God of Fishing

Chapter 801: Bone Spirit Lamp

On the human side, many people don't know why. Only the group of people Cao Jiaren thought about, probably understood what was going on.

Only listening to Luo Xiaobai said lightly: "Undercover."


"Do we still have a Kraken undercover?"

"So strong undercover?"

"His, is there a strong one who has taken away the little mermaid?"

For a moment, everyone looked confused: co-authored, was the scene of the hunt just now acting?

A smile appeared on the face of the musician, and he said to himself: He is used to acting. If you know who he is, it can scare you! Of course, we can't say anything about this, and absolutely can't disclose anything at all.

Cao Jiaren frowned slightly, she glanced, and it was not far away, like a wooden tyrant, always felt strange.

Captain-level figures over humans are also looking at overlords. If it is acting, who is this one? Cooperating specifically with that little fisherman?

Lost Han Fei's trace, the five captain-level Siren exchanged their eyes, knowing that it was difficult to ride a tiger at this time. If no full-scale attack is to be launched at this moment, it will be a while if the fish meets the human side. If he used the Bone Spirit Lamp, the situation would be even worse for them.

Only now, when the two sides fight together, Yu Fei has no choice.

After all, the Bone Spirit Lamp is a directional magic soldier. Point in one direction and pass, everyone in that area will be slow to move. The three breaths are dissolved into nothingness.

As a result, the captains roared: "Don't worry about fish, charge at full speed."

Yu Ji was in the charging team, and his entire face was dark: Damn, shouldn't he be the first to solve the traitor? Why did you charge directly?

Thinking of the effect of the bone-lighting lamp, Han Fei took a breath: If the two sides fight together, it will be useless!

On the human side, seeing the Kraken really launched the charge, and it was not delayed because of Han Fei's escape. Suddenly, a group of people stood up.

Someone sang, "Everyone, prepare for the secret method."

Someone said: "The immortal mark is not used up, in front."

Luo Xiaobai: "All controllers, listen to me."


With a touch of cold light, the overlord not far away suddenly drew his sword, and Frostmourne was inserted into the ground like a lonely hero.

When he saw the overlord pulling his sword, someone in the Kraken team heard a voice: "This man is extremely powerful and cannot be resisted by the sea god."

Immediately, two captain-level Tianjiao yelled, "Let's come."

Cao Jiaren was waiting to play the flute, and suddenly a voice sounded in his ears: "Your fantasy is still useless? Give me a chance."

Cao Jiaren paused for a moment, then responded: "There are too many people in the other party, and the illusion will be instantly dispelled by this horrible force."

Han Fei turned to ask the leafless tree: "Uncle Tree, I have a magic soldier, can you burst into the sea monster crowd?"

The leafless tree responded: "I rush in and I can't come out."

Han Fei; "..."

Waiting for Han Fei to ask Shu Shan, the latter responded directly: "I have not been able to kill them with a magical soldier in my current state. I did not need my magical soldiers, and a sword can kill them Pieces are not left. "

Han Fei is speechless: What you say is tantamount to saying nothing.

Han Fei sighed: "It's hard!"

Of course, Han Fei would not rush out silly. Although the arrogance is not weak, but a person rushes against the Tianjiao army, that is what a fool can do.



The ground was shaking and hundreds of huge vines stood up. It was made of tens of thousands of finely divided vines, giant vines like twists, with a diameter of 20 meters. After a while, it was 100 meters long. This is a powerful force exerted by all operators at the same time.

In addition, the sea water is filled with a large amount of poison. Various paralysing venoms, crazy venoms, toxins such as ablation, aging, devouring life, and psychic spirits, have covered this area.

Among them, contains a large number of enhanced versions of poison gods.

However, only the charging Siren roared: "Neptune Dragon Formation."

A layer of white light rose like a barrier. All the poison in the sea was separating to both sides, and no drop could melt into this barrier.

"No way out, shoot."


Someone sang like this, but saw a huge gate descend from the sky. After a series of 18 giant gates descended, the ground stopped shaking completely.

Giant vines swept across, hundreds of giant vines scattered on both sides like guards. The moment the Kraken Army charged to this point, they waved one after another.

"Puff puff!"

In Han Fei's shocked eyes, the bright white light that seemed to fall in the kingdom of heaven shattered one giant vine after another, and none of them could block this terrible impact.

Han Fei swallowed: It turned out that the strength of a team can be amplified to this extent! He had an intuitive feeling in his heart, which was more powerful than Cao's boxing.

Although the Cao Family Boxing Seal can play a blow from the peak snorkeler, the magnitude of the power is very different. Now, the power in this white light is probably more powerful than the ten Cao Family Boxing Seals.

"Can you stop the triple door?"

Han Fei just flashed this idea and vetoed it the first time.

Maybe a single Siren is not as good as humans in terms of combat skills. However, before absolute power, it is not much worse than humans. This was already discovered during the Battle of Heavenly Man Canyon. Today, Han Fei has confirmed his thoughts.

Han Fei took a breath and directly passed on Luo Xiaobai and the music fanatic: "Don't rush up silly, are there any soldiers? Use it!"

Luo Xiaobai: "I know!"

There is no need for Luo Xiaobai to say that when I saw the human team, the woman in red came out: "Everyone, back 3,000 meters back."

"team leader."

"In March, you can't stand alone in front."

The woman in red shouted, "I have a sense of size. The armor division backed up by a thousand kilometers, thinking that in case the shield armor came out."

When Han Fei saw the woman in the red dress stood up, she immediately thought, and once again heard Cao Jiaren: "If the sea monster army can stop for a while, can you perform the illusion? It only takes half the effort."

Cao Jiaren received Han Fei's news again and was silent for a second: "Maybe it won't last half a day. What do you want to do? Faster."

Han Fei is underground, following the army of sea monsters: less than half a breath?

Han Fei secretly said: "I have done my best. If the situation is special and you can't keep up, don't blame me."

I saw a woman in a red dress, standing alone coldly behind the gate of lifelessness, before everyone. With her hands behind her back, a purple token rolled at her fingertips.



Wusheng triple door is broken too fast. It is almost as fast as the broken sound. It is like bullets that are continuously fired.

At the moment when the last door was broken, a big purple order rose up into the air.



Purple lightning roared down, and the lightning became rain and poured like a tide.

The woman in red retreated quickly, and the shields behind her represented the determination of those armored divisions to die.

What makes Han Fei's toothache is that the guy who is crazy about Leren is so impressive.

But, thankfully, lightning came fast enough. After all, it was electro-optic, and thousands of words were split in the blink of an eye.


Just an instant, the charge formation was broken. That layer of white mask was cracked in less than half a second, and it was already broken.


"Poseidon is coming."

"Neptune possesses."

"Blue Whale Riding."

"Water Moon Giant."

Blockbusters burn, but this can't stop the bombardment of the purple thunder.

In the blink of an eye, twenty or thirty people were blasted into dregs. However, among these people, there are still immortal marks that have not been exhausted. Therefore, the true number of enemies killed by this magic soldier will never exceed 20, or even fewer.

"Woohoo ..."

After seeing the purple lightning twice, then the purple token has shattered. The melodious music sounded, and a mist was set off on the sea floor.

Luo Xiaobai glanced at Cao Jiaren, and immediately vanished a bit: "Summon, the blue poisonous flame."


Thousands of faint blue firework petals bloomed in the crowd, fused with the mist.

"It's now."

Han Fei burst out, broke the water barrier instantly, and rushed into the mist frantically ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ for a second.

Two ...

The music stopped abruptly within two seconds. I saw Cao Jiaren's face still, but Qiqiao bleeding, apparently failed to stop the shock.

Including Luo Xiaobai, he also spit it out and spit out blood.

The moment the fog disappeared, Han Fei's figure appeared, and a Kraken roared immediately: "Divergent."

Only hundreds of void chains rose, and Han Fei had rushed in. He did not dare to flash with the flying flower demon, fearing that he would be nailed to the scene as soon as he appeared.

However, a dead tree suddenly appeared in the void, pushing Han Fei. The next moment, a strange strange light appeared.

It is as gorgeous as the aurora, but this light can only cover more than 300 meters and display in a fan shape. At that moment, all the sea monsters rushed forward with burning blood, and Han Fei only covered 30 people at once.

In one breath, six ran. A total of 11 races were run within two interest rates.

If you do n’t finish running within two interest rates, you do n’t have to run. Their bodies are melting at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. My body is almost dissolved, how can I run?

Even those who ran out, as long as they did not ran out in the first breath, the five who ran out later were already seriously injured. At least, Han Fei could hardly recognize them as a mermaid, his eyes, nose and mouth were gone, his skin was gone, and only his peristaltic muscles remained.

On the human side, a group of people were stunned, all of them were very surprised: this little mermaid is really powerful!

There are only a dozen people who have been killed by a purple electricity order. He killed 20 people, right?

A half-mermaid growled in anger: "Roar ... Fish, you **** ..."

But, at this moment, the Bone Spirit Lamp has broken. Han Fei has rushed underground and slipped again.

At this moment, Han Fei pouted his lips: "I'm proud of contributing to humanity."

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