God of Fishing

Chapter 797: See also Broken Devil Vine

Han Fei was swimming quickly to the nearest red dot. According to the scale of the map, it is about 800 kilometers away.

On the way.

Shu Shan: "Do you really believe what that tree said?"

Han Fei thought for a moment: "Why not believe it? If there is indeed a lot of monsters left there, and there are signs of destruction underground, then it should be fine.

The bracelet shook slightly: "Your vigilance seemed to be eliminated when you saw the vine. Do you know that thing?"

Han Fei smiled secretly: how can I tell you that it involves refining the demon pot?

"do not know."

Shushan hummed. "That's it. But it looks like an ordinary grass and vine, and nothing seems special."

Han Fei did not explain. He didn't want such a secret, and he would not explain it to Shu Shan.

About 500 miles.

Suddenly, Han Fei was perceiving and found that there was a team of sea monsters fighting some 40 miles away. The object of the battle was a millennium tree demon.

Among them, one person Han Fei knew: Yuyun?

With a frown on his face, Han Fei drew himself into a constriction and stealth formation, and quietly approached the past.

At a distance of about 30 miles, Han Fei sat on a giant algae vine.

Han Fei was not afraid of his perception being discovered. In the same realm, he doesn't think these siren will be stronger than himself.

Just when Han Fei put a "mint leaf" in his mouth, he found that a face appeared on the giant algae next to it.

Han Fei stumbled: "Are you here again?"

The leafless tree's mouth cocked: "I am everywhere in this demon forest. I can appear on every plant."

Han Fei was horrified: This passage is more than tens of thousands of miles long. To what extent is this leafless tree that it can be everywhere? No wonder he believed so much.

Do n’t wait for Han Fei to ask, just listen to it: “Do n’t think too much, I ’m not that strong. Because I ’m the forbidden array of this channel secret, I can feel everything. Once I leave here, I ca n’t Perceive such a wide range. "



In the bright golden light, the millennium tree demon was killed by the captain of that team.

The man landed on the sea floor and pulled out a dark green seed. The moment he placed the seed on the ground, he immediately drank, "Everyone, lift off."

After everyone was tens of meters off the ground, they saw that kind of child began to swell.


The seeds burst, and a large mass of dark green bud grass leaves burst directly. I saw that blade of grass, growing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Soon, a small seed covered the circle for dozens of meters.

Yu Yun met the Captain with a smile on his face and asked, "Master Yu Bone, we have lost two seeds. What is the use of this kind of thing?"

But when I saw the fish bone, I took a deep look at Yu Yun and said, "Don't ask, don't ask. You just need to know. This will help us kill the dead tree more easily."

The other end.

Han Fei stumbled: "Broken magic vine?"

The leafless tree said, "Do you know this kind of thing? Yes, this thing seems to be a broken magic vine. It can invade the ground veins, take root, and soon cover a large area. Then, pull me away from this piece Hell control erodes my power. "

Han Fei swallowed: "Can you just put it anywhere? Can the team I was in before kill and kill a millennium tree demon?"

The leafless tree shook his head: "Not everywhere. These people have been here many times. The location of this passage's secret place has been found out. And, as long as you find the Millennium Demon Tree, you are equivalent to finding it. Knowing my weakness, they understand in their hearts. "

If Han Fei didn't believe the leafless tree just now, then, now he saw Yu Yun with their own eyes, and their team had left a broken magic vine, and he had already believed in 80%.

I saw that the broken magic vine grew longer and faster, and within a short time, it covered a range of about 200 meters.

Han Fei suddenly asked: "No, the broken magic vine I've seen can only cover a range of about 50 meters. However, this plant has covered a range of 200 meters and is still growing."

The leafless trees said: "That's because they are drawing the power of this vein."

Han Fei: "You have no way to kill these broken magic vines?"

The leafless tree sighs: "Once they are invaded, I can no longer control this area, and I will lose my perception of this area. I will disappear ..."

Before the leafless tree had finished speaking, the old face had disappeared.

"If it disappears, it disappears, is it so fast?"

The bracelet trembled a little, Shu Shan said, "Now, I believe it a bit. This broken magic vine is really not a good thing. Not only is it highly toxic, but it also has a strong sense of autonomy. Although it will grow out, it will produce magic Such things as spiritual fruit, but more harmful. If they are in the right place, they can even cover hundreds of miles, even thousands of miles. "

"Thousands of miles?"

The bracelet trembled: "Yes, this is the fastest growing monster plant I know. However, when they reach a certain level, they also need to break through."

Han Fei: "How many levels?"

Shu Shan: "I don't know, some are level 30, some are level 40, and level 50 ... need to be based on the area where they are located. If nothing else, this monster can meet them to grow to level 40 at one time. . "Love books

Han Fei was shocked, "Isn't it? There is no entrance?"

The bracelet trembled: "Of course there are, otherwise they will grow without restriction. Isn't nobody able to do anything about them at that time? Everything has restrictions, but the restrictions of broken magic vines may be a little less."

Waiting until the broken magic vine grew to more than 500 meters, Yuyun's group of people left this area.

After it was determined that they had left the perception range, Han Fei slowly approached the boundary there, and the information appeared in his eyes.

[Name] broken magic vine

[Introduction] Deep sea hunters, highly toxic, flexible, and barbed are covered with rattan. It feeds on large fish and shrimp creatures and can prey according to the changes of water flow. It has a strong initiative consciousness. During maturity, magic fruit will be born, which can enhance the power of the soul.

[Level] 39

[Quality] bizarre

[Contains Reiki] 3208 points

[Edible effect] inedible

[Acquirable] None


After seeing this piece of broken magic vine grow so big, only after level 39, Han Fei was relieved.

Han Fei landed and walked straight to the middle of the vine. Immediately, countless vines rushed towards Han Fei.


Han Fei punched out at will, and large vines were crushed.

"Bang, bang!"

One punch after another, the broken magic vine on the surface was quickly crushed. However, Han Fei had a headache with the vines buried deep underground. This is all going into the ground, how to do it?

What's more, those pieces are still growing out.

"Shrimp every day, come out."

After Shrimp appeared every day, he made a circle around Han Fei and carried him over.

Han Fei kicked out: "Go, make holes, and crush me all these vines."

Shrimp Ritian glanced at the vines and said, "Do you want me to do something simple?"

Only to see a hundred chains out of the Void Chain, crazy into the ground. Immediately, one vine after another was pulled out by the shrimp every day.

After clearing for more than ten minutes, Han Fei completely crushed a broken magic vine.

But when the leafless tree came up again, the old face hung on a tree: "Your speed is fast. Now, just by dropping the millennium demon stab, I can control the demon demon stab and reoccupy this place . "

Han Fei was distressed and said, "This is all good stuff! You can pierce the good stuff of demigods."

Leafless Tree: "..."

Han Fei: "Uncle Shu, can you send me some? Look at me, but you did something."

Leafless Tree: "..."

The leafless tree said silently: "Each millennium tree demon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will leave a millennium demon thorn. In return, I can give you something else."

Han Fei was immediately pleased.

He just said it casually. Even if the leafless tree gives nothing, he will still bury the millennium demon sting. After all, this is not a personal matter. If the leafless tree is stronger, it can better deal with the Kraken and better protect humanity.

Han Fei couldn't help but said, "What is it? Can you talk about it in advance?"

The leafless tree was silent for a while, and leisurely said, "My juice."

Han Fei: "..."

"Juice? Why does it sound weird and useless?"

The leafless tree slowly said, "Having stronger energy can strengthen your body."

Han Fei suddenly said: It sounds like it's useless! If energy is needed, I have spiritual fruit. If I strengthen my body, I can practice the immortal body or the desolate body!

Han Fei shrugged, left a millennium demon stab, and stuck it in the ground: "OK! Better than nothing."

Han Fei stunned and went out again. On the way, the big face of the leafless tree kept following.

Leafless Tree: "You may want to speed up time. There are already 7 Kraken teams within 5000 miles from me. There are only 4 groups of human beings, and they only need about three days to get there."

Han Fei's head suddenly became large: "You have to have more than 20 grounds destroyed. How can I be so fast?"

The leafless tree was silent for a moment: "There is another person who is cleaning up."

Han Fei couldn't help but wonder: "Who?"

Leafless Tree: "You have seen that Luo Xiaobai. However, she is only responsible for cleaning up 5 places. She cannot be too far away, that is a really powerful operator."

"Who? Xiaobai? She leads a team?"

"No, she's out of the team, alone."

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