God of Fishing

Chapter 802: Stunned

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When Yu Fei shouted the name, Luo Xiaobai and Leren looked at each other wildly: They just felt weird. What was the name?

Siren, originally approached 250 people. Because the leafless trees knew they were here to kill themselves, they were actually targeting Siren from the beginning.

After that, Han Fei contributed a wave of human heads. In addition, there have been two wars with humans, and the leafless tree has shot once. Counting the consumption of the two magical soldiers this time, the number of sea monsters finally dropped. Careful calculation, there are 89 more.

Among them, eight have been seriously injured. Why is it eight? After Han Fei attacked, after two breaths, someone came out of the void. Obviously, those immortal marks have not been consumed.

But even after they were resurrected, they were still stricken by the Bone Spirit Lamp for a while, and they were also seriously injured.

However, the half of the mermaid in front is completely crazy. Started the mystery of Poseidon's advent, with the ghost of the golden giant, rushed out towards the human.

If only one or two of them did that, that's it. All of a sudden, 12 people opened the secret terror of Poseidon.

On the human side, Cao Jiaren had no time to wipe the blood on his face, and a Cao family fist seal was crushed and struck out.

The huge amount of vines did not care about those who opened the mystery of Poseidon's advent, and poured wildly to others.

Among human beings, several captain-level characters came out. They have accumulated a lot of information, and at this time, they must come out.

For a time, various secret methods, associated spirits, and contract spirit beasts traverse the entire sea.

The untouched overlord, sorrowing Frostmourne, has rushed out. Because there were two strong men who opened the mystery of Poseidon's advent, and rushed towards him.


Snow's sorrowful horror blow swept away towards the two strong men. Unexpectedly, Han Fei was crushed.

However, Han Fei also clearly saw the golden ghost of one of them, extinguished less than half.

Immediately, Han Fei calculated the frost mourning attack power. Use your current power to use this strike, I am afraid that it is equivalent to the intermediate peak snorkeler, or the advanced early snorkeler, has not reached the peak.


What shocked the two powerful men was that, with such a terrifying power, the Overlord could continue to sword out?

This scene made them dumbfounded: Who the **** told me that this man can only give one sword?

The two of them still remember that someone vowed to promise that the Overlord had only one sword at the time and chopped down seven people.

Unfortunately, at this time, the two sides were too fast and were fighting in a sprint form.

Want to hide? It's late.

In a row of seven swords, the two were chopped in an instant.

When they reappeared, Han Fei cut it out and the two died again. When the dying blow was launched, he saw the overlord sorrowing the sorrow of the snow and chopped a sword again.

Although other Krakens saw this scene, they were already fighting with humans at this moment, and they could no longer rush up against the overlord.

And, even if you want to target overlords, someone must be willing to come?

The other 10 powerful men who used the advent of Poseidon were already entangled. At the moment, I can't get over. The ordinary Tianjiao came, but he couldn't beat it.

Han Fei sneered: Don't look at what I used? I use the best monster stone. Last time, it was just infused with a spiritual spring. Can this be the same?

However, Han Fei frowned slightly, and the consumption of aura was almost 30,000 points! A superb monster stone containing 520,000 points of aura.

In other words, I cut two people myself, and used almost 270,000 points of demon?

Han Fei could not help but fangs: this consumption is too special too big! It should be your own problem, your own level is low.

It seems that it is imminent to enhance the strength and deduct Void Fishing as soon as possible.


After killing these two overlords, he rushed into the battlefield and carried Frostmourne, only for those who used the advent of Poseidon.

Someone roared: "Stop me."

The called person rolled his eyes: "Why don't you stop it? In this situation, whoever blocks who will die. Just tell me if you want me to die!"

Seeing ordinary Tianjiao refused, he saw that Yu Ji rushed up.

She also performed the advent of Poseidon. She hated Han Fei, but still kept her sense, and just listened to her screaming, "This person needs three swords to break the Poseidon's advent. By turns, such a terrible attack, he won't last long."

At that end, a box of music enthusiasts said: "Go to your grandfather, eat a bloodthirsty knife."

Among the siren, a man with a calm face, holding a weird shell in his hand, suddenly said, "You fight, I will kill the leafless tree."

After that, he pointed at Han Fei: "If you don't come, the tree without leaves will die!"

After that, the man suddenly disappeared, leaving a mist of blood in the sea water.

"Blood sacrifice?"

Luo Xiaobai said: "Go, he is holding a magic soldier, and we can't stop anyone for the time being. We can hold it on the front of the battlefield, and you guard the leafless tree."

The overlord hurried out, and Han Fei from the ground also hurried away.

As Han Fei shouted, he responded, "Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai! Where do you look, I look like I can block the attack of the soldiers?"

Luo Xiaobai: "The leafless tree can't die. Go back, I will give you the materials and points. If you do n’t have this hammer, I will go back and give you the materials."

Han Fei smiled bitterly: It really was Luo Xiaobai, and the big thing was clear.

If you leave yourself alone, maybe you will love whoever goes, anyway, I will not go.


After a while.

When Han Fei arrived in front of the leafless tree, he saw a tangible barrier within 100 meters of the leafless tree. However, the barrier flickered like a half-light that was about to fail, as if it would go out at any time.

Obviously, I came slowly, this old tree, I'm afraid I've been cut once.

Han Fei finally saw what the old tree looked like. It was a bare tree with only six branches. Moreover, it looks like it has just broken three. The whole is no more than 20 meters high and no more than 2 meters in diameter.

On the tree was a big old face. At this moment, it was quite calm. When I saw Han Fei, I raised an eyebrow.

Han Fei was unable to speak up: "Uncle Shu, after finishing this, you'd better get some good things for me. Otherwise, I'm too big for me."

Leafless tree: "Don't be distracted, if the enchantment is broken. As long as he uses the magic soldier, I will die."

Han Fei stood before the enchantment and sighed. Looking at the harpoon that had been stabbed with the billowing waves, the overlord swept out.

It was just that the guy didn't care. Overlord sword, can not shred the phantom of the **** of the goods.

Han Fei roared immediately. Wang Baxuan's curse is fully opened, and the secret formula of Neptune is opened. Forget it, just **** some vitality for that Neptune! Big deal, look back and make up.

However, he saw that Han Fei was wearing a gold battle suit, squeezing his hands and punching his hands, tying the soil round and Xiaojin's possession.


The crimson red seal rose into the sky.

This punch is Han Fei's strongest blow today. If this can't stop the opponent's blow, then stop playing and go home to wash and sleep!


The two flew out almost simultaneously. Han Fei bumped into the enchantment and almost knocked him away.

The captain-class powerhouse, eyes wide open: how can it be so strong? This guy shook his hand with his bare hands, but he could block his blow?

Han Fei twisted his neck and immediately poured a large mouthful of candle dragon blood into his mouth. Then there was a layer of electric light on his head, and the big sword waved.

"Lightning Blade."

A thunderous current formed a sturdy current. In the dark sea water, the powerful man was instantly struck.

"Roar! Let me die ..."

The man confessed that there was no way out, and the shell in his hand burst out.

Han Fei swallowed: his grandma's, this is a real soldier!

By the time the man threw the shell, he had been chopped by the overlord.

"Greatly big ..."

Han Fei shouted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ while transmitting a message to the old tree: "Can you block the perception of others?"

The embroidery needles run in front of Han Fei. The demonic sky above it turned into a billowing flame.

"Dang ~"

The echo was trembling and spread out dozens of miles in an instant. Even the battlefield ahead was calmed by the echo that came out loud.

Many people even blew their ears with the sound of this echo, their hearts were shocked: what happened in the back? Why is the echo so terrible?


The needles collapsed.

Han Fei Qiqiao bleeds and vomits blood in his mouth. Both arms dropped and broke.

Even with embroidery stitches, the demigod battle suit on his body was sunken.

Before Han Fei, six octopus claws blocked. At this moment, the octopus claws were also rotten. Fortunately, limb weight does not need to be resurrected, and it does not consume the opportunity for resurrection.

However, I don't know when, but Han Fei picked up a rhizome.


Enchantment, after all, is broken. The embroidery needle was on the ground, rolling a deep groove.

In front of him, the guy who was just resurrected was chopped into four pieces by Frostmourne's two swords, and then fell.

Han Fei leaned against the leafless tree, feeling that the demon monster pot was shaking. Want to come, it is that vine leaf, attracting each other and the demon pot.

However, at the moment Han Fei cannot control this. He felt the internal organs tumbling and blood flowing. Even if the root of the destiny holy grass was biting in his mouth, a lot of vitality poured into the body, and he still felt like he had fallen apart.

The bracelet trembled: "Your boy is really rare. In the realm of a high-level angling fisherman, he bravely carried an attack of the magic soldier."

Han Fei was speechless, still bleeding from his lips: "I thought I thought?"

First more ... ask for a ticket ...

(End of this chapter)

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