words were concise and to the point.

Because, in the Divine descent line, few people go out to explore and experience, they have been waiting, waiting for Han Fei to leave the customs.

All over the human race, many inconspicuous figures stood up one after another, or disappeared silently. They have been waiting for this battle for too long.

In the end, I just heard Han Fei shouting: "I announce that in three days, I will go to Zhonghai Shenzhou.

In this battle, I want all beings in the sea world to witness the power of my human race, I want the gods to disappear, I want no one in this world who dares to touch my human race, let’s do it!”

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