God of Fishing

Chapter 798: No leaf shot

Three days later.

A golden light and shadow, frantically shuttled in the sea, did not dare to stop for a moment.

The large face of the leafless tree appears in various places where Han Fei has traveled. Sometimes it appears on the giant algae vines, sometimes on the large trees passing by, sometimes on the grass, sometimes on the coral reef.

Leafless Tree: "Humans and Sirens have encountered the sixth time. Now, most of the team is within 3000 miles of me. A team of Sirens has found me. However, the ambush humans, and The means I laid out killed. "

Han Fei said, "I know, I know. You haven't seen it, am I trying to save your ground?"

Han Fei ran off his legs in the past three days. On the first day, he didn't want to expose Xiaojin.

However, later, he discovered that not only did the destroyed ground veins not decrease, but one more had been added.

Fortunately, when the Krakens all converged towards the leafless tree, the number of ground veins being destroyed began to decrease.

By the third day, at this moment, Han Fei had saved more than 40 places. Now, there are 12 left. Swimming alone made him want to vomit blood.


After three hours, Han Fei repaired two more veins.

Suddenly, I saw the old face of the leafless tree, which suddenly appeared on a large tree in front of Han Fei.

Just listen to him and say, "It's all here. All the siren and humans have all arrived. At this moment, I'm controlling a large number of marine creatures, and I'm fighting them."

Han Fei vomited blood: "Brother, uncle, I am not a god! My speed has reached the limit."

The golden light whistled past, leaving scratches in the water.

Since the leafless tree has paved the way for himself, he has never encountered any obstacles, and even Xiao Jin's possession is not enough.

Han Fei couldn't help but think of Ye Baiyu. If that guy is there, the speed of the goods is much faster than himself.

After three more hours, the leafless tree appeared: "Siemens and humans have fought a battle with heavy casualties. Both sides suffered damage, and nearly 16 people fell on the human side. Nearly 26 people fell on the sea monster . "

Han Fei said silently: "How come so many fall? Aren't there all immortal marks?"

Leafless Tree: "It was only after using the immortal seal that so many people died."

Han Fei's scalp numbly said: "Speaking, there are still a few ground veins left, what will happen if we don't repair it? I think I can go back and help?"

Han Fei felt the bracelet shake a bit; "When you go back this time, when you arrive, you might fight another battle. At that time, you may not have a chance to come back and destroy these broken magic vines. If you let these broken magics The vine grows up, and after a few years, you come in again, maybe it is covered by the broken magic vine. "

The leafless tree said: "Broken magic vine, can't stay. Otherwise, if there is any omission, this channel will still collapse."

Han Fei immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Master, you have to stand up anyway. There are two people who can't die anyway. One is Luo Xiaobai and the other is the fat man who can swallow the sky. You know which one ? "

Leafless Tree: "I know."



Numerous punches were crushed on the ground, and the shrimp quickly pulled out the vines underground and crushed.


Han Fei yelled, "Come on! Uncle Shu, how's it going? What's the situation like?"

The big face of the leafless tree appeared: "The third war is brewing. Now, there are still 132 people in the Kraken and 76 people over the human side."


Han Fei suddenly took a sigh of cold air and stumbled, "So many deaths?"

The leafless tree's mouth is ugly: "It's okay, mainly because the lives I gathered have died a lot. However, the third war should soon begin, and you can come back."

Suddenly, Han Fei said, "Master Ye, help me pay attention. Dead humans, if they have good talents, the corpses are still intact, and one is secretly left."

The bracelet shook: "It's better to be a soul warrior."

Han Fei quickly added: "It is best to be a soul warrior."

"it is good!"

After that, the big face of the leafless tree disappeared.

Han Fei hesitated. He was more than ten thousand miles away from his location. At that time, the whole person was bad.


The light and shadow of the golden light broke through the sound barrier and hurried away.


The leafless tree is the same as the one that Han Fei has seen before. It is indeed a bare branch, without a leaf, only six branches. Within its range of more than 5,000 meters, there is nothing.

Outside, the dark and dense marine life gathers here.

For a long time, Han Fei has never encountered many creatures. Is it because this monster has no creatures?

of course not. Only at the beginning, perhaps when Han Fei first came in, some rather powerful beings had been called by the leafless tree.

Hundreds of miles away from the leafless tree, the corpses were everywhere, and countless souls fell.

After the war resumed, a giant octopus shot its giant claws. As a result, the light flashed in the next second, and this big octopus burst into a blast.

And the shot was a sea monster that Han Fei didn't know, not the kind of arrogance wearing a gold suit, just an ordinary person.

Relative to these marine creatures, they are all facing Tianjiao strong. Even if those people look to Han Fei, their strength is not very strong, but for these marine beings, it can no longer be described as powerful, but terrible.

Unless they are strange creatures, maybe they can fight with them. Not strange, there is almost no fighting back. After all, marine creatures are less intelligent, and the sea monsters are at least awakened marine creatures.

Fortunately, these marine creatures are not fighting alone. They have only withstood some of the pressure, and humans are the main force.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the minds of all humans: "Humans, all give way. This battle, I will come by myself."

Someone said, "Senior without leaves, can you?"

The leafless tree, Yoyo said: "Give you some rest time, you can still do it."

On the Siren side, more than 100 people are charging with all their strength.

For Siren, they have an extremely powerful ability, that is, fish tide charge.

Unlike Han Fei who just came to Broken Star Island, the fish tide charge in Tianren Canyon was different. This time, it is a Tianjiao-level fish tide. There is no weak person in strength. Dozens of mermaids, wearing gold battle suits and holding golden harpoon heads, were racing fast.

At the same time, tens of thousands of marine creatures were charging. Headed by a purple lobster. Behind him, followed by a group of poisonous ink octopuses, and crimson L-shellfish.

It is like a torrent of golden light permeating the steel, converging with a raging black tide.

Blood was permeating.

Limbs are flying across.


The water-broken cold mang is like a sharp blade, tearing wildly at these marine creatures whose power has been suppressed. But in an instant, there were thousands of casualties.

These creatures do not know how long it took for this monster to accumulate. At this moment, in the fall, blood mist permeated the entire sea.

Human arrogance, looking at this scene with a solemn look, was quite moved.

They never thought that they would fight side by side with what had always been reduced to food and marine life.

Seeing large swaths of creatures falling, dozens of red thorn shadows crossed. Because the speed is too fast, those thorny shadows will make a continuous sound when they shuttle.


A Siren was pierced. The demigod battle suit failed to stop this dreadful stab.

An ordinary Siren was blasted through his head, and blood was sprinkled in the dark sea water.

A half-mermaid Tianjiao roared: "It's that dead tree. It shot with the millennium demon stab! All captains, sacrifices to gods."

The next moment, 12 people were seen, each pulling out a piece of triangular purple fragment.

When these fragments are shot, just listen to "蹭蹭 蹭" to quickly aggregate. After a while, a spherical weapon appeared.

I saw the magical soldiers shine brightly, as if tens of thousands of purple lines suddenly appeared in the sea water.


"Puff puff!"

Almost instantaneously, thousands of souls were cut apart. The dozens of millennium monster stings collapsed in the blink of an eye, as if shattered by invisible forces.

On the human side, someone took a breath and said, "Shangpin Shenbing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wan Yaosi, very evil. It is said that it was made from the veins of thousands of sea monsters. However, incomplete, It should be 15 pieces. "

Cao Jiaren said indifferently: "A person carrying a fragment of the magic soldier has fallen, I will come."

Suddenly, I only heard the sound of yoyo flute. A bamboo branch flew out from Cao Jiaren's waist. That speed, penetrated dozens of miles in close proximity. In the past, layers of invisible threads are melting.

The bamboo branch went straight to the purple ball. Two real magic soldiers started a battle between the magic soldiers. Layer by layer, like a cobweb, sticky filaments, wrapped in bamboo branches, but also broken in layers.

On the other side of the Kraken, someone burst into drink: "Retreat, fast retreat, it is a broken virtual shuttle. Although it is a high-quality Chinese soldier, it is a one-time consumption. Moreover, Wan Yaosi is incomplete and can only fight with a good fan. It was not expected Humans have such weapons! "


Hundreds of meters of explosive spheres exploded on the ocean floor. Ripples, set off huge waves, rolled straight into the tens of miles. Everyone on both sides retreated subconsciously.

Cao Jiaren sang, "Senior without leaves, shoot."

Terror is spreading in the sea.


The phantom of a kilometer giant tree suddenly appeared.

Endless dead branches, like skull claws protruding from the bottom of the sea, everyone who is entangled with dead branches is rapidly aging, the skin is wrinkled, and the flesh is drying up.

Dozens of siren were sucked into dried fish and finally disintegrated into ashes.

One half-mermaid was so proud that he stepped out of the crowd. A white hockey ball full of vitality rises into the air. The dead branches froze instantly and shattered in large swaths.

Half a mermaid Tianjiao yelled, "I've known you for a long time. If I hadn't already prepared, I would come?"

On the human side, a red-haired woman looked dignified: "Another good soldier, the key to the ice seal."

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